ARMA stores and displays data sent by ZeCollector gem.
No need to create a database, ARMA uses SQLite.
Define the following environment variables:
ARMA_AUTHORIZATION_KEY -> the authorization key sent with ZeCollector's requests
ARMA_GITHUB_USERNAME -> Github username under which the repository is
ARMA_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN -> your Github personal access token
ARMA_SECRET_KEY -> the secret key used by rails in the initializers
Create a first user to be able to sign in: signing up has been deactivated for now.
User.create!(username: 'jonSnow', password: 'password', password_confirmation: 'password')
Run the application.
In ZeCollector's config, set the uri
to http://ARMA_URL/collect
and that's it.
Next time you'll restart the application that uses ZeCollector, ARMA will display its current state.