Javascript / Typescript
- To integrate the Crypto Hosted Checkout Payment to the React JS/Typescript
Import the LoadScript
class asynchronously
- Accepts the parameters for API credentials
- Returns a Promise to Validate Credentials and Process Checkout
import { LoadScript } from "@apollopay/apollo-pay-js";
const ApolloPay = async () => {
const AP = new LoadScript({
const validatedResponse = await AP.validateCredentials();
if (validatedResponse.success === true) {
//If Credentials Validated, Then Send Payment Request
const product = {
name: "Test AP Usage Package",
sku: "SKU-TEST-123",
price: 5.0,
quantity: 2,
total: 10.0,
const apollo_pay_products = [
product_price: product.price,
product_sku: product.sku,
quantity: product.quantity,
tax: 0.0,
const checkoutResponse = await AP.processCheckout({
ap_callback_url: "http://calbback/url",
ap_order_sub_total: 10.0,
ap_order_total: 15.0,
ap_order_id: "YOUR_SYSTEM_ORDER_ID",
ap_order_email: "[email protected]",
ap_currency_symbol: "YOUR_CURRENCY_SYMBOL_HERE",
ap_shipping_total: 2.5,
ap_tax_total: 2.5,
ap_products: JSON.stringify(apollo_pay_products),
logo: base64image, // Optional, Otherwise Load Default Button
htmlselector: "ID_OF_DIV",
if (checkoutResponse.button_rendered === true) {
console.log("Button has rendered successfully");
} else {
console.log("Make sure you have entered correct credentials");
The callback URL given in the process checkout request will receive following data in the POST request.
To validate the callback for order in your system and store in the Apollo Pay
const SDKBaseURL = "";
const getOrderHMACHash = async () => {
let calculated_hash;
const url = `${SDKBaseURL}/checkout/generate/hmac`;
const {ap_order_id, ap_timestamp, ap_order_total, ap_hash} = req.body;
const response = await fetch(url, {
method: "post",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: {
api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE",
merchant_id: "YOUR_MERCHANT_ID_HERE",
order_id: ap_order_id,
timestamp: ap_timestamp,
order_total: ap_order_total
if(response.success === true) {
calculated_hash =
if(calculated_hash === ap_hash) {
console.log("You can mark your order paid in your system");