Releases: sebagomez/azurestorageexplorer
Releases · sebagomez/azurestorageexplorer
Release 20190712.2
Azure Storage web explorer v1.3.1
- a38c289 fixed security vulnerabilities
- 52040c8 Merge pull request #24 from sebagomez/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/src/AngularWebStorageExplorer/lodash-4.17.14
- 958b612 Bump lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.14 in /src/AngularWebStorageExplorer
- 9ce8d29 Create Funding file
- 2a19763 removed unnecesary comment
This list of changes was auto generated.
Release 20190514.4
Azure Storage web explorer v1.3.1
- f6b6728 another typo, Imm going to bed
This list of changes was auto generated.
Release 20190514.3
Azure Storage web explorer v1.3.1
- fbe7ce6 fixed typo ¯_(ツ)_/¯
- fa769f0 wrong artifact path
- 18f5158 Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines
- dc6b080 improved documentation for local deployment, fixes #23
- 8ab1487 improved release and cool badges added
This list of changes was auto generated.
Release 20190513.3
- 477c4ba added a link to the docker regitry
- 97550ed fixed vulnerabilities
- 48bfdd7 Create LICENSE
- ae6b355 Merge branch 'master' of
- d09ac33 cleared bages
- 9b97930 fixed many login issues, and there was no way of logging out. Also, if alredy logged in, the site goes straight home instead of asking the credentials again. Fixes #21
- 938910b if already logged in, navigate home
- 4560211 add Dockerfile as the code flavour
- 3c2cbc7 added a little info on how to run a container
- 69d815c updated images
See more
- 61e79b8 improved layout
- bb1fd10 added linkedin profile to humans.txt... you never know
- 777b3f2 humans.txt file added closes #15
- 78c79aa try to fix broken build, I wish I knew what I'm doing
- 83b345d fixed vulnerabilities and broken production build because not webpack is required
- 37b0fc0 updated a few packages, updated semantic ui, and crete a new nav-menu. Also fixed some 'loading X' messages
- ff2d807 icon url added
- a712386 fixe dockerfile layout
- 422effe fixed security vulnerabilities and incremented version
- 038bad0 fixed the proper package.json files 🙄
- 39ec633 saves added packages
- 1f0f4e4 fixd npm packages for proper building
- ebf9876 fixed some messe up ignoring shit
- fefa286 fixed travis build and updated README file
- ac4503c upgraded to core 2.2 and removed unused old test project
- 65400b6 upgraded ASP.NET to 2.1.6
- c8e4e60 upgraded dependencies and fixed linked image for Docker Hub
- ef4ed7d improved docs and reorganized screenshots
- 10dfb65 fixed task name
- 55f2a43 docker image creaion is now par of the Release pipeline
- f171188 dockerfile must be added in the artifact
- 57e513b fixed artifact path
- 954f9c9 test artifact
- 98aaee7 publish artifact added
- ae252eb back to single job
- 11def42 moving pipeline to multiple jobs
- 41ccbe0 upgraded npm packages to resolve vulnerabilities
- fa88dc5 image created now has an environment variable with the build number
- a88b279 new pipiline file
- 076c834 new pipiline file
- ada719b new pipiline file
- 59c9985 new pipiline file
- 6cc2ffb new pipiline file
- c1fac58 new pipiline file
- 64313f9 dotnet publish included
- 436196d Set up CI with Azure Pipelines
- d9635c0 removed azure-pipelines.yml
- 9642759 Docker build
- 3c65015 removed azure pipeline yaml
- c2d724d publish and Docker support
- e69eaea Azure Pipelines added
- d5f1fc5 Set up CI with Azure Pipelines
- d0e5226 changed the dotnet version for travis
- 372467a fixed renamed methods
- 653a614 updated versions
- 9c38251 updated README
- 63be171 improved home help
- 68f028c UX improvements in File Sharing navegation
- a65ce0a fixed travis for .net core 2.1.1
- 1fe2968 FileShare files and folders navigatig up and down
- eebdb52 FileShare v1 and updgrade to ASP.Net Core 2.1.1
- adec123 v0 to access Azure file shares
- c3daec8 fixed ignore file
- ae6dc54 version visible on the main page fixes #13
- fdcd275 we can now work with data in tables, and delete tables fixes #14
- 326d8d8 messed up ignore file
- 51dad09 fixed production ready code
- c2a0fa1 quering and inserting data into Tables is now available
- 6a56702 replaced appveyor badge for Travis'
- 9c4f7fc https and travis support added
- be50346 ignore de .vscode folder
- 61f966f removed de .vscode folder
- 345885f removed de .vscode folder
- a9a8be0 images and favicons
- 674faf3 changed back to not logged in by default
- 265fcc1 v1 with angular, about to be merged
- 1d7bbb6 queues are production ready
- e86ff22 blobs seem to be ready for production
- c90f734 All blobs are comming back from the server, improved deletion experience
- 0efe1c8 improve UX and added confirmation button upon deletion
- 925a154 improved login experience
- 2d06e39 improved UX and loading behavior
- 7254686 missing commit, fixed timeout issue
- ee185c8 login implemented. In the middle of the service implementation so components don't call the server
- 3109e11 remove rows and tables buttons added (no actions yet)
- 18f4e55 table data is now shown (structured)
- 5f7f19e tables support added
- 3fc75b8 add queue feature
- e6bdc9a Queues support available
- e267647 seting the selected containers as active in the menu
- 0e9c34d new container feature
- e83b997 delete container implemented
- 8ab0c4f fixes issue with downloaded files havinf the wrong encoding
- f3ffded download of text blobs works great, images do not
- cd3fc09 adding and leteing blobs is functional
- 9a1a0ca v1 of the new ASP.NET Core/Angular app
- 314ad6f UniTest project added
- c68fe4c typo
- a278680 updated readme file
- 5de396c updated readme file
- 9df9d00 Added Shared Access Key support closes #12
- 2044d84 removed commented code
- 421264c improved string version
- d9e0401 added default document in web.config
- fbd39dd upgraded version to 1.0, deploy system will be managed by AppVeyor
- ad02175 AppVeyor build status badge added
- d6a5528 Merge branch 'master' of
- a95ec2e chenged VS version to 14
- e805eb9 Merge pull request #11 from waffle-iron/master
- 8a1758a add badge
- 5db7dc2 live version is now 0.9.4 with @philbo improvements and fixes
- d8599b4 Merge branch 'philbo-master'
- 207a830 Merge branch 'master' of into philbo-master
- c057e3e Changed styling. Results grid now scrolls in an overflow . Wide tables with lots of rows are now easier to view. Moved insert/execute buttons to left
- 85aea09 added required ETag parameter to delete entity request. Without this the API was responding with the error: 'Delete requires an ETag (which may be the '*' wildcard)'
- 8802f7c corrected case on redirects
- 4f17a6b added gitter badge
- 7628df2 the version was added to the masterpage
- 011d38d forgot to increment versions
- ab355db The upload block was broken due to the API change in 2.0 fixes #8
- 0095d4d incremented version
- f075896...