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-# Guides and tutorials for SE student projects
-## Tutorials
-* [Gradle tutorial](tutorials/gradleTutorial.md)
-* JavaFX tutorial:
- * [Part 1: Introduction](tutorials/javaFxTutorialPart1.md)
- * [Part 2: Creating a GUI for Duke](tutorials/javaFxTutorialPart2.md)
- * [Part 3: Interacting with the user](tutorials/javaFxTutorialPart3.md)
- * [Part 4: Using FXML](tutorials/javaFxTutorialPart4.md)
+Go to the main website [http://se-education.org/guides]
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+// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
+MarkBind.afterSetup(() => {
+ // Include code to be called after MarkBind setup here.
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+* [Home :house:]({{ baseUrl }}/index.html)
+* [Topic 1]({{baseUrl}}/contents/topic1.html)
+* [Topic 2]({{baseUrl}}/contents/topic2.html)
+* Topic 3 :expanded:
+ * [Topic 3a]({{baseUrl}}/contents/topic3a.html)
+ * [Topic 3b]({{baseUrl}}/contents/topic3b.html)
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+ "jsonVariableExample": "Your variables can be defined here as well"
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+:fas-lightbulb: PRO TIP
+{{ icon_Q | safe }}:glyphicon-ok-sign:
+{{ icon_tick | safe }}
+{{ icon_x | safe }}
+**{{ icon_dislike | safe }} Bad**
+**{{ icon_like | safe }} Good**
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+ title: "About Us"
+{{ booktitle | safe }}
+# About Us
+This is a sub-project of the [SE-EDU Project](https://se-edu.github.io).
+## Contact
+Suggestions, questions, and bug reports can be posted in [our issue tracker](https://github.com/nus-oss/learningresources/issues).
+Alternatively, contact project mentor [Damith C. Rajapakse](https://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~damithch).
+## License
+## Acknowledgements
+* The `favicon.ico` is based on an icon made by [Dave Gandy](https://www.flaticon.com/authors/dave-gandy) from www.flaticon.com
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+ title: "Guides for Software Engineering Students"
+ pageNav: 2
+# Guides and tutorials for SE student projects
+## Tutorials
+* [Gradle](tutorials/gradleTutorial.html)
+* JavaFX:
+ * [Part 1: Introduction](tutorials/javaFxTutorialPart1.html)
+ * [Part 2: Creating a GUI for Duke](tutorials/javaFxTutorialPart2.html)
+ * [Part 3: Interacting with the user](tutorials/javaFxTutorialPart3.html)
+ * [Part 4: Using FXML](tutorials/javaFxTutorialPart4.html)
+* [Automated testing of text UIs](tutorials/textUiTestingTutorial.html)
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+ title: "CheckStyle Tutorial"
+ pageNav: 2
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+ title: "Gradle Tutorial"
+ pageNav: 2
# Gradle Tutorial
Gradle is a _build automation tool_ used to automate build processes. There are many ways of integrating Gradle into a project. This tutorial uses the _Gradle wrapper_ approach.
@@ -27,13 +32,33 @@ Tasks can be composed of, or dependent on, other tasks.
## Adding Gradle to the project
-For simplicity, let us assume that Gradle Wrapper has been added to the project already (if it has been added to the project, you will see a `gradle\wrapper\gradle-wrapper.jar` in your project). If you need to add it yourself, you can learn how to do that from [here](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/gradle_wrapper.html).
+****Scenario 1:**** You are setting up a project in Intellij IDEA. The project already has Gradle support.
+{{ icon_tip }} If the project comes with Gradle support, you will see a `build.gradle` file in your project root.
+1. When you _import_ the project into IDEA, at the step where you normally select the project root folder, choose the `build.gradle` file inside the root folder instead.
+1. If asked, choose `Open as Project` (not `Open as File`).
+1. After importing is complete, you will see the `Gradle Toolbar` in the IDEA interface.
+****Scenario 2:**** You are adding Gradle support to an ongoing project that is already set up in Intellij IDEA. Gradle wrapper files have been provided.
+1. Add the Gradle wrapper files to the project. e.g., if they are in a separate branch, merge that branch.
+1. Close the IDEA project if it is open.
+1. Delete the `.idea` folder.
+1. Import the project again (similar to scenario 1 above)
+****Scenario 3:**** You are adding Gradle support to an ongoing project from scratch.
+* You are on you own but [this](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/gradle_wrapper.html) is a good place to start.
## Using Gradle in Intellij IDEA
-When you import a Gradle project into IntelliJ IDEA, you should select the `build.gradle` instead of the project root directory. After importing a Gradle project into Intellij IDEA, you will see the `Gradle Toolbar` in the IDEA interface.
If the Gradle tasks don't appear in the Gradle window, click the 'refresh' button in the tooolbar to reimport the Gradle project.
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+ title: "JavaFX Tutorial Part 1 – Introduction"
+ pageNav: 2
# JavaFX Tutorial Part 1 – Introduction
## Lifecycle of a JavaFX application
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+ title: "JavaFX Tutorial Part 2 - Creating a GUI for Duke"
+ pageNav: 2
# JavaFX Tutorial Part 2 - Creating a GUI for Duke
In this tutorial, we will be creating a GUI for Duke from scratch based on the following mockup.
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+ title: "JavaFX Tutorial 3 – Interacting with the user"
+ pageNav: 2
# JavaFX Tutorial 3 – Interacting with the user
Picking up from where we left off last tutorial, we have successfully achieved the desired layout. Now let’s make the application respond to user input.
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+ title: "JavaFX Tutorial Part 4 – Using FXML"
+ pageNav: 2
# JavaFX Tutorial Part 4 – Using FXML
While we have produced a fully functional prototype, there are a few major problems with our application.
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+ title: "JUnit Tutorial"
+ pageNav: 2
JUnit is a testing framework for Java. By convention, java tests belong in `src/test/java` folder. A sample test file is included in this project.
* To run a specific JUnit test class (e.g., `src/test/java/DukeTest.java`), right-click on the test class, and choose `Run {classname}`.
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-# Text UI Testing Tutorial
+ title: "Tutorial: Automated testing of text UIs"
+ pageNav: 2
-1. Create a folder `[project root]\text-ui-test`
+# Tutorial: Automated testing of text UIs
+_I/O redirection_ technique can be used to semi-automate the testing of text UIs. For an explantion of how that technique works, see [the _Automated Testing of CLI Apps_ section of se-edu/se-book](https://se-education.org/se-book/testing/#automated-testing-of-cli-apps).
+## Setting up
+Given below re steps to set it up for a project.
+1. Create a folder to hold the relevant files e.g., `[project root]\text-ui-test`
1. Add a `runtest.bat` (if you are on Windows) or `runtest.sh` (if you are on a *nix OS) into the folder, containing the script below.
- `runtest.bat`:
- ```
+ ```bat
REM create bin directory if it doesn't exist
@@ -26,9 +40,10 @@
REM compare the output to the expected output
- `runtest.sh`:
- ```shell
+ ```sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# create bin directory if it doesn't exist
@@ -64,10 +79,40 @@
exit 1
-1. Update the `javac` and `java` commands in the script to match the name/location of your main class.
+1. Update the `javac` and `java` commands in the script to match the name/location of your main class.
+ If you are using packages, the two commands need to take the packages into account too.
1. Add an `EXPECTED.txt` to the same folder, containing the expected output.
1. Add an `input.txt` containing the input commands.
1. Run the `.bat`/`.sh` file to execute the test.
+ * If the actual output matches the EXPECTED.TXT, the test passes.
+ * If the actual output differs from the EXPECTED.TXT, the script will report a failure.
+## Updating tests as the program evolves
+The purpose of testing as explained in the previous section is to confirm there are no _regressions_. However, we often update the behavior of the program intentionally e.g., enhance an existing feature. Let's look at how to update our test set up in those cases.
+**Option 1:** This is the ideal but more tedious approach.
+1. Determine how the expected behavior _should_ change due to your update to the code.
+1. Update the `EXPECTED.TXT` file accordingly.
+1. Run the test to confirm the actual behavior is same as the _updated_ expected behavior.
+**Option 2:** This is a more practical shortcut.
+1. Run the test as per normal after updating the code. The test will fail because the new program behavior is different from the one given in the `EXPECTED.TXT`.
+1. Use a diff tool to compare the `ACTUAL.TXT` against the `EXPECTED.TXT`.
+ {{ icon_tip }} [Intellij IDEA can compare two files](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/comparing-files-and-folders.html).
+1. Confirm the differences indicate the behavior has changed as you intended. If the differences are not as intended, your code is buggy; fix the code and repeat from step 1.
+1. Copy over the content of the `ACTUAL.TXT` to `EXPECTED.TXT` i.e., we accept that the actual behavior should be the new _expected_ behavior. Rerun the test to confirm that it passes this time.
+## Troubleshooting
+* **Problem**: The `ACTUAL.TXT` and `EXPECTED.TXT` looks exactly the same but the test fails.
+**Explanation**: The likely cause that the line endings are different (not visible to the naked eye) because the two files were created in two different operating systems.
+**Solution**: You can use the `dos2unix` utility (available in git-bash and *nix operating systems) to convert a file to Unix format.