Command line interface for SDSKit
- python 3.7+
- pip 9.0.1+
- setuptools 36.0.1+
- virtualenv 1.10.1+
- Create virtual environment and activate:
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
- Update pip and setuptools:
pip install -U pip
pip install -U setuptools
- Install sdscli:
git clone
cd sdscli
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .
- Populate SDS configuration:
sds configure
- Initialize SDS subsystem components:
sds orch init all
- Start SDS:
sds orch start all
- Stop SDS:
sds orch stop all
usage: sds [-h] [--debug]
SDSKit command line interface.
positional arguments:
configure configure SDS config file
update update SDS components
kibana update SDS components
ship ship verdi code/config bundle
start_tps start TPS on SDS components
stop_tps stop TPS on SDS components
start start SDS components
stop stop SDS components
reset reset SDS components
status status of SDS components
ci configure continuous integration for SDS cluster
pkg SDS package management
cloud SDS cloud management
rules SDS user rules management
job SDS job subcommand
update update SDS components
orch SDS container orchestration
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug, -d turn on debugging