Title: Acknowledgments page_order: 15 sketch: p5_SampleCode/acknowledgement/sketch.js download_sketch_link: https://gitlab.com/siusoon/Aesthetic_Programming_Book/-/archive/master/Aesthetic_Programming_Book-master.zip?path=public/p5_SampleCode/acknowledgement
RunMe : https://aesthetic-programming.gitlab.io/book/p5_SampleCode/acknowledgement/
//open the web browser console
let thankYou = [
"Each other \
- for an excellent collaboration",
"Loren Britton \
- for copyediting, and helpful critical comments",
"Matthew Fuller \
- for inspiration, and endorsement",
"Lauren McCarthy \
- for inspiration, and critical comments on the draft",
"Jennifer Gabrys \
- for critical comments on the draft, and endorsement",
"Søren Pold \
- for critical comments on the draft",
"Open Humanties Press, Gary Hall, Sigi Jöttkandt and David Ottina \
- in support of publishing in experimental form",
"Open Source Publishing, Stéphanie Vilayphiou and Gijs de Heij \
- for design and workshopping",
"p5.js & ml5.js community \
- for the contribution of promoting coding and visual literacy \
via open source tools and documentation",
"Audun M. Øygard \
- for providing the open source face tracker library",
"Magda Tyżlik-Carver and Christian Ulrik Andersen \
- for teaching Software Studies course in parallel to Aesthetic Programming, \
as well as their critical comments on the draft",
"Instructors of the course - AP: \
Frederik Westergaard, Nils Rungholm Jensen, Tobias Stenberg, \
Malthe Stavning Erslev, Ann Karring, Simone Morrison, \
Nynne Lucca Christianen, Ester Marie Aagaard, and Noah Aamund \
- for keeping the class learning momentum and assisting the course",
"Simon Katan and Theodoros Papatheodorou from Goldsmiths, University of London \
- for allowing one of us to observe the programming class across levels",
"Helen Pritchard \
- for ongoing inspiration and collaboration, \
and for hosting one of us in order to complete the book at Goldsmiths, University of London",
"Anders Visti \
- for the suggestion to include the example of Langton's Ant, \
help on the live-coding interface of Vocable Code and many other small details",
"Joan Truckenbrod \
- for providing earlier works and discussing her work",
"Ben Grosser \
- for providing information and discussing his work",
"Joana Chicau and Jonathan Reus \
- for the excellent workshop conducted at Aarhus University",
"John P. Bell \
- for permission to reapproriate his artwork",
"David Reinfurt \
- for permission to use Multi",
"Francis Lam \
- for permission to use Tofu Go!",
"Nicolas Malevé \
- for his inspirational work",
"Cornelia Sollfrank \
- for the ongoing dialogues with her inspirational work",
"Norbert Landsteiner \
- for permission to use ELIZA Terminal and ELIZA Test",
"Daniel Shiffman \
- for the excellent online instructional videos",
"Anyone else we might have forgotten, sorry"
function draw() {