diff --git a/dist/screeps-tests.ts b/dist/screeps-tests.ts
index 6d28386..27af63d 100644
--- a/dist/screeps-tests.ts
+++ b/dist/screeps-tests.ts
@@ -1030,8 +1030,24 @@ function resources(o: GenericStore): ResourceConstant[] {
+    // Test the BOOSTS constant
+    // Can be used with a body part, returns a record of mineral -> boosted property -> level
+    const c = BOOSTS[creep.body[0].type];
-    BOOSTS[creep.body[0].type];
+    // Can be used with all body part types, returns undefined
+    const undef = BOOSTS["claim"];
+    // Can still be iterated over
+    for (const bodyPart of Object.keys(BOOSTS) as BodyPartConstant[]) {
+        const boosts = BOOSTS[bodyPart];
+        for (const mineral of Object.keys(boosts) as MineralBoostConstant[]) {
+            const upgrades = boosts[mineral];
+        }
+    }
 // Tombstones