Poor man's action camera using Raspberry Pi Zero
- Create directory:
sudo mkdir /opt/axn_cam
- Copy
:cp start.py /opt/axn_cam/start
- Make it executable:
sudo chmod 755 /opt/axn_cam/startup
- Copy the index file to the same directory:
cp index /opt/axn_cam/
- Create the log file:
sudo touch /var/log/axn_cam.log
- Copy the startup script
- Make it executable:
sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/axn_cam_startup
- Test starting the program:
sudo /etc/init.d/axn_cam_startup start
- Test stopping the program
sudo /etc/init.d/axn_cam_startup stop
- Register script to be run at start-up
sudo update-rc.d axn_cam_startup defaults
- If you ever want to remove the script from start-up, run:
sudo update-rc.d -f axn_cam_startup remove
Check out my blogpost
- Access issues can be resolved by adding write permissions to the index file, log file and the
directory - Make sure
are executable - The camera is known to 'freeze' while recording. The status LED stays on and doesn't respond to the toggle switch. I have a hunch that this is due to overheating (I could be wrong). I don't know of a workaround yet (except for restarting the Pi)