- Data Types: int, float, bool, complex, str
- Containers: tuple, list, dict, set
- Operators: Arithmetic (
+ - * / % // **
), Logical (and or not
) - Flow Control:
- Functions: defining and calling functions
- Organizing Python Code: Modules, Packages and Virtualenv
- File I/O: Reading and writing files, CSVs, Json
- Hands on Project Building: Todo CLI app
- Object Oriented Programming
- Functional Programming
- Syntactic Sugar - decorators, generators, context managers
- Fancy metaprogramming - metaclasses, iterators, descriptors, import hooks, monkey patching
- Extensive Standard Library - regex, os, math, random, cli, file, string, date, compression, performance, logging, threading, http
- Extensive Ecosystem - Machine Learning and Data Analysis, DevOps, Web Frameworks
- What can you build with your skills
- The positive impact you can bring
- Starting from tomorrow - 15th Sept 2020
- Timing: 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm (GMT+5.30)
- https://www.youtube.com/c/ScalerAcademy/