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This branch is up to date with NOAA-EMC/global-workflow:develop.


CTest Framework for NOAA Global Workflow

This directory contains the CTest framework for testing Rocoto JJOBS. The framework allows you to stage, execute, and validate individual JJOBS independently from other jobs in the workflow. Each test requires its own YAML definition of inputs and configurations.


The CTest framework consists of the following scripts:

  • Prepares the environment and creates the experiment.
  • Stages the input files needed to run a JJOB.
  • Executes the JJOB and monitors its status.
  • Validates the results of the JJOB.

NOTE: So far only test C48_ATM gfs_fcst_set0 has output_files for the validation step using a basic chksum for testing. Further development using grib and NETCDF comparison tools is pending.


CMake Configuration

To configure the CTest framework using CMake, you need to provide several environment variables. Here is an example of how to configure and build the project:

# Set environment variables (may also be include at command line with -D)
export HPC_ACCOUNT="your_hpc_account"
export ICSDIR_ROOT="/path/to/icsdir_root"
export STAGED_TESTS_DIR="/path/to/staged_tests_dir"

NOTE: The the specific values for these three enviroment variables can be found in $HOMEgfs/ci/platforms/config.$MACHINE_ID and may also be added to the cmake command line with the -D option

Run CMake to configure the ctest framework

cd $HOMEgfs/ctests
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../.. 

Running Tests with CTest

Once the project is configured, you can run the tests using CTest. Here are some examples:

Run All Tests

cd /path/to/build

Run Tests for a Specific Case

You can use the -L option with CTest to run tests for a specific case. For example, to run tests for the C48_ATM case:

cd /path/to/build
ctest -L C48_ATM

Or simply use the '-R' switch to run any individual test:

ctest -R test_C48_S2SW_gfs_fcst_seg0_execute -V

To add a new test use the AddJJOBTest() function at the end of the $HOMEgfs/ctest/CMakeLists.txt file as follows:

  CASE "C48_ATM"
  JOB  "gfs_fcst_seg0"
  TEST_DATE "2021032312"

Then create a new YAML file with the required staged input files as is done with this example found in $HOMEgfs/ctests/cases/C48_ATM_gfs_fcts_seg0.yaml