From f68227d1762dbba08534031da56661ba8e70ff01 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Umut <>
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2023 13:44:40 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] Add files via upload

---    |   1 +  |   2 +     |   1 +
 SASPClean.ps1 | 198 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 SECURITY.MD   |   2 +-
 package.json  |   2 +-
 start.bat     | 381 +-------------------------------------------------
 7 files changed, 209 insertions(+), 378 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 SASPClean.ps1

diff --git a/ b/
index 075beff..3378ed0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/ b/
index 4d90714..e8d81ef 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+Version V1.0.1 = Statistics updated. `start.bat` updated. Added `SASPClean.ps1` and added icon for it. Added `SASPClean.ps1` and added icon for it. updated.
 Version V1.0.0 = Added colored text (I don't know how to add it for cmd). Edited file deletion. Hacker control was added to index.test.js because it was forgotten to be added.
 Version V0.0.9 = Edited "winget upgrade --all" because it was misspelled and changed to "winget upgrade --all"
diff --git a/ b/
index c0318cb..300ea72 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ This script was created to restore the computer to the fast, pure and tidy perfo
 ### Notes
+- The translations may not be correct because I translated them with a translation program. I apologize in advance.
 - I don't have any bad intentions, there is no bad software in the code, and there is no such thing as taking the user's name in the code.
 - Update your drivers.
 - Close unnecessary startup programs in the task manager.
diff --git a/SASPClean.ps1 b/SASPClean.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c39d869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SASPClean.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
+Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
+$scriptPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$scriptDirectory = Split-Path $scriptPath -Parent
+$packageJsonPath = Join-Path $scriptDirectory "package.json"
+$packageJsonExists = Test-Path $packageJsonPath
+$iconFileName = "icon\SASPClean.png"
+$iconPath = Join-Path $scriptDirectory $iconFileName
+$loadingForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
+$loadingForm.Text = "SASPClean Loading Screen"
+$loadingForm.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(400, 150)
+$loadingForm.StartPosition = "CenterScreen"
+$loadingForm.BackColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(255, 245, 245, 245)
+$loadingLabelPackageJson = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
+$loadingLabelPackageJson.Text = "Checking for updates..."
+$loadingLabelPackageJson.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 12, [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold)
+$loadingLabelPackageJson.AutoSize = $true
+$loadingLabelPackageJson.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(20, 45)
+        $iconFolder = Join-Path $scriptDirectory "icon"
+        if (-not (Test-Path $iconFolder -PathType Container)) {
+            [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Error: 'icon' folder not found.", "Folder Not Found", "OK", "Error")
+        }
+        $iconPath = Join-Path $scriptDirectory "icon\SASPClean.png"
+        if (-not (Test-Path $iconPath -PathType Leaf)) {
+            [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Error: 'icon\SASPClean.png' not found.", "File Not Found", "OK", "Error")
+        }
+        $packageJsonPath = Join-Path $scriptDirectory "package.json"
+        $packageJsonExists = Test-Path $packageJsonPath
+        if (-not $packageJsonExists) {
+            [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Error: 'package.json' not found.", "File Not Found", "OK", "Error")
+        }
+        $latestRelease = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ""
+        if ($packageJsonExists) {
+            $packageJson = Get-Content -Path $packageJsonPath | ConvertFrom-Json
+            $currentVersion = $packageJson.version
+            if ($latestRelease.tag_name -ne $currentVersion) {
+                $updateMessage = "A new version is available! Do you want to view the release?"
+                $userChoice = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($updateMessage, "Update Available", "YesNo", "Information")
+                if ($userChoice -eq "Yes") {
+                    Start-Process $latestRelease.html_url
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    $loadingForm.Close()
+$form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
+$form.Text = "SASPClean"
+$scriptPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$scriptDirectory = Split-Path $scriptPath -Parent
+$image = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile($iconPath)
+$icon = [System.Drawing.Icon]::FromHandle((New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap($image)).GetHicon())
+$form.Icon = $icon
+$form.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(1225, 600)
+$form.StartPosition = "CenterScreen"
+$form.AutoScroll = $true
+$backgroundColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(255, 245, 245, 245)
+$buttonColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(255, 0, 102, 204)
+$buttonForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::White
+$form.BackColor = $backgroundColor
+$checkboxes = @{}
+$checkboxOptions = @(
+    "Clear Windows Update - This command is designed to remove unnecessary files and optimize the Windows component store, helping to free up storage space on your system.",
+    "Check Disk - Basic (chkdsk /f) - This command examines the disk for errors and automatically addresses and repairs any issues it discovers.",
+    "Check Disk - Repair (chkdsk /r) - This command thoroughly checks the disk for errors, actively fixes identified issues, and recovers readable information to maintain disk health.",
+    "Check Disk External Drive Dismounted (chkdsk /x) - This command dismounts external drives and performs a disk check, identifying and addressing errors to ensure the health of the external storage.",
+    "DISM Add Packages - Adds Windows packages from a specified path to enhance system functionality.",
+    "DISM Check Health - Evaluates the health of the Windows image, ensuring the stability of system components.",
+    "DISM Get Packages - Lists all installed packages on the Windows image, providing an overview of system components.",
+    "DISM Repair - Repairs the Windows image using a specified source, fixing potential issues in the system.",
+    "DISM Repair 2 - Repairs the Windows image using an alternative specified source, ensuring system stability.",
+    "DISM Restore Health - Restores the health of the Windows image, addressing any detected inconsistencies.",
+    "Disk Cleaner - Opens the built-in Disk Cleanup utility, allowing removal of unnecessary files to free up disk space.",
+    "Disk Cleaner Sagerun -  Executes the Disk Cleanup utility with predefined cleanup options, streamlining the removal of temporary files.",
+    "MDT (Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool) -  Opens the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool, allowing you to assess and diagnose potential issues related to your system's memory (RAM).",
+    "MRT (Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool) - Opens the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool, scanning and removing specific types of malware to enhance system security.",
+    "File System Integrity Check - This command runs the System File Checker, ensuring the integrity of system files by scanning and repairing any detected problems.",
+    "Windows Experience Index Formal Assessment - Initiates a detailed evaluation of your system's performance through the Windows Experience Index. It provides valuable insights into the capabilities of both your hardware and software.",
+    "Upgrade winget - Utilizes the Windows Package Manager (Winget) to upgrade all installed applications, ensuring you have the latest versions with improved features and security updates.",
+    "Check Win Update - Looks for the latest Windows updates right away, ensuring your system is current with essential patches and improvements.",
+    "See if you have been hacked - Verifies possible security breaches on your system.",
+    "Initiate file cleanup - Deletes specific files, including those in the Prefetch, Temp, and %temp% directories, freeing up disk space and removing temporary files that are no longer needed."
+$yPosition = 20
+foreach ($option in $checkboxOptions) {
+    $checkbox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox
+    $checkbox.Text = $option
+    $checkbox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(20, $yPosition)
+    $checkbox.AutoSize = $true
+    $checkbox.FlatStyle = [System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle]::Flat
+    $checkbox.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(255, 33, 33, 33)
+    $form.Controls.Add($checkbox)
+    $checkboxes[$option] = $checkbox
+    $yPosition += 25
+$runButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
+$runButton.Text = "Run"
+$runButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(20, $yPosition)
+$runButton.BackColor = $buttonColor
+$runButton.ForeColor = $buttonForeColor
+$runButton.Width = 100
+        foreach ($option in $checkboxOptions) {
+            if ($checkboxes[$option].Checked) {
+                Write-Host "Running $option"
+                switch -wildcard ($option) {
+                    "Check Disk - Basic*" { 
+                        Start-Process 'cmd.exe' -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "/c", "chkdsk /f" -Wait
+                    }
+                    "Check Disk External Drive Dismounted*" { 
+                        Start-Process 'cmd.exe' -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "/c", "chkdsk /x" -Wait
+                    }
+                    "Check Disk - Repair*" { 
+                        Start-Process 'cmd.exe' -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "/c", "chkdsk /r" -Wait
+                    }
+                    "Check Win Update*" { 
+                        Start-Process 'cmd.exe' -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "/c", "wuauclt.exe /detectnow" -Wait
+                    }
+                    "Clear Windows Update*" { 
+                        Start-Process 'cmd.exe' -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "/c", "dism /online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup" -Wait
+                    }
+                    "Disk Cleaner*" { 
+                        Start-Process 'cmd.exe' -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "/c", "cleanmgr.exe" -Wait
+                    }
+                    "Disk Cleaner Sagerun*" { 
+                        Start-Process 'cmd.exe' -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "/c", "cleanmgr /sagerun:1" -Wait
+                    }
+                    "DISM Add Packages*" { 
+                        Start-Process 'cmd.exe' -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "/c", "dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\path\to\" -Wait
+                    }
+                    "DISM Check Health*" { 
+                        Start-Process 'cmd.exe' -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "/c", "dism /online /cleanup-image /checkhealth" -Wait
+                    }
+                    "DISM Get Packages*" { 
+                        Start-Process 'cmd.exe' -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "/k", "dism /online /get-packages" -Wait
+                    }
+                    "DISM Repair*" { 
+                        Start-Process 'cmd.exe' -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "/c", "dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth /source:C:\path\to\source /limitaccess" -Wait
+                    }
+                    "DISM Repair 2*" { 
+                        Start-Process 'cmd.exe' -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "/c", "dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth /source:C:\path\to\repairsource\install.wim" -Wait
+                    }
+                    "DISM Restore Health*" { 
+                        Start-Process 'cmd.exe' -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "/c", "dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth" -Wait
+                    }
+                    "MDT (Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool)*" { 
+                        Start-Process 'cmd.exe' -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "/c", "mdsched.exe" -Wait
+                    }
+                    "MRT (Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool)*" { 
+                        Start-Process 'cmd.exe' -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "/k", "mrt.exe" -Wait
+                    }
+                    "File System Integrity Check*" { 
+                        Start-Process 'cmd.exe' -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "/c", "sfc /scannow" -Wait
+                    }
+                    "See if you have been hacked*" { 
+                        Start-Process 'cmd.exe' -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "/k", "quser" -Wait
+                    }
+                    "Upgrade winget*" { 
+                        Start-Process 'cmd.exe' -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "/k", "winget upgrade --all" -Wait
+                    }
+                    "Windows Experience Index Formal Assessment*" { 
+                        Start-Process 'cmd.exe' -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "/c", "winsat formal" -Wait
+                    }
+                    "Initiate file cleanup*" {
+                        Start-Process 'cmd.exe' -ArgumentList "/c", "npm install" -Wait
+                        Start-Process 'cmd.exe' -ArgumentList "/k node test\index.test.js & pause"
+                    }
+                }            
+            }
+        }
+    })
+    if (-not $RanScript -and [Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('Are you sure you want to exit?', 'Exit', 'YesNo', 'Question') -eq 'No') {
+        $_.Cancel = $true
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
index acc0a8f..20c884a 100644
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Our project currently supports the following version:
 | Version | Supported |
 | ------- | ------------------- |
-| 1.0.0 | :white_check_mark: |
+| 1.0.1 | :white_check_mark: |
 ## Reporting a Vulnerability
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index d556959..d3b8a1a 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   "name": "saspclean",
-  "version": "1.0.0",
+  "version": "1.0.1",
   "description": "This script was created to restore the computer to the fast, pure and regular performance as it was when it was first purchased.",
   "main": "index.js",
   "scripts": {
diff --git a/start.bat b/start.bat
index 48f43d6..d60472c 100644
--- a/start.bat
+++ b/start.bat
@@ -1,378 +1,7 @@
 @echo off
-REM Prompt user to select a language
-set /p "language=Select a language (tr/en/de): "
-if /i "%language%"=="en" (
-  goto :english
-) else if /i "%language%"=="tr" (
-  goto :turkish
-) else if /i "%language%"=="de" (
-  goto :german
-) else (
-  echo Invalid input. Please enter 'en' for English, 'tr' for Turkish or 'de' for German.
-  goto :ask_language
-REM Sorulari ve komutlari tanimla
-set "soru[1]=Windows Guncellemelerini Temizle - Bu komut, Windows uzerindeki gereksiz dosyalari ve bilesen deposunu temizler."
-set "komut[1]=dism /online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup"
-set "soru[2]=Disk Kontrolu - Temel (chkdsk /f) - Bu komut, diskteki hatalari kontrol eder ve duzeltir."
-set "komut[2]=chkdsk /f"
-set "soru[3]=Disk Kontrolu - Onar (chkdsk /r) - Bu komut, diskteki hatalari kontrol eder, duzeltir ve okunabilir bilgileri kurtarir."
-set "komut[3]=chkdsk /r"
-set "soru[4]=Disk Kontrolu - Harici Surucu Ayirmali (chkdsk /x) - Bu komut, harici suruculeri ayirir ve diski kontrol eder."
-set "komut[4]=chkdsk /x"
-set "soru[5]=DISM Paketleri Ekle - Bu komut, belirtilen yoldan Windows paketlerini ekler."
-set "komut[5]=dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\path\to\"
-set "soru[6]=DISM Saglik Kontrolu - Bu komut, Windows gorselini kontrol eder."
-set "komut[6]=dism /online /cleanup-image /checkhealth"
-set "soru[7]=DISM Paketleri Listele - Bu komut, Windows gorseline yuklenmis tum paketleri listeler."
-set "komut[7]=dism /online /get-packages"
-set "soru[8]=DISM Onar - Bu komut, belirtilen kaynaktan Windows gorselini onarir."
-set "komut[8]=dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth /source:C:\path\to\source /limitaccess"
-set "soru[9]=DISM Onar 2 - Bu komut, baska bir belirtilen kaynaktan Windows gorselini onarir."
-set "komut[9]=dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth /source:C:\path\to\repairsource\install.wim"
-set "soru[10]=DISM Saglik Geri Yukle - Bu komut, Windows gorselinin sagligini geri yukler."
-set "komut[10]=dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth"
-set "soru[11]=Disk Temizleyici - Bu komut, yerlesik Disk Temizleyici aracini acar."
-set "komut[11]=cleanmgr.exe"
-set "soru[12]=Disk Temizleyici Sagerun - Bu komut, onceden belirlenmis temizleme secenekleriyle Disk Temizleyici aracini calistirir."
-set "komut[12]=cleanmgr /sagerun:1"
-set "soru[13]=MDT (Windows Bellek Tani Araci) - Bu komut, Windows Bellek Tani Aracini acar."
-set "komut[13]=mdsched.exe"
-set "soru[14]=MRT (Windows Zararli Yazilim Kaldirma Araci) - Bu komut, Windows Zararli Yazilim Kaldirma Aracini acar."
-set "komut[14]=mrt.exe"
-set "soru[15]=Tarama - Bu komut, Sistem Dosyasi Denetleyicisi'ni calistirir (sfc /scannow)."
-set "komut[15]=sfc /scannow"
-set "soru[16]=Windows Deneyim Endeksi Formel Degerlendirme - Bu komut, Windows Deneyim Endeksi formel degerlendirmesini calistirir."
-set "komut[16]=winsat formal"
-set "soru[17]=Winget Guncelleme - Bu komut, Windows Paket Yoneticisi (Winget) kullanarak yuklu tum uygulamalari gunceller."
-set "komut[17]=winget upgrade --all"
-set "soru[18]=Windows Guncelleme Kontrolu - Bu komut, Windows guncellemelerini kontrol eder."
-set "komut[18]=wuauclt.exe /detectnow"
-set "soru[19]=Hacklenip hacklenmedigini gorme - Bu komut, hacklenip hacklenmedigini gosterir. (calismassa cmd yi acip 'quser' yazin.)"
-set "komut[19]=quser"
-REM Kullanicilara Node.js kurulu olup olmadigina dair bir soru sor
-set /p "nodejs=Node.js kurulu mu? (e/h): "
-if /i "%nodejs%"=="e" (
-  goto :sor_init
-) else if /i "%nodejs%"=="h" (
-  echo
-  goto :sor_init
-) else (
-  echo Gecersiz giris. Lutfen 'e' veya 'h' girin.
-  goto :sor_nodejs
-REM Kullanicilara 'npm init -y' ile ilgili bir soru sor
-set /p "init='npm init -y' baslatilsin mi? (ilk kez npm yukleniyorsa 'e' girin.) (e/h): "
-if /i "%init%"=="e" (
-  REM npm init komutunu calistir
-  call npm init -y
-) else if /i "%init%"=="h" (
-  echo NPM paketi baslatilamadi.
-) else (
-  echo Gecersiz giris. Lutfen 'e' veya 'h' girin.
-  goto :sor_init
-REM Kullanicilara 'npm install' ile ilgili bir soru sor
-call npm install
-REM Ek sorulari ve komutlari calistir
 setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
-set "soruIndeksi=1"
-if !soruIndeksi! leq 19 (
-  set /p "komut_calistir=!soru[%soruIndeksi%]! Bu komutu calistirmak ister misiniz? (e/h): "
-  if /i "!komut_calistir!"=="e" (
-    call :komutu_calistir %soruIndeksi%
-  ) else if /i "!komut_calistir!"=="h" (
-    echo Komut gecildi: %soruIndeksi%.
-  ) else (
-    echo Gecersiz giris. Lutfen 'e' veya 'h' girin.
-  )
-  set /a "soruIndeksi+=1"
-  goto :ek_komut_dongusu
-call node test\index.test.js
-exit /b
-REM Belirtilen komutu calistir
-call powershell -Command "& { Start-Process cmd.exe -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList '/c', '!komut[%1]!' -Wait }"
-exit /b
-REM Defining questions and commands
-set "question[1]=Clear Windows Update - This command is used to clean up junk files and the component store on Windows."
-set "command[1]=dism /online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup"
-set "question[2]=Check Disk - Basic (chkdsk /f) - This command checks for errors on the disk and fixes them."
-set "command[2]=chkdsk /f"
-set "question[3]=Check Disk - Repair (chkdsk /r) - This command checks for errors on the disk, fixes them, and recovers readable information."
-set "command[3]=chkdsk /r"
-set "question[4]=Check Disk - External Drive Dismounted (chkdsk /x) - This command dismounts external drives and checks the disk for errors."
-set "command[4]=chkdsk /x"
-set "question[5]=DISM Add Packages - This command adds Windows packages from a specified path."
-set "command[5]=dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\path\to\"
-set "question[6]=DISM Check Health - This command checks the health of the Windows image."
-set "command[6]=dism /online /cleanup-image /checkhealth"
-set "question[7]=DISM Get Packages - This command lists all installed packages on the Windows image."
-set "command[7]=dism /online /get-packages"
-set "question[8]=DISM Repair - This command repairs the Windows image using a specified source."
-set "command[8]=dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth /source:C:\path\to\source /limitaccess"
-set "question[9]=DISM Repair 2 - This command repairs the Windows image using another specified source."
-set "command[9]=dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth /source:C:\path\to\repairsource\install.wim"
-set "question[10]=DISM Restore Health - This command restores the health of the Windows image."
-set "command[10]=dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth"
-set "question[11]=Disk Cleaner - This command opens the built-in Disk Cleanup utility."
-set "command[11]=cleanmgr.exe"
-set "question[12]=Disk Cleaner Sagerun - This command runs the Disk Cleanup utility with a predefined set of cleanup options."
-set "command[12]=cleanmgr /sagerun:1"
-set "question[13]=MDT (Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool) - This command opens the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool."
-set "command[13]=mdsched.exe"
-set "question[14]=MRT (Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool) - This command opens the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool."
-set "command[14]=mrt.exe"
-set "question[15]=Scan - This command runs the System File Checker (sfc /scannow)."
-set "command[15]=sfc /scannow"
-set "question[16]=Windows Experience Index Formal Assessment - This command runs the Windows Experience Index formal assessment."
-set "command[16]=winsat formal"
-set "question[17]=Upgrade winget - This command upgrades all installed apps using Windows Package Manager (Winget)."
-set "command[17]=winget upgrade --all"
-set "question[18]=Check Win Update - This command checks for Windows updates immediately."
-set "command[18]=wuauclt.exe /detectnow"
-set "question[19]=See if you have been hacked - This command shows if you have been hacked. (if it doesn't work, open cmd and type 'quser')."
-set "command[19]=quser"
-REM Ask a question to the user about Node.js installation
-set /p "nodejs=Have you installed Node.js? (y/n): "
-if /i "%nodejs%"=="y" (
-  goto :ask_init
-) else if /i "%nodejs%"=="n" (
-  echo
-  goto :ask_init
-) else (
-  echo Invalid input. Please enter 'y' or 'n'.
-  goto :ask_nodejs
-REM Ask a question to the user about 'npm init -y'
-set /p "init=Initialize 'npm init -y' (type 'y' if you are installing npm for the first time) (y/n): "
-if /i "%init%"=="y" (
-  REM Run the npm init command
-  call npm init -y
-) else if /i "%init%"=="n" (
-  echo NPM package was not initialized.
-) else (
-  echo Invalid input. Please enter 'y' or 'n'.
-  goto :ask_init
-REM install 'npm install'
-call npm install
-REM Run additional questions and commands
-setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
-set "questionIndex=1"
-if !questionIndex! leq 19 (
-  set /p "run_command=!question[%questionIndex%]! Do you want to run this command? (y/n): "
-  if /i "!run_command!"=="y" (
-    call :run_command %questionIndex%
-  ) else if /i "!run_command!"=="n" (
-    echo Skipped command %questionIndex%.
-  ) else (
-    echo Invalid input. Please enter 'y' or 'n'.
-  )
-  set /a "questionIndex+=1"
-  goto :run_additional_cmd_loop
-call node test\index.test.js
-exit /b
-REM Run the specified command
-call powershell -Command "& { Start-Process cmd.exe -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList '/c', '!command[%1]!' -Wait }"
-exit /b
-REM Definition von Fragen und Befehlen
-set "question[1]=Windows Update löschen - Dieser Befehl wird verwendet, um Junk-Dateien und den Komponentenspeicher unter Windows zu bereinigen."
-set "command[1]=dism /online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup"
-set "question[2]=Festplattenprüfung - Grundlegende (chkdsk /f) - Dieser Befehl überprüft Fehler auf der Festplatte und behebt sie."
-set "command[2]=chkdsk /f"
-set "question[3]=Festplattenprüfung - Reparatur (chkdsk /r) - Dieser Befehl überprüft Fehler auf der Festplatte, behebt sie und stellt lesbare Informationen wieder her."
-set "command[3]=chkdsk /r"
-set "question[4]=Festplattenprüfung - Externe Laufwerke aushängen (chkdsk /x) - Dieser Befehl hängt externe Laufwerke aus und überprüft die Festplatte auf Fehler."
-set "command[4]=chkdsk /x"
-set "question[5]=DISM Pakete hinzufügen - Dieser Befehl fügt Windows-Pakete von einem bestimmten Pfad hinzu."
-set "command[5]=dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\path\to\"
-set "question[6]=DISM Überprüfen der Integrität - Dieser Befehl überprüft die Integrität des Windows-Abbilds."
-set "command[6]=dism /online /cleanup-image /checkhealth"
-set "question[7]=DISM Pakete abrufen - Dieser Befehl listet alle installierten Pakete im Windows-Abbild auf."
-set "command[7]=dism /online /get-packages"
-set "question[8]=DISM Reparatur - Dieser Befehl repariert das Windows-Abbild unter Verwendung einer angegebenen Quelle."
-set "command[8]=dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth /source:C:\path\to\source /limitaccess"
-set "question[9]=DISM Reparatur 2 - Dieser Befehl repariert das Windows-Abbild unter Verwendung einer anderen angegebenen Quelle."
-set "command[9]=dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth /source:C:\path\to\repairsource\install.wim"
-set "question[10]=DISM Integrität wiederherstellen - Dieser Befehl stellt die Integrität des Windows-Abbilds wieder her."
-set "command[10]=dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth"
-set "question[11]=Datenträgerbereinigung - Dieser Befehl öffnet das integrierte Datenträgerbereinigungsprogramm."
-set "command[11]=cleanmgr.exe"
-set "question[12]=Datenträgerbereinigung Sagerun - Dieser Befehl führt das Datenträgerbereinigungsprogramm mit einem vordefinierten Satz von Bereinigungsoptionen aus."
-set "command[12]=cleanmgr /sagerun:1"
-set "question[13]=MDT (Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool) - Dieser Befehl öffnet das Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool."
-set "command[13]=mdsched.exe"
-set "question[14]=MRT (Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool) - Dieser Befehl öffnet das Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool."
-set "command[14]=mrt.exe"
-set "question[15]=Überprüfen - Dieser Befehl führt den System File Checker aus (sfc /scannow)."
-set "command[15]=sfc /scannow"
-set "question[16]=Formale Bewertung des Windows Experience Index - Dieser Befehl führt die formale Bewertung des Windows Experience Index aus."
-set "command[16]=winsat formal"
-set "question[17]=Winget aktualisieren - Dieser Befehl aktualisiert alle installierten Apps mit dem Windows Package Manager (Winget)."
-set "command[17]=winget upgrade --all"
-set "question[18]=Windows Update überprüfen - Dieser Befehl überprüft sofort auf Windows-Updates."
-set "command[18]=wuauclt.exe /detectnow"
-set "question[19]=Prüfen, ob Sie gehackt wurden - Dieser Befehl zeigt an, ob Sie gehackt wurden. (wenn das nicht funktioniert, öffnen Sie cmd und geben Sie 'quser' ein)."
-set "command[19]=quser"
-REM Eine Frage an den Benutzer zur Installation von Node.js stellen
-set /p "nodejs=Haben Sie Node.js installiert? (j/n): "
-if /i "%nodejs%"=="j" (
-  goto :ask_init
-) else if /i "%nodejs%"=="n" (
-  echo
-  goto :ask_init
-) else (
-  echo Ungültige Eingabe. Bitte geben Sie 'j' oder 'n' ein.
-  goto :ask_nodejs
-REM Eine Frage an den Benutzer zu 'npm init -y' stellen
-set /p "init=Initialisieren von 'npm init -y' (geben Sie 'j' ein, wenn Sie npm zum ersten Mal installieren) (j/n): "
-if /i "%init%"=="j" (
-  REM Führen Sie den npm init-Befehl aus
-  call npm init -y
-) else if /i "%init%"=="n" (
-  echo Das NPM-Paket wurde nicht initialisiert.
-) else (
-  echo Ungültige Eingabe. Bitte geben Sie 'j' oder 'n' ein.
-  goto :ask_init
-REM 'npm install' installieren
-call npm install
-REM Zusätzliche Fragen und Befehle ausführen
-setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
-set "questionIndex=1"
-if !questionIndex! leq 19 (
-  set /p "run_command=!question[%questionIndex%]! Möchten Sie diesen Befehl ausführen? (j/n): "
-  if /i "!run_command!"=="j" (
-    call :run_command %questionIndex%
-  ) else if /i "!run_command!"=="n" (
-    echo Befehl %questionIndex% übersprungen.
-  ) else (
-    echo Ungültige Eingabe. Bitte geben Sie 'j' oder 'n' ein.
-  )
-  set /a "questionIndex+=1"
-  goto :run_additional_cmd_loop
-call node test\index.test.js
-exit /b
-REM Den angegebenen Befehl ausführen
-call powershell -Command "& { Start-Process cmd.exe -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList '/c', '!command[%1]!' -Wait }"
-exit /b
+set "scriptName=SASPClean.ps1"
+set "currentDir=%~dp0"
+set "scriptPath=!currentDir!!scriptName!"
+powershell.exe -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "!scriptPath!"
\ No newline at end of file