diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 17a1157..7b5d03d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ For comparison, here are some real Pokemon names:
* Throh
* Sawk
-You can find this model, and a few others, in the ```models``` folder. To load and generate words with it, just type ```python task.py --model-dir models/pokemon_names_model --num-samples [NUMBER OF WORDS YOU WANT TO GENERATE]```. This will save the generated words in ```output/sample.txt```.
+You can find this model in the ```models``` folder. To load and generate words with it, just type ```python task.py --model-dir models/pokemon_names_model --num-samples [NUMBER OF WORDS YOU WANT TO GENERATE]```. This will save the generated words in ```output/sample.txt```.
Overall, I am quite happy with quality of the generated names. I can even imagine what kind of Pokemon Fyreion, Rantio, or Tintorn might be. And Sirg is just plain cool.