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  1. Prerequisites
  2. Training
    1. Phase 1 - Generating LMDB Files
    2. Phase 2 - Training
  3. Training Examples
    1. OpenPose BODY_25B
    2. Single-Network Whole-Body Pose Estimation


All the following scripts are meant to be used with our modified version of the Matlab COCO API, cloned into dataset/COCO/ as dataset/COCO/cocoapi/.


This directory contains multiple scripts to generate the scripts for training and to actually train the models. It is split into 2 sections:

  1. Body Training: Used to train the COCO body model.
  2. Whole-Body Training: Used to train the whole-body model.
  3. By mixing the scripts from points 1 and 2, any kind of training is possible (e.g., body and hands, face only, etc.). However, the only examples available are for: body (COCO), body-foot, and whole-body. Thus, only questions about these 3 types will be answered.

Depending on the kind of model you are trying to learn, use the following training steps:

  1. Either download or generate the LMDB files for training:
    • Option a) Download the LMDB files ready to be used by running cd training && bash It will download them into dataset/ with names following the format dataset/lmdb_X, where X will be similar to the dataset name.
    • Option b) Generate the LMDB files by yourself:
      • COCO:
        • Option a) Download the required LMDB by running cd training; bash
        • Option b)
          1. Run cd training; bash to obtain the COCO images in dataset/COCO/cocoapi/images/, keypoints annotations in dataset/COCO/annotations/ and our custom COCO official toolbox in dataset/COCO/cocoapi/.
          2. Run a1_coco_jsonToNegativesJson.m in Matlab to generate the LMDB with the images with no people on them.
          3. Run a2_coco_jsonToMat.m in Matlab to convert the annotation format from json to mat in dataset/COCO/mat/.
          4. Run a3_coco_matToMasks.m in Matlab to obatin the mask images for unlabeled person. You can use 'parfor' in Matlab to speed up the code.
          5. Run a4_coco_matToRefinedJson.m to generate a json file in dataset/COCO/json/ directory. The json files contain raw informations needed for training.
          6. Run python to generate the COCO and background-COCO LMDBs.
      • Foot / Face / Hand / Dome:
        • Option a) Download the required LMDBs by running cd training; bash; bash; bash; bash
        • Option b)
          1. Download the datasets.
          2. Run a2_coco_jsonToMat.m analogously to COCO, but with the foot/face/hand option.
          3. Run a4_coco_matToRefinedJson.m analogously to COCO, but with the foot/face/hand option.
          4. Run python again to generate the (COCO+foot)/face/hand LMDB.
      • MPII:
        • Option a) Download the required LMDB by running cd training; bash
        • Option b)
          1. Download Images (12.9 GB) and Annotations (12.5 MB) from the MPII dataset into dataset/MPII/.
          2. Run a0_convertMatToInitialJson.m
          3. Run python with sMode = 1 to generate the masks.
          4. Run python with sMode = 2 to generate the final JSON file.
          5. Run python again to generate the MPII LMDB.
  2. Train model:
    • a) Download and compile our modified Caffe:
    • b) Generate the Caffe ProtoTxt and shell file for training by running python
      • Set sCaffeFolder to the path of OpenPose Caffe Train.
      • Set sAddFoot to 1 or 0 to enable/disable combined body-foot.
      • Set sAddMpii, sAddFace and sAddHands to 1 or 0 to enable/disable boyd mpii/face/hands (if 1, then all the above must be also 1).
      • Set sAddDome to 1 or 0 to enable/disable the Dome whole-body dataset (if 1, then all the above must be also 1).
      • Flag sProbabilityOnlyBackground fixes the percentage of images that will come from the non-people dataset (called negative dataset).
      • Sett sSuperModel to 1 train the whole-body dataset, or to train a heavier but also more accurate body-foot dataset. Set it to 0 for the original OpenPose body-foot dataset.
      • Flags carVersion and sAddDistance are deprecated.
    • c) Download the pretrained VGG-19 model and unzip it into dataset/vgg/ as dataset/vgg/VGG_ILSVRC_19_layers.caffemodel and dataset/vgg/vgg_deploy.prototxt. The first 10 layers are used as backbone.
    • d) Train:
      • Go to the auto-generated training_results/pose/ directory.
      • Run bash 0,1,2,3 (generated by to start the training with the 4 GPUs (0-3).

Training Examples

OpenPose BODY_25B

To train an improved version of the BODY_25B OpenPose model available in OpenPose, set sAddFoot = sAddMpii = 1, and sAddDome = sSuperModel = 0. This should match the current example in training/

Single-Network Whole-Body Pose Estimation

To train the model used for Single-Network Whole-Body Pose Estimation paper, set sAddFoot = sAddMpii = sAddDome = sSuperModel = 1.