layout | animateHeader | title |
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Learn Sangria |
{% include caution.html %}
Sangria is a Scala GraphQL implementation.
Here is how you can add it to your SBT project:
libraryDependencies += "{{site.groupId}}" %% "sangria" % "{{site.version.sangria}}"
You can find an example application that uses akka-http with sangria here:
I would also recommend that you check out {{}}. It is an example of a GraphQL server written with Play framework and Sangria. It also serves as a playground, where you can interactively execute GraphQL queries and play with some examples.
Apollo Client is a full featured, simple to use GraphQL client with convenient integrations for popular view layers. Apollo Client is an easy way to get started with Sangria as they're 100% compatible.
If you want to use sangria with the react-relay framework, then you also need to include sangria-relay:
libraryDependencies += "{{site.groupId}}" %% "sangria-relay" % "{{site.version.sangria-relay}}"
Sangria-relay Playground ({{}}) is a nice place to start if you would like to see it in action.
I would also recommend that you check out ["Videos" section of the community page]({{"/community/#videos" | prepend: site.baseurl}}). It has a lot of nice introduction videos.
Example usage:
import sangria.ast.Document
import sangria.parser.QueryParser
import sangria.renderer.QueryRenderer
import scala.util.Success
val query =
query FetchLukeAndLeiaAliased(
$someVar: Int = 1.23
$anotherVar: Int = 123) @include(if: true) {
luke: human(id: "1000")@include(if: true){
friends(sort: NAME)
leia: human(id: "10103\n \u00F6 ö") {
... on User {
fragment Foo on User @foo(bar: 1) {
// Parse GraphQL query
QueryParser.parse(query) match {
case Success(document) =>
// Pretty rendering of the GraphQL query as a `String`
case Failure(error) =>
println(s"Syntax error: ${error.getMessage}")
Alternatively you can use graphql
macro, which will ensure that your query is syntactically correct at compile time:
import sangria.macros._
val queryAst: Document =
friends {
You can also parse and render the GraphQL input values independently from a query document:
import sangria.renderer.QueryRenderer
import sangria.macros._
import sangria.ast
val parsed: ast.Value =
id: "1234345"
version: 2 # changed 2 times
deliveries: [
{id: 123, received: false, note: null, state: OPEN}
Here is an example of GraphQL schema DSL:
import sangria.schema._
val EpisodeEnum = EnumType(
Some("One of the films in the Star Wars Trilogy"),
value = TestData.Episode.NEWHOPE,
description = Some("Released in 1977.")),
value = TestData.Episode.EMPIRE,
description = Some("Released in 1980.")),
value = TestData.Episode.JEDI,
description = Some("Released in 1983."))))
val Character: InterfaceType[Unit, TestData.Character] =
"A character in the Star Wars Trilogy",
() => fields[Unit, TestData.Character](
Field("id", StringType,
Some("The id of the character."),
resolve =,
Field("name", OptionType(StringType),
Some("The name of the character."),
resolve =,
Field("friends", OptionType(ListType(OptionType(Character))),
Some("The friends of the character, or an empty list if they have none."),
resolve = ctx => DeferFriends(ctx.value.friends)),
Field("appearsIn", OptionType(ListType(OptionType(EpisodeEnum))),
Some("Which movies they appear in."),
resolve = _.value.appearsIn map (e => Some(e)))
val Human =
"A humanoid creature in the Star Wars universe.",
interfaces[Unit, Human](Character),
fields[Unit, Human](
Field("id", StringType,
Some("The id of the human."),
resolve =,
Field("name", OptionType(StringType),
Some("The name of the human."),
resolve =,
Field("friends", OptionType(ListType(OptionType(Character))),
Some("The friends of the human, or an empty list if they have none."),
resolve = ctx => DeferFriends(ctx.value.friends)),
Field("appearsIn", OptionType(ListType(OptionType(EpisodeEnum))),
Some("Which movies they appear in."),
resolve = _.value.appearsIn map (e => Some(e))),
Field("homePlanet", OptionType(StringType),
Some("The home planet of the human, or null if unknown."),
resolve = _.value.homePlanet)
val Droid = ObjectType(
"A mechanical creature in the Star Wars universe.",
interfaces[Unit, Droid](Character),
fields[Unit, Droid](
Field("id", StringType,
Some("The id of the droid."),
tags = ProjectionName("_id") :: Nil,
resolve =,
Field("name", OptionType(StringType),
Some("The name of the droid."),
resolve = ctx => Future.successful(,
Field("friends", OptionType(ListType(OptionType(Character))),
Some("The friends of the droid, or an empty list if they have none."),
resolve = ctx => DeferFriends(ctx.value.friends)),
Field("appearsIn", OptionType(ListType(OptionType(EpisodeEnum))),
Some("Which movies they appear in."),
resolve = _.value.appearsIn map (e => Some(e))),
Field("primaryFunction", OptionType(StringType),
Some("The primary function of the droid."),
resolve = _.value.primaryFunction)
val ID = Argument("id", StringType, description = "id of the character")
val EpisodeArg = Argument("episode", OptionInputType(EpisodeEnum),
description = "If omitted, returns the hero of the whole saga. If provided, returns the hero of that particular episode.")
val Query = ObjectType[CharacterRepo, Unit](
"Query", fields[CharacterRepo, Unit](
Field("hero", Character,
arguments = EpisodeArg :: Nil,
resolve = ctx => ctx.ctx.getHero(ctx.argOpt(EpisodeArg))),
Field("human", OptionType(Human),
arguments = ID :: Nil,
resolve = ctx => ctx.ctx.getHuman(ctx arg ID)),
Field("droid", Droid,
arguments = ID :: Nil,
resolve = Projector((ctx, f) => ctx.ctx.getDroid(ctx arg ID).get))
val StarWarsSchema = Schema(Query)
The resolve
argument of a Field
expects a function of type Context[Ctx, Val] => Action[Ctx, Res]
As you can see, the result of the resolve
is an Action
type which can take different shapes.
Here is the list of supported actions:
- a simple value result. If you want to indicate an error, you need to throw an exceptionTryValue
- ascala.util.Try
- aFuture
- a partially successful result with a list of errorsPartialFutureValue
- aFuture
of partially successful resultDeferredValue
- used to return aDeferred
result (see the Deferred Values and Resolver section for more details)DeferredFutureValue
- the same asDeferredValue
but allows you to returnDeferred
inside of aFuture
- allows you to transform aCtx
object. The transformed context object would be available for nested sub-objects and subsequent sibling fields in case of mutation (since execution of mutation queries is strictly sequential). You can find an example of its usage in the Authentication and Authorisation section.
Normally the library is able to automatically infer the Action
type, so that you don't need to specify it explicitly.
Sangria also introduces the concept of projections. If you are fetching your data from the database (like let's say MongoDB), then it can be very helpful to know which fields are needed for the query ahead-of-time in order to make an efficient projection in the DB query.
allows you to do precisely this. It wraps a resolve
function and enhances it
with the list of projected fields (limited by depth). The ProjectionName
field tag allows you to customize projected
field names (this is helpful if your DB field names are different from the GraphQL field names).
The ProjectionExclude
field tag, on the other hand, allows you to exclude a field from the list of projected field names.
Many schema elements, like ObjectType
, Field
or Schema
itself, take two type parameters: Ctx
and Val
- represent values that are returned by theresolve
function and given to theresolve
function as a part of theContext
. In the schema example,Val
can be aHuman
, etc.Ctx
- represents some contextual object that flows across the whole execution (and doesn't change in most of the cases). It can be provided to execution by the user in order to help fulfill the GraphQL query. A typical example of such a context object is a service or repository object that is able to access a database. In the example schema, some of the fields (likedroid
) make use of it in order to access the character repository.
After a schema is defined, the library tries to discover all of the supported GraphQL types by traversing the schema. Sometimes you have a situation where not all
GraphQL types are explicitly reachable from the root of the schema. For instance, if the example schema had only the hero
field in the Query
type, then
it would not be possible to automatically discover the Human
and the Droid
type, since only the Character
interface type is referenced inside of the schema.
If you have a similar situation, then you need to provide additional types like this:
val HeroOnlyQuery = ObjectType[CharacterRepo, Unit](
"HeroOnlyQuery", fields[CharacterRepo, Unit](
Field("hero", TestSchema.Character,
arguments = TestSchema.EpisodeArg :: Nil,
resolve = ctx => ctx.ctx.getHero(ctx.argOpt(TestSchema.EpisodeArg)))
val heroOnlySchema = Schema(HeroOnlyQuery,
additionalTypes = TestSchema.Human :: TestSchema.Droid :: Nil)
Alternatively you can use manualPossibleTypes
on the Field
and InterfaceType
to achieve the same effect.
In some cases you need to define a GraphQL schema that contains recursive types or has circular references in the object graph. Sangria supports such schemas
by allowing you to provide a no-arg function that creates ObjectType
fields instead of an eager list of fields. Here is an example of interdependent types:
case class A(b: Option[B], name: String)
case class B(a: A, size: Int)
lazy val AType: ObjectType[Unit, A] = ObjectType("A", () => fields[Unit, A](
Field("name", StringType, resolve =,
Field("b", OptionType(BType), resolve = _.value.b)))
lazy val BType: ObjectType[Unit, B] = ObjectType("B", () => fields[Unit, B](
Field("size", IntType, resolve = _.value.size),
Field("a", AType, resolve = _.value.a)))
In most cases you also need to define (at least one of) these types with lazy val
You can render a schema or an introspection result in human-readable form (SDL syntax) with SchemaRenderer
. Here is an example:
For a StarWars schema it will produce the following results:
interface Character {
id: String!
name: String
friends: [Character]
appearsIn: [Episode]
type Droid implements Character {
id: String!
name: String
friends: [Character]
appearsIn: [Episode]
primaryFunction: String
enum Episode {
type Human implements Character {
id: String!
name: String
friends: [Character]
appearsIn: [Episode]
homePlanet: String
type Query {
hero(episode: Episode): Character!
human(id: String!): Human
droid(id: String!): Droid!
Defining schema with ObjectType
, InputObjectType
and EnumType
can become quite verbose. They provide maximum flexibility, but sometimes you just have a simple case class which you would like to expose via GraphQL API.
For this, sangria provides a set of macros that are able to derive GraphQL types from normal Scala classes, case classes and enums:
deriveObjectType[Ctx, Val]
- constructs anObjectType[Ctx, Val]
with fields found inVal
class (case class accessors and members annotated with@GraphQLField
)deriveContextObjectType[Ctx, Target, Val]
- constructs anObjectType[Ctx, Val]
with fields found inTarget
class (case class accessors and members annotated with@GraphQLField
). You also need to provide it a functionCtx => Target
which the macro will use to get an instance ofTarget
type from a user context.deriveInputObjectType[T]
- constructs anInputObjectType[T]
with fields found inT
case class (only supports case class accessors)deriveEnumType[T]
- constructs anEnumType[T]
with values found inT
enumeration. It supports ScalaEnumeration
as well as sealed hierarchies of case objects.
You need the following import to use them:
import sangria.macros.derive._
The use of these macros is completely optional, they just provide a bit of convenience when you need it. Schema Definition DSL is the primary way to define a schema.
You can also influence the derivation by either providing a list of settings to the macro or using @GraphQL*
annotations (these are StaticAnnotation
s and only used to customize a macro code generation - they are erased at the runtime). This provides a very flexible way to derive GraphQL types based on your domain model - you can customize almost any aspect of the resulting GraphQL type (change names, add descriptions, add fields, deprecate fields, etc.).
In order to discover other GraphQL types, the macros use implicits. So if you derive interdependent types, make sure to make them implicitly available in the scope.
and deriveContextObjectType
support arbitrary case classes as well as normal classes/traits.
Here is an example:
case class User(id: String, permissions: List[String], password: String)
val UserType = deriveObjectType[MyCtx, User](
ObjectTypeDescription("A user of the system."),
RenameField("id", "identifier"),
DocumentField("permissions", "User permissions",
deprecationReason = Some("Will not be exposed in future")),
Field("reverse_name", BooleanType, resolve = _ =>
It will generate an ObjectType
which is equivalent to this one:
ObjectType("AuthUser", "A user of the system.", fields[MyCtx, User](
Field("identifier", StringType, resolve =,
Field("permissions", ListType(StringType),
description = Some("User permissions"),
deprecationReason = Some("Will not be exposed in future"),
resolve = _.value.permissions),
Field("reverse_name", BooleanType, resolve = _ =>
You can also use class methods as GraphQL fields. This will also correctly generate appropriate Argument
Let's look at the example:
case class User(firstName: String, lastName: Option[String])
trait Mutation {
def addUser(firstName: String, lastName: Option[String]) = {
val user = User(firstName, lastName)
// ...
case class MyCtx(mutation: Mutation)
implicit val UserType = deriveObjectType[MyCtx, User]()
val MutationType = deriveContextObjectType[MyCtx, Mutation, Unit](_.mutation)
Resulting mutation type would be equivalent to this one:
val FirstNameArg = Argument("firstName", StringType)
val LastNameArg = Argument("lastName", OptionInputType(StringType))
val MutationType = ObjectType("Mutation", fields[MyCtx, Unit](
Field("addUser", UserType,
arguments = FirstNameArg :: LastNameArg :: Nil,
resolve = c => c.ctx.mutation.addUser(
c.arg(FirstNameArg), c.arg(LastNameArg)))))
You can also define a method argument of type Context[Ctx, Val]
- it will not be treated as an argument, but instead a field execution context would be provided to a method in this argument.
Default values of method arguments would be ignored. If you would like to provide a default value to an Argument
, please use @GraphQLDefault
Instead of using the @GraphQLField
annotation, you can also provide the IncludeMethods
setting as an argument to the macro.
supports only case classes. Here is an example:
case class User(id: String, permissions: List[String], password: String)
val UserType = deriveInputObjectType[User](
InputObjectTypeDescription("A user of the system."),
DocumentInputField("permissions", "User permissions"),
RenameInputField("id", "identifier"),
It will generate an InputObjectType
which is equivalent to this one:
InputObjectType[User]("AuthUser", "A user of the system.", List(
InputField("identifier", StringType),
InputField("permissions", ListInputType(StringType),
description = "User permissions")))
You can use @GraphQLDefault
as well as normal Scala default values to provide a default value for an InputField
The @GraphQLDefault
annotation will be used as a default of both are defined.
supports Scala Enumeration
as well as sealed hierarchies of case objects.
First let's look at Enumeration
object Color extends Enumeration {
val Red, LightGreen, DarkBlue = Value
val ColorType = deriveEnumType[Color.Value](
IncludeValues("Red", "DarkBlue"))
It will generate an EnumType
which is equivalent to this one:
EnumType("Color", values = List(
EnumValue("Red", value = Color.Red),
EnumValue("DarkBlue", value = Color.DarkBlue)))
And here is an example of sealed hierarchy of case objects:
sealed trait Fruit
case object RedApple extends Fruit
case object SuperBanana extends Fruit
case object MegaOrange extends Fruit
sealed abstract class ExoticFruit(val score: Int) extends Fruit
case object Guave extends ExoticFruit(123)
val FruitType = deriveEnumType[Fruit](
EnumTypeDescription("It's foo"))
It will generate an EnumType
which is equivalent to this one:
EnumType("Foo", Some("It's foo"), List(
EnumValue("RedApple", value = RedApple),
EnumValue("SuperBanana", value = SuperBanana),
EnumValue("MegaOrange", value = MegaOrange),
EnumValue("Guave", value = Guave)))
{% include ext.html type="info" title="Co-locate deriveEnumType with actual sealed trait" %}
It is important to use deriveEnumType
in the same source file where you have defined your sealed trait after all trait children are defined!
Otherwise macro will not be able to find all of the enum values.
{% include cend.html %}
Sometimes you need to model recursive and interdependent types. The macro needs a little bit of help: you must replace fields that use recursive types and define them manually.
Here is an example of an ObjectType
case class A(id: Int, b: B)
case class B(name: String, a: A, b: B)
implicit lazy val AType = deriveObjectType[Unit, A](
ReplaceField("b", Field("b", BType, resolve = _.value.b)))
implicit lazy val BType: ObjectType[Unit, B] = deriveObjectType(
ReplaceField("a", Field("a", AType, resolve = _.value.a)),
ReplaceField("b", Field("b", BType, resolve = _.value.b)))
An example of InputObjectType
case class A(id: Int, b: Option[B])
case class B(name: String, a: A, b: Option[B])
implicit lazy val AType: InputObjectType[A] = deriveInputObjectType[A](
ReplaceInputField("b", InputField("b", OptionInputType(BType))))
implicit lazy val BType: InputObjectType[B] = deriveInputObjectType[B](
ReplaceInputField("a", InputField("a", AType)),
ReplaceInputField("b", InputField("b", OptionInputType(BType))))
You can use the following annotations to change different aspects of the resulting GraphQL types:
- use a different name for a type, field, enum value or an argument@GraphQLDescription
- provide a description for a type, field, enum value or an argument@GraphQLDeprecated
- deprecate anObjectType
field or an enum value@GraphQLFieldTags
- provide field tags or anObjectType
- exclude a field, enum value or an argument@GraphQLField
- include a member of a class (val
) in the resultingObjectType
. This will also create the appropriateArgument
list if the method takes some arguments@GraphQLDefault
- provide a default value for anInputField
or anArgument
Here is an example:
@GraphQLDescription("A user of the system.")
case class User(
@GraphQLDescription("User ID.")
id: String,
@GraphQLDeprecated("Will not be exposed in future")
permissions: List[String],
password: String)
val UserType = deriveObjectType[MyCtx, User]()
val UserInputType = deriveInputObjectType[User](
As you can see, InputObjectTypeName
is also used in this case. Macro settings always take precedence over the annotations.
If you have an introspection result (coming from remote server, for instance) or an SDL-based schema definition, then you can create an executable in-memory schema representation out of it.
If you already got a full introspection result from a server, you can recreate an in-memory representation of the schema with IntrospectionSchemaMaterializer
. This feature has a lot of potential for client-side tools: testing, mocking, creating proxy/facade GraphQL servers, etc.
Here is a simple example of how you can use this feature (using circe in this particular example):
import io.circe._
import sangria.marshalling.circe._
val introspectionResults: Json = ??? // coming from other server or file
val clientSchema: Schema[Any, Any] =
It takes the result of a full introspection query (loaded from the server, file, etc.) and recreates the schema definition with stubs for
resolve methods. You can customize a lot of aspects of the materialization by providing a custom IntrospectionSchemaBuilder
implementation (you can also extend DefaultIntrospectionSchemaBuilder
class). This means that you can, for instance, plug in some
generic field resolution logic or provide generic logic for custom scalars. Without these customizations, the materialized schema would
only be able to execute introspection queries.
In addition to normal query syntax, GraphQL allows you to define the schema itself. This is how the syntax look like:
interface Character {
id: Int!
name: String!
The human character
type Human implements Character {
id: Int!
name: String!
height: Float
The root query type
type Query {
"The main hero or the saga"
hero: Character
schema {
query: Query
You can recreate an in-memory representation of the schema with AstSchemaMaterializer
(just like with the introspection-based one).
This feature has a lot of potential for client-side tools: testing, mocking, creating proxy/facade GraphQL servers, etc.
Here is a simple example of how you can use this feature:
val ast =
schema {
query: Hello
type Hello {
bar: Bar
type Bar {
isColor: Boolean
val clientSchema: Schema[Any, Any] =
It takes a schema AST (in this example the graphql
macro is used, but you can also use QueryParser.parse
to parse the schema dynamically)
and recreates the schema definition with stubs for resolve methods. You can customize a lot of aspects of the materialization by providing a
custom AstSchemaBuilder
implementation (you can also extend DefaultAstSchemaBuilder
class). This means that you can, for instance,
plug in some generic field resolution logic or provide generic logic for custom scalars. Without these customizations, the materialized
schema would only be able to execute introspection queries.
and DefaultAstSchemaBuilder
provide a lot of flexibility in how you build the schema based on the SDL AST, but the are
also quite low-level API and hard to work with directly. Sangria provides more higher-level API that is based on resolve
functions that are
defined in the scope of the whole schema based on the directives and other SDL elements. ResolverBasedAstSchemaBuilder
or AstSchemaBuilder.resolverBased
allow you to do this. They take a list of AstSchemaResolver
s as an argument. Each resolver might contribute specific logic in the generated schema.
Let's look a the simple example that primarily uses JSON as a data type (quite typical for GraphQL API that aggregates other JSON API). The schema definition looks like this:
val schemaAst =
enum Color {
Red, Green, Blue
interface Fruit {
id: ID!
type Apple implements Fruit {
id: ID!
color: Color
type Banana implements Fruit {
id: ID!
length: Int
type Query @addSpecial {
fruit: Fruit
bananas: [Fruit] @generateBananas(count: 3)
It contains several interesting elements which we need to implement in the schema builder:
is an interface type, so we need to properly define an instance check in order to select appropriateObjectType
based on thetype
JSON field (in this example)@generateBananas
directive defines the resolution logic forbananas
field. We need to define a resolver for it and generate a simple list with sizecount
directive needs to add new field in theQuery
type.- For all other fields in the schema we need to define default behavior that just transforms context JSON value in appropriate GraphQL representation.
Given all these requirements, we can defined a schema builder like this:
val CountArg = Argument("count", IntType)
val GenerateBananasDir = Directive("generateBananas",
arguments = CountArg :: Nil,
locations = Set(DL.FieldDefinition))
val AddSpecialDir = Directive("addSpecial",
locations = Set(DL.Object))
val builder = AstSchemaBuilder.resolverBased[Unit](
// Requirement #1 - provides appropriate instance check based on the `type` JSON field
InstanceCheck.field[Unit, JsValue],
// Requirement #2 - defined a resolution logic based on the `@generateBananas` directive
DirectiveResolver(GenerateBananasDir, c =>
(1 to c.arg(CountArg)) map (id => JsObject(
"type" -> JsString("Banana"),
"id" -> JsString(id.toString),
"length" -> JsNumber(id * 10)))),
// Requirement #3 - add extra field based on the `@addSpecial` directive
DirectiveFieldProvider(AddSpecialDir, c =>
Field("specialFruit", c.objectType("Banana"), resolve =
ResolverBasedAstSchemaBuilder.extractFieldValue[Unit, JsValue])) :: Nil),
// Requirement #4 - provides default behaviour for all other fields
FieldResolver.defaultInput[Unit, JsValue])
Now that we have the schema builder, we can define the schema itself:
val schema = Schema.buildFromAst(schemaAst,
Here we are also using builder.validateSchemaWithException
to validate the AST and ensure that all directives are known and correct (
will just return a list of violations).
Now we are ready to execute the schema against a query and provide it with initial root JSON value:
val query =
fruit {
... on Apple {color}
... on Banana {length}
bananas {
... on Banana {length}
specialFruit {id}
val initialData =
"fruit": {
"type": "Apple",
"id": "1",
"color": "Red"
"specialFruit": {
"type": "Apple",
"id": "42",
"color": "Blue"
Executor.execute(schema, query, root = initialData)
The result of an execution would be JSON like this one:
"data": {
"fruit": { "id": "1", "color": "Red" },
"bananas": [{ "length": 10 }, { "length": 20 }, { "length": 30 }],
"specialFruit": { "id": "42" }
provides a lot of features. All supported resolvers are subtypes of AstSchemaResolver
, so you can check
these if you would like to learn about other features, like providing additional types with AdditionalTypes
, handling scalar values with
, etc.
Sometimes it might be very useful to analyze the schema AST document in order to collect information about some of the used directives in advance (before building the schema).
This can be achieved with ResolverBasedAstSchemaBuilder.resolveDirectives
. Here is a small example:
val ValueArg = Argument("value", IntType)
val NumDir = Directive("num",
arguments = ValueArg :: Nil,
locations = Set(DirectiveLocation.Schema, DirectiveLocation.Object))
val collectedValue = schemaAst.analyzer.resolveDirectives(
GenericDirectiveResolver(NumDir, resolve = c => Some(c arg ValueArg))).sum
In this example, the resulting collectedValue
will contain the sum of all numbers collected via @num
For another example of SDL-based schema materialization, please see the next section. I would also recommend to look at Materializer class in graphql-toolbox project. It contains much bigger and more comprehensive example.
If you have previously worked with apollo-tools and would like to know how SDL-based schema definition translates to sangria, then
is a good place to start. Some apollo-tools examples use exact type/field name matches in order to define the
resolve functions. You can achieve the same in sangria by using FieldResolver
val builder = resolverBased[Any](
"Query" -> Map(
"posts" -> (context => ...)),
"Mutation" -> Map(
"upvotePost" -> (context => ...)),
"Post" -> Map(
"author" -> (context => ...),
"comments" -> (context => ...))),
AnyFieldResolver.defaultInput[Any, JsValue])
Though general recommendation is to use DirectiveResolver
instead of explicit FieldResolver
if possible, since it provides more robust
mechanism to define the resolution logic.
Schema materialization can be overwhelming at first, so let's go though a small example that combines static schema defined with scala code and dynamic SDL-based schema extensions.
First we need to define some model classes and repository that we will use in this example:
case class Article(id: String, title: String, text: String, author: Option[String])
class Repo {
def loadArticle(id: String): Option[Article] =
Some(Article(id, s"Test Article #$id", "blah blah blah...", Some("Bob")))
def loadComments: List[JsValue] =
"text" -> JsString("First!"),
"author" -> JsObject(
"name" -> JsString("Jane"),
"lastComment" -> JsObject(
"text" -> JsString("Boring...")))))
In order to demonstrate different approaches, we represent Article
as a case class and comments
as a JSON
value (using spray-json in this example).
Now let's define static part of the schema:
val ArticleType = deriveObjectType[Repo, Article]()
val IdArg = Argument("id", StringType)
val QueryType = ObjectType("Query", fields[Repo, Unit](
Field("article", OptionType(ArticleType),
arguments = IdArg :: Nil,
resolve = c => c.ctx.loadArticle(c arg IdArg))))
val staticSchema = Schema(QueryType)
Nothing special going on here - just a standard schema definition. It becomes more interesting when we add schema extentions into the mix:
val extensions =
extend type Article {
comments: [Comment]! @loadComments
type Comment {
text: String!
author: CommentAuthor!
type CommentAuthor {
name: String!
lastComment: Comment
val schema = staticSchema.extend(extensions, builder)
This code will extend an Article
GraphQL type and add comments
field. Also notice that Comment
and CommentAuthor
are mutually recursive. In order simplify the builder logic, we also use @loadComments
directive. The only missing piece
of the puzzle is the builder
val LoadCommentsDir = Directive("loadComments",
locations = Set(DirectiveLocation.FieldDefinition))
val builder = AstSchemaBuilder.resolverBased[Repo](
DirectiveResolver(LoadCommentsDir, _.ctx.ctx.loadComments),
FieldResolver.defaultInput[Repo, JsValue])
As you can see, we are using @loadComments
directive to define a special resolve
function logic that loads all of the comments.
In general it is recommended approach to handle field logic in the builder
(an alternative would be to rely of the field/type names with FieldResolver {case (TypeName("Article"), FieldName("comments")) => ...}
which is quite fragile).
All other fields are defined in terms of resolveJson
function. It just adopts contextual value (which is JSON in our example)
to the field's return type. This implementation is by no means complete - it just shows a short example.
For production application you would need to improve this logic according to the needs of the application.
Now we are ready to execute query against out new shiny schema:
val query =
article(id: "42") {
comments {
author {
lastComment {
Executor.execute(schema, query, new Repo)
Result of the execution would look like this:
"data": {
"article": {
"title": "Test Article #42",
"text": "blah blah blah...",
"comments": [
"text": "First!",
"author": {
"name": "Jane",
"lastComment": {
"text": "Boring..."
Here is an example of how you can execute example schema:
import sangria.execution.Executor
Executor.execute(TestSchema.StarWarsSchema, queryAst,
userContext = new CharacterRepo,
deferredResolver = new FriendsResolver,
variables = vars)
The result of the execution is a Future
of marshaled GraphQL result (see Result Marshalling and Input Unmarshalling section for more details)
In some situations, you may need to make a static query analysis and postpone the actual execution of the query. Later on, you may need to execute this query several times. A typical example is subscription queries: you first validate and prepare a query, and then you execute it several times for every event. This is precisely what PreparedQuery
allows you to do.
Let's look at the example:
val preparedQueryFuture = Executor.prepare(StarWarsSchema, query,
new CharacterRepo,
deferredResolver = new FriendsResolver) =>
preparedQuery.execute(userContext = someCustomCtx, root = event))
will return you a Future
with a prepared query which you can execute several times later, possibly providing different userContext
or root
values. In addition to execute
, PreparedQuery
also gives you a lot of information about the query itself: operation, root QueryType
, top-level fields with arguments, etc.
The Future
of marshaled result is not the only possible result of a query execution. By importing different implementation of ExecutionScheme
you can
change the result type of an execution. Here is an example:
import sangria.execution.ExecutionScheme.Extended
val result: Future[ExecutionResult[Ctx, JsValue]] =
val Executor.execute(schema, query)
execution scheme gives you the result of the execution together with additional information about the execution itself (like, for instance, the list of exceptions that happened during the execution).
Following execution schemes are available:
- The default one. Returns aFuture
of marshaled resultExtended
- Returns aFuture
- Returns a stream of results. Very useful for subscription and batch queries, where the result is anObservable
or aSource
- Returns a stream ofExecutionResult
{% include ext.html type="info" title="Experimental" %} Please use this feature with caution! It might be removed in future releases or have big semantic changes. In particular in the way how variables are inferred and merged. {% include cend.html %}
Batch executor allow you to execute several inter-dependent queries and get an execution result as a stream.
Dependencies are expressed via variables and @export
directive. It provides following features:
- Allows specifying multiple
when executing a GraphQL query document. All operations would be executed in order inferred from the dependencies between queries. - Support for
@export(as: "foo")
directive. This directive allows you to save the results of the query execution and then use it as a variable in a different query within the same document. This provides a way to define data dependencies between queries. - When used with
directive, the variables would be automatically inferred by the execution engine, so you don't need to declare them explicitly - You still can declare variables explicitly and completely disable variable inference with
Batch executor implementation is inspired by this talk:
{% include video.html id="ViXL0YQnioU?start=626&end=769" title="GraphQL Future at react-europe 2016" name="Laney Kuenzel & Lee Byron " %}
You can use any execution scheme with batch executor, but Stream
and StreamExtended
are recommended
since they will return execution results for all of the queries as a stream.
In the example below we are using monix for streaming and spray-json for data serialization. Also notice that we need to explicitly
add BatchExecutor.ExportDirective
directive and use BatchExecutor.executeBatch
instead of standard executor:
import sangria.execution.ExecutionScheme.Stream
import sangria.marshalling.sprayJson._
import sangria.streaming.monix._
val schema = Schema(..., directives = BuiltinDirectives :+ BatchExecutor.ExportDirective)
val result: Observable[JsValue] =
BatchExecutor.executeBatch(schema, query,
operationNames = List("StoryComments", "NewsFeed"))
You can also use BatchExecutor.OperationNameExtension
middleware to include an operation name in the execution results (as an extension).
This will make it easier for a client to distinguish between different execution results coming from the same response stream.
Here is an example of request that will execute 2 queries in batch:
GET /graphql?batchOperations=[StoryComments, NewsFeed]
query NewsFeed {
feed {
stories {
id @export(as: "ids")
query StoryComments {
stories(ids: $ids) {
comments {
In this example NewsFeed
query would be executed first and all story comments would be loaded in a separate query execution step (StoryComments
This allows client to load all required data with one efficient request to the server, but data would be sent back to the client in chunks.
Sangria provides a lot of generic tools to work with a GraphQL query and schema. Aside from the actual query execution, you may need to do different things like analyze a query for breaking changes, introspection usage, deprecated field usage, validate query/schema without executing it, etc. This section describes some of the tools that will help you with these tasks.
Query validation consists of validation rules. You can pick and choose which rules you would like to use for a query validation. You
can even create your own validation rules and validate queries against them. The list of standard validation rules is available in QueryValidator.allRules
In order to validate queries against the list of rules you need to use RuleBasedQueryValidator
. The default query validator which uses all standard rules
is available under QueryValidator.default
. Here is an example of how you can use it:
val violations = QueryValidator.default.validateQuery(schema, query)
You can also customise the list of validation rules when you are executing the query by providing a custom query validator like this:
Executor.execute(schema, query, queryValidator = ...)
For instance, it can be useful to disable validation for production setup, where you have validated all possible queries upfront and would like to save on CPU cycles during the execution.
Query validation can also be used for SDL validation. Let's say we have following type definitions:
type User @auth(token: "TEST") {
name: String
isAdmin: Boolean @permission(name: "ADMIN")
We can validate it against a stub schema like this:
val validationSchema =
directive @permission(name: String) on FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @auth(token: String!) on OBJECT
val errors: Vector[Violation] =
type User @auth(token: "TEST") {
name: String
isAdmin: Boolean @permission(name: "ADMIN")
If we make a mistake somewhere (misplace the directive or forget to provide a directive argument):
val errors: Vector[Violation] =
type User @auth {
name: String @auth(token: "TEST")
isAdmin: Boolean
we will get following validation errors:
Directive 'auth' may not be used on field definition. (line 3, column 22):
name: String @auth(token: "TEST")
Field 'auth' argument 'token' of type 'String!' is required but not provided. (line 2, column 17):
type User @auth {
also able to validate InputDocument
. Here is a small example:
val schema = Schema.buildStubFromAst(
enum Color {
input Foo {
baz: Color!
input Config {
foo: String
bar: Int
list: [Foo]
val inp =
foo: "bar"
bar: "foo"
list: [
{baz: RED}
{baz: FOO_BAR}
{test: 1}
doo: "hello"
val errors = QueryValidator.default.validateInputDocument(schema, inp, "Config")
In contrast to standard validation, you also need to provide an input type against which you would like to validate the input document. Validation will result in following errors:
At path 'bar' Int value expected (line 4, column 13):
bar: "foo"
At path 'list[1].baz' Enum value 'FOO_BAR' is undefined in enum type 'Color'. Known values are: RED, GREEN, BLUE. (line 5, column 13):
list: [
(line 5, column 19):
list: [
(line 7, column 16):
{baz: FOO_BAR}
At path 'list[2].test' Field 'test' is not defined in the input type 'Foo'. (line 5, column 13):
list: [
Just like query validation, schema validation consists of validation rules. You can pick and choose which rules you would like to use for a schema validation. You
can even create your own validation rules and validate schema against them. The list of standard validation rules is available in SchemaValidationRule.default
You can also customise the list of validation rules when you are creating a schema by providing a custom list of rules like this:
Schema(QueryType, validationRules = ...)
Query reducers provide a lot useful analysis tools, but they require 2 bits of information in addition to a query: operationName
and variables
Still, you can execute query reducers against query without executing it by using Executor.prepare
. prepare
will not execute the query,
but instead it will prepare query for execution ensuring that query is validated and all query reducers are successful.
Here is how you can ensure that query complexity does not exceed the threshold:
val variables: Json = ...
val prepared = { operationName =>
Executor.prepare(schema, query,
operationName = operationName,
variables = variables,
queryReducers =
QueryReducer.rejectComplexQueries(1000, (_, _) => TooExpansiveQuery)) :: Nil
val validated = Future.sequence(prepared).map(_ => Done)
You will need to initialize all required variable values with some stubs. All variable variable values that represent things that potentially may increase query complexity, like list limits, should be set to values that represent the worst-case scenario (like max limit).
If you don't have the variables or don't want to work with the stub value, then you can use another mechanism that does not require variables.
provides a convenient way to achieve this. In its signature it is similar to
, but it does not require variables
and designed to validate and execute query reducers for queries that are
being analyzed ahead of time (e.g. in the context of persistent queries).
provides an easy way to traverse and possibly transform all AstNode
s in a query. Here is how basic usage looks like:
val queryWithoutComments =
AstVisitor.visit(query, AstVisitor {
case _: Comment => VisitorCommand.Delete
This visit will create a new query Document
that does not contain any comments.
also provides several variations of visit
function that allow you to visit AST nodes with type info (from schema definition) and state.
If you would like to analyse field (and all of it's selections/nested fields) inside of a resolve
function, you can access it with Context.astFields
and then use
to analyse it. You may also consider using projections feature for this.
Sangria provides several high-level tools to analyse AST Document
without reliance on schema. They are defined in DocumentAnalyzer
(which you can also access via query.analyzer
Here is an example of how you can separate query operations:
val query =
query One {
query Two {
fragment A on T {
fragment B on T {
fragment C on T {
query.analyzer.separateOperations.values.foreach { document =>
will create two Document
s that look like this:
query One {
fragment A on T {
fragment C on T {
query Two {
fragment B on T {
fragment C on T {
While DocumentAnalyzer
does not rely on a schema information to analyse the query Document
, SchemaBasedDocumentAnalyzer
uses schema
provide much deeper query analysis. It can be used to discover things like deprecated field, introspection, variable usage.
Here is an example of how you can find all deprecated field and enum value usages:
Schema comparator provides an easy way to compare schemas between each other. You can, of course, compare unrelated schemas and get all of the differences as a list. Where it becomes really useful, is when you compare different versions of the same schema.
In this example I compare a schema loaded from staging environment against the schema from a production environment:
val prodSchema = Schema.buildFromIntrospection(
val stagingSchema = Schema.buildFromIntrospection(
val changes: Vector[SchemaChange] = stagingSchema compare prodSchema
Given this list of changes, we can do a few interesting thing with it. For instance, we can stop the deployment to production if staging environment contains breaking changes (you can run this somewhere in your CI environment):
val breakingChanges = changes.filter(_.breakingChange)
if (breakingChanges.nonEmpty) {
val rendered = breakingChanges
.map(change => s" * ${change.description}")
.mkString("\n", "\n", "")
throw new IllegalStateException(
s"Staging environment has breaking changes in GraphQL schema! $rendered")
You can also create release notes for all of the changes:
val releaseNotes =
if (changes.nonEmpty) {
val rendered = changes
.map { change =>
val breaking =
if(change.breakingChange) " (breaking change)"
else ""
s" * ${change.description}$breaking"
.mkString("\n", "\n", "")
s"Release Notes: $rendered"
} else "No Changes"
As described in previous section, you can handle subscription queries with prepared queries. This approach provides a lot of flexibility, but also means that you need to manually analyze subscription fields and appropriately execute query for every event.
Stream-based subscriptions provide much easier and, in many respects, superior approach of handling subscription queries. In order to use it, you first need to choose one of available stream implementations:
- akka-streams implementation based onSource[T, NotUsed]
"{{site.groupId}}" %% "sangria-akka-streams" % "{{site.version.sangria-akka-streams}}"
- Requires an implicit
to be available in scope
- RxScala implementation based onObservable[T]
"{{site.groupId}}" %% "sangria-rxscala" % "{{site.version.sangria-rxscala}}"
- Requires an implicit
to be available in scope
- monix implementation based onObservable[T]
"{{site.groupId}}" %% "sangria-monix" % "{{site.version.sangria-monix}}"
- Requires an implicit
to be available in scope
- very simple implementation based onFuture[T]
which is treated as a stream with a single element- Requires an implicit
to be available in scope
- Requires an implicit
You can also easily create your own integration by implementing and providing an implicit instance of SubscriptionStream[S]
type class.
{% include ext.html type="info" title="Example project" %} If you prefer a hands-on approach, then you can take a look at sangria-subscriptions-example project. It demonstrates most of the concepts that are described in this section. {% include cend.html %}
After you have imported a concrete stream implementation, you can define a subscription type fields with Field.subs
Here is an example that uses monix:
import monix.reactive.Observable
import sangria.streaming.monix._
val SubscriptionType = ObjectType("Subscription", fields[Unit, Unit](
Field.subs("userEvents", UserEventType, resolve = _ =>
Observable(UserCreated(1, "Bob"), UserNameChanged(1, "John")).map(action(_))),
Field.subs("messageEvents", MessageEventType, resolve = _ =>
Observable(MessagePosted(userId = 20, text = "Hello!")).map(action(_)))
Please note that every element in a stream should be an Action[Ctx, Val]
. An action
helper function is used in this case to
transform every element of a stream into an Action
. Also, it is important that either all fields of a SubscriptionType
or none of them are
created with the Field.subs
function (otherwise it would not be possible to merge them in a single stream).
Now you can execute subscription queries and get back a stream of query execution results like this:
import sangria.streaming.monix._
import sangria.execution.ExecutionScheme.Stream
val schema = Schema(QueryType, subscription = Some(SubscriptionType))
val query =
subscription {
userEvents {
... on UserCreated {
messageEvents {
... on MessagePosted {
user {
val stream: Observable[JsValue] = Executor.execute(schema, query)
We are importing ExecutionScheme.Stream
to instruct the executor to return a stream of results instead of a Future
of a single result.
The stream will emit the following elements (the order may be different):
"data": {
"userEvents": {
"id": 1,
"__typename": "UserCreated",
"name": "Bob"
"data": {
"messageEvents": {
"__typename": "MessagePosted",
"user": {
"id": 20,
"name": "Test User"
"text": "Hello!"
"data": {
"userEvents": {
"id": 1,
"__typename": "UserNameChanged",
"name": "John"
Only the top-level subscription fields have special semantics associated with them (in this respect it is similar to the mutation queries). The execution engine merges the requested field streams into a single stream which is then returned as a result of the execution. All other fields (2nd level, 3rd level, etc.) have normal semantics and would be fully resolved.
{% include ext.html type="info" title="Work In Progress" %} Please note, that the semantics of subscription queries is not standardized or fully defined at the moment. It may change in future, so use this feature with caution. {% include cend.html %}
In the example schema, you probably noticed that some of the resolve functions return DeferFriends
. It is defined like this:
case class DeferFriends(friends: List[String]) extends Deferred[List[Character]]
The defer mechanism allows you to postpone the execution of particular fields and then batch them together in order to optimise object retrieval.
This can be very useful when you want to avoid an N+1 problem. In the example schema all of the characters have a list of friends, but they only have their IDs.
You need to fetch them from somewhere in order to progress query execution.
Retrieving every friend one-by-one would be very inefficient, since you potentially need to access an external database
in order to do so. The defer mechanism allows you to batch all these friend list retrieval requests in one efficient request to the DB.
In order to do it, you need to implement a DeferredResolver
that will get a list of deferred values:
class FriendsResolver extends DeferredResolver[Any] {
def resolve(deferred: Vector[Deferred[Any]], ctx: Any, queryState: Any)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) =
// Here goes your resolution logic
The resolve
function gives you a list of Deferred[A]
values and expects you to return a list of resolved values Future[B]
It is important to note that the resulting list must have the same size. This allows an executor to figure out the relation
between deferred values and results. The order of results also plays an important role.
(Fetch API, which is described below, uses HasId
type class to match the entities, so the contract/restriction only relevant for DeferredResolver
After you have defined a DeferredResolver[T]
, you can provide it to an executor like this:
Executor.execute(schema, query, deferredResolver = new FriendsResolver)
will do its best to batch as many deferred values as possible. Let's look at this example query to see how it works:
hero {
friends {
friends {
friends {
friends {
more: friends {
friends {
friends {
During an execution of this query, the amount of produced Deferred
values grows exponentially. Still DeferredResolver.resolve
would be called only 4 times by the executor because the query has only 4 levels of fields that return deferred values (friends
in this case).
It is quite common requirement to transform the resolved deferred value before it is used by the execution engine. This can be easily achieved
with map
method on the DeferredValue
action. here is an example:
Field("products", ListType(ProductType),
resolve = c =>
.map(fetchedProducts => ...)),
In some cases you need to report errors that happened during deferred value resolution, but still preserving successful result. You can do
it by using mapWithErrors
instead of map
Functions like defer
or deferSeq
will trigger internal errors if one of the deferred values cannot be resolved (tags with id 1
, 2
, and 3
are requested but the deferred resolver only returns tags with id 1
and 3
for example), whereas their Opt
counterparts (deferOpt
, deferSeqOpt
, etc.), although having the same signatures, will ignore the missing values silently.
In some cases you may need to have some state inside of a DeferredResolver
for every query execution. This, for instance, is necessary when you
implement a cache inside of the resolver.
Internally, an executor manages DeferredResolver
state and provides it via the queryState
argument to a resolve
method. You can provide an initial
state by overriding the initialQueryState
class MyResolver[Ctx] extends DeferredResolver[Ctx] {
def initialQueryState: Any = TrieMap[String, Any]()
def resolve(deferred: Vector[Deferred[Any]], ctx: Ctx, queryState: Any)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) =
// resolve deferred values by using cache from `queryState`
As was mentioned before, DeferredResolver
will do its best to collect and batch as many Deferred
values as possible. This means that it
will even wait for a Future
to produce some values in order to find out whether they produce some deferred values.
In some cases this is not desired. You can override the following methods in order to customize this behaviour and define independent deferred value groups:
- A function that decides whether deferred values from a particular field should be collected or processed independently.groupDeferred
- Provides a way to group deferred values in batches that would be processed independently. Useful for separating cheap and expensive deferred values.
provides a very flexible mechanism to batch retrieval of objects from the external services or databases, but it provides a
very low-level, unsafe, but efficient API for this. You certainly can use it directly, especially in more non-trivial cases, but most of the time
you probably will work with isolated entity objects which you would like to load by ID or some relation to other entities. This is where Fetcher
comes into play.
provides a high-level API for deferred value resolution and is implemented as a specialized version of DeferredResolver
This API provides the following features:
- Deferred value resolution based on entity IDs
- Deferred value resolution based on entity relations
- Deduplication of the entities based on the ID
- Caching support
- Support for
- Supports a fallback to an existing
Examples in this section will use the following data model of products and categories:
ID | Name |
1 | Rusty sword |
2 | Health potion |
3 | Small mana potion |
ID | Name | Parent | Products |
1 | Root | ||
2 | Equipment | 1 | [1] |
3 | Potions | 1 | [2, 3] |
As you can see, the product table (which also can be a document in a document DB or just JSON which is returned from an external service call) just has product information. Category, on the the other hand, also contains 2 relations - to the products within this category and to a parent category. First let's look at how we can fetch entities by ID, and then we will look at how we can use a relation information for this.
First of all you need to define a Fetcher:
val products =
Fetcher((ctx: MyCtx, ids: Seq[Int]) =>
val categories =
Fetcher((ctx: MyCtx, ids: Seq[Int]) =>
Now you should be able to define a DeferredResolver
based on these fetchers:
val resolver: DeferredResolver[MyCtx] =
DeferredResolver.fetchers(products, categories)
Every time you need to load a particular entity by ID, you can use the fetcher to create a Deferred
value for you:
Field("category", CategoryType,
arguments = Argument("id", IntType) :: Nil,
resolve = c => categories.defer(c.arg[Int]("id")))
Field("categoryMaybe", OptionType(CategoryType),
arguments = Argument("id", IntType) :: Nil,
resolve = c => categories.deferOpt(c.arg[Int]("id")))
Field("productsWithinCategory", ListType(ProductType),
resolve = c => categories.deferSeqOpt(c.value.products))
The deferred resolution mechanism will take care of the rest and will fetch products and categories in the most efficient way.
Fetched entities can be further transformed as part of the deferred resolution
mechanism by wrapping the deferred value in DeferredValue
and using its map
Field("categoryName", OptionType(StringType),
resolve = c => DeferredValue(categories.deferOpt(c.value.categoryId)).map(
In order to extract the ID from entities, the Fetch API uses the HasId
type class:
case class Product(id: String, name: String)
object Product {
implicit val hasId = HasId[Product, String](
If you don't want to define an implicit instance, you can also provide it directly to the fetcher like this:
Fetcher((ctx: MyCtx, ids: Seq[String]) => ctx.loadProductsById(ids))(HasId(
The Fetch API is also able to fetch entities based on their relation to other entities. In our example category has 2 relations, so let's define these relations:
val byParent = Relation[Category, Int]("byParent", c => Seq(c.parent))
val byProduct = Relation[Category, Int]("byProduct", c => c.products)
You need to use Fetcher.rel
to define a Fetcher
that supports relations:
val categories = Fetcher.rel(
(repo, ids) => repo.loadCategories(ids),
(repo, ids) => repo.loadCategoriesByRelation(ids))
In case of relation batch function ids
would be of type RelationIds[Res]
which contains the list of IDs for every relation type.
Now you should be able to use the category fetcher to create Deferred
values like this:
Field("categoriesByProduct", ListType(CategoryType),
arguments = Argument("productId", IntType) :: Nil,
resolve = c => categories.deferRelSeq(byProduct, c.arg[Int]("productId")))
Field("categoryChildren", ListType(CategoryType),
resolve = c => categories.deferRelSeq(byParent,
The Fetch API supports caching. You just need to define a fetcher with Fetcher.caching
or relCaching
and all of the entities will be cached on a per-query basis.
This means that every query execution gets its own isolated cache instance.
You can provide an alternative cache implementation via FetcherConfig
val cache = FetcherCache.simple
val categories = Fetcher(
config = FetcherConfig.caching(cache),
fetch = (ctx, ids) => ctx.loadCategoriesById(ids))
The FetcherCache
will cache not only the entities themselves, but also relation information between entities.
In some cases you may want to split bigger batches into a set of batches of particular size. You can do this by providing an appropriate FetcherConfig
val cache = FetcherCache.simple
val categories = Fetcher(
config = FetcherConfig.maxBatchSize(10),
fetch = (repo, ids) => repo.loadCategories(ids))
If you already have an existing DeferredResolver
, you can still use it in combination with fetchers:
DeferredResolver.fetchersWithFallback(new ExitingDeferredResolver, products, categoies)
The includeDeferredFromField
and groupDeferred
would always be delegated to a fallback.
GraphQL is a very flexible data query language. Unfortunately with flexibility comes also a danger of misuse by malicious clients. Since typical GraphQL schemas contain recursive types and circular dependencies, clients are able to send infinitely deep queries which may have high impact on server performance. That's because it's important to analyze query complexity before executing it. Sangria provides two mechanisms to protect your GraphQL server from malicious or expensive queries which are described in the next sections.
Query complexity analysis makes a rough estimation of the query complexity before it is executed. The complexity is a Double
number that is
calculated according to the simple rule described below.
Every field in the query gets a default score 1
(including ObjectType
nodes). The "complexity" of the query is the sum of all field scores.
So the following instance query:
query Test {
droid(id: "1000") {
pets(limit: 20) {
will have complexity 6
. You probably noticed, that score is a bit unfair since the pets
field is actually a list which can contain a max of 20
elements in the response.
You can customize the field score with a complexity
argument in order to solve these kinds of issues:
Field("pets", OptionType(ListType(PetType)),
arguments = Argument("limit", IntType) :: Nil,
complexity = Some((ctx, args, childScore) => 25.0D + args.arg[Int]("limit") * childScore),
resolve = ctx => ...)
Now the query will get a score of 68
which is a much better estimation.
In order to analyze the complexity of a query, you need to add a corresponding QueryReducer
to the Executor
In this example rejectComplexQueries
will reject all queries with complexity higher than 1000
val rejectComplexQueries = QueryReducer.rejectComplexQueries[Any](1000, (c, ctx) =>
new IllegalArgumentException(s"Too complex query"))
Executor.execute(schema, query, queryReducers = rejectComplexQueries :: Nil)
If you just want to estimate the complexity and then perform different actions, then there is another helper function for this:
val complReducer = QueryReducer.measureComplexity[MyCtx] { (c, ctx) =>
// do some analysis
The complexity of a full introspection query (used by tools like GraphiQL) is around 100
There is also another simpler mechanism to protect against malicious queries: limiting query depth. It can be done by providing
the maxQueryDepth
argument to the Executor
val executor = Executor(schema = MySchema, maxQueryDepth = Some(7))
Bad things can happen during the query execution. When errors happen, then Future
would be resolved with some exception. Sangria allows you to distinguish between different types of errors that happen before actual query execution:
- an error happened in the query reducer. If you are throwing some exceptions within a customQueryReducer
, then they would be wrapped inQueryReducingError
- signifies issues in the query or variables. This means that client has made some error. If you are exposing a GraphQL HTTP endpoint, then you may want to return a 400 status code in this case.ErrorWithResolver
- unexpected errors before query execution
All mentioned, exception classes expose a resolveError
method which you can use to render an error in GraphQL-compliant format.
Let's see how you can handle these error in a small example. In most cases it makes a lot of sense to return a 400 HTTP status code if the query validation failed:
executor.execute(query, ...)
.recover {
case error: QueryAnalysisError => BadRequest(error.resolveError)
case error: ErrorWithResolver => InternalServerError(error.resolveError)
This code will produce status code 400 in case of any error caused by client (query validation, invalid operation name, error in query reducer, etc.).
When some unexpected error happens in the resolve
function, sangria handles it according to the rules defined in the spec.
If an exception implements the UserFacingError
trait, then the error message would be visible in the response.
Otherwise the error message is obfuscated and the response will contain "Internal server error"
In order to define custom error handling mechanisms, you need to provide an ExceptionHandler
to Executor
. Here is an example:
val exceptionHandler = ExceptionHandler {
case (m, e: IllegalStateException) => HandledException(e.getMessage)
Executor(schema, exceptionHandler = exceptionHandler).execute(doc)
This example provides an error message
(which would be shown instead of "Internal server error").
You can also add additional fields in the error object like this:
val exceptionHandler = ExceptionHandler {
case (m, e: IllegalStateException) =>
"foo" -> m.arrayNode(Seq(
m.scalarNode("bar", "String", Set.empty),
m.scalarNode("1234", "Int", Set.empty))),
"baz" -> m.scalarNode("Test", "String", Set.empty)))
You can also provide a list of handled errors to HandledException
. This will result in several error elements in the execution result.
In addition to handling errors coming from resolve
function, ExceptionHandler
also allows to handle Violation
s and UserFacingError
- all unexpected exceptions coming from theresolve
- handles violations (things like validation errors, argument/variable coercion, etc.)onUserFacingError
- handles standard sangria errors (errors like invalid operation name, max query depth, etc.)
Here is an example if handling a violation, changing the message and adding extra fields:
val exceptionHandler = ExceptionHandler (onViolation = {
case (m, v: UndefinedFieldViolation) =>
HandledException("Field is missing!!! D:",
"fieldName" -> m.scalarNode(v.fieldName, "String", Set.empty),
"errorCode" -> m.scalarNode("OOPS", "String", Set.empty)))
GraphQL query execution needs to know how to serialize the result of execution and how to deserialize arguments/variables. The specification itself does not define the data format, instead it uses abstract concepts like map and list. Sangria does not hard-code the serialization mechanism. Instead it provides two traits for this:
- knows how to serialize results of executionInputUnmarshaller[Node]
- knows how to deserialize the arguments/variables
At the moment Sangria provides implementations for these libraries:
- native Query Value AST serializationsangria.marshalling.sprayJson._
- spray-json serialization"{{site.groupId}}" %% "sangria-spray-json" % "{{site.version.sangria-spray-json}}"
- play-json serialization"{{site.groupId}}" %% "sangria-play-json" % "{{site.version.sangria-play-json}}"
- circe serialization"{{site.groupId}}" %% "sangria-circe" % "{{site.version.sangria-circe}}"
- argonaut serialization"{{site.groupId}}" %% "sangria-argonaut" % "{{site.version.sangria-argonaut}}"
- json4s-native serialization"{{site.groupId}}" %% "sangria-json4s-native" % "{{site.version.sangria-json4s-native}}"
- json4s-jackson serialization"{{site.groupId}}" %% "sangria-json4s-jackson" % "{{site.version.sangria-json4s-jackson}}"
- MessagePack serialization"{{site.groupId}}" %% "sangria-msgpack" % "{{site.version.sangria-msgpack}}"
- Amazon Ion serialization"{{site.groupId}}" %% "sangria-ion" % "{{site.version.sangria-ion}}"
In order to use one of these, just import it and the result of execution will be of the correct type:
import sangria.marshalling.sprayJson._
val result: Future[JsValue] = Executor.execute(TestSchema.StarWarsSchema, queryAst,
variables = vars
userContext = new CharacterRepo,
deferredResolver = new FriendsResolver)
Default values should now have an instance of the ToInput
type-class which is defined for all supported input types like Scala map-like data structures, different JSON ASTs, etc. It even supports things like Writes
from play-json or JsonFormat
from spray-json by default. This means that you can use your domain objects (like User
or Apple
) as a default value for input fields or arguments as long as you have Writes
or JsonFormat
defined for them.
The mechanism is very extensible: you just need to define an implicit ToInput[T]
for a class you want to use as a default value.
provides high-level and low-level ways to deserialize arbitrary input objects, just like ToInput
In order to use this feature, you need to provide a type parameter to the InputObjectType
case class Article(title: String, text: Option[String])
val ArticleType: InputObjectType[Article] =
InputObjectType[Article]("Article", List(
InputField("title", StringType),
InputField("text", OptionInputType(StringType))
val arg: Argument[Article] =
Argument[Article @@ InputObjectResult]("article", ArticleType)
This code will not compile unless you define an implicit instance of FromInput
for the Article
case class:
implicit val manual: FromInput[Article] = new FromInput[Article] {
val marshaller = CoercedScalaResultMarshaller.default
def fromResult(node: marshaller.Node) = {
val ad = node.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]]
title = ad("title").asInstanceOf[String],
text = ad.get("text").flatMap(_.asInstanceOf[Option[String]])
As you can see, you need to provide a ResultMarshaller
for the desired format and then use a marshaled value to create a domain object based on it. Many instances of FromInput
are already provided out-of-the-box. For instance FromInput[Map[String, Any]]
supports map-like data-structure format. All supported JSON libraries also provide FromInput[JsValue]
so that you can use JSON AST instead of working with Map[String, Any]
Moreover, libraries like sangria-play-json and sangria-spray-json already provide support for codecs like Reads
and JsonFormat
This means that your domain objects are automatically supported as long as you have Reads
or JsonFormat
defined for them.
For instance, this example should compile and work just fine without an explicit FromInput
import sangria.marshalling.playJson._
import play.api.libs.json._
case class Article(title: String, text: Option[String])
implicit val articleFormat = Json.format[Article]
val ArticleType: InputObjectType[Article] = InputObjectType[Article]("Article", List(
InputField("title", StringType),
InputField("text", OptionInputType(StringType))))
val arg: Argument[Article] =
Argument[Article @@ InputObjectResult]("article", ArticleType)
A subset of GraphQL grammar that handles input object is also available as a standalone feature. You can read more about it in a following blog post:
This feature allows you to parse and render any ast.Value
independently from GraphQL query. You can also use graphqlInput
macros for this:
import sangria.renderer.QueryRenderer
import sangria.macros._
import sangria.ast
val parsed: ast.Value =
id: "1234345"
version: 2 # changed 2 times
deliveries: [
{id: 123, received: false, note: null, state: OPEN}
val rendered: String =
QueryRenderer.render(parsed, QueryRenderer.PrettyInput)
It will produce the following output:
id: "1234345"
version: 2
deliveries: [{
id: 123
received: false
note: null
state: OPEN
Proper InputUnmarshaller
and ResultMarshaller
are available for it, so you can use ast.Value
as a variable or as a result
of GraphQL query execution.
In addition to parsing, you can also deserialize an InputDocument
based on the FromInput
type class. Here is an example:
case class Comment(author: String, text: Option[String])
case class Article(title: String, text: Option[String], tags: Option[Vector[String]], comments: Vector[Option[Comment]])
val ArticleType: InputObjectType[Article] = ???
val document = QueryParser.parseInputDocumentWithVariables(
title: "foo",
tags: null,
comments: []
title: "Article 2",
text: "contents 2",
tags: ["spring", "guitars"],
comments: [{
author: "Me"
text: $comm
val vars = scalaInput(Map(
"comm" -> "from variable"
val articles: Vector[Article] =, vars)
as a result of this deserialization, you will get following list of articles
Article("foo", Some("Hello World!"), None, Vector.empty),
Article("Article 2", Some("contents 2"),
Some(Vector("spring", "guitars")),
Vector(Some(Comment("Me", Some("from variable"))))))
As a natural extension of ResultMarshaller
and InputUnmarshaller
abstractions, sangria allows you to convert between different formats at will.
Here is, for instance, how you can convert circe Json
into sprayJson JsValue
import sangria.marshalling.circe._
import sangria.marshalling.sprayJson._
import sangria.marshalling.MarshallingUtil._
val circeJson = Json.array(
Json.array(Json.obj("foo" -> Json.string("bar"))))
val sprayJson = circeJson.convertMarshaled[JsValue]
If your favorite library is not supported yet, then it's pretty easy to create an integration library yourself. All marshalling libraries depend on and implement sangria-marshalling-api
. You can include it together with the testkit like this:
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"{{site.groupId}}" %% "sangria-marshalling-api" % "{{site.version.sangria-marshalling-api}}",
"{{site.groupId}}" %% "sangria-marshalling-testkit" % "{{site.version.sangria-marshalling-testkit}}" % "test")
After you implemented the actual integration code, you test whether it's semantically correct with the help of a testkit. Testkit provides a set of ScalaTest-based tests to verify an implementation of marshalling library (so that you don't need to write tests yourself). Here is an example from spray-json integration library that uses a testkit tests:
class SprayJsonSupportSpec extends WordSpec
with Matchers
with MarshallingBehaviour
with InputHandlingBehaviour
with ParsingBehaviour {
object JsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit val commentFormat = jsonFormat2(Comment.apply)
implicit val articleFormat = jsonFormat4(Article.apply)
"SprayJson integration" should {
import JsonProtocol._
behave like `value (un)marshaller`(SprayJsonResultMarshaller)
behave like `AST-based input unmarshaller`(sprayJsonFromInput[JsValue])
behave like `AST-based input marshaller`(SprayJsonResultMarshaller)
behave like `case class input unmarshaller`
behave like `case class input marshaller`(SprayJsonResultMarshaller)
behave like `input parser`(ParseTestSubjects(
complex = """{"a": [null, 123, [{"foo": "bar"}]], "b": {"c": true, "d": null}}""",
simpleString = "\"bar\"",
simpleInt = "12345",
simpleNull = "null",
list = "[\"bar\", 1, null, true, [1, 2, 3]]",
syntaxError = List("[123, FOO BAR")
Sangria supports generic middleware that can be used for different purposes, like performance measurement, metrics collection, security enforcement, etc. on a field and query level. Moreover it makes it much easier for people to share standard middleware in libraries. Middleware allows you to define callbacks before/after query and field.
Here is a small example of its usage:
class FieldMetrics extends Middleware[Any] with MiddlewareAfterField[Any] with MiddlewareErrorField[Any] {
type QueryVal = TrieMap[String, List[Long]]
type FieldVal = Long
def beforeQuery(context: MiddlewareQueryContext[Any, _, _]) = TrieMap()
def afterQuery(queryVal: QueryVal, context: MiddlewareQueryContext[Any, _, _]) =
def beforeField(queryVal: QueryVal, mctx: MiddlewareQueryContext[Any, _, _], ctx: Context[Any, _]) =
def afterField(queryVal: QueryVal, fieldVal: FieldVal, value: Any, mctx: MiddlewareQueryContext[Any, _, _], ctx: Context[Any, _]) = {
val key = + "." +
val list = queryVal.getOrElse(key, Nil)
queryVal.update(key, list :+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - fieldVal))
def fieldError(queryVal: QueryVal, fieldVal: FieldVal, error: Throwable, mctx: MiddlewareQueryContext[Any, _, _], ctx: Context[Any, _]) = {
val key = + "." +
val list = queryVal.getOrElse(key, Nil)
val errors = queryVal.getOrElse("ERROR", Nil)
queryVal.update(key, list :+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - fieldVal))
queryVal.update("ERROR", errors :+ 1L)
val result = Executor.execute(schema, query, middleware = new FieldMetrics :: Nil)
It will record the execution time of all fields in a query and then report it in some way.
Middleware supports 2 types state that you can use within a middleware instance:
- an instance of this type is create at the beginning of the query execution and then propagated to all other middleware methodsFieldVal
- an instance of this type may be returned frombeforeField
and will be given as a argument toafterField
for the same field.
These two types of state provide a way to avoid shared mutable state in case some intermediate value need to be propagated between different methods of middleware.
also allows you to transform field values by returning Some
with a transformed value. You can also throw an exception from beforeField
or afterField
in order to indicate a field error.
returns BeforeFieldResult
which allows you to add a MiddlewareAttachment
This attachment then can be used in resolve function via Context.attachment
In case several middleware objects are defined for the same execution, beforeField
would be called in the order middleware is defined.
, on the other hand, would be call in reverse order. To demonstrate this, let's look at this middleware as an example:
case class Suffixer(suffix: String) extends Middleware[Any] with MiddlewareAfterField[Any] {
type QueryVal = Unit
type FieldVal = Unit
def beforeQuery(context: MiddlewareQueryContext[Any, _, _]) = ()
def afterQuery(queryVal: QueryVal, context: MiddlewareQueryContext[Any, _, _]) = ()
def beforeField(cache: QueryVal, mctx: MiddlewareQueryContext[Any, _, _], ctx: Context[Any, _]) = continue
def afterField(cache: QueryVal, fromCache: FieldVal, value: Any, mctx: MiddlewareQueryContext[Any, _, _], ctx: Context[Any, _]) =
value match {
case s: String => Some(s + suffix)
case _ => None
it just adds a suffix to a string. When some field in a schema returns value "v"
and we execute query like this:
Executor.execute(schema, query, middleware = Suffixer(" s1") :: Suffixer(" s2") :: Nil)
Then the result would be "v s2 s1"
. Here is diagram that shows how different middleware methods are called:

In order to ensure generic classification of fields, every field contains a generic list or FieldTag
s which provides a user-defined
meta-information about this field (just to highlight a few examples: Permission("ViewOrders")
, Authorized
, Measured
, Cached
, etc.).
You can find another example of FieldTag
and Middleware
usage in Authentication and Authorisation section.
GraphQL spec allows free-form extensions to be added in the GraphQL response.
These are quite useful for things like debug and profiling information, for example. Sangria provides a special middleware trait
which provides an easy way for Middleware
to add extensions in the GraphQL response.
Here is an example of a very simple middleware that adds a formatted query in the response:
object Formatted extends Middleware[Any] with MiddlewareExtension[Any] {
type QueryVal = Unit
def beforeQuery(context: MiddlewareQueryContext[Any, _, _]) = ()
def afterQuery(queryVal: QueryVal, context: MiddlewareQueryContext[Any, _, _]) = ()
def afterQueryExtensions(
queryVal: QueryVal,
context: MiddlewareQueryContext[Any, _, _]
): Vector[Extension[_]] = {
import sangria.marshalling.queryAst._
StringValue(context.queryAst.renderPretty)))): Value))
Now you can use it by just adding it in the list of middleware during the execution:
Executor.execute(schema, query, middleware = Formatted :: Nil)
Here is an example of execution result JSON:
"data": {
"human": {
"name": "Luke Skywalker"
"extensions": {
"formattedQuery": "{\n human(id: \"1000\") {\n name\n }\n}"
With middleware, Sangria provides a very convenient way to instrument GraphQL query execution and introduce profiling logic. Out-of-the-box
Sangria provides a simple mechanism to log slow queries and show profiling information. To use it, your need to add sangria-slowlog
libraryDependencies += "{{site.groupId}}" %% "sangria-slowlog" % "{{site.version.sangria-slowlog}}"
Library provides a middleware that logs instrumented query information if execution exceeds specific threshold. An example:
import sangria.slowlog.SlowLog
import scala.concurrent.duration._
Executor.execute(schema, query,
middleware = SlowLog(logger, threshold = 10 seconds) :: Nil)
If query execution takes more than 10 seconds to execute, then you will see similar info in the logs:
# [Execution Metrics] duration: 12362ms, validation: 0ms, reducers: 0ms
# $id = "1000"
query Test($id: String!) {
# [Query] count: 1, time: 2ms
# $id = "1000"
human(id: $id) {
# [Human] count: 1, time: 0ms
# [Human] count: 1, time: 11916ms
# [Human] count: 1, time: 358ms
friends {
# [Droid] count: 2, min: 0ms, max: 0ms, mean: 0ms, p75: 0ms, p95: 0ms, p99: 0ms
# [Human] count: 2, min: 0ms, max: 0ms, mean: 0ms, p75: 0ms, p95: 0ms, p99: 0ms
has full support for GraphQL fragments and polymorphic types, so you will always see metrics for concrete types.
In addition to logging, sangria-slowlog
also supports graphql extensions. Extensions will add a profiling info in the response under
top-level field. In the most basic form, you can use it like this (this approach also disables the logging):
Executor.execute(schema, query, middleware = SlowLog.extension :: Nil)
After middleware is added, you will see following JSON in the response:
"data": {
"human": {
"name": "Luke Skywalker",
"appearsIn": ["NEWHOPE", "EMPIRE", "JEDI"],
"friends": [
{ "name": "Han Solo" },
{ "name": "Leia Organa" },
{ "name": "C-3PO" },
{ "name": "R2-D2" }
"extensions": {
"metrics": {
"executionMs": 362,
"validationMs": 0,
"reducersMs": 0,
"query": "# [Execution Metrics] duration: 362ms, validation: 0ms, reducers: 0ms\n#\n# $id = \"1000\"\nquery Test($id: String!) {\n # [Query] count: 1, time: 2ms\n #\n # $id = \"1000\"\n human(id: $id) {\n # [Human] count: 1, time: 0ms\n name\n\n # [Human] count: 1, time: 216ms\n appearsIn\n\n # [Human] count: 1, time: 358ms\n friends {\n # [Droid] count: 2, min: 0ms, max: 0ms, mean: 0ms, p75: 0ms, p95: 0ms, p99: 0ms\n # [Human] count: 2, min: 0ms, max: 0ms, mean: 0ms, p75: 0ms, p95: 0ms, p99: 0ms\n name\n }\n }\n}",
"types": {
"Human": {
"friends": {
"count": 1,
"minMs": 358,
"maxMs": 358,
"meanMs": 358,
"p75Ms": 358,
"p95Ms": 358,
"p99Ms": 358
"appearsIn": {
"count": 1,
"minMs": 216,
"maxMs": 216,
"meanMs": 216,
"p75Ms": 216,
"p95Ms": 216,
"p99Ms": 216
"name": {
"count": 3,
"minMs": 0,
"maxMs": 0,
"meanMs": 0,
"p75Ms": 0,
"p95Ms": 0,
"p99Ms": 0
"Query": {
"human": {
"count": 1,
"minMs": 2,
"maxMs": 2,
"meanMs": 2,
"p75Ms": 2,
"p95Ms": 2,
"p99Ms": 2
"Droid": {
"name": {
"count": 2,
"minMs": 0,
"maxMs": 0,
"meanMs": 0,
"p75Ms": 0,
"p95Ms": 0,
"p99Ms": 0
All SlowLog
methods accept addExtentions
argument which allows you to include these extensions along the way.
With a small tweaking, you can also include "Profile" button in GraphiQL. On the server you just need to conditionally include
middleware to make it work. Here is an example of how this integration might look like:
{% include video-simple.html id="OMa3SXC2mjA" title="Example of interactive GraphQL profiling" %}
Sometimes it can be helpful to perform some analysis on a query before executing it. An example is complexity analysis: it aggregates the complexity
of all fields in the query and then rejects the query without executing it if complexity is too high. Another example is gathering all Permission
field tags and then fetching extra user auth data from an external service if query contains protected fields. This need to be done before the query
starts to execute.
Sangria provides a mechanism for this kind of query analysis with QueryReducer
. The query reducer implementation will go through all of the fields
in the query and aggregate them to a single value. Executor
will then call reduceCtx
with this aggregated value which gives you an
opportunity to perform some logic and update the Ctx
before query is executed.
Out-of-the-box sangria comes with several QueryReducer
s for common use-cases:
- measures a complexity of the queryQueryReducer.rejectComplexQueries
- rejects queries with complexity above provided thresholdQueryReducer.collectTags
- collectsFieldTag
s based on a partial functionQueryReducer.measureDepth
- measures max query depthQueryReducer.rejectMaxDepth
- rejects queries that are deeper than provided thresholdQueryReducer.hasIntrospection
- verifies whether query contains an introspection fieldsQueryReducer.rejectIntrospection
- rejects queries that contain an introspection fields. This may be useful for production environments where introspection can potentially be abused.
Here is a small example of QueryReducer.collectTags
val fetchUserProfile = QueryReducer.collectTags[MyContext, String] {
case Permission(name) => name
} { (permissionNames, ctx) =>
if (permissionNames.nonEmpty) {
val userProfile: Future[UserProfile] = externalService.getUserProfile() => ctx.copy(profile = Some(profile))
} else
Executor.execute(schema, query,
userContext = new MyContext,
queryReducers = fetchUserProfile :: Nil)
This allows you to avoid fetching a user profile if it's not needed based on the query fields. You can find more information about the QueryReducer
that analyses query complexity in the Query Complexity Analysis section.
Sangria supports all standard GraphQL scalars like String
, Int
, ID
, etc. In addition, sangria introduces the following built-in scalar types:
- a 64 bit integer value which is represented as aLong
in Scala codeBigInt
- similar toInt
scalar values, but allows you to transfer big integer values and represents them in code as Scala'sBigInt
- similar toFloat
scalar values, but allows you to transfer big decimal values and represents them in code as Scala'sBigDecimal
You can also create your own custom scalar types. The input and output of scalar types should always be a value that the GraphQL grammar supports, like string,
number, boolean, etc. Here is an example of a DateTime
(from joda-time) scalar type implementation:
case object DateCoercionViolation extends ValueCoercionViolation("Date value expected")
def parseDate(s: String) = Try(new DateTime(s, DateTimeZone.UTC)) match {
case Success(date) => Right(date)
case Failure(_) => Left(DateCoercionViolation)
val DateTimeType = ScalarType[DateTime]("DateTime",
coerceOutput = (d, caps) =>
if (caps.contains(DateSupport)) d.toDate
else ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime().print(d),
coerceUserInput = {
case s: String => parseDate(s)
case _ => Left(DateCoercionViolation)
coerceInput = {
case ast.StringValue(s, _, _, _, _) => parseDate(s)
case _ => Left(DateCoercionViolation)
Some marshalling formats natively support java.util.Date
, so we check for marshaller capabilities here and either return a Date
a String
in ISO format.
Sometime you want to use a standard scalar type, but add a validation on top of it which may be also represented by different scala type.
Example can be a UserId
value class that represent a String
-based user ID or Int Refined Positive
from refined scala library.
This is exactly what scalar aliases allow you to do. Here is how you can define a scalar alias for mentioned scenarios:
implicit val UserIdType = ScalarAlias[UserId, String](
StringType,, id => Right(UserId(id)))
implicit val PositiveIntType = ScalarAlias[Int Refined Positive, Int](
IntType, _.value, i => refineV[Positive](i)
You can use UserIdType
and PositiveIntType
in all places where you can use a scalar types. In introspection results they would be seen as
just String
and Int
, but behind the scenes values would be validated and transformed in correspondent scala types.
GraphQL schema allows you to declare fields and enum values as deprecated. When you execute a query, you can provide your custom implementation of the
trait to the Executor
in order to track deprecated fields and enum values (you can, for instance, log all usages or send metrics to graphite):
trait DeprecationTracker {
def deprecatedFieldUsed[Ctx](ctx: Context[Ctx, _]): Unit
def deprecatedEnumValueUsed[T, Ctx](enum: EnumType[T], value: T, userContext: Ctx): Unit
Even though sangria does not provide security primitives explicitly, it's pretty straightforward to implement it in different ways. It's a pretty common requirement of modern web-applications, so this section was written to demonstrate several possible approaches of handling authentication and authorisation.
First let's define some basic infrastructure for this example:
case class User(userName: String, permissions: List[String])
trait UserRepo {
/** Gives back a token or sessionId or anything else that identifies the user session */
def authenticate(userName: String, password: String): Option[String]
/** Gives `User` object with his/her permissions */
def authorise(token: String): Option[User]
class ColorRepo {
def colors: List[String]
def addColor(color: String): Unit
In order to indicate an auth error, we need to define some exceptions:
case class AuthenticationException(message: String) extends Exception(message)
case class AuthorisationException(message: String) extends Exception(message)
We also want the user to see proper error messages in a response, so let's define an error handler for this:
val errorHandler = ExceptionHandler {
case (m, AuthenticationException(message)) => HandledException(message)
case (m, AuthorisationException(message)) => HandledException(message)
Now that we defined a base for a secure application, let's create a context class, which will provide GraphQL schema with all necessary helper functions:
case class SecureContext(token: Option[String], userRepo: UserRepo, colorRepo: ColorRepo) {
def login(userName: String, password: String) = userRepo.authenticate(userName, password) getOrElse (
throw new AuthenticationException("UserName or password is incorrect"))
def authorised[T](permissions: String*)(fn: User => T) =
token.flatMap(userRepo.authorise).fold(throw AuthorisationException("Invalid token")) { user =>
if (permissions.forall(user.permissions.contains)) fn(user)
else throw AuthorisationException("You do not have permission to do this operation")
def ensurePermissions(permissions: List[String]): Unit =
token.flatMap(userRepo.authorise).fold(throw AuthorisationException("Invalid token")) { user =>
if (!permissions.forall(user.permissions.contains))
throw AuthorisationException("You do not have permission to do this operation")
def user = token.flatMap(userRepo.authorise).fold(throw AuthorisationException("Invalid token"))(identity)
Now we should be able to execute queries:
Executor.execute(schema, queryAst,
userContext = new SecureContext(token, userRepo, colorRepo),
exceptionHandler = errorHandler)
As a last step, we need to define a schema. You can do it in two different ways:
- Auth can be enforced in the
function itself - You can use
s to ensure that user has permissions to access fields
val UserNameArg = Argument("userName", StringType)
val PasswordArg = Argument("password", StringType)
val ColorArg = Argument("color", StringType)
val UserType = ObjectType("User", fields[SecureContext, User](
Field("userName", StringType, resolve = _.value.userName),
Field("permissions", OptionType(ListType(StringType)),
resolve = ctx => ctx.ctx.authorised("VIEW_PERMISSIONS") { _ =>
val QueryType = ObjectType("Query", fields[SecureContext, Unit](
Field("me", OptionType(UserType), resolve = ctx => ctx.ctx.authorised()(user => user)),
Field("colors", OptionType(ListType(StringType)),
resolve = ctx => ctx.ctx.authorised("VIEW_COLORS") { _ =>
val MutationType = ObjectType("Mutation", fields[SecureContext, Unit](
Field("login", OptionType(StringType),
arguments = UserNameArg :: PasswordArg :: Nil,
resolve = ctx => UpdateCtx(ctx.ctx.login(ctx.arg(UserNameArg), ctx.arg(PasswordArg))) { token =>
ctx.ctx.copy(token = Some(token))
Field("addColor", OptionType(ListType(StringType)),
arguments = ColorArg :: Nil,
resolve = ctx => ctx.ctx.authorised("EDIT_COLORS") { _ =>
def schema = Schema(QueryType, Some(MutationType))
As you can see on this example, we are using context object to authorise user with the authorised
function. An interesting thing to notice
here is that the login
field uses the UpdateCtx
action in order make login information available for sibling mutation fields. This makes queries
like this possible:
mutation LoginAndMutate {
login(userName: "admin", password: "secret")
withMagenta: addColor(color: "magenta")
withOrange: addColor(color: "orange")
Here we login and add colors in the same GraphQL query. It will produce a result like this one:
"data": {
"login": "a4d7fc91-e490-446e-9d4c-90b5bb22e51d",
"withMagenta": ["red", "green", "blue", "magenta"],
"withOrange": ["red", "green", "blue", "magenta", "orange"]
If the user does not have sufficient permissions, they will see a result like this:
"data": {
"me": {
"userName": "john",
"permissions": null
"colors": ["red", "green", "blue"]
"errors": [
"message": "You do not have permission to do this operation",
"field": "me.permissions",
"locations": [
"line": 3,
"column": 25
An alternative approach is to use middleware. This can provide a more declarative way to define field permissions.
First let's define FieldTag
case object Authorised extends FieldTag
case class Permission(name: String) extends FieldTag
This allows us to define a schema like this:
val UserType = ObjectType("User", fields[SecureContext, User](
Field("userName", StringType, resolve = _.value.userName),
Field("permissions", OptionType(ListType(StringType)),
tags = Permission("VIEW_PERMISSIONS") :: Nil,
resolve = _.value.permissions)
val QueryType = ObjectType("Query", fields[SecureContext, Unit](
Field("me", OptionType(UserType), tags = Authorised :: Nil,resolve = _.ctx.user),
Field("colors", OptionType(ListType(StringType)),
tags = Permission("VIEW_COLORS") :: Nil, resolve = _.ctx.colorRepo.colors)
val MutationType = ObjectType("Mutation", fields[SecureContext, Unit](
Field("login", OptionType(StringType),
arguments = UserNameArg :: PasswordArg :: Nil,
resolve = ctx => UpdateCtx(ctx.ctx.login(ctx.arg(UserNameArg), ctx.arg(PasswordArg))) { token =>
ctx.ctx.copy(token = Some(token))
Field("addColor", OptionType(ListType(StringType)),
arguments = ColorArg :: Nil,
tags = Permission("EDIT_COLORS") :: Nil,
resolve = ctx => {
def schema = Schema(QueryType, Some(MutationType))
As you can see, security constraints are now defined as field's tags
. In order to enforce these security constraints we need implement Middleware
like this:
object SecurityEnforcer extends Middleware[SecureContext] with MiddlewareBeforeField[SecureContext] {
type QueryVal = Unit
type FieldVal = Unit
def beforeQuery(context: MiddlewareQueryContext[SecureContext, _, _]) = ()
def afterQuery(queryVal: QueryVal, context: MiddlewareQueryContext[SecureContext, _, _]) = ()
def beforeField(queryVal: QueryVal, mctx: MiddlewareQueryContext[SecureContext, _, _], ctx: Context[SecureContext, _]) = {
val permissions = ctx.field.tags.collect {case Permission(p) => p}
val requireAuth = ctx.field.tags contains Authorised
val securityCtx = ctx.ctx
if (requireAuth)
if (permissions.nonEmpty)
If you want to use GraphQL federation, you can use sangria to provide a service subgraph. For that, use the sangria-federated library that supports Federation v1 and v2.
There are quite a few helpers available which you may find useful in different situations.
Sometimes you would like to work with the results of an introspection query. This can be necessary in some client-side tools, for instance. Instead of working directly with JSON (or other raw representations), you can parse it into a set of case classes that allow you to easily work with the whole schema introspection.
You can find a parser function in sangria.introspection.IntrospectionParser
Sometimes it can be very useful to know the type of query operation. For example you need it if you want to return a different response for subscription queries. ast.Document
exposes operationType
and operation
for this.
Sangria is being used by several companies on production since several years and capable of handling a lot of traffic.
Sangria is indeed a fast library. If you want to take the maximum out of it, here are some guidelines and tips.
Make sure that you only compute the schema once. This easiest way is to use a singleton object to define the schema:
object GraphQLSchema {
val QueryType = ???
val MutationType = ???
val schema = Schema(QueryType, Some(MutationType))
If you compute the schema at each request, you will lose a lot of performances.
If you are using a web server, make sure that you load the schema before the first request. This way, all classes will be loaded before the web server starts and the first request will not be slower than the others.
object Main extends App {
val schema = GraphQLSchema.schema
// start the server
Sangria uses Future
to handle asynchronous operations. When you execute a query, you need to pass an ExecutionContext
One way to improve performances is to use the scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.parasitic
But be careful that this ExecutionContext will propagate everywhere, including in the DeferredResolver
where it might not be the best option. You might be using the wrong thread pool for IO operations.
To avoid this, you can pack the ExecutionContext in your Context and use it in the DeferredResolver
object DeferredReferenceResolver extends DeferredResolver[Context] {
def resolve(
deferred: Vector[Deferred[Any]],
ctx: Context,
queryState: Any
)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Vector[Future[Any]] =
resolveInternal(deferred, ctx)
private def resolveInternal(
deferred: Vector[Deferred[Any]],
ctx: Context
): Vector[Future[Any]] = {
// for IO, uses non-parasitic ExecutionContext
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = ctx.executionContext
Object GraphQLSchema {
val schema = Schema(QueryType, deferredResolver = DeferredReferenceResolver)
def execute(ctx: Context, query: Document): Future[Json] {
// just for internal execution, uses parasitic ExecutionContext
implicit val ec = scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.parasitic
Executor.execute(schema, query)