diff --git a/packages/seacas/libraries/ioss/src/main/io_info.C b/packages/seacas/libraries/ioss/src/main/io_info.C
index b44c492595..e3dabc7cbd 100644
--- a/packages/seacas/libraries/ioss/src/main/io_info.C
+++ b/packages/seacas/libraries/ioss/src/main/io_info.C
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ namespace {
     Ioss::Utils::info_fields(&nb, Ioss::Field::TRANSIENT,
                              prefix + "\tTransient:  ", "\n\t\t" + prefix);
-    if (interFace.compute_bbox()) {
+    if (interFace.compute_bbox() && region.mesh_type() != Ioss::MeshType::STRUCTURED) {
diff --git a/packages/seacas/libraries/ioss/src/main/io_modify.C b/packages/seacas/libraries/ioss/src/main/io_modify.C
index f0273c018a..698302263f 100644
--- a/packages/seacas/libraries/ioss/src/main/io_modify.C
+++ b/packages/seacas/libraries/ioss/src/main/io_modify.C
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ using real = double;
 namespace {
   std::string codename;
-  std::string version = "2.06 (2024-04-01)";
+  std::string version = "2.07 (2024-04-15)";
   std::vector<Ioss::GroupingEntity *> attributes_modified;
@@ -133,11 +133,11 @@ namespace {
   void modify_time(Ioss::Region &region, double scale, double offset);
   void offset_filtered_coordinates(Ioss::Region &region, real offset[3],
-                                   const std::vector<int> &filter);
+                                   const std::vector<const Ioss::GroupingEntity *> &blocks);
   void scale_filtered_coordinates(Ioss::Region &region, real scale[3],
-                                  const std::vector<int> &filter);
+                                  const std::vector<const Ioss::GroupingEntity *> &blocks);
   void rotate_filtered_coordinates(Ioss::Region &region, real rotation_matrix[3][3],
-                                   const std::vector<int> &filter);
+                                   const std::vector<const Ioss::GroupingEntity *> &blocks);
   bool update_rotation_matrix(real rotation_matrix[3][3], const std::string &axis, double angle);
   void set_db_properties(const Modify::Interface &interFace, Ioss::DatabaseIO *dbi);
@@ -660,11 +660,12 @@ namespace {
       fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold, "\tGEOMETRY OFFSET ");
       fmt::print("{{X|Y|Z}} {{offset}} ...\n");
       fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold, "\tGEOMETRY ROTATE ");
-      fmt::print("{{ELEMENTBLOCKS|BLOCKS|ASSEMBLY}} {{names}} {{X|Y|Z}} {{angle}} ...\n");
+      fmt::print("{{ELEMENTBLOCKS|BLOCKS|ASSEMBLY}} {{names}} {{X|Y|Z}} {{angle}}\n");
       fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold, "\tGEOMETRY MIRROR ");
       fmt::print("{{ELEMENTBLOCKS|BLOCKS|ASSEMBLY}} {{names}} {{X|Y|Z}} ...\n");
       fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold, "\tGEOMETRY SCALE  ");
-      fmt::print("{{ELEMENTBLOCKS|BLOCKS|ASSEMBLY}} {{names}} {{X|Y|Z}} {{scale_factor}} ...\n");
+      fmt::print("{{ELEMENTBLOCKS|BLOCKS|ASSEMBLY}} {{names}} {{X|Y|Z}} {{scale_factor}} ... "
+                 "\n");
       fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold, "\tGEOMETRY OFFSET ");
       fmt::print("{{ELEMENTBLOCKS|BLOCKS|ASSEMBLY}} {{names}} {{X|Y|Z}} {{offset}} ...\n");
@@ -705,8 +706,7 @@ namespace {
       else if (Ioss::Utils::substr_equal(tokens[1], "region")) {
         info_entity(region, show_attribute);
-      else if (Ioss::Utils::substr_equal(tokens[1], "elementblock") ||
-               Ioss::Utils::substr_equal(tokens[1], "block")) {
+      else if (Ioss::Utils::substr_equal(tokens[1], "elementblock")) {
         const auto &entities = region.get_element_blocks();
         info_entities(entities, tokens, region, "Element Blocks", show_attribute);
@@ -728,6 +728,17 @@ namespace {
         const auto &entities = region.get_structured_blocks();
         info_entities(entities, tokens, region, "Structured Blocks", show_attribute);
+      else if (Ioss::Utils::substr_equal(tokens[1], "blocks")) {
+        const auto type = region.mesh_type();
+        if (type == Ioss::MeshType::UNSTRUCTURED) {
+          const auto &entities = region.get_element_blocks();
+          info_entities(entities, tokens, region, "Element Blocks", show_attribute);
+        }
+        else if (type == Ioss::MeshType::STRUCTURED) {
+          const auto &entities = region.get_structured_blocks();
+          info_entities(entities, tokens, region, "Structured Blocks", show_attribute);
+        }
+      }
       else if (Ioss::Utils::substr_equal(tokens[1], "sideset") ||
                Ioss::Utils::substr_equal(tokens[1], "sset")) {
         const auto &entities = region.get_sidesets();
@@ -1144,7 +1155,7 @@ namespace {
   void build_block_list(Ioss::Region &region, const Ioss::GroupingEntity *ge,
-                        std::vector<const Ioss::ElementBlock *> &blocks)
+                        std::vector<const Ioss::GroupingEntity *> &blocks)
     if (ge) {
       if (ge->type() == Ioss::ELEMENTBLOCK) {
@@ -1154,6 +1165,13 @@ namespace {
+      else if (ge->type() == Ioss::STRUCTUREDBLOCK) {
+        auto *sb = dynamic_cast<const Ioss::StructuredBlock *>(ge);
+        if (sb != nullptr) {
+          blocks.push_back(sb);
+        }
+        return;
+      }
       else if (ge->type() == Ioss::ASSEMBLY) {
         auto       *as      = dynamic_cast<const Ioss::Assembly *>(ge);
         const auto &members = as->get_members();
@@ -1165,9 +1183,13 @@ namespace {
-  std::vector<int> get_filtered_node_list(Ioss::Region                            &region,
-                                          std::vector<const Ioss::ElementBlock *> &blocks)
+  std::vector<int> get_filtered_node_list(Ioss::Region                                    &region,
+                                          const std::vector<const Ioss::GroupingEntity *> &blocks)
+    const auto type = region.get_database()->get_format();
+    if (type != "Exodus") {
+      return std::vector<int>();
+    }
     auto node_count = region.get_property("node_count").get_int();
     if (blocks.empty() ||
         blocks.size() == (size_t)region.get_property("element_block_count").get_int()) {
@@ -1255,10 +1277,13 @@ namespace {
       return false;
+    const auto type = region.mesh_type();
     // See if applying just selected (and connected) blocks.
-    size_t                                  idx = 2;
-    std::vector<const Ioss::ElementBlock *> blocks;
+    size_t                                    idx = 2;
+    std::vector<const Ioss::GroupingEntity *> blocks;
     if (Ioss::Utils::substr_equal(tokens[idx], "elementblocks") ||
+        Ioss::Utils::substr_equal(tokens[idx], "structuredblocks") ||
         Ioss::Utils::substr_equal(tokens[idx], "blocks") ||
         Ioss::Utils::substr_equal(tokens[idx], "assembly")) {
       // Parse list of block|assembly names...
@@ -1267,7 +1292,9 @@ namespace {
                Ioss::Utils::str_equal(tokens[idx], "y") ||
                Ioss::Utils::str_equal(tokens[idx], "z"))) {
         const auto &name = tokens[idx++];
-        auto       *ge   = region.get_entity(name, Ioss::ELEMENTBLOCK);
+        auto       *ge =
+            region.get_entity(name, type == Ioss::MeshType::UNSTRUCTURED ? Ioss::ELEMENTBLOCK
+                                                                         : Ioss::STRUCTUREDBLOCK);
         if (ge == nullptr) {
           ge = region.get_entity(name, Ioss::ASSEMBLY);
@@ -1281,50 +1308,58 @@ namespace {
     // If blocks is non-empty, then we are applying geometry modification to a subset of the model.
     // In that case, we need to get all blocks that are connected to the user-specified blocks...
     if (!blocks.empty()) {
-      std::vector<const Ioss::ElementBlock *> tmp(blocks);
-      for (const auto *block : blocks) {
-        const auto &connected = block->get_block_adjacencies();
-        for (const auto &connect : connected) {
-          auto *eb = region.get_element_block(connect);
-          tmp.push_back(eb);
+      if (type == Ioss::MeshType::UNSTRUCTURED) {
+        auto tmp(blocks);
+        for (const auto *block : blocks) {
+          auto *eb = dynamic_cast<const Ioss::ElementBlock *>(block);
+          if (eb != nullptr) {
+            const auto &connected = eb->get_block_adjacencies();
+            for (const auto &connect : connected) {
+              auto *elb = region.get_element_block(connect);
+              tmp.push_back(elb);
+            }
+          }
+        Ioss::Utils::uniquify(tmp);
+        blocks = tmp;
-      Ioss::Utils::uniquify(tmp);
-      blocks = tmp;
-    if (blocks.empty() ||
-        blocks.size() == (size_t)region.get_property("element_block_count").get_int()) {
-      fmt::print(fg(fmt::color::cyan),
-                 "\n\t*** {} transformation will be applied to ALL element blocks.\n", tokens[1]);
+    if (blocks.empty()) {
+      fmt::print(fg(fmt::color::cyan), "\n\t*** {} transformation will be applied to ALL blocks.\n",
+                 tokens[1]);
     else {
-      fmt::print(fg(fmt::color::cyan),
-                 "\n\t*** {} transformation will be applied to element blocks:\n\t", tokens[1]);
+      fmt::print(fg(fmt::color::cyan), "\n\t*** {} transformation will be applied to blocks:\n\t",
+                 tokens[1]);
       for (const auto *block : blocks) {
         fmt::print(fg(fmt::color::cyan), "{}, ", block->name());
-    // Now, filter the nodes to determine which nodes are connected to elements in the block list.
-    auto node_filter = get_filtered_node_list(region, blocks);
     if (Ioss::Utils::substr_equal(tokens[1], "rotate")) {
       real rotation_matrix[3][3] = {{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}};
       // Get rotation axis...
       do {
-        const std::string &axis  = tokens[idx++];
-        double             angle = std::stod(tokens[idx++]);
-        auto               ok    = update_rotation_matrix(rotation_matrix, axis, angle);
+        const std::string &axis = tokens[idx++];
+        if (axis != "x" && axis != "y" && axis != "z" && axis != "X" && axis != "Y" &&
+            axis != "Z") {
+          fmt::print(stderr, fg(fmt::color::red),
+                     "ERROR: Unrecognized axis {}.  Expected one of xyzXYZ.\n", axis);
+          handle_help("geometry");
+          return false;
+        }
+        double angle = std::stod(tokens[idx++]);
+        auto   ok    = update_rotation_matrix(rotation_matrix, axis, angle);
         if (!ok) {
           return false;
       } while (idx < tokens.size());
       // Do the rotation...
-      rotate_filtered_coordinates(region, rotation_matrix, node_filter);
+      rotate_filtered_coordinates(region, rotation_matrix, blocks);
       fmt::print(fg(fmt::color::cyan), "\t*** Database coordinates rotated.\n");
       return false;
@@ -1334,8 +1369,15 @@ namespace {
       // Get scale axis and scale factor...
       do {
-        const std::string &axis   = tokens[idx++];
-        double             factor = std::stod(tokens[idx++]);
+        const std::string &axis = tokens[idx++];
+        if (axis != "x" && axis != "y" && axis != "z" && axis != "X" && axis != "Y" &&
+            axis != "Z") {
+          fmt::print(stderr, fg(fmt::color::red),
+                     "ERROR: Unrecognized axis {}.  Expected one of xyzXYZ.\n", axis);
+          handle_help("geometry");
+          return false;
+        }
+        double factor = std::stod(tokens[idx++]);
         if (Ioss::Utils::substr_equal(axis, "x")) {
           scale[0] = factor;
@@ -1348,7 +1390,7 @@ namespace {
       } while (idx < tokens.size());
       // Do the transformation...
-      scale_filtered_coordinates(region, scale, node_filter);
+      scale_filtered_coordinates(region, scale, blocks);
       fmt::print(fg(fmt::color::cyan), "\t*** Database coordinate(s) scaled.\n");
       return false;
@@ -1359,6 +1401,13 @@ namespace {
       // Get mirror axis ...
       do {
         const std::string &axis = tokens[idx++];
+        if (axis != "x" && axis != "y" && axis != "z" && axis != "X" && axis != "Y" &&
+            axis != "Z") {
+          fmt::print(stderr, fg(fmt::color::red),
+                     "ERROR: Unrecognized axis {}.  Expected one of xyzXYZ.\n", axis);
+          handle_help("geometry");
+          return false;
+        }
         if (Ioss::Utils::substr_equal(axis, "x")) {
           scale[0] = -1.0;
@@ -1371,7 +1420,7 @@ namespace {
       } while (idx < tokens.size());
       // Do the transformation...
-      scale_filtered_coordinates(region, scale, node_filter);
+      scale_filtered_coordinates(region, scale, blocks);
       fmt::print(fg(fmt::color::cyan), "\t*** Database coordinate(s) mirrored.\n");
       return false;
@@ -1381,8 +1430,15 @@ namespace {
       // Get offset axis and offset factor...
       do {
-        const std::string &axis   = tokens[idx++];
-        double             factor = std::stod(tokens[idx++]);
+        const std::string &axis = tokens[idx++];
+        if (axis != "x" && axis != "y" && axis != "z" && axis != "X" && axis != "Y" &&
+            axis != "Z") {
+          fmt::print(stderr, fg(fmt::color::red),
+                     "ERROR: Unrecognized axis {}.  Expected one of xyzXYZ.\n", axis);
+          handle_help("geometry");
+          return false;
+        }
+        double factor = std::stod(tokens[idx++]);
         if (Ioss::Utils::substr_equal(axis, "x")) {
           offset[0] = factor;
@@ -1395,7 +1451,7 @@ namespace {
       } while (idx < tokens.size());
       // Do the transformation...
-      offset_filtered_coordinates(region, offset, node_filter);
+      offset_filtered_coordinates(region, offset, blocks);
       fmt::print(fg(fmt::color::cyan), "\t*** Database coordinate(s) offset.\n");
       return false;
@@ -1736,96 +1792,162 @@ namespace {
-  void rotate_filtered_coordinates(Ioss::Region &region, real rotation_matrix[3][3],
+  void rotate_filtered_coordinates(const Ioss::GroupingEntity *nb, real rotation_matrix[3][3],
                                    const std::vector<int> &filter)
-    // `filter` is of size number of nodes.  Value = 1 the rotate; value = 0 leave as is.
-    Ioss::NodeBlock    *nb = region.get_node_block("nodeblock_1");
-    std::vector<double> coord;
+    // `filter` is of size number of nodes.  Value = 1 then rotate; value = 0 leave as is.
     // Get original coordinates...
+    std::vector<double> coord;
     nb->get_field_data("mesh_model_coordinates", coord);
-    size_t node_count = nb->entity_count();
+    size_t node_count = coord.size() / 3;
     // Do the rotation...
     for (size_t i = 0; i < node_count; i++) {
-      real x = coord[3 * i + 0];
-      real y = coord[3 * i + 1];
-      real z = coord[3 * i + 2];
-      real xn = x * rotation_matrix[0][0] + y * rotation_matrix[1][0] + z * rotation_matrix[2][0];
-      real yn = x * rotation_matrix[0][1] + y * rotation_matrix[1][1] + z * rotation_matrix[2][1];
-      real zn = x * rotation_matrix[0][2] + y * rotation_matrix[1][2] + z * rotation_matrix[2][2];
-      coord[3 * i + 0] = filter[i] * xn + (1 - filter[i]) * coord[3 * i + 0];
-      coord[3 * i + 1] = filter[i] * yn + (1 - filter[i]) * coord[3 * i + 1];
-      coord[3 * i + 2] = filter[i] * zn + (1 - filter[i]) * coord[3 * i + 2];
+      if (filter.empty() || filter[i] == 1) {
+        real x = coord[3 * i + 0];
+        real y = coord[3 * i + 1];
+        real z = coord[3 * i + 2];
+        real xn = x * rotation_matrix[0][0] + y * rotation_matrix[1][0] + z * rotation_matrix[2][0];
+        real yn = x * rotation_matrix[0][1] + y * rotation_matrix[1][1] + z * rotation_matrix[2][1];
+        real zn = x * rotation_matrix[0][2] + y * rotation_matrix[1][2] + z * rotation_matrix[2][2];
+        coord[3 * i + 0] = xn;
+        coord[3 * i + 1] = yn;
+        coord[3 * i + 2] = zn;
+      }
     // Output updated coordinates...
     nb->put_field_data("mesh_model_coordinates", coord);
-  void offset_filtered_coordinates(Ioss::Region &region, real offset[3],
+  void rotate_filtered_coordinates(Ioss::Region &region, real rotation_matrix[3][3],
+                                   const std::vector<const Ioss::GroupingEntity *> &blocks)
+  {
+    const auto type = region.mesh_type();
+    if (type == Ioss::MeshType::UNSTRUCTURED) {
+      auto             filter = get_filtered_node_list(region, blocks);
+      Ioss::NodeBlock *nb     = region.get_node_block("nodeblock_1");
+      rotate_filtered_coordinates(nb, rotation_matrix, filter);
+    }
+    else if (type == Ioss::MeshType::STRUCTURED) {
+      if (blocks.empty()) {
+        auto sblocks = region.get_structured_blocks();
+        for (const auto &sb : sblocks) {
+          rotate_filtered_coordinates(sb, rotation_matrix, std::vector<int>());
+        }
+      }
+      else {
+        for (const auto &blk : blocks) {
+          auto *sb = dynamic_cast<const Ioss::StructuredBlock *>(blk);
+          if (sb != nullptr) {
+            rotate_filtered_coordinates(sb, rotation_matrix, std::vector<int>());
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  void offset_filtered_coordinates(const Ioss::GroupingEntity *nb, real offset[3],
                                    const std::vector<int> &filter)
     // `filter` is of size number of nodes.  Value = 1 transform; value = 0 leave as is.
-    Ioss::NodeBlock    *nb = region.get_node_block("nodeblock_1");
-    std::vector<double> coord;
     // Get original coordinates...
+    std::vector<double> coord;
     nb->get_field_data("mesh_model_coordinates", coord);
-    size_t node_count = nb->entity_count();
+    size_t node_count = coord.size() / 3;
     // Do the transformation...
     for (size_t i = 0; i < node_count; i++) {
-      real x = coord[3 * i + 0];
-      real y = coord[3 * i + 1];
-      real z = coord[3 * i + 2];
-      real xn = x + offset[0];
-      real yn = y + offset[1];
-      real zn = z + offset[2];
-      coord[3 * i + 0] = filter[i] * xn + (1 - filter[i]) * coord[3 * i + 0];
-      coord[3 * i + 1] = filter[i] * yn + (1 - filter[i]) * coord[3 * i + 1];
-      coord[3 * i + 2] = filter[i] * zn + (1 - filter[i]) * coord[3 * i + 2];
+      if (filter.empty() || filter[i] == 1) {
+        coord[3 * i + 0] += offset[0];
+        coord[3 * i + 1] += offset[1];
+        coord[3 * i + 2] += offset[2];
+      }
     // Output updated coordinates...
     nb->put_field_data("mesh_model_coordinates", coord);
-  void scale_filtered_coordinates(Ioss::Region &region, real scale[3],
-                                  const std::vector<int> &filter)
+  void offset_filtered_coordinates(Ioss::Region &region, real offset[3],
+                                   const std::vector<const Ioss::GroupingEntity *> &blocks)
-    // `filter` is of size number of nodes.  Value = 1 transform; value = 0 leave as is.
-    Ioss::NodeBlock    *nb = region.get_node_block("nodeblock_1");
-    std::vector<double> coord;
+    const auto type = region.mesh_type();
+    if (type == Ioss::MeshType::UNSTRUCTURED) {
+      auto             filter = get_filtered_node_list(region, blocks);
+      Ioss::NodeBlock *nb     = region.get_node_block("nodeblock_1");
+      offset_filtered_coordinates(nb, offset, filter);
+    }
+    else if (type == Ioss::MeshType::STRUCTURED) {
+      if (blocks.empty()) {
+        auto sblocks = region.get_structured_blocks();
+        for (const auto &sb : sblocks) {
+          offset_filtered_coordinates(sb, offset, std::vector<int>());
+        }
+      }
+      else {
+        for (const auto &blk : blocks) {
+          auto *sb = dynamic_cast<const Ioss::StructuredBlock *>(blk);
+          if (sb != nullptr) {
+            offset_filtered_coordinates(sb, offset, std::vector<int>());
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  void scale_filtered_coordinates(const Ioss::GroupingEntity *nb, real scale[3],
+                                  const std::vector<int> &filter)
+  {
     // Get original coordinates...
+    std::vector<double> coord;
     nb->get_field_data("mesh_model_coordinates", coord);
-    size_t node_count = nb->entity_count();
+    size_t node_count = coord.size() / 3;
     // Do the transformation...
     for (size_t i = 0; i < node_count; i++) {
-      real x = coord[3 * i + 0];
-      real y = coord[3 * i + 1];
-      real z = coord[3 * i + 2];
-      real xn = x * scale[0];
-      real yn = y * scale[1];
-      real zn = z * scale[2];
-      coord[3 * i + 0] = filter[i] * xn + (1 - filter[i]) * coord[3 * i + 0];
-      coord[3 * i + 1] = filter[i] * yn + (1 - filter[i]) * coord[3 * i + 1];
-      coord[3 * i + 2] = filter[i] * zn + (1 - filter[i]) * coord[3 * i + 2];
+      if (filter.empty() || filter[i] == 1) {
+        coord[3 * i + 0] *= scale[0];
+        coord[3 * i + 1] *= scale[1];
+        coord[3 * i + 2] *= scale[2];
+      }
     // Output updated coordinates...
     nb->put_field_data("mesh_model_coordinates", coord);
+  void scale_filtered_coordinates(Ioss::Region &region, real scale[3],
+                                  const std::vector<const Ioss::GroupingEntity *> &blocks)
+  {
+    const auto type = region.mesh_type();
+    if (type == Ioss::MeshType::UNSTRUCTURED) {
+      auto             filter = get_filtered_node_list(region, blocks);
+      Ioss::NodeBlock *nb     = region.get_node_block("nodeblock_1");
+      scale_filtered_coordinates(nb, scale, filter);
+    }
+    else if (type == Ioss::MeshType::STRUCTURED) {
+      if (blocks.empty()) {
+        auto sblocks = region.get_structured_blocks();
+        for (const auto &sb : sblocks) {
+          scale_filtered_coordinates(sb, scale, std::vector<int>());
+        }
+      }
+      else {
+        for (const auto &blk : blocks) {
+          auto *sb = dynamic_cast<const Ioss::StructuredBlock *>(blk);
+          if (sb != nullptr) {
+            scale_filtered_coordinates(sb, scale, std::vector<int>());
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
   bool update_rotation_matrix(real rotation_matrix[3][3], const std::string &axis, double angle)
     int n1 = 0;