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irmago   GoDoc Go Report Card

irmago is an IRMA implementation in Go. It contains multiple libraries and applications:

  • The commandline tool irma, which contains an IRMA server; subcommands for manipulating IRMA schemes, generating IRMA issuer public/private keypairs, performing test IRMA sessions on the command line; and more.
  • The Go library irmaserver providing a HTTP server that handles IRMA session with the IRMA mobile app, and functions for starting and managing IRMA sessions.
  • The root package irma contains generic IRMA functionality used by all other components below, such as parsing IRMA schemes, parsing IRMA metadata attributes, and structs representing messages of the IRMA protocol.
  • The Go package irmaclient is a library that serves as the client in the IRMA protocol; it can receive and disclose IRMA attributes and store and read them from storage. It also implements the keyshare protocol and handles registering to keyshare servers. The IRMA mobile app uses irmaclient.


Technical documentation of all components of irmago and more can be found at


The easiest way to run the irma command line tool is using Docker.

docker-compose run irma

For example, to start a simple IRMA session:

IP= # Replace with your local IP address.
docker-compose run -p 48680:48680 irma session --disclose --url "http://$IP:48680"

You can run the irma keyshare services locally using the test configuration in testdata/configurations.

# To run the IRMA keyshare server
docker-compose run -p 8080:8080 irma keyshare server -c ./testdata/configurations/keyshareserver.yml
# To run the MyIRMA backend server
docker-compose run -p 8081:8081 irma keyshare myirmaserver -c ./testdata/configurations/myirmaserver.yml


git clone

irmago and its subpackages use Go modules for their dependencies. The go command will automatically download dependencies when needed.

To install the irma command line tool:

go install ./irma

You can also include the irma command line tool in a Docker image, using a base image of your choice. The default base image is Debian's stable-slim.

docker build --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=alpine -t privacybydesign/irma:edge .

When you build for production, we recommend you to build the latest release. You should replace v0.0.0 with the latest version number.

docker build -t privacybydesign/irma

In case you want to build v0.8.0 or lower, then you should do some extra steps. The Dockerfile was not part of the repository at that time.

git checkout $VERSION
git checkout master -- Dockerfile
docker build -t privacybydesign/irma:$VERSION .

Running the unit tests

Some of the unit tests connect to locally running external services, namely PostgreSQL and an SMTP server running at port 1025. These need to be up and running before these tests can be executed. This can either be done using docker-compose or by following the instructions below to install the services manually.


  • Install using e.g. brew install postgresql, or apt-get install postgresql, or via another package manager of your OS.

  • Prepare the database and user:

    create database test;
    create user testuser with encrypted password 'testpassword';
    grant all privileges on database test to testuser;

    This only needs to be done once. No table or rows need to be created; the unit tests do this themselves.

SMTP server

For the SMTP server you can use MailHog (see also their installation instructions):

  • Install using brew install mailhog or go get
  • Run using MailHog, or ~/go/bin/MailHog, depending on your setup.

For the unit tests it only matters that the SMTP server itself is running and accepts emails, but MailHog additionally comes with a webinterface showing incoming emails. By default this runs at http://localhost:8025.

Running the tests

In case you chose to start PostgreSQL and MailHog using docker-compose, you first need to start these services:

docker-compose up

When PostgreSQL and MailHog are running, the tests can be run using:

go test -p 1 ./...
  • The option ./... makes sure all tests are run. You can also limit the number of tests by only running the tests from a single directory or even from a single file, for example only running all tests in the directory ./internal/sessiontest. When you only want to execute one single test, for example the TestDisclosureSession test, you can do this by adding the option -run TestDisclosureSession.
  • The option -p 1 is necessary to prevent parallel execution of tests. Most tests use file manipulation and therefore tests can interfere.

Running without PostgreSQL, MailHog or Docker

If installing PostgreSQL, MailHog or Docker is not an option for you, then you can exclude all tests that use those by additionally passing --tags=local_tests:

go test -p 1 --tags=local_tests ./...

Running without Go

You can also run the tests fully in Docker using the command below. This is useful when you don't want to install the Go compiler locally. By default, all tests are run one-by-one without parallel execution.

docker-compose run test

You can override the default command by specifying command line options for go test manually, for example:

docker-compose run test ./internal/sessiontest -run TestDisclosureSession

We always enforce the -p 1 option to be used (as explained above).

Using a local Redis datastore

irmago can either store session states in memory (default) or in a Redis datastore. For local testing purposes you can use the standard Redis docker container:

docker pull redis
docker run --name redis-test-instance -p 6379:6379 -d redis

You can then start irma with the store-type flag set to Redis and the default configuration file.

irma server -vv --store-type redis --redis-addr "localhost:6379" --redis-allow-empty-password --redis-no-tls

Performance tests

This project only includes performance tests for the irma keyshare server. These tests can be run using the k6 load testing tool and need a running keyshare server instance to test against. Instructions on how to run a keyshare server locally can be found above.

The performance tests can be started in the following way:

go install
k6 run ./testdata/performance/keyshare-server.js --env URL=http://localhost:8080 --env ISSUER_ID=test.test

By default, k6 runs a single test iteration using 1 virtual user. These defaults can be adjusted by specifying test stages using the -s CLI parameter.


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