The purpose of this document is to provide real-time information when it comes to the Concordium Test Network, including known issues, downtime and any specific event that could alter the participation in the program.
- From 03-02-2021 to present, incident with sustained transaction loads reaching > 2000 TPS.
- Regular transactions might not get included in blocks.
- Nodes might experience performance issues or hard system crashes related to RAM exhaustion or exhausted disk space.
- Log size increases and might cause disk space issues.
- Concordium nodes were restarted and finalization was consequently slowed down substantially.
- We are focusing on this issue, so we won’t be responding to individual support requests, questions or channel posts for the time being.
- We’d appreciate it very much, if you all kept the state of your node unchanged for now.
- More details will be published soon.
- No known issues
- We will not reject submissions for the challenges, due to interruptions during the days 03/04/05-02-2021.
- We suggest to wait for our update before proceeding with the on-chain challenges OT4-B* and OT4-T*.
- The OT4-C* challenges can be completed.
- Feb 04 High Load Status Report
- Jan 27 10:45 CET We are running some load experiments on the chain right now. Network delays and long finalization times as well as unresponsive network dashboards and wallets are to be expected.