The purpose of this document is to provide real-time information when it comes to the Concordium Test Network, including known issues, downtime and any specific event that could alter the participation in the program.
- No known issues
- No limitations
- No Scheduled downtime
- ~ 610 running nodes
- No known issues
⚠️ On Sunday, October 25th, between 5am and 11am BST, there might be disruption in the identity issuing service, due to scheduled maintenance on the side of our identity issuer.
- Investigating: Known issue for large log size submission for challenges requiring it.
- No need to post logs for now, just keep the logs until we advise the changed submission process.
- This will also cover the out-of-memory issues with
- Are you willing to report an issue or a bug? Please contact us via Email, join one of our channels on Discord or create a new issue under Issues.
- Oct 22 10:44 UTC Testnet Stake Delegation service redeployed with fixes.
- Oct 19 13:11 UTC Identity Issuer: Notabene outage resolved.
- Oct 16 11:05 UTC Stake delegation slot increase to 25 @ ~1% stake each.
- Oct 15 09:42 UTC New Apple OS X release fixing bug with baker management.