chore: remove dead code from editor.lua
chore: remove dead code from editor.lua
feat(yanky): use default yanky highlighting
feat(yanky): use default yanky highlighting
chore(format): miss-dracula.lua
chore(format): miss-dracula.lua
feat(shell): start using nushell
feat(shell): start using nushell
lazynvim: update packages and switch to blink.nvim
lazynvim: update packages and switch to blink.nvim
feat: add debug keybindings
feat: add debug keybindings
chore: update dependencies
chore: update dependencies
feat: add gitsigns with floating terminal lazygit
feat: add gitsigns with floating terminal lazygit
feat: add keymap for toggle current file between .ts to .test.ts
feat: add keymap for toggle current file between .ts to .test.ts
chore: fix lazy lock and enable start menu
chore: fix lazy lock and enable start menu
chore: disable update checker and use stable version
chore: disable update checker and use stable version
feat: add neotest for vite apps
feat: add neotest for vite apps
disable unused builtin plugins
disable unused builtin plugins
Force push
deps: update dependencies
deps: update dependencies
feat(markdown): add my markdown paste plugin
feat(markdown): add my markdown paste plugin
chore(lint): remove lint overrides that were not working
chore(lint): remove lint overrides that were not working
feat(oil): use mini icons instead of web-devicons
feat(oil): use mini icons instead of web-devicons
feat(which-key): add icons to custom which key groups
feat(which-key): add icons to custom which key groups
feat(lazy): add dot & mini-hipatterns as extras
feat(lazy): add dot & mini-hipatterns as extras