GPU Reverse Engineering might be easier than you thought about :)
The binary is a CUDA program, which is a GPU programming language. Reading it in IDA decompiled code, we can probably realize it is a matrix multiplication program. Quite simple, I did not add any tweaks.
Main logic is in
, commented below.
int main()
// Perform matrix multiplication C = A*B
// where A, B and C are NxN matrices
int N = 4;
int SIZE = N * N;
// Allocate memory on the host
vector<float> h_A(SIZE);
vector<float> h_B(SIZE);
vector<float> h_C(SIZE);
// Read flag
string flag;
cout << "Enter flag: ";
cin >> flag;
if (flag.length() != SIZE) {
// Initialize matrices on the host
int curr = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
h_A[i * N + j] = flag[curr];
h_B[i * N + j] = curr++;
h_B[3] += 2;
h_B[5] += 2;
h_B[6] += 3;
h_B[10] += 1;
h_B[14] += 5;
// Allocate memory on the device
dev_array<float> d_A(SIZE);
dev_array<float> d_B(SIZE);
dev_array<float> d_C(SIZE);
d_A.set(&h_A[0], SIZE);
d_B.set(&h_B[0], SIZE);
matrixMultiplication(d_A.getData(), d_B.getData(), d_C.getData(), N);
d_C.get(&h_C[0], SIZE);
vector<vector<int>> res{
{2436,2830,3926,3490} };
// cvctf{CuD4_B@@M}
for (int ROW = 0; ROW < N; ROW++) {
for (int COL = 0; COL < N; COL++) {
if ((int)h_C[ROW * N + COL] != res[ROW][COL]) exit(1);
cout << "Congratulations!\n";
return 0;