NEW: Adds possibility to export street networks to igraph, networkx and pandana (#57, #58, #70)
- Add functionality to parse/return the nodes of the network when requested (#52)
- Calculate length of the edge for networks in meters (#56, #70)
- Filter out weakly connected component by default when exporting to graph (#59)
- Add (vectorized) functionality to create directed edges according
rules (#68)
Fix installation issue with pip on Windows (#61)
Fix numpy deprecation warning (#50)
Update the documentation to use new theme (#74)
Add possibility to test the tool using JupyterLab in browser (#75)
Fix issue when parsing POIs using rare tags as a custom filter (#47)
Fix issue when filtering with bounding box polygon (#54)
Add documentation about exporting the networks to graphs (#69)
Improve documentation overall
- Ensures that geometry construction works with new Pygeos release v0.8.0 (#46)
- Fix data source for New York City
- Fix multi-level filtering
- Add support for using "exclude" also with nodes and relations
- Adds a function to download PBF data from Geofabrik and BBBike easily from hundreds of locations across the world
- Improved geometry parsing for relations
- Parse boundary geometries as Polygons instead of LinearRings (following OSM definition)
- Fix invalid geometries automatically (self-intersection and "bowties")
- Add better documentation about custom filters
- Make parsing more robust for incorrectly tagged OSM entries.
- Bug fixes
- Update website to a new theme.
- Fixes a bug related to filtering with custom filters (see details here.)
- Add functionality to parse boundaries from PBF (+ integrate name search for finding e.g. specific administrative boundary)
- Support using Shapely Polygon / MultiPolygon to filter the data spatially
- add possibility to add "extra attributes" (i.e. OSM keys) that will be parsed as columns.
- improve documentation
- add documentation
- create website: https://pyrosm.readthedocs.io
- read PBF using custom queries (allows anything to be fetched)
- read landuse from PBF
- read natural from PBF
- improve geometry parsing so that geometry type is read automatically according OSM rules
- modularize code-base
- improve test coverage
- generalize code base
- read Points of Interest (POI) from PBF
- read buildings from PBF into GeoDataFrame
- enable applying custom filter to filter data: e.g. with buildings you can filter specific
types of buildings with
{'building': ['residential', 'retail']}
- handle Relations as well
- handle cases where data is not available (warn user and return empty GeoDataFrame)
- read street networks from PBF into GeoDataFrame (separately for driving, cycling, walking and all-combined)
- filter data based on bounding box