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761 lines (438 loc) · 32.3 KB

File metadata and controls

761 lines (438 loc) · 32.3 KB

MetaRenderer documentation



GoldSrc_blob (3248~4554)
GoldSrc_legacy (4554~6153)
GoldSrc_new (8684 ~)
SvEngine (8832 ~)
GoldSrc_HL25 (>= 9884)
  • Warning: This plugin is not compatible with ReShade.

GPU Requirement

Vendor Intel Nvidia AMD
Minimum Intel Haswell series with HD4600 Geforce GTX 400 series AMD Radeon HD 5000 series
Recommend ---- Geforce GTX 1060 or better AMD Radeon RX 560 or better
  • OpenGL 4.3 is required to run this plugin.

  • It's recommended to run this plugin with at least 4GB of dedicated video memory. otherwise you might have bottleneck with VRAM bandwidth or get game crash due to out-of-VRAM.

  • For higher video resolution (like 4K), you will have to get a GPU with higher VRAM bandwidth and VRAM capacity.



HDR (High Dynamic Range) rendering simulates brightness above that which a computer monitor is actually capable of displaying. This mainly involves "blooming" colours above 100% brightness into neighbouring areas, and adjusting a virtual camera aperture to compensate for any over-exposure that results.

Console vars

r_hdr Set to 1 to enable HDR post-processor rendering.

r_hdr_blurwidth Controls the intensity of blooming for HDR. recommend value : 0.0 ~ 0.1

r_hdr_exposure Controls the intensity of exposure for HDR. recommend value : 0.0 ~ 1.2

r_hdr_darkness Controls the intensity of darkness for HDR. recommend value : 0.0 ~ 1.6

r_hdr_adaptation Controls the dark / bright adaptation speed for HDR. recommend value : 0 ~ 50

Water Shader

Water Shader creates water that realistically reflects and refracts the world.

All water surfaces fall into two types: reflective and legacy.

Reflective water reflects and refracts the whole world in real-time using Planar Reflections, which basically renders the entire scene twice, while legacy water rendered only with base texture just like what it does in vanilla GoldSrc.

Reflection level and shader parameters can be configured by using env_water_control.

Console vars

r_water set to 1 to enable reflective water.

Per-Object Dynamic Shadow

Dynamic Shadows are cast only by world models (players, monsters, weaponbox, corpses, etc), and only onto brush surfaces. They are calculated at runtime, so they are quite crude and relatively expensive to render.

Dynamic Shadows can sometimes project through walls and floors, giving away the location of players or objects.

Console vars

r_shadow set to 1 to enable Per-Object Dynamic Shadow.

r_shadow_angles control the direction of shadows, in PitchYawRoll format. for example r_shadow_angles "90 0 0"

r_shadow_color control the color of shadows, in RGBA8 format. for example r_shadow_color "0 0 0 128"

r_shadow_distfade is the distance where the shadow begins to fade-out, and the maximum distance the shadow is allowed to cast, in inches. for example r_shadow_distfade 64 128

r_shadow_lumfade is the luminance the shadow begins to fade-out, and minimum luminance the shadow is allowed to cast, must be between 0 ~ 255. for example r_shadow_lumfade 64 32

r_shadow_high_distance is the maximum distance that entities are being rendered in high-quality shadow map, in inches. for example r_shadow_high_distance 400

r_shadow_high_scale is scale factor to scale the size of entity model up or down in high-quality shadow map. for example r_shadow_high_scale 4

r_shadow_medium_distance is the maximum distance that entities are being rendered in medium-quality shadow map, in inches. for example r_shadow_medium_distance 800

r_shadow_medium_scale is scale factor to scale the size of entity model up or down in medium-quality shadow map. for example r_shadow_medium_scale 2

r_shadow_low_distance is the maximum distance that entities are being rendered in low-quality shadow map, in inches. for example r_shadow_low_distance 1200

r_shadow_low_scale is scale factor to scale the size of entity model up or down in low-quality shadow map. for example r_shadow_low_scale 0.5

Screen Space Ambient Occlusion

SSAO or Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion is the type of post-processing effect that approximating the ambient occlusion effect in real time.

The implementation credits to HBAO or Horizon-Based-Ambient-Occlusion.

Console vars

r_ssao Set to 1 to enable SSAO

r_ssao_intensity control the intensity of SSAO shadow.

r_ssao_radius control the sample size of SSAO shadow.

r_ssao_blur_sharpness control the sharpness of SSAO shadow.

r_ssao_bias bias to avoid incorrect occlusion effect on curved surfaces.

Deferred Shading and Dynamic Lights

Deferred-Shading pipeline is used to render opaque objects, and lights are calculated in real time using Blinn-Phong model.

Console vars

r_light_dynamic set to 1 to enable Deferred Shading and Dynamic Lights.

r_flashlight_cone_consine is the cosine of angle of flashlight cone. value between 0.8 and 0.99 is recommended.

r_flashlight_distance is the max illumination distance of flashlight. default : 2000

r_flashlight_ambient is ambient intensity of flashlights.

r_flashlight_diffuse is diffuse intensity of flashlights.

r_flashlight_specular is specular intensity of flashlights.

r_flashlight_specularpow is specular power of flashlights.

r_dynlight_ambient is ambient intensity of dynamic lights.

r_dynlight_diffuse is diffuse intensity of dynamic lights.

r_dynlight_specular is specular intensity of dynamic lights.

r_dynlight_specularpow is specular power of dynamic lights.

Screen Space Reflection

Screen Space Reflection or SSR reflects pixels on screen by traces reflection rays in screen space in real time.

Only brush surfaces marked with specular textures (_SPECULAR suffix) in /maps/[map name]_detail.txt can reflect.

Green channel of _SPECULAR texture determines the intensity of reflection. 0 = no reflection, 1 = full reflection.

  • Screen Space Reflection only works when r_light_dynamic set to 1.

Console vars

r_ssr set to 1 to enable Screen Space Reflection

r_ssr_ray_step controls the step length to iterate the ray-marching. for example r_ssr_ray_step 5.0

r_ssr_iter_count controls the maximum iteration count for ray-marching. for example r_ssr_iter_count 64

r_ssr_distance_bias ray-marching hits object if distance smaller than this value. for example r_ssr_distance_bias 0.2

r_ssr_adaptive_step set to 1 to enable Adaptiveg-Step to accelerate the ray-marching procedure. for example r_ssr_adaptive_step 1

r_ssr_exponential_step set to 1 to enable Exponential-Step to accelerate the ray-marching procedure. for example r_ssr_exponential_step 1

r_ssr_binary_search set to 1 to enable Binary-Search to accelerate the ray-marching procedure. for example r_ssr_binary_search 1

r_ssr_fade controls the fade-out effect if the reflected ray hit a pixel close to the screen border. for example r_ssr_fade "0.8 1.0"

Detail sky textures

r_detailskytextures set to 1 to enable detail sky textures, which loads gfx/env/[skyname][direction].dds or renderer/texture/[skyname][direction].dds as replacement.

For example :

gfx/env/desertbk.bmp -> gfx/env/

gfx/env/desertdn.bmp -> gfx/env/

gfx/env/desertft.bmp -> gfx/env/

gfx/env/desertlf.bmp -> gfx/env/

gfx/env/desertrt.bmp -> gfx/env/

gfx/env/desertup.bmp -> gfx/env/

BSP detail textures

A detail texture is a high resolution external image (Supported format: BMP, TGA, DDS, JPG, PNG) that is placed over the top of a map texture. This gives the impression of a small details when you get up close to a texture instead of the usual blurred image you get when the texture fills the screen.

r_detailtextures set to 1 to enable BSP detail brush textures, normal textures, parallax textures and specular textures.

Detail texture list is parsed from /maps/[mapname]_detail.txt, with _DETAIL as suffix in basetexture name. names with no suffix will be treated as detailtexture.

Detail textures will be loaded from the following path (if exists):

/(game_directory)/maps/[texturename] (only if texture name starts with "maps/" or "maps")



  • .tga will be added to the filename if no file extension is given.

BSP texture replacer

You can replace wad textures with external images.

Replace list is parsed from /maps/[map name]_detail.txt, with _REPLACE as suffix in basetexture name.

The rules of texture searching follow the same way as "BSP detail textures"

  • BSP texture replacer only works when r_detailtextures set to 1.

BSP normal textures

Normal textures are external images applied to specified brush surfaces and change the direction of surface normal.

Normal texture list is parsed from /maps/[map name]_detail.txt, with _NORMAL as suffix in basetexture name.

The rules of texture searching follow the same way as "BSP detail textures"

  • Normal textures change nothing but the direction of surface normal, thus only work with surfaces that illuminated by dynamic lights or flashlights.

  • BSP normal textures only work when r_detailtextures and r_light_dynamic both set to 1.

BSP parallax textures

Parallax textures are external images applied to specified brush surfaces which will have more apparent depth.

Parallax texture list is parsed from /maps/[map name]_detail.txt, with _PARALLAX as suffix in basetexture name.

The rules of texture searching follow the same way as "BSP detail textures"

  • r_wsurf_parallax_scale controls the intensity (and direction if negative value is given) of parallax textures.

  • BSP parallax textures only work when r_detailtextures set to 1.

BSP specular textures

Specular textures are external images applied to specified brush surfaces which will increase the intensity of specularity of surfaces.

Specular texture list is parsed from /maps/[map name]_detail.txt, with _SPECULAR as suffix in basetexture name.

The rules of texture searching follow the same way as "BSP detail textures"

  • Red channel of specular texture controls the intensity of specular lighting, while green channel of specular texture controls intensity of Screen-Space-Reflection or SSR.

  • Blue channel is not used yet.

  • BSP specular textures only work when r_detailtextures set to 1.

StudioModel texture replacer

You will have to create a txt file named [modelname]_external.txt along with [modelname].mdl file, with the following content:

If the replacetexture's name starts with "models/" or "models"

    "classname" "studio_texture"
    "basetexture" "base_texture.bmp"
    "replacetexture"  "models/mymodel/"
    "replacescale" "1.0 1.0"

The following file will be used to replace basetexture if exists:



    "classname" "studio_texture"
    "basetexture" "base_texture.bmp"
    "replacetexture"  "" 
    "replacescale" "1.0 1.0"

The following files will be used to replace basetexture if exists:



  • .tga will be added to the filename if no file extension is given.

UV Controls

"replacescale" "1.0 1.0" : the width & height used to calculate the texcoord will be replaced with (1.0 x new texture's width, 1.0 x new texture's height).

"replacescale" "1.0" : equals to "replacescale" "1.0 1.0"

"replacescale" "-1.0 -1.0" : the width & height used to calculate the texcoord will be replaced with (1.0 x original texture's width, 1.0 x original texture's height).

  • The UV scaling won't be affected if there is no "replacescale"

  • The UVs in studiomodel are stored in unsigned short ranges from -32767 to 32768. The exact value of stored UV equals the pixel coordinate in the original BMP texture. The actual texcoord transfered to GPU has to be calculated first -- dividing the pixel coordinate by the width & height of the texture. the "replacescale" affects the saying "the width & height of the texture".


  • Use cvar r_studio_external_textures 0 to disable StudioModel texture replacer temporarily.

StudioModel normal texture

You will have to create a txt file named [modelname]_external.txt along with [modelname].mdl file, with the following content:

    "classname" "studio_texture"
    "basetexture" "base_texture.bmp"
    "normaltexture"  "" //The rules of texture searching follow the same way as "replacetexture"


  • Use cvar r_studio_external_textures 0 to disable StudioModel normal texture temporarily.

StudioModel specular texture

You will have to create a txt file named [modelname]_external.txt along with [modelname].mdl file, with the following content:

    "classname" "studio_texture"
    "basetexture" "base_texture.bmp"
    "speculartexture"  "" //The rules of texture searching follow the same way as "replacetexture"


  • Use cvar r_studio_external_textures 0 to disable StudioModel specular texture temporarily.

  • Use cvar r_studio_base_specular 1.0 2.0 to control the intensity and focus of the phong-model specular lighting.

  • Higher "intensity" results in higher brightness, while higher "focus" gets the specular lighting focused into a shiny point.

StudioModel alpha-transparent texture

Just like STUDIO_NF_ADDITIVE but with alpha-blending instead of additive-blending. The rendering of meshes with STUDIO_NF_ALPHA will be defered to transparent pass if it's from a opaque entity.

You will have to replace the basetexture with an external texture with alpha-channel supported, like DXT5-BC7 DDS,TGA or PNG.

Add following content to the [modelname]_external.txt:

    "classname" "studio_texture"
    "basetexture" "basetexture.bmp"
    "replacetexture" "" // Alpha-channel required!!!
    "flags" "STUDIO_NF_ALPHA"

StudioModel double-side face rendering

Both front and back faces will be rendered, when those meshes are using textures with STUDIO_NF_DOUBLE_FACE.

Add following content to the [modelname]_external.txt:

    "classname" "studio_texture"
    "basetexture" "basetexture.bmp"

StudioModel packed-texture

Diffuse texture, normal texture, parallax texture and specular texture can be packed into one texture.

The texture name in the .mdl file must be started with Packed_.

For example: Packed_D0_N1_P2_S3_whatever.bmp means the texture will be loaded as packed texture. the whole image will be divided into 4 parts horizontally. The 1st part (aka region #0) will be treated as diffuse texture, the 2nd part (aka region #1) will be treated as normal texture, the 3rd part (aka region #2) will be treated as parallax texture, and the last part (aka region #4) will be treated as specular texture.

D0 : Diffuse texture at region #0

N1 : Normal texture at region #1

P2 : Parallax texture at region #2

S3 : Specular texture at region #3

Outline / Celshade / RimLight / HairShadow / HairSpecular

The following flags are added to render Outline, Celshade, RimLight, HairShadow and HairSpecular effects for studiomodels.

You will have to create a txt file named [modelname]_external.txt along with [modelname].mdl file, with the following content:

    "classname" "studio_texture"
    "basetexture" "*"
    "flags" "STUDIO_NF_CELSHADE"
    "classname" "studio_texture"
    "basetexture" "face.bmp"
    "classname" "studio_texture"
    "basetexture" "hair.bmp"
    "classname" "studio_efx"
    "flags" "EF_OUTLINE"

to enable those effects for [modelname].mdl.

Remember that face.bmp and hair.bmp should be the actual name of face and hair textures in [modelname].mdl.

Or use Build\svencoop_addon\models\player\GFL_HK416\GFL_HK416_external.txt as references.

Cvars for celshade will be overrided if sepcified key-values are filled in [modelname]_external.txt:

    "classname" "studio_celshade_control"
    "celshade_midpoint" "-0.1"
    "celshade_softness" "0.05"
    "celshade_shadow_color" "160 150 150"
    "celshade_head_offset" "3.5 2 0"
    "celshade_lightdir_adjust" "0.01 0.001"
    "outline_size" "3.0"
    "outline_dark" "0.5"
    "rimlight_power" "5.0"
    "rimlight_smooth" "0.1"
    "rimlight_smooth2" "0.0 0.3"
    "rimlight_color" "40 40 40"
    "rimdark_power" "5.0"
    "rimdark_smooth" "0.1"
    "rimdark_smooth2" "0.0 0.3"
    "rimdark_color" "50 50 50"
    "hair_specular_exp" "256"
    "hair_specular_exp2" "8"
    "hair_specular_intensity" "0.3 0.3 0.3"
    "hair_specular_intensity2" "0.12 0.12 0.12"
    "hair_specular_noise" "500 600 0.004 0.005"
    "hair_specular_noise2" "100 120 0.006 0.0.005"
    "hair_specular_smooth" "0.0 0.3"
    "hair_shadow_offset" "0.3 -0.3"

Console vars

r_studio_debug set to 1 to display debug draw for the studio models.

r_studio_celshade set to 1 to enable Outline / Celshade / RimLight / HairShadow / HairSpecular effects, set to 0 to disable them all.

r_studio_celshade_midpoint and r_studio_celshade_softness control the softness of celshade shadow.

r_studio_celshade_shadow_color controls the color of celshade shadow.

r_studio_celshade_head_offset controls the head's origin offset of from it's parent bone.

r_studio_celshade_lightdir_adjust scales the Z-axis of the light vector that being used to calculate the celshade lighting. The 1st value works for body-celshade and the 2nd value works for face-celshade.

r_studio_outline_size controls the size of outline.

r_studio_outline_dark controls the darkness of outline color.

r_studio_rimlight_power controls the intensity of Rim-Light at illuminated-side.

r_studio_rimlight_smooth controls the softness of Rim-Light at illuminated-side.

r_studio_rimlight_smooth2 controls how does the Rim-Light at illuminated-side performance in dark area.

r_studio_rimlight_color controls the color of Rim-Light at illuminated-side.

r_studio_rimdark_power controls the intensity of Rim-Light at dark-side.

r_studio_rimdark_smooth controls the softness of Rim-Light at dark-side.

r_studio_rimdark_smooth2 controls how does the Rim-Light at dark-side performance in dark area.

r_studio_rimdark_color controls the color of Rim-Light at dark-side.

r_studio_hair_specular_exp controls the size of area illuminated by primary hair specular, larger the hair_specular_exp is, smaller the illuminated area will be.

r_studio_hair_specular_noise controls the noise of primary hair specular.

r_studio_hair_specular_intensity controls the intensity of primary hair specular.

r_studio_hair_specular_exp2 controls the size of area illuminated by secondary hair specular, larger the hair_specular_exp2 is, smaller the illuminated area will be.

r_studio_hair_specular_noise2 controls the noise of secondary hair specular.

r_studio_hair_specular_intensity2 controls the intensity of secondary hair specular.

r_studio_hair_specular_smooth controls how does the hair specular performance in dark area.

r_studio_hair_shadow_offset controls how the offset of hair shadow (horizontal and vertical offset in screen space).

Vertex Buffer Object (aka VBO) "Batch-Draw" optimization

Brush surfaces, studio models, decals and sprites are rendered with Vertex Buffer Object, offering substantial performance gains over OpenGL 1.x immediate mode rendering primarily because the data reside in video memory rather than system memory and so it can be rendered directly by the video device.

Bindless-Texture optimization

Brush surfaces and decals are rendered with Bindless-Texture, which dramatically reduces drawcall count. but not well supported by some graphic drivers from AMD and Intel.

Use cvar gl_bindless 1 to enable Bindless-Texture rendering.

Use launch parameter -nobindless to disable Bindless-Texture rendering permanently.

Order-Independent Transparency Blend (aka OIT blend)

Transparent pixels are stored in linked-list and sorted by GPU.

Add -oitblend to the launch parameters to enable Order-Independent Transparency Blend (it's disabled by default).

  • Warning : It may dramatically hurt performance.

New texture loader

Vanilla textures

The maximum size of WAD/SPR texture is extended to 4096 x 4096 if using new texture loader.

This is enabled by default and may produce inconsistencies of texture's visual presentation between the new and legacy texture loader.

You can add -use_legacy_texloader to the launch parameter to disable the new texture loader.

External textures

The maximum size of external texture depends on your GPU and OpenGL driver implementation (typically 16384x16384).

Supported format :

BMP (Indexed / RGB8 / RGBA8)


DDS (DX10 BC1 / DX10 BC2 / DX10 BC3 / DX10 BC7 / Legacy DXT1 / Legacy DXT3 / Legacy DXT5)






r_fxaa set to 1 to enable Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing (FXAA).

  • Since MultiSample Anti-Aliasing (or MSAA) is not able to works with Deferred Shading, it's completely disabled and removed from current version of renderer plugin.

Gamma Correction

Unlike vanilla GoldSrc, the gamma correction is applied on the fly (no restart required).

All textures are converted from texgamma color space to linear color space, and dynamic lights are calculated in linear color space to get correct lighting result.

  • Any mathematical operation (such as transparent blending) on gamma corrected color is physically incorrect! See:

  • Use cvar r_gamma_blend 1 to enable the transparent blending path used by vanilla engine. This will keep the transparent blending result as what it was in vanilla engine but there might be artifacts due to the implementation issue of graphic drivers.

Console vars

gamma is to control the final output gamma, convert colors from linear space to screen gamma space.

texgamma is to convert textures from gamma color space to linear color space.

lightgamma is to convert lightmaps from gamma color space to linear color space.

brightness is to shift up the lightgamma and make lightmaps brighter.

r_blend_gamma 0 / 1 set 1 to blend transparent objects in gamma space instead of linear space. r_blend_gamma 1 is the default policy used by vanilla GoldSrc and the transparent blending result is limited to 1.0 in case of overbright.

FOV (Field of View)

Dedicated viewmodel FOV

Viewmodel's FOV can be individually adjusted by using cvar viewmodel_fov [FOV value]. Use viewmodel_fov 0 to disable custom viewmodel FOV.

Vertical FOV

Vertical FOV can be enabled by using cvar r_vertical_fov 1.

This is the default FOV policy used by Sven Co-op.

WideScreen-Adapted FOV

WideScreen-Adapted FOV can be enabled by using cvar gl_widescreen_yfov 1 or gl_widescreen_yfov 2.

This controls how engine calculate the vertical FOV from horizontal FOV:

gl_widescreen_yfov 1 is the default policy used by Xash3D-fwgs, Nexon's Counter-Strike : Online and Half-Life 25th anniversary update that expands the horizontal FOV while keep the vertical FOV as what it was when using resolution of 4:3

gl_widescreen_yfov 2 is to stretch the original 4:3 FOV image to fit the current rendering resolution.

Sprite Interpolation

r_sprite_lerping 1 / 0: This provides smoother animation for sprites that have their rendermode set to texture and additive. This works as what it is in Xash3d-fwgs.

  • Credits to Xash3d-fwgs

  • Note: For correct interpolation, make sure the server framerate is exactly 10 FPS (regardless of the sprite’s own FPS in pev | framerate). This parameter is dictated by the frame changer function’s think time, which is 0.1s and remains unchanged in most mods.

Quake-Style Under Water Screen Effect

r_under_water_effect 1 / 0

r_under_water_effect_wave_amount default: 10.0

r_under_water_effect_wave_speed default: 1.0

r_under_water_effect_wave_size default: 0.01


r_wsurf_zprepass 1 / 0 : When set to 1, Z-Prepass will be enabled. The world will be rendered twice every frame. The first time with only depth write-in, the second time with actual fragment color write-in, which decreases the fragment shader cost when there is significant overdraw cost (like when shadow and SSR are calculated for unnecessary fragments ) for world rendering.

New Entities

Entities are loaded from two sources : internal and external. BSP entity chunk of current map is loaded as internal, /maps/(CurrentMapName)_entity.txt is loaded as external.

If /maps/(CurrentMapName)_entity.txt is not found, /renderer/default_entity.txt will be loaded instead.

Entity chunks should follow the format :

"origin" "123 456 789"
"angles" "0 0 0"
"classname" "info_player_start"

You can use console command r_reload to reload entities from both two sources.

You can use bspguy to add entity to BSP file or write entities into /maps/(MapName)_entity.txt.


env_shadow_control is a point entity used to control Dynamic Shadow projections for the entire map, including maximum distance cast, direction cast, and shadow color.


angles is the direction of shadows, in PitchYawRoll format. for example "angles" "90 0 0"

distfade is the distance where the shadow begins to fade-out, and the maximum distance the shadow is allowed to cast, in inches. for example "distfade" "64 128"

lumfade is the luminance the shadow begins to fade-out, and minimum luminance the shadow is allowed to cast, must be between 0 ~ 255. for example "lumfade" "64 32"

color is the color of the shadows, in RGBA8 format. for example "color" "0 0 0 128"

high_distance is the maximum distance that entities are being rendered in high-quality shadow map, in inches. for example "high_distance" "400"

high_scale is scale factor to scale the size of entity model up or down in high-quality shadow map. for example "high_scale" "4"

medium_distance is the maximum distance that entities are being rendered in medium-quality shadow map, in inches. for example "medium_distance" "800"

medium_scale is scale factor to scale the size of entity model up or down in medium-quality shadow map. for example "medium_scale" "2"

low_distance is the maximum distance that entities are being rendered in low-quality shadow map, in inches. for example "low_distance" "1200"

low_scale is scale factor to scale the size of entity model up or down in low-quality shadow map. for example "low_scale" "0.5"


env_ssr_control is a point entity used to control the Screen Space Reflection of SSR effects.


ray_step controls the step length to iterate the ray-marching, for example "ray_step" "5.0"

iter_count controls the maximum iteration count for ray-marching. for example "distance_bias" "0.2"

adaptive_step enable or disable Adaptiveg-Step to accelerate the ray-marching procedure. for example "adaptive_step" "1" or "adaptive_step" "0"

exponential_step enable or disable Exponential-Step to accelerate the ray-marching procedure. for example "exponential_step" "1" or "exponential_step" "0"

binary_search enable or disable Binary-Search to accelerate the ray-marching procedure. for example "binary_search" "1" or "binary_search" "0"

fade controls the fade-out effect if the reflected ray hit a pixel close to the screen border. for example "fade" "0.8 1.0"


env_hdr_control is a point entity used to control the HDR effects.


blurwidth is the intensity of blooming for HDR, for example "blurwidth" "0.1"

exposure is the intensity of exposure for HDR, for example "exposure" "0.8"

darkness is the intensity of darkness for HDR, for example "darkness" "1.4"

adaptation is the brightness adaptation speed for HDR, for example "adaptation" "50"


env_water_control is a point entity used to control the water shader.


basetexture is the name of basetexture of water to control, * is for wildcard (only suffix wildcard supported). for example "basetexture" "!radio" or "basetexture" "!toxi*"

normalmap is the path to the normalmap for turbulence effect. for example "normalmap" "renderer/texture/water_normalmap.tga"

fresnelfactor controls the intensity of reflection. for example "fresnelfactor" "0.4"

depthfactor controls the strength of water edge feathering. for example "depthfactor" "0.02 0.01"

normfactor controls the intensity of turbulence based on normalmap. for example "normfactor" "1.0"

minheight water entity with height smaller than this value will not be rendered with shader program. for example "minheight" "7.5"

maxtrans controls the maximum transparency of water, must be between 0 and 255. for example "maxtrans" "128"

speedrate controls the speedrate of water turb in WATER_LEVEL_LEGACY mode, or speedrate of ripple effects in WATER_LEVEL_LEGACY_RIPPLE mode. for example "speedrate" "1.0". value between 500 and 1000 is reasonable for WATER_LEVEL_LEGACY_RIPPLE mode water.

level controls the rendering level.

Possible value result
"level" "0" render as legacy water
"level" "WATER_LEVEL_LEGACY" render as legacy water
"level" "1" only skybox is reflected
"level" "WATER_LEVEL_REFLECT_SKYBOX" only skybox is reflected
"level" "2" skybox and world are reflected
"level" "WATER_LEVEL_REFLECT_WORLD" skybox and world are reflected
"level" "3" skybox, world, entities and particles are reflected
"level" "WATER_LEVEL_REFLECT_ENTITY" skybox, world, entities and particles are reflected
"level" "4" use SSR to reflect, only pixeles in screen-space are reflected
"level" "WATER_LEVEL_REFLECT_SSR" use SSR to reflect, only pixeles in screen-space are reflected
"level" "5" use SSR to reflect, only pixeles in screen-space are reflected
"level" "WATER_LEVEL_LEGACY_RIPPLE" render as legacy water, software-mode style, with pixel-art ripple effects


light_dynamic is a point entity as an invisible point light source.

Dynamic lights are calculated on the fly in the game, which means they have a higher processing cost but are much more flexible than static lighting. dynamic lights works only if r_light_dynamic is set to 1.


origin is the position of this entity's center in the world. for example "origin" "123 456 789"

_light is the RGB render color of the dynamic light, must be between 0 and 255. for example "_light" "192 192 192"

_distance is the distance that light is allowed to cast, in inches. for example "_distance" "300"

_ambient is the ambient intensity of dynamic light. for example "_ambient" "0.0"

_diffuse is the diffuse intensity of dynamic light. for example "_diffuse" "0.1"

_specular is the specular intensity of dynamic light. for example "_specular" "0.1"

_specularpow is the specular power of dynamic light. for example "_specularpow" "10.0"