diff --git a/agenda.js b/agenda.js
index f253c52..0ce42c9 100644
--- a/agenda.js
+++ b/agenda.js
@@ -1,291 +1,249 @@
const agenda = {}
-agenda.currentLesson = [6,3,1] // [ week, lesson in week ] 1-based
+agenda.currentLesson = [1, 1, 2] // [ week, lesson in week ] 1-based
// All strings in this data will be preprocessed by a Markdown converter.
// So you can use **bold**, _italic_ and [hyperlinks](http://www.example.com).
// HTML-tags will work too, and line-breaks inside ``-strings will be converted to
-agenda.program =
-[ // The progam is an array of weeks.
- [ // A week is just an array of lesson-objects.
- { // A lesson is an object.
- date: "Monday Jan 29th",
+agenda.program = [
+ // The progam is an array of weeks.
+ [
+ // A week is just an array of lesson-objects.
+ /*
+ {
+ // A lesson is an object.
+ date: "Aug 28", // date format
title: "Kick-off", // title is optional
- content: [ // content is optional, can also be a single string.
- "Kick-off",
- ]
- },
- { date: "Tuesday Jan 30th",
- title: "Kick-off (continued)",
content: [
+ // content is optional, can also be a single string.
+ "Kick-off",
"Getting the Arduino to work with your laptop",
"Getting your browser to work with mail-links",
- "Start with [chapter 1 – introduction to the Arduino](/ch1-intro-arduino/index.html)",
- "Watch all video's of Chapter 1.",
- "Assignments 1.1 — 1.10",
- ]
- },
- ],
- [
- { date: "Monday Feb 5th",
- title: "[chapter 1 – introduction to the Arduino](/ch1-intro-arduino/index.html)",
- content: [
- "Watch all video's of Chapter 1.",
- "Assignments 1.1 — 1.11",
- "**Optional**: The HTML & CSS introduction from the Kahn Academy (see first grey block in [chapter 2](/ch2-intro-javascript/index.html))"
- ]
- },
- { date: "Tuesday Feb 6th",
- title: "[chapter 2 – intro to JavaScript](/ch2-intro-javascript/index.html)",
+ "Start with [chapter 1 – introduction to the Arduino](/ch1-intro-arduino/)",
+ ],
+ },
+ */
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-9-2'),
+ title: 'Kick-off and [first lesson](/ch1-intro-arduino/)',
content: [
- "assignments 2.1—2.10",
- ]
- },
- { date: "Thursday Feb 8th",
- title: "[chapter 3 – interactivity in JavaScript with _functions_](/ch3-interactivity-functions/index.html)",
+ 'getting the Arduino to work with your laptop',
+ 'getting your browser to work with mail-links',
+ 'assignments 1.1—1.7',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-9-3'),
+ title: '[introduction to the Arduino](/ch1-intro-arduino/) _(continued)_',
content: [
- "Assignments 3.3—3.11",
- "_(assignment 3.12 is left for the next lesson)_",
+ 'assignments 1.8—1.11',
+ '**optional**: The HTML & CSS introduction from the
Kahn Academy (see first grey block in [chapter 2](/ch2-intro-javascript/index.html))',
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-9-4'),
+ title: '[introduction to JavaScript](/ch2-intro-javascript/)',
+ content: ['assignments 2.1—2.10'],
+ },
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-9-5'),
+ title: '[interactivity with _functions_](/ch3-interactivity-functions/)',
+ content: ['assignments 3.1—3.11', '_during class: assignment 3.12_'],
+ },
- date: "Monday Feb 12th — Friday Feb 16th",
- title: "Spring Holiday"
- }
+ date: new Date('2024-9-9'),
+ title:
+ '[calculations and storing results in _variables_](/ch4-calculations-variables/)',
+ content: ['assignments 4.1—4.5', '_during class: assignments 4.6—4.7_'],
+ },
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-9-10'),
+ title:
+ '[russian dolls for data: variables _inside_ variables](/ch5-variables-inside-variables/)',
+ content: ['assignments 5.1—5.12'],
+ },
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-9-11'),
+ title: "[_debugging_ code that doesn't work](/ch6-debugging/)",
+ content: ['assignments 6.1—6.5', '_during class: assignments 6.5—6.6_'],
+ },
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-9-12'),
+ title:
+ '[how functions communicate: _parameters_ and _return values_](/ch7-more-about-functions/)',
+ content: ['assignments 7.2—7.11', '_during class: assignment 7.12_'],
+ },
- { date: "Monday Feb 19th",
- title: "[chapter 4 – calculations and storing results in _variables_](/ch4-calculations-variables/index.html)",
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-9-16'),
+ title:
+ '[_true_, _false_, and choosing with _if-statements_](/ch8-true-false-if/)',
+ content: ['assignments 8.1—8.8', '_during class: assignments 8.9—8.12_'],
+ },
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-9-17'),
+ title:
+ '[more about if-statements and _conditions_](/ch9-more-if-conditions/)',
content: [
- "assignments 4.1—4.5 ",
+ 'assignments 9.1—9.5',
+ '_during class: recap assignments 8.10—8.12_',
+ '_during class: assignments 9.6—9.8_',
- { date: "Tuesday Feb 20th",
- title: "[chapter 5 – russian dolls for data: variables _inside_ variables](/ch5-variables-inside-variables/index.html)",
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-9-18'),
+ title:
+ '[more about functions: _local variables_ and _side effects_](/ch10-locals-and-side-effects/)',
content: [
- "assignments 4.6 & 4.7 from [chapter 4](/ch4-calculations-variables/index.html)",
- "assignments 5.1—5.6",
+ 'assignments 10.1—10.5',
+ '_read carefully:_ text block ‘side effects versus return values’',
+ '_during class: assignments 10.6—10.7_',
- { date: "Thursday Feb 22nd",
- title: "les vervalt ivm 'studiedag HAN'",
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-9-19'),
+ title: '[fun with data types](/ch11-fun-with-datatypes/)',
+ content: [
+ 'assignments 11.1—11.5',
+ '_read carefully:_ text block ‘data types and sizes’',
+ '_during class: assignment 11.6_',
+ ],
- { date: "Monday Feb 26th",
- title: `[chapter 6 – _debugging_ code that doesn't work](/ch6-debugging/index.html)`,
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-9-23'),
+ title:
+ "[recap: let's review what you've learned](/ch12-recap/), and
" +
+ '[loops for repeating commands](/ch13-loops/)',
+ content: [
+ 'assignments 12.1—12.3',
+ 'assignments 13.1—13.2',
+ '_read carefully:_ instruction block ‘installing CMap Tools’',
+ '_during class: assignments 12.4—12.5_',
+ '_during class: assignments 13.3—13.5_',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-9-24'),
+ title: '[loops for repeating commands](/ch13-loops/) _(continued)_',
content: [
- "assignments 5.7—5.12 from [chapter 5](/ch5-variables-inside-variables/index.html)",
- "assignments 6.1—6.5 (optioneel: 6.6)",
+ 'assignments 13.5—13.9',
+ '_read carefully:_ text block ‘one more repetition: for loops’',
+ '_during class: assignments 13.10—13.11_',
- { date: "Tuesday Feb 27th",
- title: `[chapter 7 – how functions communicate: _parameters_ and _return values_](/ch7-more-about-functions/index.html)`,
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-9-25'),
+ title: '[visuals with canvas and animation](/ch14-canvas-animation/)',
+ content: [
+ 'assignments 14.1—14.5',
+ '_during class: assignments 14.6—14.7_',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-9-26'),
+ title:
+ '[visuals with canvas and animation](/ch14-canvas-animation/) _(continued)_, and
' +
+ '[active objects do it with _methods_ ](/ch15-methods/)',
content: [
- "assignments 7.1—7.7",
+ 'assignment 15.1',
+ '_during class: assignments 13.11, 14.6—14.7_',
- { date: "Monday March 4th",
- title: `[chapter 8 – _true, false,_ and choosing with _if-statements_](/ch8-true-false-if/index.html)`,
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-9-30'),
+ title: '[active objects do it with _methods_ ](/ch15-methods/)',
content: [
- "assignments 7.8—7.12 from [chapter 7](/ch7-more-about-functions/index.html)",
- "assignments 8.1—8.9"
+ 'assignments 15.1—15.8',
+ '_during class: assignments 15.9—15.10_',
- { date: "Tuesday March 5th",
- title: `[chapter 9 – more about if statements and _conditions_](/ch9-more-if-conditions/index.html)`,
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-10-1'),
+ title:
+ '_final assignment_ [Javascript: Battleships](/javascript-battleships/)',
content: [
- "assignments 8.10—8.12 from [chapter 8](/ch8-true-false-if/index.html)",
- "assignments 9.1—9.5"
+ "in class, we support you while you're working on the assignment",
- { date: "Thursday March 7th",
- title: `[chapter 10 – more about functions: _local variables_ and _side effects_](/ch10-locals-and-side-effects/index.html)`,
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-10-2'),
+ title: '_support_',
+ },
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-10-3'),
+ title: '_support_',
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-10-7'),
+ title:
+ '_deadline inleveren_ [Javascript: Battleships](/javascript-battleships/)
' +
+ '_final assignment_ [Arduino: Burglar alarm](/arduino-burglar-alarm/)',
+ content: 'voor 23:59 inleveren via mail',
+ },
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-10-8'),
+ title: '_support_',
+ },
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-10-9'),
+ title: '_support_',
+ },
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-10-10'),
+ title:
+ '_deadline inleveren_ [Arduino: Burglar alarm](/arduino-burglar-alarm/)',
+ content: 'voor 23:59 inleveren via mail',
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-10-14'),
+ title: 'Project kick-off',
content: [
- "assignments 9.6—9.8 from [chapter 9](/ch9-more-if-conditions/index.html)",
- "_optional_: assignments 9.9 and 9.10 from [chapter 9](/ch9-more-if-conditions/index.html)",
- "assignments 10.1—10.6"
+ 'introduction to the S4D Project',
+ '[**list of programming platforms**](/project-list.html)',
+ 'team formation for the project',
- { date: "Friday March 8th",
- title: `[chapter 11 – fun with data types](/ch11-fun-with-datatypes/index.html)`,
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-10-16'),
+ title: 'Project progress review',
content: [
- "assignment 10.7 from [chapter 10](/ch10-locals-and-side-effects/index.html)",
- "assignments 11.1—11.6"
+ // 'list of learning resources',
+ // 'goals / high level functionality overview',
- ]
+ {
+ date: new Date('2024-10-17'),
+ title: '_assessments_',
+ content: ['_nadere informatie volgt via mail_'],
+ },
+ // {
+ // date: "—",
+ // title:
+ // '23:59: deadline Burglar Alarm',
+ // content: [],
+ // },
+ // {
+ // date: "—",
+ // title:
+ // 'deadline inleveren opdrachten',
+ // content: [],
+ // },
+ // {
+ // date: 'ma 16-10 t/m vr 20/10',
+ // title: '_herfstvakantie_',
+ // },
+ ],
- // [
- // { date: "Tuesday Sept 7th",
- // title: "[chapter 5 – russian dolls for data: variables _inside_ variables](/ch5-variables-inside-variables/index.html')",
- // content: [
- // "assignments 5.2—5.12",
- // ],
- // },
- // { date: "Wednesday Sept 8th",
- // title: "[chapter 6 – _debugging_ code that doesn't work](/ch6-debugging/index.html)",
- // content: [
- // "assignments 6.2—6.5",
- // "bonus assignment 6.6 _if you have the time_"
- // ],
- // },
- // { date: "Thursday Sept 9th",
- // title: "[chapter 7 – how functions communicate: _parameters_ and _return values_](/ch7-more-about-functions/index.html)",
- // content: [
- // "assignments 7.2—7.11 ",
- // ],
- // },
- // { date: "Monday Feb 14th",
- // title: "[chapter 8 – _true_, _false_, and choosing with _if-statements_](/ch8-true-false-if/index.html)",
- // content: [
- // `from ch7: assignment 7.12,
- // _(7.12.e is bonus, skip this if you don't have the time)_`,
- // "assignments 8.1—8.6",
- // ],
- // },
- // { date: "Tuesday Sept 14th",
- // title: "[chapter 8 – _true_, _false_, and choosing with _if-statements_ (continued)](/ch8-true-false-if/index.html)",
- // content: [
- // "assignments 8.6—8.12",
- // ],
- // },
- // { date: "Wednesday Feb 16th",
- // title: "[chapter 9 – more about if-statements and _conditions_](/ch9-more-if-conditions/index.html)",
- // content: [
- // "video's 9a en 9b,",
- // "_aandachtig lezen:_ tekstblok over logical operators,",
- // "asignments 9.1—9.8",
- // ],
- // },{
- // date: "Thursday Feb 17th",
- // title: "[chapter 10 – more about functions: _local variables_ and _side effects_](/ch10-locals-and-side-effects/index.html)",
- // content: [
- // "**extra:** opdracht 9.5 als je die nog niet goed of af had",
- // "**extra:** opdrachten 9.6—9.8",
- // "opdrachten 10.1—10.4,",
- // "_aandachtig lezen:_ tekstblok over side effects versus return values,",
- // "opdracht 10.5",
- // ],
- // },
- // { date: "Monday Feb 21th",
- // title: "[ch.10 _continued_](/ch10-locals-and-side-effects/index.html) and [chapter 11 – fun with data types](/ch11-fun-with-datatypes/index.html)",
- // content: [
- // "opdrachten 10.4—10.7",
- // "opdrachten 11.1,",
- // "_aandachtig lezen:_ tekstblok over datatypes,",
- // "opdrachten 11.2 and 11.3",
- // ],
- // },
- // { date: "Tuesday Feb 22st",
- // title: "_vervalt_",
- // content: [],
- // },
- // { date: "Wednesday Feb 23nd",
- // title: "[ch.11 _continued_](/ch11-fun-with-datatypes/index.html), and [chapter 12 – recap](/ch12-recap/index.html)",
- // content: [
- // "opdrachten 11.3—11.6",
- // "leeswerk: [What is a concept map?](https://cmap.ihmc.us/docs/conceptmap.php) (alleen inleiding),",
- // "leeswerk: [How people learn](https://cmap.ihmc.us/docs/howpeoplelearn.php) (helemaal, is kort),",
- // "instruction-box over installeren CMap tools,",
- // "opdrachten 12.1 and 12.2",
- // ],
- // },
- // { date: "Thursday Feb 24rd",
- // title: "[ch.12 _continued_](/ch12-recap/index.html) and [chapter 13 – loops](/ch13-loops/index.html)",
- // content: [
- // "opdrachten 12.3—12.5 ",
- // "assignments 13.1—13.5",
- // "read carefully: the text box about for-loops",
- // ],
- // },
- // { date: "Monday Mar 7th",
- // title: "[chapter 13 – loops for repeating commands](/ch13-loops/index.html)",
- // content: [
- // "assignments 13.6—13.8",
- // ],
- // },
- // { date: "Tuesday Mar 8th",
- // title: "[chapter 13 – loops _(continued)_](/ch13-loops/index.html) and [chapter 14 – visuals](/ch14-canvas-animation/index.html)",
- // content: [
- // "assignments 13.9—13.10 (_niet 13.11_)",
- // "assignments 14.1—14.2",
- // ],
- // },
- // { date: "Wednesday Mar 9th",
- // title: "[chapter 14 – visuals with canvas and animation _(continued)_](/ch14-canvas-animation/index.html)",
- // content: [
- // "assignments 14.3 tot 14.6",
- // ],
- // },
- // { date: "Thursday Mar 10th",
- // title: "[chapter 14 – animation _(continued)_](/ch14-canvas-animation/index.html) and [chapter 15 – methods](/ch15-methods/index.html)",
- // content: [
- // // "oefening 14.2 (als je die nog niet hebt) ",
- // "assignments 14.7—14.8",
- // "assignments 15.1—15.7",
- // ],
- // },
- // { date: "Monday Oct 4th",
- // title: "[chapter 15 – active objects do it with _methods_ _(continued)_](/ch15-methods/index.html)",
- // content: [
- // "in class, we support you while you're working on the assignment",
- // ],
- // },
- // { date: "Thursday Oct. 7th: no class",
- // title: "continuing Battleships assignment",
- // content: [
- // "in class, we support you while you're working on the assignment",
- // ],
- // },
- // { date: "Thursday Oct. 7th",
- // title: "Battleships assignment + intro [chapter 17 – final assignment _Arduino_: Buglar Alarm](/arduino-burglar-alarm/index.html)",
- // content: [
- // "in class, we support you while you're working on the assignment",
- // ],
- // },
- // { date: "_Friday_ Oct. 8th",
- // title: '23:59: deadline BattleShips',
- // content: []
- // },
- // { date: "Monday Oct. 11th",
- // title: "introducing the Arduino assignment: [the Burglar alarm](/arduino-burglar-alarm/index.html)",
- // content: [
- // "in class, we support you while you're working on the assignment",
- // ],
- // },
- // { date: "Tuesday Oct. 12th",
- // title: "continuing Burglar alarm",
- // content: [
- // "in class, we support you while you're working on the assignment",
- // ],
- // },
- // { date: "Wednesday Oct. 13th",
- // title: "continuing Burglar alarm",
- // content: [
- // "in class, we support you while you're working on the assignment",
- // ],
- // },
- // { date: "Thursday Oct. 14th",
- // title: "Kick-off Project",
- // content: [
- // "introduction to the S4D Project",
- // "[**the list of programming platforms**](/project-list.html)",
- // "team formation for the project",
- // "remaining time is for support while you're finishing the Burglar Alarm",
- // ],
- // },
- // { date: "Thursday Oct. 14th",
- // title: '23:59: deadline Burglar Alarm',
- // content: [],
- // }
- // ]
diff --git a/js/main.js b/js/main.js
index 4a447f4..cc7bf26 100644
--- a/js/main.js
+++ b/js/main.js
@@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ function ll(...args) {
class: lessonStatus,
- if (lessonStatus === 'done' || lessonStatus === 'closed') {
+ if (lessonStatus === 'done') {