Flight computer developed for the solid rocket Osprey and hybrid rocket Ouroboros, flown at the Spaceport America Cup New Mexico in 2022
A modular approach to rocket avionics featuring a STM32-based flight computer interfacing with a 900MHz radio, GNSS Module, 9-axis IMU, barometer, flash storage, audio system, wired ground system communication (RS232), analog pressure transducer inputs, debug system. The flight computer is broken into three distinct components: power management board, engine communication board, and data management board. The components are secured via screw mounts, which allows for easy replacement in the field.
The data management board is a four layer PCB with carefully designed power planes to accomodate and control 3A of power for downstream avionics. A large capacitor is included to protect during brownouts that may occur during high acceleration events.
An engine management board (bottom) includes analog sensing circuits to amplify and filter signals recieved by engine pressure sensors, which are essential for engine control via solenoid actuator.
A power management board (bottom) includes a switching mode voltage regulator in series with a linear drop out regulator to facilitate smooth and efficient regulation of the 12V input supply to 5V and 3.3V onboard power requirements.