You can trigger a forced configuration download programmatically, using bearer authentication, but you must first configure the Gateway to use
Configuration on the remote server must contain the field lan_auth_api_key_rw:
"remote_cfg_use": true,
"remote_cfg_url": "",
"remote_cfg_refresh_interval_minutes": 10,
"remote_cfg_auth_type": "no",
"lan_auth_api_key_rw": "1SDrQH1FkH+pON0GsSjt2gYeMSP02uYqfuu7LWdaBvY="
Example of a command to trigger a configuration download from the preconfigured remote server:
curl -v http://<RUUVI_GW_IP>/gw_cfg_download
-H "Authorization: Bearer 1SDrQH1FkH+pON0GsSjt2gYeMSP02uYqfuu7LWdaBvY=" -d ''