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209 lines (129 loc) · 14.5 KB

File metadata and controls

209 lines (129 loc) · 14.5 KB

4.0.0 (TBD)

Breaking Changes

  • A Client Token is now required when adding the plugin. Client Tokens can be set using the new CLIENT_TOKEN preference. Developers can also get and set Client Tokens in code using the new getClientToken and setClientToken methods. See Facebook docs for more information


  • Updated the Facebook SDK to 12.0.0 for Android and iOS
  • Updated the Facebook JavaScript SDK used by the browser platform to v12.0

3.2.0 (2021-09-17)


  • Updated the Facebook SDK to 11.3.0 for Android


  • Updated README to add link to Facebook documentation on Access Levels (closes #92)

3.1.1 (2021-09-07)

Breaking Changes

  • Updated plugin.xml to indicate that cordova-android >= 9 is required (closes #90)

3.1.0 (2021-08-31)


  • Updated the showDialog method to allow for sharing photos (closes #54)
  • Added new setDataProcessingOptions method to allow for setting Data Processing Options as part of compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) (closes #57)
  • Added new setUserData and clearUserData methods to enable the use of Advanced Matching (closes #56)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that could break the Cordova resume event on Android, which in turn could cause problems with elements like <input type="file" /> (closes #68)
  • Fixed an issue that would cause Facebook dialogs to open in a webview on Android (closes #81)


  • Updated README to document the getDeferredApplink method, and the process necessary to use it on iOS (closes #42)

3.0.0 (2021-08-17)

Breaking Changes

  • Dropped support for cordova-ios 5 (closes #40)
  • Dropped support for iOS 8 and below (closes #41)
  • Updated the login method error callback to return an object on iOS as on Android (closes #19)


  • Updated the Facebook SDK to 11.2.0 for Android and 11.1.0 for iOS
  • Updated the Facebook JavaScript SDK used by the browser platform to v11.0
  • Updated the object returned by methods such as login to remove the secret, session_key, and sig properties, and add the new data_access_expiration_time property (closes #49)
  • Added new getApplicationId, setApplicationId, getApplicationName, and setApplicationName methods to allow for dynamically switching between app IDs in code (closes #61)
  • Added new OTHER_APP_SCHEMES variable which is required for iOS when using setApplicationId to switch between multiple app IDs

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that would cause the *-Info.plist file to have a null value if FACEBOOK_URL_SCHEME_SUFFIX was null (closes #77)

2.3.0 (2021-04-21)


  • Updated the Facebook SDK to 9.1.1 for Android and 9.2.0 for iOS
  • Added new loginWithLimitedTracking method to allow for using Limited Login on iOS (closes #51)
  • Added new getCurrentProfile method to support retrieving profile information for the currently logged in user

2.2.0 (2021-04-06)


  • Updated the Facebook SDK to 9.1.0 for Android and iOS

Bug Fixes

  • Added a hook to allow variables to be replaced in Podfile when using cordova-ios 5 (closes #52)


  • Updated README to make it clear that an access token must be included when using the api method (closes #50)

2.1.0 (2021-03-06)


  • Updated the getLoginStatus method to add the force parameter, which allows for fetching fresh data from Facebook rather than using previously cached login information (closes #47)
  • Added new isDataAccessExpired and reauthorizeDataAccess methods to allow for detecting when data access has expired, and to then request reauthorization from the user (closes #46)

Bug Fixes

  • Updated the setAutoLogAppEventsEnabled, setAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled, and setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled methods on iOS to properly handle booleans passed in the enabled argument
  • Updated the getAccessToken and api methods on the browser platform to fix an issue that caused errors when the plugin was used before the Facebook SDK was available

2.0.0 (2021-02-25)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed the deprecated browserInit method on the browser platform; this method which was previously a no-op is no longer defined (closes #26)
  • Dropped support for cordova-android 6 and below (closes #23)
  • Dropped support for cordova-ios 4 and below (closes #24)


  • Updated the Facebook SDK to 9.0.0 for Android and 9.0.1 for iOS (closes #15)
  • Updated the login method to remove unnecessary checks for read/publish permissions; the plugin will no longer prevent developers from requesting read and publish permissions at the same time, and will rely on the Facebook SDK's own internal logic instead (closes #34)
  • Updated the showDialog method to remove the deprecated caption, description, and picture properties (closes #28)
  • Added a new setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled method to allow for enabling advertiser tracking on iOS 14+

Bug Fixes

  • Updated the getAccessToken method to be consistent on all platforms and return the error message "Session not open." if the user has no current access token
  • Updated the logout method to be consistent on all platforms and call the success callback even if the user has no current access token (closes #20)


  • Updated README to remove outdated information that suggested that Facebook login uses the native Facebook app, which is no longer true on iOS (#30)

1.2.1 (2021-02-18)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused the setAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled method to be undefined (closes #36)

1.2.0 (2021-02-05)


  • Added the FACEBOOK_IOS_SDK_VERSION preference to override the default iOS SDK version
  • Added the FACEBOOK_ADVERTISER_ID_COLLECTION preference and a new setAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled method to allow for disabling collection of advertiser-id (closes #22)
  • Updated the checkHasCorrectPermissions method so that it is now supported on all platforms (closes #25)

Bug Fixes

  • Updated the activateApp method to use the callbacks passed to it (closes #18)
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the showDialog method to fail on iOS if the method property was set to "apprequests" but the actionType property was not defined; actionType is now optional on all platforms (closes #29)


  • Updated README to include objectID property in example configuration object for the checkHasCorrectPermissions method; objectID is required by the Facebook SDK if actionType is non-null (and vice versa)

1.1.1 (2021-01-27)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused standard events, e.g. App Launches, to be automatically logged on iOS despite FACEBOOK_AUTO_LOG_APP_EVENTS being set to "false" (closes #16)

1.1.0 (2021-01-21)


  • Added the FACEBOOK_URL_SCHEME_SUFFIX preference to allow for specifying a unique URL Suffix for cases where multiple apps use the same Facebook app (closes #3)
  • Added the FACEBOOK_AUTO_LOG_APP_EVENTS preference and a new setAutoLogAppEventsEnabled method to allow for disabling automatic event collection, an important feature for GDPR compliance (closes #7)
  • Updated the api method to allow for optionally passing an httpMethod (one of "POST" or "DELETE") in Graph API requests (closes #10)
  • Updated the logPurchase method to accept an optional argument for parameters (closes #6)

1.0.2 (2021-01-16)

Bug Fixes

  • Updated the plugin's api method to ensure that Graph API requests on iOS work as expected with the most recent version of the Facebook SDK (closes #12)

1.0.1 (2021-01-08)

Bug Fixes

  • Updated browser after_prepare hook to properly treat APP_ID as a string (closes #4)


  • Updated README to note that special characters such as ampersands must be escaped to avoid build errors (closes #5)

1.0.0 (2021-01-03)

v1.0.0 is the initial release of the plugin, created as a fork of the now-deprecated cordova-plugin-facebook4. Kudos to @jeduan and @peterpeterparker for their years of work maintaining that plugin!


  • Updated the Facebook iOS SDK to 8.2.0
  • Updated the Facebook Android SDK to 8.1.0
  • Updated the Facebook JavaScript SDK used by the browser platform to v9.0
  • Added the FACEBOOK_BROWSER_SDK_VERSION preference to override the default JavaScript SDK version

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that previously caused a loop when logging into Facebook on iOS
  • Removed all references to Open Graph Stories, which were deprecated by Facebook in 2019
  • Updated plugin.xml to only run after_prepare hook on the browser platform
  • Updated browser after_prepare hook to get preferences including APP_ID and the new FACEBOOK_BROWSER_SDK_VERSION from package.json