diff --git a/code/game/objects/items/rogueitems/books.dm b/code/game/objects/items/rogueitems/books.dm index 7b07a4bf..471289a2 100644 --- a/code/game/objects/items/rogueitems/books.dm +++ b/code/game/objects/items/rogueitems/books.dm @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ var/obj/item/natural/feather/magic/F = I var/arcane_score = 0 var/total_score = 0 -// var/crafttime = 0 +// var/crafttime = 0 The crafting is currently instantaneous so no need for this shit (yet) // Make is so you can't write spellbooks if you are below Journeyman. for(var/i in 1 to user.mind.get_skill_level(/datum/skill/magic/arcane)) @@ -465,22 +465,6 @@ // crafttime = 10 - arcane_score // for(var/i in 1 to user.mind.get_skill_level(/datum/skill/misc/reading)) // total_score += 4 - -// for(var/i=1, i<=crafttime, i++) -// if(!turn_page(user)) -// on_reading_stopped() -// reading = FALSE -// return - -// playsound(user, pick('sound/blank.ogg'), 30, TRUE) -// if(do_after(user,50, user)) -// if(remarks.len) -// to_chat(user, span_notice("[pick(remarks)]")) -// else -// to_chat(user, span_notice("I keep reading...")) -// return TRUE -// return FALSE - if(prob(total_score)) var/obj/item/book/granter/spell/generic/SB = new /obj/item/book/granter/spell/generic(get_turf(I.loc), pick(GLOB.learnables)) if(user.Adjacent(SB)) @@ -490,10 +474,10 @@ to_chat(user, "As you finish writing, the feather glows and envelops the manuscript, becoming a new spellbook.") qdel(src) else - to_chat(user, "As you write, the feather glows but the magic gets out of control and the manuscript can not contain it, turning it into dust.") + to_chat(user, "As you write, the feather glows but the magic gets out of control and the manuscript can not contain it, imploding it into dust.") var/obj/O = new /obj/item/ash(get_turf(src.loc)) - O.fire_act(1,5) qdel(src) + explosion(O.loc,0,0,0,1,FALSE,,1,,TRUE) // else something here about the feather not being able to write a spellbook if(F.uses >= F.max_uses) to_chat(user, "The feather's magic glows dimly, and then it turns into dust.")