Here we define an ad-hoc binary encoding for IELE. This encoding is subject to change and should not be viewed as final. The actual semantics of IELE is defined in terms of a fragment of its textual representation. You can use the IELE assembler provided with the semantics to convert from the textual encoding into this binary encoding.
requires ""
requires ""
imports IELE
Here we define the OpCode sort. An OpCode is the atomic unit of a IELE program in binary representation and a IELE contract can be expressed as a sequence of operations. Each operation consists of its OpCode plus zero or more bytes containing the register operands to the operation. The OpCode consists of between one and seven bytes. The first byte represents the operation in question, and contains enough information to determine and decode the rest of the OpCode. The remainder of the OpCode then contains enough information to determine and decode the rest of the operation.
syntax NullOp ::= BRLABEL ( Int )
| BR ( Int )
syntax UnOp ::= LOADPOS ( Int , Int )
| LOADNEG ( Int , Int )
| BRC ( Int )
| GAS ()
| MSIZE ()
| LOG0 ()
syntax BinOp ::= ISZERO ()
| NOT ()
| SHA3 ()
| MLOAD ()
| SLOAD ()
| MOVE ()
| LOG1 ()
syntax TernOp ::= ADD ()
| MUL ()
| SUB ()
| DIV ()
| MOD ()
| EXP ()
| TWOS ()
| BSWAP ()
| LT ()
| LE ()
| GT ()
| GE ()
| EQ ()
| NE ()
| AND ()
| OR ()
| XOR ()
| SHIFT ()
| BYTE ()
| LOG2 ()
syntax QuadOp ::= ADDMOD ()
| LOG3 ()
syntax FiveOp ::= LOG4 ()
syntax CreateOp ::= CREATE ( Int , Int )
syntax CopyCreateOp ::= COPYCREATE ( Int )
syntax CallOp ::= CALL ( Int , Int , Int )
| CALLDYN ( Int , Int )
| STATICCALL ( Int , Int , Int )
syntax ReturnOp ::= RETURN ( Int )
syntax LocalCallOp ::= LOCALCALL ( Int , Int , Int )
| LOCALCALLDYN ( Int , Int )
syntax OpCode ::= NullOp
| UnOp
| CreateOp
| CopyCreateOp
| CallOp
| ReturnOp
| LocalCallOp
| TernOp
| QuadOp
| BinOp
| FiveOp
| encodingError()
After interpreting the strings representing programs as a Bytes
, it should be changed into a Contract
for use by the IELE semantics.
as aContract
interprets a single function of a contract represented as aBytes
into aTopLevelDefinition
disassembles the registers for a single instruction.#dasmOpCode
interperets aInt
as anOpCode
syntax Contract ::= #dasmContract ( Bytes , IeleName ) [function]
| #dasmContract ( start: Int , width: Int , bytecode: Bytes , name: IeleName ) [function]
| #dasmContract ( start: Int , width: Int , bytecode: Bytes , nbits: Int , functions: Map,name: IeleName ,
definitions: TopLevelDefinitions, funcnum: Int , size: Int , bytecodestring: String ) [function]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #dasmContract( BS, NAME ) => #dasmContract( 0, lengthBytes(BS), BS, NAME )
rule #dasmContract( _, 0, _BS, _NAME ) => #emptyCode
rule #dasmContract( I, N, BS, NAME ) => #dasmContract(I +Int 6, #asUnsigned(I, 4, BS) -Int 2, BS, BS[I +Int 5], 0 |-> init, NAME, .TopLevelDefinitions, 1, #asUnsigned(I, 4, BS) +Int 4, Bytes2String(BS[I .. N]))
requires N >=Int 5 andBool BS[I +Int 4] ==Int 99
rule #dasmContract( I, N, BS, NBITS, FUNCS, NAME, DEFS, M, SIZE, BYTES )
=> #dasmContract( I +Int 3 +Int #asUnsigned(I +Int 1, 2, BS), N -Int (3 +Int #asUnsigned(I +Int 1, 2, BS)), BS, NBITS, M |-> String2IeleName(Bytes2String(BS[I +Int 3 .. #asUnsigned(I +Int 1, 2, BS)])) FUNCS, NAME, DEFS, M +Int 1, SIZE, BYTES )
requires N >=Int 3 andBool BS[I] ==Int 105
rule #dasmContract( I, N, BS, NBITS, FUNCS, NAME, DEFS, M, SIZE, BYTES )
=> #dasmContract( I +Int 3, #asUnsigned(I +Int 1, 2, BS), BS, NAME +.+IeleName M) ++Contract #dasmContract(I +Int (3 +Int #asUnsigned(I +Int 1, 2, BS)), N -Int (3 +Int #asUnsigned(I +Int 1, 2, BS)), BS, NBITS, FUNCS, NAME, external contract NAME +.+IeleName M DEFS, M +Int 1, SIZE, BYTES)
requires N >=Int 3 andBool BS[I] ==Int 106
rule #dasmContract( I, N, BS, NBITS, FUNCS, NAME, DEFS, _M, SIZE, BYTES ) => contract NAME ! SIZE BYTES { DEFS ++TopLevelDefinitions #dasmFunctions(I, N, BS, NBITS, FUNCS, NAME) } .Contract [owise]
syntax Bool ::= #isValidContract (Bytes) [function]
| #isValidContract (start: Int, width: Int, bytecode: Bytes) [function, klabel(isValidContractAux)]
| #isValidStringTable(start: Int, width: Int, bytecode: Bytes, nbits: Int) [function]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #isValidContract(CODE) => #isValidContract(0, lengthBytes(CODE), CODE)
rule #isValidContract(_, 0, _BS) => true
rule #isValidContract(I, N, BS) => N -Int 4 >=Int #asUnsigned(I, 4, BS) andBool #isValidStringTable(I +Int 6, #asUnsigned(I, 4, BS) -Int 2, BS, BS[I +Int 5])
requires N >=Int 6 andBool BS[I +Int 4] ==Int 99
rule #isValidContract(_, _, _) => false [owise]
rule #isValidStringTable(I, N, BS, NBITS) => N -Int 3 >=Int #asUnsigned(I +Int 1, 2, BS) andBool #isValidStringTable(I +Int (3 +Int #asUnsigned(I +Int 1, 2, BS)), N -Int (3 +Int #asUnsigned(I +Int 1, 2, BS)), BS, NBITS)
requires N >=Int 3 andBool BS[I] ==Int 105
rule #isValidStringTable(I, N, BS, NBITS) => N -Int 3 >=Int #asUnsigned(I +Int 1, 2, BS) andBool #isValidContract(I +Int 3, #asUnsigned(I +Int 1, 2, BS), BS) andBool #isValidStringTable(I +Int (3 +Int #asUnsigned(I +Int 1, 2, BS)), N -Int (3 +Int #asUnsigned(I +Int 1, 2, BS)), BS, NBITS)
requires N >=Int 3 andBool BS[I] ==Int 106 andBool #asUnsigned(I +Int 1, 2, BS) =/=Int 0
rule #isValidStringTable(I, N, BS, _) => false
requires N >=Int 3 andBool BS[I] ==Int 106 andBool #asUnsigned(I +Int 1, 2, BS) ==Int 0
rule #isValidStringTable(I, N, BS, NBITS) => #isValidFunctions(I, N, BS, NBITS) [owise]
syntax priorities contractDefinitionList > contractAppend
syntax priorities topLevelDefinitionList > topLevelAppend
syntax IeleName ::= IeleName "+.+IeleName" IeleName [function]
syntax Contract ::= Contract "++Contract" Contract [function, klabel(contractAppend)]
syntax TopLevelDefinitions ::= TopLevelDefinitions "++TopLevelDefinitions" TopLevelDefinitions [function, klabel(topLevelAppend)]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule .Contract ++Contract Cs => Cs
rule C Cs ++Contract Cs' => C (Cs ++Contract Cs')
rule .TopLevelDefinitions ++TopLevelDefinitions Ds => Ds
rule D Ds ++TopLevelDefinitions Ds' => D (Ds ++TopLevelDefinitions Ds')
rule N +.+IeleName M => String2IeleName(IeleName2String(N) +String "." +String IeleName2String(M))
syntax TopLevelDefinitions ::= #dasmFunctions ( start: Int, width: Int , bytecode: Bytes , nbits: Int , functions: Map , name: IeleName ) [function]
syntax TopLevelDefinitions ::= #dasmFunction ( public: Bool , name: IeleName , cname: IeleName , sig: Int ,start: Int , width: Int ,
bytecode: Bytes , nbits: Int , functions: Map , instructions: Instructions , opcode: K ) [function]
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #dasmFunctions(I, N, BS, NBITS, FUNCS, NAME) => #dasmFunction(false, getIeleName(FUNCS [ #asUnsigned(I +Int 1, 2, BS) ] orDefault #asUnsigned(I +Int 1, 2, BS)), NAME, #asUnsigned(I +Int 3, 2, BS), I +Int 5, N -Int 5, BS, NBITS, FUNCS, .Instructions, .K)
requires N >=Int 5 andBool BS[I] ==Int 103
rule #dasmFunctions(I, N, BS, NBITS, FUNCS, NAME) => #dasmFunction(true , getIeleName(FUNCS [ #asUnsigned(I +Int 1, 2, BS) ] orDefault #asUnsigned(I +Int 1, 2, BS)), NAME, #asUnsigned(I +Int 3, 2, BS), I +Int 5, N -Int 5, BS, NBITS, FUNCS, .Instructions, .K)
requires N >=Int 5 andBool BS[I] ==Int 104
rule #dasmFunctions(_, 0, _, _, _, _) => .TopLevelDefinitions
syntax Bool ::= #isValidFunctions(start: Int, width: Int, bytecode: Bytes, nbits: Int) [function]
| #isValidFunction (start: Int, width: Int, bytecode: Bytes, nbits: Int) [function]
| #isValidInstruction(opcode: OpCode, start: Int, width: Int, bytecode: Bytes, nbits: Int) [function]
| #isValidLoad(start: Int, width: Int, bytecode: Bytes) [function]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #isValidFunctions(I, N, BS, NBITS) => #isValidFunction(I +Int 5, N -Int 5, BS, NBITS)
requires N >=Int 5 andBool (BS[I] ==Int 103 orBool BS[I] ==Int 104)
rule #isValidFunctions(_, 0, _, _) => true
rule #isValidFunctions(_, _, _, _) => false [owise]
rule #isValidFunction(I, N, BS, NBITS) => #isValidFunctions(I, N, BS, NBITS)
requires N >=Int 1 andBool (BS[I] ==Int 103 orBool BS[I] ==Int 104)
rule #isValidFunction(_, 0, _BS, _) => true
rule #isValidFunction(I, N, BS, NBITS) => #isValidLoad(I +Int 1, N -Int 1, BS) andBool #isValidInstruction(#dasmOpCode(I, N, BS), I, N, BS, NBITS)
requires N >=Int 1 andBool (BS[I] ==Int 97 orBool BS[I] ==Int 98)
rule #isValidFunction(I, N, BS, NBITS) => #isValidInstruction(#dasmOpCode(I, N, BS), I, N, BS, NBITS) [owise]
rule #isValidInstruction(encodingError(), _, _, _, _) => false
rule #isValidInstruction(OP:OpCode, I, N, BS, NBITS) => N >=Int #opWidth(OP, NBITS) andBool #isValidFunction(I +Int #opWidth(OP, NBITS), N -Int #opWidth(OP, NBITS), BS, NBITS) [owise]
rule #isValidLoad(I, N, BS) => N >=Int #loadLen(BS[I .. N]) +Int #loadOffset(BS[I .. N])
rule #dasmFunction(false, NAME, CNAME, SIG, I, N, BS, NBITS, FUNCS, INSTRS, .K) => define @ NAME ( SIG ) { #toBlocks(INSTRS) } #dasmFunctions(I, N, BS, NBITS, FUNCS, CNAME)
requires N >=Int 1 andBool (BS[I] ==Int 103 orBool BS[I] ==Int 104)
rule #dasmFunction(true, NAME, CNAME, SIG, I, N, BS, NBITS, FUNCS, INSTRS, .K) => define public @ NAME ( SIG ) { #toBlocks(INSTRS) } #dasmFunctions(I, N, BS, NBITS, FUNCS, CNAME)
requires N >=Int 1 andBool (BS[I] ==Int 103 orBool BS[I] ==Int 104)
rule #dasmFunction(false, NAME, _CNAME, SIG, _I, 0, _BS, _NBITS, _FUNCS, INSTRS, .K) => define @ NAME ( SIG ) { #toBlocks(INSTRS) } .TopLevelDefinitions
rule #dasmFunction(true, NAME, _CNAME, SIG, _I, 0, _BS, _NBITS, _FUNCS, INSTRS, .K) => define public @ NAME ( SIG ) { #toBlocks(INSTRS) } .TopLevelDefinitions
rule #dasmFunction(PUBLIC, NAME, CNAME, SIG, I, N, BS, NBITS, FUNCS, INSTRS, .K) => #dasmFunction(PUBLIC, NAME, CNAME, SIG, I, N, BS, NBITS, FUNCS, INSTRS, #dasmOpCode(I, N, BS)) [owise]
rule #dasmFunction(PUBLIC, NAME, CNAME, SIG, I, N, BS, NBITS, FUNCS, INSTRS, OP:OpCode) => #dasmFunction(PUBLIC, NAME, CNAME, SIG, I +Int #opWidth(OP, NBITS), N -Int #opWidth(OP, NBITS), BS, NBITS, FUNCS, #dasmInstruction(OP, I +Int #opCodeWidth(OP), #opWidth(OP, NBITS) -Int #opCodeWidth(OP), BS, NBITS, FUNCS, CNAME) INSTRS, .K)
syntax Blocks ::= #toBlocks ( Instructions ) [function]
| #toBlocks ( Instructions , Blocks ) [function, klabel(#toBlockAux)]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #toBlocks(INSTRS) => #toBlocks(INSTRS, .LabeledBlocks)
rule #toBlocks(.Instructions, BLOCKS) => BLOCKS
rule #toBlocks(label(LABEL) INSTRS, LABELEDBLOCK::LabeledBlock BLOCKS) => #toBlocks(INSTRS, LABEL : .Instructions LABELEDBLOCK BLOCKS)
rule #toBlocks(label(LABEL) INSTRS, .LabeledBlocks) => #toBlocks(INSTRS, LABEL : .Instructions .LabeledBlocks)
requires notBool isPseudoInstruction(INSTR)
requires notBool isPseudoInstruction(INSTR)
rule #toBlocks(INSTR INSTRS, .LabeledBlocks) => #toBlocks(INSTRS, INSTR .Instructions .LabeledBlocks)
requires notBool isPseudoInstruction(INSTR)
syntax PseudoInstruction ::= label ( Int )
syntax Instruction ::= PseudoInstruction
syntax Instruction ::= #dasmInstruction ( opcode: OpCode , start: Int , width: Int , bytecode: Bytes , nbits: Int , functions: Map , name: IeleName ) [function]
| #dasmInstruction ( opcode: OpCode , r: Int , w: Int , m: Int , functions: Map , name: IeleName ) [function, klabel(#dasmInstructionAux)]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #dasmInstruction ( LOADPOS(M, W), I, _, BS, NBITS, FUNCS, NAME ) => #dasmInstruction(LOADPOS(M, W), #asUnsigned(I, NBITS up/Int 8, BS), NBITS, (1 <<Int NBITS) -Int 1, FUNCS, NAME)
rule #dasmInstruction ( LOADNEG(M, W), I, _, BS, NBITS, FUNCS, NAME ) => #dasmInstruction(LOADNEG(M, W), #asUnsigned(I, NBITS up/Int 8, BS), NBITS, (1 <<Int NBITS) -Int 1, FUNCS, NAME)
rule #dasmInstruction ( OP, I, _, BS, NBITS, FUNCS, NAME ) => #dasmInstruction(OP, #asUnsigned(I, #opWidth(OP, NBITS) -Int #opCodeWidth(OP), BS), NBITS, (1 <<Int NBITS) -Int 1, FUNCS, NAME) [owise]
rule #dasmInstruction ( LOADPOS ( _, I ), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = I
rule #dasmInstruction ( LOADNEG ( _, I ), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = (0 -Int I)
rule #dasmInstruction ( BR ( LABEL ), _, _, _, _, _ ) => br LABEL
rule #dasmInstruction ( INVALID (), _, _, _, _, _ ) => .LValues = call @iele.invalid ( .Operands )
rule #dasmInstruction ( BRLABEL ( LABEL ), _, _, _, _, _ ) => label ( LABEL )
rule #dasmInstruction ( SELFDESTRUCT (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => selfdestruct %(R, W, M, 0)
rule #dasmInstruction ( BRC ( LABEL ), R, W, M, _, _ ) => br %(R, W, M, 0) , LABEL
rule #dasmInstruction ( LOG0 (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => log %(R, W, M, 0)
rule #dasmInstruction ( CALLVALUE (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = call @iele.callvalue ( .Operands )
rule #dasmInstruction ( GASLIMIT (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = call @iele.gaslimit ( .Operands )
rule #dasmInstruction ( GASPRICE (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = call @iele.gasprice ( .Operands )
rule #dasmInstruction ( GAS (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = call @iele.gas ( .Operands )
rule #dasmInstruction ( ADDRESS (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = call @iele.address ( .Operands )
rule #dasmInstruction ( ORIGIN (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = call @iele.origin ( .Operands )
rule #dasmInstruction ( CALLER (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = call @iele.caller ( .Operands )
rule #dasmInstruction ( CODESIZE (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = call @iele.codesize ( .Operands )
rule #dasmInstruction ( BENEFICIARY (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = call @iele.beneficiary ( .Operands )
rule #dasmInstruction ( TIMESTAMP (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = call @iele.timestamp ( .Operands )
rule #dasmInstruction ( NUMBER (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = call @iele.number ( .Operands )
rule #dasmInstruction ( DIFFICULTY (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = call @iele.difficulty ( .Operands )
rule #dasmInstruction ( MSIZE (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = call @iele.msize ( .Operands )
rule #dasmInstruction ( MOVE (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = %(R, W, M, 1)
rule #dasmInstruction ( ISZERO (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = iszero %(R, W, M, 1)
rule #dasmInstruction ( NOT (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = not %(R, W, M, 1)
rule #dasmInstruction ( SHA3 (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = sha3 %(R, W, M, 1)
rule #dasmInstruction ( MLOAD (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = load %(R, W, M, 1)
rule #dasmInstruction ( SLOAD (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = sload %(R, W, M, 1)
rule #dasmInstruction ( LOGARITHM2 (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = log2 %(R, W, M, 1)
rule #dasmInstruction ( MSTORE (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => store %(R, W, M, 0) , %(R, W, M, 1)
rule #dasmInstruction ( SSTORE (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => sstore %(R, W, M, 0) , %(R, W, M, 1)
rule #dasmInstruction ( LOG1 (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => log %(R, W, M, 0) , %(R, W, M, 1)
rule #dasmInstruction ( EXTCODESIZE (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = call @iele.extcodesize ( %(R, W, M, 1) )
rule #dasmInstruction ( BLOCKHASH (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = call @iele.blockhash ( %(R, W, M, 1) )
rule #dasmInstruction ( BALANCE (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = call @iele.balance ( %(R, W, M, 1) )
rule #dasmInstruction ( ADD (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = add %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2)
rule #dasmInstruction ( MUL (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = mul %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2)
rule #dasmInstruction ( SUB (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = sub %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2)
rule #dasmInstruction ( DIV (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = div %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2)
rule #dasmInstruction ( MOD (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = mod %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2)
rule #dasmInstruction ( EXP (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = exp %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2)
rule #dasmInstruction ( SIGNEXTEND (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = sext %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2)
rule #dasmInstruction ( TWOS (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = twos %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2)
rule #dasmInstruction ( BSWAP (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = bswap %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2)
rule #dasmInstruction ( AND (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = and %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2)
rule #dasmInstruction ( OR (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = or %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2)
rule #dasmInstruction ( XOR (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = xor %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2)
rule #dasmInstruction ( SHIFT (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = shift %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2)
rule #dasmInstruction ( BYTE (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = byte %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2)
rule #dasmInstruction ( LT (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = cmp lt %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2)
rule #dasmInstruction ( LE (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = cmp le %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2)
rule #dasmInstruction ( GT (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = cmp gt %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2)
rule #dasmInstruction ( GE (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = cmp ge %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2)
rule #dasmInstruction ( EQ (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = cmp eq %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2)
rule #dasmInstruction ( NE (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = cmp ne %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2)
rule #dasmInstruction ( LOG2 (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => log %(R, W, M, 0) , %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2)
rule #dasmInstruction ( ADDMOD (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = addmod %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2) , %(R, W, M, 3)
rule #dasmInstruction ( MULMOD (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = mulmod %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2) , %(R, W, M, 3)
rule #dasmInstruction ( EXPMOD (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = expmod %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2) , %(R, W, M, 3)
rule #dasmInstruction ( MLOADN (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = load %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2) , %(R, W, M, 3)
rule #dasmInstruction ( MSTOREN (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => store %(R, W, M, 0) , %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2) , %(R, W, M, 3)
rule #dasmInstruction ( LOG3 (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => log %(R, W, M, 0) , %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2) , %(R, W, M, 3)
rule #dasmInstruction ( LOG4 (), R, W, M, _, _ ) => log %(R, W, M, 0) , %(R, W, M, 1) , %(R, W, M, 2) , %(R, W, M, 3) , %(R, W, M, 4)
rule #dasmInstruction ( STATICCALL (LABEL, ARGS, RETS), R, W, M, F, _ ) => %l(R, W, M, 0, RETS +Int 1) = staticcall @ getIeleName(F [ LABEL ]) at %(R, W, M, 2 +Int RETS) ( %o(R, W, M, 3 +Int RETS, ARGS) ) gaslimit %(R, W, M, 1 +Int RETS)
rule #dasmInstruction ( STATICCALLDYN (ARGS, RETS), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %l(R, W, M, 0, RETS +Int 1) = staticcall %(R, W, M, 1 +Int RETS) at %(R, W, M, 3 +Int RETS) ( %o(R, W, M, 4 +Int RETS, ARGS) ) gaslimit %(R, W, M, 2 +Int RETS)
rule #dasmInstruction ( CALL (LABEL, ARGS, RETS), R, W, M, F, _ ) => %l(R, W, M, 0, RETS +Int 1) = call @ getIeleName(F [ LABEL ]) at %(R, W, M, 2 +Int RETS) ( %o(R, W, M, 4 +Int RETS, ARGS) ) send %(R, W, M, 3 +Int RETS) , gaslimit %(R, W, M, 1 +Int RETS)
rule #dasmInstruction ( CALLDYN (ARGS, RETS), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %l(R, W, M, 0, RETS +Int 1) = call %(R, W, M, 1 +Int RETS) at %(R, W, M, 3 +Int RETS) ( %o(R, W, M, 5 +Int RETS, ARGS) ) send %(R, W, M, 4 +Int RETS) , gaslimit %(R, W, M, 2 +Int RETS)
rule #dasmInstruction ( LOCALCALL (LABEL, ARGS, RETS), R, W, M, F, _ ) => %l(R, W, M, 0, RETS) = call @ getIeleName(F [ LABEL ] orDefault LABEL) ( %o(R, W, M, RETS, ARGS) )
rule #dasmInstruction ( LOCALCALLDYN (ARGS, RETS), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %l(R, W, M, 0, RETS) = call %(R, W, M, RETS) ( %o(R, W, M, 1 +Int RETS, ARGS) )
rule #dasmInstruction ( CALLADDRESS (LABEL), R, W, M, F, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) = calladdress @ getIeleName(F [ LABEL ]) at %(R, W, M, 1)
rule #dasmInstruction ( CREATE (LABEL, ARGS), R, W, M, _, NAME ) => %(R, W, M, 0) , %(R, W, M, 1) = create NAME +.+IeleName String2IeleName(Int2String(LABEL)) ( %o(R, W, M, 3, ARGS) ) send %(R, W, M, 2)
rule #dasmInstruction ( COPYCREATE (ARGS), R, W, M, _, _ ) => %(R, W, M, 0) , %(R, W, M, 1) = copycreate %(R, W, M, 3) ( %o(R, W, M, 4, ARGS) ) send %(R, W, M, 2)
rule #dasmInstruction ( REVERT(), R, W, M, _, _ ) => revert %(R, W, M, 0)
rule #dasmInstruction ( RETURN(RETS), R, W, M, _, _ ) => ret %o(R, W, M, 0, RETS)
requires RETS =/=Int 0
rule #dasmInstruction ( RETURN(0), _, _, _, _, _ ) => ret void
syntax LValue ::= "%" "(" Int "," Int "," Int "," Int ")" [function]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
rule %(REGS, WIDTH, MASK, IDX) => % ((REGS >>Int (IDX *Int WIDTH)) &Int MASK)
syntax NonEmptyOperands ::= "%o" "(" Int "," Int "," Int "," Int "," Int ")" [function]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule %o(_REGS, _WIDTH, _MASK, _IDX, 0) => .NonEmptyOperands
rule %o( REGS, WIDTH, MASK, IDX, COUNT) => %(REGS, WIDTH, MASK, IDX) , %o(REGS, WIDTH, MASK, IDX +Int 1, COUNT -Int 1) [owise]
syntax LValues ::= "%l" "(" Int "," Int "," Int "," Int "," Int ")" [function]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule %l(_REGS, _WIDTH, _MASK, _IDX, 0) => .LValues
rule %l( REGS, WIDTH, MASK, IDX, COUNT) => %(REGS, WIDTH, MASK, IDX) , %l(REGS, WIDTH, MASK, IDX +Int 1, COUNT -Int 1) [owise]
syntax Int ::= #opWidth ( OpCode , Int ) [function]
// ---------------------------------------------------
rule #opWidth ( OP, NBITS ) => #opCodeWidth(OP) +Int ((NBITS *Int #numArgs(OP)) up/Int 8) [owise]
syntax Int ::= #opCodeWidth ( OpCode ) [function]
// -------------------------------------------------
rule #opCodeWidth( BRLABEL(_) ) => 3
rule #opCodeWidth( BR(_) ) => 3
rule #opCodeWidth( BRC(_) ) => 3
rule #opCodeWidth( LOCALCALL(_,_,_) ) => 7
rule #opCodeWidth( LOCALCALLDYN(_,_) ) => 5
rule #opCodeWidth( RETURN(_) ) => 3
rule #opCodeWidth( CALL(_,_,_) ) => 7
rule #opCodeWidth( CALLDYN(_,_) ) => 5
rule #opCodeWidth( STATICCALL(_,_,_) ) => 7
rule #opCodeWidth( STATICCALLDYN(_,_) ) => 5
rule #opCodeWidth( CALLADDRESS(_) ) => 3
rule #opCodeWidth( _:CreateOp ) => 5
rule #opCodeWidth( _:CopyCreateOp ) => 3
rule #opCodeWidth ( LOADPOS(N, _) ) => 1 +Int N
rule #opCodeWidth ( LOADNEG(N, _) ) => 1 +Int N
rule #opCodeWidth( _OP ) => 1 [owise]
syntax Int ::= #numArgs ( OpCode ) [function]
// ---------------------------------------------
rule #numArgs ( _:NullOp ) => 0
rule #numArgs ( _:UnOp ) => 1
rule #numArgs ( _:BinOp ) => 2
rule #numArgs ( _:TernOp ) => 3
rule #numArgs ( _:QuadOp ) => 4
rule #numArgs ( _:FiveOp ) => 5
rule #numArgs ( STATICCALL (_, ARGS, RETS) ) => 3 +Int ARGS +Int RETS
rule #numArgs ( STATICCALLDYN( ARGS, RETS) ) => 4 +Int ARGS +Int RETS
rule #numArgs ( CALL (_, ARGS, RETS) ) => 4 +Int ARGS +Int RETS
rule #numArgs ( CALLDYN ( ARGS, RETS) ) => 5 +Int ARGS +Int RETS
rule #numArgs ( LOCALCALL (_, ARGS, RETS) ) => ARGS +Int RETS
rule #numArgs ( LOCALCALLDYN ( ARGS, RETS) ) => 1 +Int ARGS +Int RETS
rule #numArgs ( CALLADDRESS(_) ) => 2
rule #numArgs ( RETURN(RETS) ) => RETS
rule #numArgs ( CREATE(_, ARGS) ) => 3 +Int ARGS
rule #numArgs ( COPYCREATE(ARGS) ) => 4 +Int ARGS
syntax OpCode ::= #dasmOpCode ( start: Int, width: Int, bytecode: Bytes ) [function]
| #dasmOpCode ( opcode: Int, start: Int, width: Int, bytecode: Bytes ) [function,klabel(dasmOpCodeAux)]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #dasmOpCode( I, N, BS ) => #dasmOpCode( BS[I], I +Int 1, N -Int 1, BS ) requires N >=Int 1
rule #dasmOpCode( _, _, _ ) => encodingError() [owise]
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 1 ) => ADD ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 2 ) => MUL ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 3 ) => SUB ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 4 ) => DIV ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 6 ) => MOD ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 7 ) => EXP ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 8 ) => ADDMOD ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 9 ) => MULMOD ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 10 ) => EXPMOD ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 11 ) => SIGNEXTEND ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 12 ) => TWOS ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 13 ) => BSWAP ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 15 ) => NE ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 16 ) => LT ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 17 ) => GT ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 18 ) => LE ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 19 ) => GE ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 20 ) => EQ ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 21 ) => ISZERO ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 22 ) => AND ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 23 ) => OR ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 24 ) => XOR ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 25 ) => NOT ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 26 ) => BYTE ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 27 ) => SHIFT ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 28 ) => LOGARITHM2 ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 32 ) => SHA3 ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 48 ) => ADDRESS ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 49 ) => BALANCE ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 50 ) => ORIGIN ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 51 ) => CALLER ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 52 ) => CALLVALUE ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 56 ) => CODESIZE ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 58 ) => GASPRICE ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 59 ) => EXTCODESIZE ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 64 ) => BLOCKHASH ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 65 ) => BENEFICIARY ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 66 ) => TIMESTAMP ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 67 ) => NUMBER ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 68 ) => DIFFICULTY ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 69 ) => GASLIMIT ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 80 ) => MLOADN ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 81 ) => MLOAD ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 82 ) => MSTOREN ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 83 ) => MSTORE ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 84 ) => SLOAD ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 85 ) => SSTORE ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 86 ) => MSIZE ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 87 ) => GAS ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 96 ) => MOVE ()
rule #dasmOpCode( 97 , I, N, BS ) => #dasmLoad(97, #loadLen(BS[I .. N]), #loadOffset(BS[I .. N]), I, N, BS)
rule #dasmOpCode( 98 , I, N, BS ) => #dasmLoad(98, #loadLen(BS[I .. N]), #loadOffset(BS[I .. N]), I, N, BS)
rule #dasmOpCode( 100 , I, N, BS ) => BR ( #asUnsigned(I, 2, BS) ) requires N >=Int 2
rule #dasmOpCode( 101 , I, N, BS ) => BRC ( #asUnsigned(I, 2, BS) ) requires N >=Int 2
rule #dasmOpCode( 102 , I, N, BS ) => BRLABEL( #asUnsigned(I, 2, BS) ) requires N >=Int 2
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 160 ) => LOG0 ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 161 ) => LOG1 ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 162 ) => LOG2 ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 163 ) => LOG3 ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 164 ) => LOG4 ()
rule #dasmOpCode( 240 , I, N, BS ) => CREATE ( #asUnsigned(I, 2, BS), #asUnsigned(I +Int 2, 2, BS) ) requires N >=Int 4
rule #dasmOpCode( 241 , I, N, BS ) => COPYCREATE ( #asUnsigned(I, 2, BS) ) requires N >=Int 2
rule #dasmOpCode( 242 , I, N, BS ) => CALL ( #asUnsigned(I, 2, BS), #asUnsigned(I +Int 2, 2, BS), #asUnsigned(I +Int 4, 2, BS) ) requires N >=Int 6
rule #dasmOpCode( 243 , I, N, BS ) => CALLDYN ( #asUnsigned(I, 2, BS), #asUnsigned(I +Int 2, 2, BS) ) requires N >=Int 4
rule #dasmOpCode( 244 , I, N, BS ) => STATICCALL ( #asUnsigned(I, 2, BS), #asUnsigned(I +Int 2, 2, BS), #asUnsigned(I +Int 4, 2, BS) ) requires N >=Int 6
rule #dasmOpCode( 245 , I, N, BS ) => STATICCALLDYN ( #asUnsigned(I, 2, BS), #asUnsigned(I +Int 2, 2, BS) ) requires N >=Int 4
rule #dasmOpCode( 246 , I, N, BS ) => RETURN ( #asUnsigned(I, 2, BS) ) requires N >=Int 2
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 247 ) => REVERT()
rule #dasmOpCode( 248 , I, N, BS ) => LOCALCALL ( #asUnsigned(I, 2, BS), #asUnsigned(I +Int 2, 2, BS), #asUnsigned(I +Int 4, 2, BS) ) requires N >=Int 6
rule #dasmOpCode( 249 , I, N, BS ) => LOCALCALLDYN ( #asUnsigned(I, 2, BS), #asUnsigned(I +Int 2, 2, BS) ) requires N >=Int 4
rule #dasmOpCode( 250 , I, N, BS ) => CALLADDRESS ( #asUnsigned(I, 2, BS) ) requires N >=Int 2
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 254 ) => INVALID ()
rule #dasmOpCode( ... opcode: 255 ) => SELFDESTRUCT ()
rule #dasmOpCode( _ , _, _, _ ) => encodingError() [owise]
syntax OpCode ::= #dasmLoad ( Int , Int , Int , Int , Int , Bytes ) [function]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #dasmLoad(97, LEN, POS, I, _N, BS) => LOADPOS(LEN +Int POS, #asUnsigned(I +Int POS, LEN , BS))
rule #dasmLoad(98, LEN, POS, I, _N, BS) => LOADNEG(LEN +Int POS, #asUnsigned(I +Int POS, LEN , BS))