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The Kore Language

Kore is the "core" part of the K framework.

What is Kore all about?

In short, we need a formal semantics of K. In K, users can define formal syntax and semantics of programming languages as K definitions, and automatically obtain parsers, interpreters, compilers, and various verification tools for their languages. Therefore K is a language-independent framework.

Thanks to years of research in matching logic and reachability logic, we know that all K does can be nicely formalized as logic reasoning in matching logic. To give K a formal semantics, we only need to formally specify the underlying matching logic theories with which K does reasoning. In practice, these underlying theories are complex and often infinite, and it is tricky to specify infinite theories without a carefully designed formal specification language. And Kore is such a language.

Structure of this project

The docs directory contains a collection of documents that describe the mathematical foundation of Kore and a BNF grammar that defines the syntax of Kore language. See /docs/ for an overview of the components of Kore.

The kore project is an implementation in Haskell of a Kore parser and symbolic execution engine, for use with the K Framework as a backend.


Besides git, you will need stack or cabal to build kore.

stack build kore
# or
cabal build kore

If using cabal, version 3.0 or later is recommended. You may pass --fast to stack build or -O0 to cabal build in order to disable compiler optimizations and make build faster at the cost of slower runtime.

Using make:

make all # builds all binaries


Currently, LLVM 13 from Homebrew installs an incompatible version of install_name_tool, which breaks the Haskell backend build on macOS. To resolve this, uninstall llvm and install llvm@12 from Homebrew, then build from scratch.

Apple Silicon

If you are building the project on an Apple Silicon machine, a temporary workaround is necessary to install a new enough version of GHC with support for ARM64 Darwin. To do so, follow the instructions in this comment. The command-line flags for stack should then be specified everywhere an execution of stack is required. For make invocations in this project, set the environment variable STACK_BUILD_OPTS=--compiler ghc-8.10.7 --system-ghc.

When stack and ghc merge their full support for ARM64 Darwin in future releases, it should be possible to remove this workaround.


Developers will require all the dependencies listed above, in addition to the requirements and recommendations below.

Required dependencies

For integration testing, we require:

Instead of installing the frontend, you can use our Dockerfile to run the integration tests inside a container. Use to run commands inside the container:

./docker/  # run once when dependencies change
./docker/ make all  # build the backend
./docker/ make test  # run all tests
./docker/ make -C test/imp test  # run all tests in test/imp

Recommended dependencies

For setting up a development environment, we recommend:

  • direnv to make the project's tools available in shells and editors.
  • haskell-language-server, a language server for Haskell that is compatible with most editors. See instructions below to run a language server.
  • hlint for compliance with project guidelines.
  • entr and fd for running ./ to keep important files up-to-date.

We recommend to keep ./ running in the background to keep important files (such as package descriptions) up-to-date, especially if the developer is using Cabal.

Running a language server

To run a language server, developers will need to activate the appropriate hie.yaml file:

ln -s hie-stack.yaml hie.yaml  # for Stack
# or
ln -s hie-cabal.yaml hie.yaml  # for Cabal
# or
ln -s hie-bios.yaml hie.yaml  # if all else fails

The project's dependencies must be installed before starting the language server:

stack build --test --bench --only-dependencies
# or
cabal build --enable-tests --enable-benchmarks --only-dependencies kore

Developing with Nix

To build and run nix based packages at RV, please follow these instructions to set up nix:

We are switching to using nix flakes in all our repos. What this means at a high level is that some of the commands for building packages look a bit different.

To set up nix flakes you will need to install nix 2.4 or higher.If you are on a standard Linux distribution, such as Ubuntu, first install nix and then enable flakes by editing either ~/.config/nix/nix.conf or /etc/nix/nix.conf and adding:

experimental-features = nix-command flakes

This is needed to expose the Nix 2.0 CLI and flakes support that are hidden behind feature-flags. (If you are on a different system like nixOS, see instructions for enabling flakes here:

By default, Nix will build any project and its transitive dependencies from source, which can take a very long time. We therefore need to set up some binary caches to speed up the build process. First, install cachix

nix-env -iA cachix -f

and then add the kore cachix cache

cachix use kore

Next, we need to set up the cache for our haskell infrastructure, by adding the following sections to /etc/nix/nix.conf or, if you are a trusted user, ~/.config/nix/nix.conf (if you don't know what a "trusted user" is, you probably want to do the former):

trusted-public-keys = ...
substituters = ...

i.e. if the file was originally

substituters =
trusted-public-keys =

it will now read

substituters =
trusted-public-keys =


The CI requires all Haskell files to be formatted via fourmolu. The easiest way to do this locally is to run

nix run .#format

This will format all the haskell files in the given folder and all sub-folders. You can cd into a particular subfolder and run the command there, or if you only want to format a specific file, you can provide it as an argument to the above command:

nix run .#format Foo.hs

Nix dev shell

We provide a development nix shell with a suitable development environment and a binary cache at The development can be launched via nix develop and then calling stack build/test/etc.

When the kore.cabal package description file changes, run:

# Requires Nix with flakes enabled.
nix run .#update-cabal


# Requires Nix to be installed.

This script is also run by an automatic workflow.

New GHC 9.2.3 dev shell

In order to make use of the new profiling options in GHC 9.2, we've added a nix dev shell which builds kore with GHC 9.2.3. To open the shell, run

nix develop .#ghc9

Then, use stack to build against stack-nix-ghc9.yaml:

stack --stack-yaml stack-nix-ghc9.yaml build

If you modified the kore.cabal file and want to build with GHC 9, you will have to run

# Requires Nix with flakes enabled.
nix run .#update-cabal-ghc9

Integration tests

We provide a test.nix for running integration tests:

nix-build test.nix  # run all integration tests
nix-build test.nix --argstr test imp  # run the integration tests in test/imp
nix-shell test.nix  # enter a shell where we can run tests manually

You can also us a new nix flake shell feature to compile the K framework against your current version of haskell backend and bring K into scope of your current shell via

nix shell github:runtimeverification/k/<commit> --override-input haskell-backend $(pwd)

where <commit> can be empty or point to a specific version of the K framework github repository. Running this command will add all of the K binaries like kompile or kast into the PATH of your current shell (this is not permanent and will only persist in your current shell window until you close it).