All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Filebot 2.9.6 depreciated theTVDBSeriesInfo class we were using, so updated to use SeriesInfo instead
- filebotTVDBgetEpisodeList() - Add Try/Catch on WebServices.TheTVDB.getSeriesInfo() for when the Series ID doesn't exist on TVDB
- Changed println to Logging.log.warning
- filebotTVDBSeasonEpisodeRange() - Switch from collect to findAll (Now it will not return null "matches")
- filebotTVDBgetEpisodeList() - get the Episode List for a TVDB Series
- filebotTVDBSeasonEpisodeRange() - Return all TVDB Episodes in a specific Season of a TVDB Series
- filebotTVDBSeasonEpisodes() - Return all TVDB Episodes in a specific Season of a TVDB Series
- filebotTVDBSeasonContainsEpisodeNumber() - Determine if an episode is contained in a collection of Episodes
- filebotAnimeListReturnFromTVDBID() - Search Filebot's cache of AnimeLists for the specific TVDB ID.
- filebotAnimeListReturnAIDEntry() - Try to determine the AniDB AID for a specific episode using TVDB ID # and Filebot's AnimeLists cache
- javadoc for methods
- Changelog (This file)