All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- seriesBasenameGenerator() - Renamed from basenameGenerator
- Added movieBasenameGenerator()
- Rework Movie Keyword Regex for #1, #2 and #4
- searchForMoviesJWD() - Add Series Syntax Movie Variation
- renameOptionsForEpisodesUsingAnimeLists() - First 3rd RenamePass addition
- renameOptionForAniDBAbsoluteEpisodes() - First 3rd RenamePass addition
- groupOverrides() added fine logging and changed the match from .equals() to a .each loop with logging (fine)
- basenameGenerator() - If there is an AltTitle iterate over both alttitle and basename (group.anime) to compile list of baseAnimeNames
- seriesNameGenerator() - Fixed bug when anime is using romain ordinal series format by referencing non-existant group variable.
- When episode # is null, also log filename at level
- groupOverrides() - Added so we can externalize some of the complex match/set overrides in Series basename generation to an override json file
- searchForMoviesJWD() - Moved Alt Title checks so they add additional baseGeneratedAnimeNames
- searchForMoviesJWD() - Added group.anime name back into tempBaseGeneratedAnimeNames
- baseNameGenerator() - Changed series numerial syntax in switch to [0-9]+ to match integer series, before defaulting to romanordinal
- searchForMoviesJWD() - Added switch for changing tempAnimeName based on group.animename
- searchForMoviesJWD() - Added Alt Movie #4 - Adding 'the' before 'movie', when it only has 'movie'
- episodeRenameOptionsPassOne() - Line 3991 - Switch
if ( animeFoundInAniDB && firstTVDBDWTMatchNumber < 0.9800000000000000000 )
toif ( animeFoundInAniDB && firstTVDBDWTMatchNumber <= 0.9800000000000000000 )
- basenameGenerator() & searchForMoviesJWD() - Check for v{Digit} at end of anime name and add additioinal basename without it. aka when anime series v2 is detected, add additional basename of anime series
- ovaOnaOadSpecialBonusSyntaxMatcher - Modify Regex
- basenameGenerator() - Redid the Roman Ordinal's to generate alternatives for Roman Ordinals (2nd, II, 2) just like with interger seasons
- basenameGenerator() - Added getNumberFromRomanOrdinal() to get integer equiv of Roman Ordinal
- basenameGenerator() - Apply seriesNameGenerator() to both basename and group.altTitle when group.hasSeriesSyntax is true
- basenameGenerator() - Add basename without 'the' if animename starts with it.
- seriesNameGenerator() - Generate HashSet of "Series" name variations.
- Update detectEpisodeNumberFromFile invocations with new param (returnOnlyIntegerEpisode)
- Expanded the try/catch to echo out the error, also worked to limit the methods in the try to a single one (so we know the error is only from that method)
- renameOptionForTVDBAbsoluteEpisodes()- Fixed - line 2467 If statement used mySeasonalityNumber for compare, but was using myanimeListGetTVDBSeason for the value
- Changed all println to, Apply some Intellij suggested Fixes here and there
- I forgot to update for this point release.
- Switched regex to use global variables, introduced the following:
- stripYearDateRegex
- ovaOnaOadSpecialBonusSyntaxMatcher
- searchForMoviesJWD() - Switch baseAnimeName to jwdStringBlender(group.anime) from just group.anime
- filebotMovieFallBack() - Added for logic around Filebot Movie Fall Back lookup of AniDB ID using IMDB/TMDB
- renameOptionForTVDBAbsoluteEpisodes() - Add renameStrict = true at 1574 for edge cases where it wouldn't be set (at all), causing script abend
- renameOptionForTVDBAbsoluteEpisodes() - !renameOptionsSet && myEpisodeSeason == myanimeListGetTVDBSeason.toInteger() - Add animelist offset check to send to renameOptionForAniDBAbsoluteEpisodes
- renameOptionsForEpisodesUsingAnimeLists() - Line 1389 - Set renamePass to 1 when sending to renameOptionForAniDBAbsoluteEpisodes() on 2nd pass
- renameMapperGenerator() - Line 390 - Don't use episode.derive(e) with tvdb if it has AnimeList Entry
- renameMapperGenerator() - Added
- renameOptionForTVDBAbsoluteEpisodes() - Switched existing instances of renameMapper usage to use renameMapperGenerator(), except for TVDB Absolute Ordered decision tree
- renameOptionForTVDBAbsoluteEpisodes() - Fixed a few references to mySeasonalityNumber that should have been myanimeListGetTVDBSeason
- renameOptionForTVDBAirdateEpisodes() - Added Check for invalid season (Do not treat as special)
- groupGenerationByTVDB() - fix case for Absolute or absolute
- renameOptionForAniDBAbsoluteEpisodes() - Disable episode.special filter when useNonStrictOnAniDBSpecials is true
- episodeRenameOptionPassOne() - Switched preferred DB to AniDB with Airdate when calling groupGenerationByAnimeLists()
- renameOptionForTVDBAbsoluteEpisodes() - Do not pass TVDBID to renameOptionForAniDBAbsoluteEpisodes when it is a possible special
- renameOptionForAniDBAbsoluteEpisodes() - move pass 1 tvdb checks to pass 2 for Episode Numbers GREATER then AniDB Episode Count WITH Specials range
- renameOptionsForEpisodesUsingAnimeLists() - Added useNonStrictOnTVDBSpecials
- renameOptionForTVDBAbsoluteEpisodes() - Added useNonStrictOnTVDBSpecials
- renameOptionForTVDBAirdateEpisodes() - Added useNonStrictOnTVDBSpecials
- renameOptionForAniDBAbsoluteEpisodes() - Added useNonStrictOnTVDBSpecials
- episodeRenameOptionPassOne() - Added useNonStrictOnTVDBSpecials
- renameOptionForTVDBAirdateEpisodes() - Added useNonStrictOnTVDBSpecials
- renameOptionForTVDBAbsoluteEpisodes() - Added useNonStrictOnTVDBSpecials
- renameOptionForTVDBAbsoluteEpisodes() - Fix missing renameFilter when myanimeListGetTVDBSeason == 'n'
- renameOptionsForEpisodesUsingAnimeLists() - Removed updating group.isSpecialEpisode, isSpecialEpisode value is used for local decision tree/return only.
- renameOptionForTVDBAbsoluteEpisodes() - Updated to use local isSpecialEpisode, isMovieType, isSpecialType variables (no mix of local or group)
- renameOptionForTVDBAirdateEpisodes() - Updated to use local isSpecialEpisode, isMovieType, isSpecialType variables (no mix of local or group)
- renameOptionForAniDBAbsoluteEpisodes() - Removed updating group.isSpecialEpisode, isSpecialEpisode value is used for local decision tree/return only.
- renameOptionForAniDBAbsoluteEpisodes() - Add if ( !renameOptionsSet && group.isSpecialEpisode ) Decision Tree
- renameOptionForAniDBAbsoluteEpisodes() - Add isSpecialType options to when myEpisodeNumber == null
- episodeRenameOptionPassOne() - Removed setAnimeTypeFromAID() usage (it's now included in AniDBMatchDetails)
- episodeRenameOptionPassOne() - Switched preferred DB to anidb for airdate when AniDB Matches 0.98+
- renameOptionForTVDBAirdateEpisodes() - Added processAsSpecial Boolean (default value is false)
- renameOptionForTVDBAbsoluteEpisodes() - Added processAsSpecial Boolean (default value is false)
- renameOptionForTVDBAirdateEpisodes() - Updated renameMapper to use different mappers if Absolute vs Airdate Ordering.
- renameOptionForAniDBAbsoluteEpisodes() - Added renameStrict = false option support when No AnimeList Entry. AniDB Fallback will be used
- renameOptionForAniDBAbsoluteEpisodes() - Updated decision tree when ep # greater then # of eps to use AnimeList map if no TVDBID supplied and it has one
- filebotAnidbJWDSearch() - Added support for isMovieType, isSpecialType, isSpecialEpisode and specialType detection using setAnimeTypeFromAID()
- filebotAnidbJWDSearch() - Added support for hasAnimeListEntry using filebotAnimeListReturnFromAID()
- filebotTVDBJWDSearch() - Added support for hasAnimeListEntry using filebotAnimeListReturnFromTVDBID()
- groupInfoGenerator() - Added support for isMovieType, isSpecialType, isSpecialEpisode and specialType
- groupGenerationByAnimeLists() - Rename Option Group Generation using AnimeList Decision Tree
- groupGenerationByTVDB() - Rename Option Group Generation using TheTVDB Decision Tree
- groupGenerationByAniDB() - Rename Option Group Generation using AniDB Decision Tree
- renameOptionsForEpisodesUsingAnimeLists() - Rename Option picker using AnimeList Decision Tree
- renameOptionForTVDBAbsoluteEpisodes() - Rename Option picker using TVDB & Absolute Ordering Decision Tree
- renameOptionForTVDBAirdateEpisodes() - Rename Option picker using TVDB & Airdate Ordering Decision Tree
- renameOptionForAniDBAbsoluteEpisodes() - Rename Option picker using AniDB & Absolute Ordering Decision Tree
- episodeRenameOptionPassOne() - Episode Renaming 1st Pass JWD Decision Tree
- javadoc for methods
- searchForMoviesJWD() - updated usage of filebotAnidbJWDSearch for anidbHashTitleSearch()
- filebotAnidbJWDSearch() - Switched to use anidbHashTitleSearch (instead of anidbXMLTitleSearch)
- basenameGenerator() - Added additional custom checks for series
- basenameGenerator - Added additional custom checks for series
~/girl gaku/
~/rezero kara hajimeru break time/
~/mushoku tensei/
baseAnimeName == 'shokugeki no souma' && group.seasonNumber == 4
baseAnimeName == 'dragon quest dai no daibouken' && group.yearDateInName == "2021"
- groupInfoGenerator() - Added group.releaseGroup support