All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added convertSecondsToHMS()
- getWordNumber() added singular word (one, two, three etc)
- stripMetadataKeywordsWordComplex() - Add BD Regex when followed by specific resolutions
- Added removeVersionAtEndOfLine Regext to RegexBlender Step 3
- removeAbsoluteEpisodeInfo() - Add number as alternative for episode
- stripMetadataKeywordsWordBoundary - Modified Regex
- getNumberFromRomanOrdinal() - Return the # equiv to a roman ordinal up to xx (20)
- removeAbsoluteEpisodeInfo - Update for 4 digit Absolute numbering (Case Closed)
- Changed all println to, Apply some Intellij suggested Fixes here and there
- regexStep2() - Fine tuning of Regex to remove file extention (.ext or .1.ext)
- stripMetadataKeywords() - Split the Regex into Static variables for easier time applying in "order"
- regexStep2() - uses stripMetadataKeywords() now instead of repeating the regex code there
- getShortestSharedPath() - Method to return the shared path for files that all share a common path
- stripMetadataKeywords() - Added additional keywords
- regexStep2() - Changed extension removal regex
- Changed several Regex to reference variables, introducing the following regex vars
- jwdStripSpecialCharaters
- stripMetadataKeywords
- stripMultipleAdjacentSpaces
- stripTrailingSpacesDashRegex
- stripLeadingSpacesDashRegex
- javadoc for methods
- altjwdStringBlender() - Updated Regex to not remove any ending . in the string
- altjwdStringBlender()/jwdStringBlender() - Added ; to Characters removed
- regexRemoveKeywords()/regexStep2() - Added additional keywords to remove
- regexBlender() - Added String type to variables
- getWordNumber() - Added overloaded method (returns Integer vs String) to get the # that a word represents aka return 1 for first
- getWordNumber() - fixed typo in eighth
- regexBlender() - Switched step2 to use regexStep2 function