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File metadata and controls

150 lines (112 loc) · 6.93 KB

Build Configuration

The Xamarin.Android build is heavily dependent on MSBuild, with the intention that it should (eventually?) be possible to build the project simply by checking out the repo, loading Xamarin.Android.sln into an IDE, and Building the solution. (This isn't currently possible, and may never be, but it's the vision.)

However, some properties may need to be altered in order to suit your requirements, such as the location of a cache directory to store the Android SDK and NDK.

To modify the build process, copy to Configuration.Override.props, and edit the file as appropriate. Configuration.Override.props is <Import/>ed by Configuration.props and will override any default values specified in Configuration.props.

Overridable MSBuild properties include:

  • $(AutoProvision): Automatically install required dependencies, if possible. Only supported on macOS and certain Linux distros.

  • $(AutoProvisionUsesSudo): Use sudo when installing dependencies.

  • $(AndroidApiLevel): The Android API level to bind in src/Mono.Android. This is an integer value, e.g. 15 for API-15 (Android 4.0.3).

  • $(AndroidFirstFrameworkVersion): The first $(TargetFrameworkVersion) which will be built by make jenkins and included in the installer. Currently v2.3, but will be changed when we drop support for API-10. This controls what is included in build-tools/create-vsix packages.

  • $(AndroidFrameworkVersion): The Xamarin.Android $(TargetFrameworkVersion) version which corresponds to $(AndroidApiLevel). This is usually the Android version number with a leading v, e.g. v4.0.3 for API-15.

  • $(AndroidLatestStableApiLevel): The highest/latest Android API level that    has a stable API. The src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks build uses this value to reference files built within src/Mono.Android.

    This should be consistent with $(AndroidLatestStableFrameworkVersion) and $(AndroidLatestStablePlatformId).

    This should only be updated when a new API level is declared stable.

  • $(AndroidLatestStableFrameworkVersion): The highest/latest Xamarin.Android $(TargetFrameworkVersion) value which has a stable API. The src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks build uses this value to reference files built within src/Mono.Android.

    This should be consistent with $(AndroidLatestStableApiLevel) and $(AndroidLatestStablePlatformId).

    This should only be updated when a new API level is declared stable.

  • $(AndroidLatestStablePlatformId): The highest/latest Android platform ID which has a stable API. The src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks build uses this value to reference files built within src/Mono.Android.

    This should be consistent with $(AndroidLatestStableApiLevel) and $(AndroidLatestStableFrameworkVersion).

    This should only be updated when a new API level is declared stable.

  • $(AndroidPlatformId): The "Platform ID" for the android.jar to use when building src/Mono.Android. This is usually the same value as $(AndroidApiLevel), but may differ with Android Preview releases.

  • $(AndroidSupportedHostJitAbis): The Android ABIs for which to build a host JIT and Xamarin.Android base class libraries (mscorlib.dll/etc.). The "host JIT" is used e.g. with the Xamarin Studio Designer, to render Xamarin.Android apps on the developer's machine. There can also be support for cross-compiling mono for a different host, e.g. to build Windows libmonosgen-2.0.dll from OS X. Supported host values include:

    • Darwin
    • Linux
    • mxe-Win64: Cross-compile Windows 64-bit binaries from Unix.

    The default value is $(HostOS), where $(HostOS) is based on probing various environment variables and filesystem locations. On OS X, the default would be Darwin.

  • $(AndroidSupportedTargetAotAbis): The Android ABIs for which to build the Mono AOT compilers. The AOT compilers are required in order to set the $(AotAssemblies) app configuration property to True.

  • $(AndroidSupportedTargetJitAbis): The Android ABIs for which to build the the Mono JIT for inclusion within apps. This is a :-separated list of ABIs to build. Supported values are:

    • armeabi
    • armeabi-v7a
    • arm64-v8a
    • x86
    • x86_64
  • $(AndroidToolchainCacheDirectory): The directory to cache the downloaded Android NDK and SDK files. This value defaults to $(HOME)\android-archives.

  • $(AndroidToolchainDirectory): The directory to install the downloaded Android NDK and SDK files. This value defaults to $(HOME)\android-toolchain.

  • $(HostCc), $(HostCxx): The C and C++ compilers to use to generate host-native binaries.

  • $(IgnoreMaxMonoVersion): Skip the enforcement of the $(MonoRequiredMaximumVersion) property. This is so that developers can run against the latest and greatest. But the build system can enforce the min and max versions. The default is true, however on Jenkins we use:

  • $(JavaInteropSourceDirectory): The Java.Interop source directory to build and reference projects from. By default, this is external/Java.Interop directory, maintained by git submodule update.

  • $(MakeConcurrency): make(1) parameters to use intended to influence the number of CPU cores used when make(1) executes. By default this uses -jCOUNT, where COUNT is obtained from sysctl hw.ncpu.

  • $(MonoRequiredMinimumVersion): The minimum system mono version that is supported in order to allow a build to continue. Policy is to require a system mono which corresponds vaguely to the external/mono version. This is not strictly required; older mono versions may work, they just are not tested, and thus not guaranteed or supported.

  • $(MonoRequiredMaximumVersion): The max system mono version that is required. This is so that we can ensure a stable build environment by making sure we dont install unstable versions.

  • $(MonoSgenBridgeVersion): The Mono SGEN Bridge version to support. Valid values include:

    • 4: Mono 4.6 support.
    • 5: Mono 4.8 and above support. This is the default.
  • $(XAIncludeProprietaryBits): Defaults to False. When enabled, this flag signals proprietary.csproj to copy proprietary assemblies from your system's Xamarin.Android install to the local build output. This enables proprietary features such as debugging and fast deployment. Since a "normal" OSS build would not include proprietary files, this flag also emits a warning when enabled.