Specification, compiler made in Java 1.8 and some other stuff. For Compilers classes.
Author: Barros Filho, Rubens. 17/09/2016
NOVA is a general purpose programming language.
Structured, imperative and strongly typed.
Inspired by the C programming language.
Each statement must end with a semicolon.
To improve readability, setting functions is allowed.
- Identifier
- Begins necessarily with an uppercase or lowercase.
- Other characters can be letters, numbers or underscores.
- Unlimited size.
- The use of white spaces is prohibited.
- Comments
- Line comment: Demarcated by "/*"
- Block comment: Doesn't exist in NOVA programming language.
- Integer
- Floating Point
- Characters & Strings
- Boolean
- Unidimensional Vectors
- Void
- "+"
- "-"
- "/"
- "*"
- "%"
- "=="
- "!="
- ">"
- "<"
- ">="
- "<="
- "and"
- "or"
- "not"
- if:
if (condition) { /* Do something }
- if-else:
if (condition) { /* Do something } else { /* Do something else }
- For loop:
for (index, limit, step) { /* Do something }
- While loop:
while (condition) { /* Do something }
Functions (Hint: NOVA does not support function overloading.)
returnType functionName(type firstParameter, type secondParameter, ..., type nParameter) { /* Do something }
- Must always have return type, even if it is void.