This example shows that NSM keeps working after the remote NSE death.
NSC and NSE are using the kernel
mechanism to connect to its local forwarder.
Forwarders are using the vxlan
mechanism to connect with each other.
Make sure that you have completed steps from basic or memory setup.
Deploy NSC and NSE:
kubectl apply -k
Wait for applications ready:
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=1m pod -l app=alpine -n ns-remote-nse-death
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=1m pod -l app=nse-kernel -n ns-remote-nse-death
Find NSC and NSE pods by labels:
NSC=$(kubectl get pods -l app=alpine -n ns-remote-nse-death --template '{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}')
NSE=$(kubectl get pods -l app=nse-kernel -n ns-remote-nse-death --template '{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}')
Ping from NSC to NSE:
kubectl exec pods/alpine -n ns-remote-nse-death -- ping -c 4
Ping from NSE to NSC:
kubectl exec deployments/nse-kernel -n ns-remote-nse-death -- ping -c 4
Apply patch. It recreates NSE with a new label:
kubectl apply -k
Wait for new NSE to start:
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=1m pod -l app=nse-kernel -l version=new -n ns-remote-nse-death
Find new NSE pod:
NEW_NSE=$(kubectl get pods -l app=nse-kernel -l version=new -n ns-remote-nse-death --template '{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}')
Ping from NSC to new NSE:
kubectl exec pods/alpine -n ns-remote-nse-death -- ping -c 4
Ping from new NSE to NSC:
kubectl exec ${NEW_NSE} -n ns-remote-nse-death -- ping -c 4
Delete ns:
kubectl delete ns ns-remote-nse-death