This repository contains the code for the study "Individual brain activity patterns during task are predicted by distinct resting-state networks that may reflect local neurobiological features" [biorxiv]
This manuscript describes a pipeline that allows for the prediction of individual brain acitvity patterns based on a range of feature modalities, and the analysis of which features are predictive of which function.
We use for example functional connectivity (both PCA/gradients and ICA components), geometric measures such as distances on the brain surface to sensory areas, structural connecitvity (i.e. DWI measures of fibre tracts), cortical microstructure & morphology (e.g. local cortical thickness). The relevant preprocessing is described separately for each modality.
You can get started by having a look at regression (linear_models.c.ipynb
), and plotting notebooks (plot_overall_results.ipynb
). An example of the full pipeline (from data download, to regression and scoring) can be found in cneuromod_validation.c.ipynb
The resolution of output images in the notebooks was reduced to avoid large filesizes.
For these predictions we use data from both the Human Connectome Project, and the Curtois Project on Neural Modeling.
If there seems to be something missing or you'd like to contribute, please open an issue.
The code is structured into notebooks that span the different analysis stages:
Model fitting and analysis |
Description |
linear_models.c.ipynb | The full model fitting pipeline for all modalities, along with plotting of the main results |
linear_models_pca_ component_annotation.ipynb | Annotation of the main RS-PCA components underlying the best performing model through correlation with known maps of brain organization. Creates: SupplTable 1 |
linear_models_feature_ contributions_(pca).ipynb | Alternative ways of assessing the importance of each RS-PCA component as feature in the linear model. |
Validation | |
replicate_on_right_hemisphere.ipynb | Replication of the full model fitting pipeline based on data from the right hemisphere in the same subject (includes preparation & model fitting). Creates: SupplFig 5 |
cneuromod_validation.c.ipynb | Test of the generalizeability of the previously fitted linear model (based on HCP subjects) to a new dataset (CNeuroMod) + Replication of the full model fitting pipeline based on CNeuroMod data of 3 subjects (includes download, task-contrast computation, preparation & model fitting). Creates: SupplFig 6, 7 |
Plotting | |
plot_overall_results.ipynb | For plotting of the follwing figures: Figure 2,3e; SupplFig 1,2; SupplTable 1 |
plot_per-parcel_model_results.ipynb | For plotting of the follwing figures: Figure 4; SupplFig 3 |
plot_rspca_indiv_predictions.ipynb | For plotting of the follwing figures: Figure 3c,d |
plot_rspca_component_weights_v2.ipynb | For plotting of the follwing figures: Figure 3b,5; SupplFig 4 |
Thereby it is drawing in common functions that are defined in scripts located in the lib/
folder :
- Some helper functions to load data, e.g.load_xy_data
- Helper functions for model fitting and prediction, e.g.predict_y_from_x
- Some custom plotting functions (as surfplot cannot be used on our current cluster as no x-server is available), e.g.plot_bars
- Functions to compute some statstics & scores, e.g.compute_all_scores
, orcomp_corr
Furthermore we provide the preprocessing scripts that transforms the data into the inputs required for the scripts above:
Download and preprocessing scripts
Preprocessing Script | Description |
download_hcp_data.ipynb |
download resting brain surfaces, state runs, task maps and (freesurfer-derived) structural maps |
hcp_task_retest_baseline.ipynb |
Notebook to compute the test-retest baselines (accuracy, discriminability, vertex-wise-scores ...) |
prepare_rs_gradients.ipynb |
Computation of resting-state functional connectivity components |
prepare_rs_ica.ipynb |
Similiar process for the ICA components |
prepare_distances.ipynb |
Computation of distances (vertex-to-parcels/landmarks) and PCA of the full vertex-to-vertex distance matrix |
prepare_structural_eigenmodes.ipynb |
Computation of the structural eigenmodes of the individual left-hemisphere cortical surfaces |
prepare_blueprints.ipynb |
This notebook loads individual blueprints (prev computed by FSL XTract) and concatenates them into a single file. |
prepare_task_maps_(pred target).ipynb |
Concatenates task contrasts for each subject into a single file |
TBD: upload to openneuro/figshare of big files.
Files to upload
Results (i.e. scores & information) + in extended version with individual task contrast predictions
Results (i.e. scores & information) + in extended version with individual task contrast predictions
Data saved for external plotting (Predictor and result subsets):
Full Task Retest baseline
Full Task baseline when always predicting group averages
Full Task Retest vw-accuracy baseline
These scripts make wide usage of the following python libraries:
, nilearn
, sklearn
, surfplot
, brainspace
, and hcp_utils
Some scripts contain references to commands for the transformation of surface brain data from the connectome workbench toolbox.
To cite this work, please use:
title={Individual brain activity patterns during task are predicted by distinct resting-state networks that may reflect local neurobiological features},
author={Scholz, Robert and Benn, R Austin Bruce and Shevchenko, Victoria and Klatzmann, Ulysse and Wei, Wei and Alberti, Francesco and Chiou, Rocco and Zhang, Xi-Han and Leech, Robert and Smallwood, Jonathan and others},
publisher={Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory}
This work was conducted as part of my doctoral research at the Cognitive Neuroanatomy Lab.