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File metadata and controls

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Embedded Engine

The CloudSlang Orchestration Engine (Score) can be embedded inside an existing Java application using Maven and Spring. Interaction with Score is done through the Score API.

Embed Score in a Java Application

  • Add the Score dependencies to the project's pom.xml file in the <dependencies> tag.

  • Add Score configuration to your Spring application context xml file.
<beans xmlns=""


  <score:worker uuid="-1"/>

  <bean class="io.openscore.example.ScoreEmbed"/>
package io.cloudslang.example;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import io.cloudslang.score.api.*;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

public class ScoreEmbed {
  private Score score;

  private EventBus eventBus;

  private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ScoreEmbed.class);
  private ApplicationContext context;
  private final Object lock = new Object();

  public static void main(String[] args) {
      ScoreEmbed app = loadApp();

  private static ScoreEmbed loadApp() {
      ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("/META-INF/spring/scoreContext.xml");
      ScoreEmbed app = context.getBean(ScoreEmbed.class);
      app.context  = context;
      return app;

  private void start() {
      ExecutionPlan executionPlan = createExecutionPlan();

  private void waitForExecutionToFinish() {
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {

  private static ExecutionPlan createExecutionPlan() {
      ExecutionPlan executionPlan = new ExecutionPlan();


      ExecutionStep executionStep0 = new ExecutionStep(0L);
      executionStep0.setAction(new ControlActionMetadata("io.cloudslang.example.controlactions.ConsoleControlActions", "printMessage"));
      executionStep0.setActionData(new HashMap<String, Serializable>());
      executionStep0.setNavigation(new ControlActionMetadata("io.cloudslang.example.controlactions.NavigationActions", "nextStepNavigation"));
      executionStep0.setNavigationData(new HashMap<String, Serializable>());

      ExecutionStep executionStep1 = new ExecutionStep(1L);
      executionStep1.setAction(new ControlActionMetadata("io.cloudslang.example.controlactions.ConsoleControlActions", "printMessage"));
      executionStep1.setActionData(new HashMap<String, Serializable>());
      executionStep1.setNavigation(new ControlActionMetadata("io.cloudslang.example.controlactions.NavigationActions", "nextStepNavigation"));
      executionStep1.setNavigationData(new HashMap<String, Serializable>());

      ExecutionStep executionStep2 = new ExecutionStep(2L);
      executionStep2.setAction(new ControlActionMetadata("io.cloudslang.example.controlactions.ConsoleControlActions", "failed"));
      executionStep2.setActionData(new HashMap<String, Serializable>());
      executionStep2.setNavigation(new ControlActionMetadata("io.cloudslang.example.controlactions.NavigationActions", "endFlow"));
      executionStep2.setNavigationData(new HashMap<String, Serializable>());

      return executionPlan;

  private void registerEventListener() {
      Set<String> handlerTypes = new HashSet<>();
      eventBus.subscribe(new ScoreEventListener() {
          public void onEvent(ScoreEvent event) {
    "Listener " + this.toString() + " invoked on type: " + event.getEventType() + " with data: " + event.getData());
              synchronized (lock) {
      }, handlerTypes);

  private void closeContext() {
      ((ConfigurableApplicationContext) context).close();

Score API

The Score API allows a program to interact with the CloudSlang Orchestration Engine (Score). This section describes some of the more commonly used interfaces and methods from the Score API.


An ExecutionPlan is a map of IDs and steps, called ExecutionSteps, representing a workflow for Score to run. Normally, the ID of the first step to be run is 0.

ExecutionSteps can be added to the ExecutionPlan using the addStep(ExecutionStep step) method.

The starting step of the ExecutionPlan can be set using the setBeginStep(Long beginStep) method.


An ExecutionStep is the a building block upon which an ExecutionPlan is built. It consists of an ID representing its position in the plan, control action information and navigation action information. As each ExecutionStep is reached, its control action method is called followed by its navigation action method. The navigation action method returns the ID of the next ExecutionStep to be run in the ExecutionPlan or signals the plan to stop by returning null. The ID of an ExecutionStep must be unique among the steps in its ExecutionPlan.

The control action method and navigation action methods can be set in the ExecutionStep using the following methods, where a ControlActionMetadata object is created using string values of the method's fully qualified class name and method name:

  • setAction(ControlActionMetadata action)
  • setNavigation(ControlActionMetadata navigationMetadata)

Action Method Arguments

Both the control action and navigation action are regular Java methods which can take arguments. They are invoked by reflection and their arguments are injected by the Score engine, so there is no API or naming convention for them. But there are some names that are reserved for special use.

There are several ways Score can populate an action method's arguments:

  • From the execution context that is passed to the TriggeringProperties when the ExecutionPlan is triggered.

    When a method such as public void doSomething(String argName) is encountered, Score will attempt to populate the argument argName with a value mapped to the key argName in the execution context. If the key argName does not exist in the map, the argument will be populated with null.

  • From data values set in the ExecutionSteps during the creation of the ExecutionPlan.

    Data can be set using the setActionData and setNavigationData methods.

  • From reserved argument names.

There are some argument names that have a special meaning when used as control action or navigation action method arguments:

public void doWithServices(ExecutionRuntimeServices executionRuntimeServices)
public void doWithContext(Map<String, Serializable> executionContext)

If an argument is present in both the ExecutionStep data and the execution context, the value from the execution context will be used.

Action Method Return Values

  • Control action methods are void and do not return values.
  • Navigation action methods return a value of type Long, which is used to determine the next ExecutionStep. Returning null signals the ExecutionPlan to finish.

Score Interface

The Score interface exposes methods for triggering and canceling executions.

Triggering New Executions

The trigger(TriggeringProperties triggeringProperties) method starts an execution with a given ExecutionPlan and the additional properties found in the TriggeringProperies object. The method returns the ID of the new execution.

By default the first executed step will be the execution plan's start step, and the execution context will be empty.

Canceling Executions

The cancelExecution(Long executionId) method requests to cancel (terminate) a given execution. It is passed the ID that was returned when triggering the execution that is now to be canceled.


The execution will not necessarily be stopped immediately.


A TriggeringProperties object is sent to the Score interface's trigger method when the execution begins.

The TriggeringProperties object contains:

The TriggeringProperties class exposes methods to create a TriggeringProperties object from an ExecutionPlan and then optionally set the various other properties.


The ExecutionRuntimeServices provide a way to communicate with Score during the execution of an ExecutionPlan. During an execution, after each ExecutionStep, the engine will check the ExecutionRuntimeServices to see if there have been any requests made of it and will respond accordingly. These services can be used by a language written on top of Score, as CloundSlang does, to affect the runtime behavior.

The ExecutionRuntimeServices can be injected into an ExecutionStep's action or navigation method's arguments by adding the ExecutionRuntimeServices executionRuntimeServices parameter to the method's argument list.

Some of the services provided by ExecutionRuntimeServices are:

  • Events can be added using the addEvent(String eventType, Serializable eventData) method.
  • Execution can be paused using the pause() method.
  • Errors can be set using the setStepErrorKey(String stepErrorKey) method.
  • Branches can be added using the addBranch(Long startPosition, String flowUuid, Map<String, Serializable> context) method or the addBranch(Long startPosition, Long executionPlanId, Map<String, Serializable> context, ExecutionRuntimeServices executionRuntimeServices) method.
  • Requests can be made to change the ExecutionPlan that is running by calling the requestToChangeExecutionPlan(Long executionPlanId) method.


The EventBus allows you to subscribe and unsubscribe listeners for events.

Listeners must implement the ScoreEventListener interface which consists of a single method – onEvent(ScoreEvent event).

To subscribe a listener for certain events, pass a set of the events to listen for to the subscribe(ScoreEventListener eventHandler, Set<String> eventTypes) method.

The event types are defined in the EventConstants class.

To unsubscribe a listener from all the events it was listening for call the unsubscribe(ScoreEventListener listener) method.


A ScoreEvent is comprised of a string value corresponding to its type and a map containing the event data, which can be accessed using the getEventType() and getData() methods respectively.

Score Events

The CloudSlang Orchestration Engine (Score) defines two events that may be fired during execution. Each event is comprised of a string value corresponding to its type and a map containing the event data.

Event Types:


Event Data Keys:

  • executionIdContext
  • systemContext

A language built upon Score can add events during runtime using the ExecutionRuntimeServices API. An example of this usage can be seen in CloudSlang's addition of :ref:`Slang events <slang_events>`.