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This notebook walks you through reading, filtering, and visualizing ABCD data you downloaded in the previous step. After this notebook is run you should be able to:
- read data from a text file into python using pandas
- select data using control flow (if statements and for loops)
- filter data using pandas DataFrame methods.
- store data in python data structures (lists, dictionaries, sets, and tuples)
- write data to a file for future analysis using pandas
- visualize data using seaborn and plotly
You do not need a solid grasp of all these concepts to benefit from running through this notebook, but we have provided a non-exhaustive list of concepts used in this notebook if you wish to dig further into these python concepts. Each concept has a relevant article linked and an example of how that concept is used in the notebook.
python/programming language concepts
- libraries/importing
import numpy as np
- variables
data_elements = []
- functions
- libraries/importing
data structures
- lists/tuples
["subjectkey", "interview_date", "interview_age", "eventname", "sex"]
- sets
{'18_month_follow_up_arm_1', 'baseline_year_1_arm_1', ..., 'screener_arm_1'}
- pandas dataframes
pd.DataFrame(data_elements, columns=["element", "description", "structure"])
- lists/tuples
control structures
- if statements
if any(['eventname' == data_element for data_element in data_structure_df.columns.levels[0]]): ...
- for loops
for data_structure, info in data_structures.items(): ...
- if statements
unix concepts
- globbing
- folders/directories,
connection to python through pathlib
data_path = Path("/home/jovyan/ABCD3")
- globbing
- f-strings
- f-strings
By convention all libraries being used are read in at the top of a notebook/script.
import pandas as pd # to read/manipulate/write data from files
import numpy as np # to manipulate data/generate random numbers
import plotly.express as px # interactive visualizations
import seaborn as sns # static visualizations
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # fine tune control over visualizations
from pathlib import Path # represent and interact with directories/folders in the operating system
from collections import namedtuple # structure data in an easy to consume way
import requests # retrieve data from an online source
The ABCD3 folder contains a number of tab-delimited text files with ABCD data. We will first collect all of these files and then load them into pandas DataFrames to compile and access the data.
Below we collect the files into a variable with the name files
# save directory we downloaded the ABCD data to `data_path`
data_path = Path("/home/jovyan/ABCD3")
# glob (match) all text files in the `data_path` directory
files = sorted(data_path.glob("*.txt"))
After collecting the files, we need to extract information about
the data structures and the data elements.
The data structures are the text file names (e.g., abcd_abcls01
which indicate the type of data stored inside the text file.
The data elements are the column names inside the tab delimited
text file.
The data structure and data element names are condensed to make working
with them programmatically easier, but it is difficult for a human
to interpret what abcd_abcls01
So in addition to aggregating data structure and data element names
together, we are also collecting their metadata to have a human readable description
of their condensed names.
The data element metadata is located in the data structure files themselves
as the second row of the file, however, the data structure metadata was not downloaded
necessitating a query to the NDA website to retrieve the human readable
description of the data structure (using requests
Finally, since we are only interested in the baseline measures, we need to keep track of what names are given to each event in each of the data structures.
# We store the info in 4 different Python datatypes
data_elements = []
data_structures = {}
event_names = set()
StructureInfo = namedtuple("StructureInfo", field_names=["description", "eventnames"])
for text_file in files:
# Extract data structure from filename
data_structure = Path(text_file).name.split('.txt')[0]
# Read the data structure and capture all the elements from the file
# Note this could have been done using the data returned from the NDA API
# We are using pandas to read both the first and second rows of the file as the header
# Note: by convention dataframe variables contain `df` in the name.
data_structure_df = pd.read_table(text_file, header=[0, 1], nrows=0)
for data_element, metadata in data_structure_df.columns.values.tolist():
data_elements.append([data_element, metadata, data_structure])
# (Optional) Retrieve the eventnames in each structure. Some structures were only collected
# at baseline while others were collected at specific or multiple timepoints
events_in_structure = None
if any(['eventname' == data_element for data_element in data_structure_df.columns.levels[0]]):
# Here we are skipping the 2nd row of the file containing description using skiprows
possible_event_names_df = pd.read_table(text_file, skiprows=[1], usecols=['eventname'])
events_in_structure = possible_event_names_df.eventname.unique().tolist()
# (Optional) Retrieve the title for the structure using the NDA API
rinfo = requests.get(f"https://nda.nih.gov/api/datadictionary/datastructure/{data_structure}").json()
data_structures[data_structure] = StructureInfo(description=rinfo["title"] if "title" in rinfo else None,
# Convert to a Pandas dataframe
data_elements_df = pd.DataFrame(data_elements, columns=["element", "description", "structure"])
We can use the .head
method of any DataFrame to quickly look at the first few entries
to make sure the DataFrame looks reasonable.
In case we want to read/filter the data elements in
another script and so we do not need to run the above code again,
we can save the data elements dataframe to a tab separated file (tsv
Note on file extensions
Note: file extensions such as tsv
and txt
are markers for humans and certain computer programs to guess what the contents of a file are, but have no bearing on
what the contents of a file are.
If a file was renamed from data.txt
to data.tsv
the contents of the file remain the same.
data_elements_df.to_csv("data_elements.tsv", sep="\t", index=None)
When referencing the shape
attribute, the first number is the number of rows and the second number is the number of columns.
There are a lot of data elements, but keep in mind some data elements like subjectkey
are shared across data structures in order to match observations across data structures.
Note on shape
Note: shape
is an attribute of the dataframe meaning we do not "call" shape (i.e., shape()
), like
we would head()
. head
is a method for the DataFrame object
The number of data structures should match the number of txt files in the data_path
contains all the unique named timepoints represented across the data structures.
You should notice the number of unique data elements is less than
the number of rows in data_elements_df
Why is that?
data_elements_df.query("element == 'smri_vol_scs_amygdalalh'")
As opposed to above where we are asking information about a data element, the following code block asks what data elements are within a data structure.
structure = 'abcd_mri01' # 'abcd_psb01'
example_structure_df = pd.read_table(data_path / f"{structure}.txt", header=[0, 1], nrows=0)
We are interested in the baseline measures and not all the data structures have a measure for baseline. All data structures with a baseline measure will be printed for your convenience.
for data_structure, info in data_structures.items():
if info.eventnames:
if 'baseline_year_1_arm_1' in info.eventnames:
print(f"{data_structure}: {info.description}")
NOEVENTS[data_structure] = info
Structures with no eventname or no baseline measure. We cannot choose data elements from these data structures for our analysis as they do not contain a baseline measure.
for data_structure, info in NOEVENTS.items():
print(f"{data_structure}: {info.description}")
Below are the data elements we require to answer our question of interest
(change these variables to match your research question of interest)
Be sure to select a mix of categorical and continuous measures and to keep
the common
common = ["subjectkey", "interview_date", "interview_age", "eventname", "sex"]
demographic = ["site_id_l", "anthroheightcalc", "anthroweightcalc", "ehi_y_ss_scoreb", 'neighborhood_crime_y', 'snellen_aid_y']
clinical = ['ksads_1_2_t', 'ksads_8_29_t', 'ksads_25_33_t', 'ksads_13_929_t', 'pps_y_ss_severity_score']
behavioral = ['prosocial_q2_y', 'prosocial_q3_y', 'fit_ss_sleepperiod_minutes', 'fit_ss_avg_hr_deep']
cognitive = []
imaging = ['smri_vol_cdk_total', 'smri_vol_scs_amygdalalh', 'mri_info_manufacturer']
data_elements_of_interest = demographic + clinical + behavioral + cognitive + imaging
The data_elements_of_interest
above tell us what data elements we wish to analyze,
but they do not provide information about which data structures the data elements are located.
But do not fret, we created data_elements_df
to match data elements with their respective data structures,
giving us the ability to find the data structure associated with each data element of interest.
structures2read = {}
for element in data_elements_of_interest:
item = data_elements_df.query(f"element == '{element}'").structure.values[0]
if item not in structures2read:
structures2read[item] = []
Now we have the data structures that contain the data elements of interest in structures2read
a dictionary whose keys are the data structures and whose values are the data elements of interest
within that data structure.
Below is an example of loading one data structure into python with the data elements of interest.
# Read data from one structure
example_df = pd.read_table(data_path / f"{list(structures2read)[0]}.txt", skiprows=[1], low_memory=False,
usecols=common + structures2read[list(structures2read)[0]])
However, we need to load all the data structures into one dataframe so we can have all the data elements of interest together. Below is the code that combines all the data elements into one DataFrame
all_df = None
for structure, elements in structures2read.items():
data_structure_filtered_df = pd.read_table(data_path / f"{structure}.txt", skiprows=[1], low_memory=False, usecols=common + elements)
data_structure_filtered_df = data_structure_filtered_df.query("eventname == 'baseline_year_1_arm_1'")
if all_df is None:
all_df = data_structure_filtered_df[["subjectkey", "interview_date", "interview_age", "sex"] + elements]
all_df = all_df.merge( data_structure_filtered_df[['subjectkey'] + elements], how='outer')
Make sure the resulting dataframe looks sensible
Check that each participant has one and only one observation.
all_df.shape, all_df.subjectkey.unique().shape
See the duplicated entries.
all_df[all_df.duplicated('subjectkey', keep=False)]
If duplicated entries have n/a
's, drop those rows,
then each participant should have one and only one observation.
all_df = all_df.dropna()
all_df.shape, all_df.subjectkey.unique().shape
Every time your run the following code, a random set of 1000 participants is chosen. How would you alter this code to choose the same N participants each time?
Possible solution
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=123) rng.choice(np.arange(all_df.shape[0]), replace=False, size=N)
source = https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/random/generator.html
N = 1000
indices = np.random.choice(np.arange(all_df.shape[0]), replace=False, size=N)
subset_df = all_df.iloc[indices, :]
The .describe
method of a dataframe provides a summary of the data
for each column.
Look earlier in the notebook on how the `.to_csv` method was used.After filtering and subsetting our data, a common next step is to visualize our variables of interest.
Choose a brain imaging variable and a clinical variable that are both continuous. Now plot a relation between these two variables grouped by sex of the participants.
# Make a custom palette with gendered colors
# Note: this is equivalent to {"M": "#6495ED", "F": "#F08080"}
pal = dict(M="#6495ED", F="#F08080")
# Show the survival probability as a function of age and sex
g = sns.lmplot(x='pps_y_ss_severity_score', y='smri_vol_cdk_total', col="sex", hue="sex", data=subset_df,
palette=pal, y_jitter=.02, logistic=False, truncate=False)
Choose sex as your group variable and one variable from each of the four categories (demographic, clinical, behavioral, imaging)
sns.pairplot(subset_df, hue="sex", vars=["anthroweightcalc", 'ksads_1_2_t', 'prosocial_q2_y', "smri_vol_scs_amygdalalh"]);
Can you plot all 20 variables simultaneously? (pandas.plotting.parallel_coordinates — pandas 1.1.4 documentation) For an interactive plot you can use plotly (Parallel Coordinates Plot | Python) in the notebook.
# Create an interactive parallel coordinate plot
subset_df_numerical = subset_df.copy()
subset_df_numerical.sex = subset_df.sex.astype("category").cat.codes
subset_df_numerical.site_id_l = subset_df.site_id_l.astype("category").cat.codes
fig = px.parallel_coordinates(subset_df_numerical, color="interview_age",
dimensions=["interview_age", "sex"] + data_elements_of_interest,
For this exercise you will need two categorical variables and one continuous variable. You are going to show how the continuous variable behaves as a function of the categorical variables.
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6))
sns.violinplot(data=subset_df, x="mri_info_manufacturer", y="smri_vol_cdk_total", hue="sex",
split=True, inner="quart", linewidth=1,
palette={"M": "#FF9914", "F": ".85"})
You have been introduced to the enormity of the ABCD dataset through python, but with selecting, filtering, and visualizing data, you've made the data manageable (and perhaps even enjoyable?) to work with. We will continue working with subset of data selected in future notebooks, but for now you can reflect on what you've learned and you can go back and play with different variables.