diff --git a/index.yaml b/index.yaml
index 3a45785e..f33c12a1 100644
--- a/index.yaml
+++ b/index.yaml
@@ -61,6 +61,35 @@ distributions:
ujv8: iron/release-ubuntu-arm64-build.yaml
default: iron/source-build.yaml
+ jazzy:
+ ci_builds:
+ benchmark: jazzy/ci-benchmark.yaml
+ nightly-connext: jazzy/ci-nightly-connext.yaml
+ nightly-cross-vendor-connext-cyclonedds: jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-connext-cyclonedds.yaml
+ nightly-cross-vendor-connext-fastrtps: jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-connext-fastrtps.yaml
+ nightly-cross-vendor-connext-fastrtps-dynamic: jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-connext-fastrtps-dynamic.yaml
+ nightly-cross-vendor-cyclonedds-fastrtps: jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-cyclonedds-fastrtps.yaml
+ nightly-cross-vendor-cyclonedds-fastrtps-dynamic: jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-cyclonedds-fastrtps-dynamic.yaml
+ nightly-cross-vendor-fastrtps-fastrtps-dynamic: jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-fastrtps-fastrtps-dynamic.yaml
+ nightly-cyclonedds: jazzy/ci-nightly-cyclonedds.yaml
+ nightly-debug: jazzy/ci-nightly-debug.yaml
+ nightly-extra-rmw-release: jazzy/ci-nightly-extra-rmw-release.yaml
+ nightly-fastrtps: jazzy/ci-nightly-fastrtps.yaml
+ nightly-fastrtps-dynamic: jazzy/ci-nightly-fastrtps-dynamic.yaml
+ nightly-performance: jazzy/ci-nightly-performance.yaml
+ nightly-release: jazzy/ci-nightly-release.yaml
+ overlay: jazzy/ci-overlay.yaml
+ doc_builds:
+ default: jazzy/doc-build.yaml
+ notification_emails:
+ - marcogg+build.ros2.org@intrinsic.ai
+ - ros2-buildfarm-jazzy@googlegroups.com
+ release_builds:
+ default: jazzy/release-build.yaml
+ rhel: jazzy/release-rhel-build.yaml
+ unv8: jazzy/release-ubuntu-arm64-build.yaml
+ source_builds:
+ default: jazzy/source-build.yaml
benchmark: rolling/ci-benchmark.yaml
diff --git a/jazzy/ci-benchmark.yaml b/jazzy/ci-benchmark.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fa1c1d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jazzy/ci-benchmark.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# ROS buildfarm ci-build file
+ CONNEXTDDS_DIR: '/opt/rti.com/rti_connext_dds-6.0.1'
+- ws/test_results/**/*.benchmark.json
+benchmark_schema: !include ../common/benchmark_schema.yaml
+build_tool: colcon
+build_tool_args: '--cmake-args -DAMENT_RUN_PERFORMANCE_TESTS=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --no-warn-unused-cli'
+build_tool_test_args: '--ctest-args -L performance --pytest-args -m performance'
+- libssl-dev # for Fast-DDS security
+jenkins_job_label: ci-agent
+jenkins_job_priority: 50
+jenkins_job_timeout: 240
+- nightly-extra-rmw-release
+jenkins_job_weight: 4
+package_selection_args: '--packages-above-depth 1 google_benchmark_vendor ament_cmake_google_benchmark performance_test_fixture'
+- https://github.com/ros2/ros2/raw/jazzy/ros2.repos
+ keys:
+ - |
+ Version: GnuPG v1
+ mQINBFzvJpYBEADY8l1YvO7iYW5gUESyzsTGnMvVUmlV3XarBaJz9bGRmgPXh7jc
+ u5oCR+SyHN9xPnUwDuqUSvJ2eqMYb9B/Hph3OmtjG30jSNq9kOF5bBTk1hOTGPH4
+ K/AY0jzT6OpHfXU6ytlFsI47ZKsnTUhipGsKucQ1CXlyirndZ3V3k70YaooZ55rG
+ aIoAWlx2H0J7sAHmqS29N9jV9mo135d+d+TdLBXI0PXtiHzE9IPaX+ctdSUrPnp+
+ TwR99lxglpIG6hLuvOMAaxiqFBB/Jf3XJ8OBakfS6nHrWH2WqQxRbiITl0irkQoz
+ pwNEF2Bv0+Jvs1UFEdVGz5a8xexQHst/RmKrtHLct3iOCvBNqoAQRbvWvBhPjO/p
+ V5cYeUljZ5wpHyFkaEViClaVWqa6PIsyLqmyjsruPCWlURLsQoQxABcL8bwxX7UT
+ hM6CtH6tGlYZ85RIzRifIm2oudzV5l+8oRgFr9yVcwyOFT6JCioqkwldW52P1pk/
+ /SnuexC6LYqqDuHUs5NnokzzpfS6QaWfTY5P5tz4KHJfsjDIktly3mKVfY0fSPVV
+ okdGpcUzvz2hq1fqjxB6MlB/1vtk0bImfcsoxBmF7H+4E9ZN1sX/tSb0KQARAQAB
+ tCZPcGVuIFJvYm90aWNzIDxpbmZvQG9zcmZvdW5kYXRpb24ub3JnPokCVAQTAQgA
+ RQu5b2SJRG+KIdbvQBzKUBMV6/RUhEDPjhXZI3zDevzBewvAMKkqs2Q1cWo9WV7Z
+ PyTkvSyey/Tjn+PozcdvzkvrEjDMftIk8E1WzLGq7vnPLZ1q/b6Vq4H373Z+EDWa
+ DaDwW72CbCBLWAVtqff80CwlI2x8fYHKr3VBUnwcXNHR4+nRABfAWnaU4k+oTshC
+ Qucsd8vitNfsSXrKuKyz91IRHRPnJjx8UvGU4tRGfrHkw1505EZvgP02vXeRyWBR
+ fKiL1vGy4tCSRDdZO3ms2J2m08VPv65HsHaWYMnO+rNJmMZj9d9JdL/9GRf5F6U0
+ quoIFL39BhUEvBynuqlrqistnyOhw8W/IQy/ymNzBMcMz6rcMjMwhkgm/LNXoSD1
+ 1OrJu4ktQwRhwvGVarnB8ihwjsTxZFylaLmFSfaA+OAlOqCLS1OkIVMzjW+Ul6A6
+ qjiCEUOsnlf4CGlhzNMZOx3low6ixzEqKOcfECpeIj80a2fBDmWkcAAjlHu6VBhA
+ TUDG9e2xKLzV2Z/DLYsb3+n9QW7KO0yZKfiuUo6AYboAioQKn5jh3iRvjGh2Ujpo
+ 22G+oae3PcCc7G+z12j6xIY709FQuA49dA2YpzMda0/OX4LP56STEveDRrO+CnV6
+ WE+F5FaIKwb72PL4rLi4
+ =i0tj
+ urls:
+ - http://repo.ros2.org/ubuntu/testing
+ ubuntu:
+ noble:
+ amd64:
+type: ci-build
+- nightly-extra-rmw-release
+version: 1
diff --git a/jazzy/ci-nightly-connext.yaml b/jazzy/ci-nightly-connext.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb37364e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jazzy/ci-nightly-connext.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# ROS buildfarm ci-build file
+ CONNEXTDDS_DIR: '/opt/rti.com/rti_connext_dds-6.0.1'
+build_tool: colcon
+build_tool_args: '--cmake-args --no-warn-unused-cli'
+build_tool_test_args: '--retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail"'
+jenkins_job_label: ci-agent
+jenkins_job_priority: 50
+jenkins_job_schedule: 15 23 * * *
+jenkins_job_timeout: 300
+jenkins_job_weight: 4
+package_selection_args: '--packages-ignore-regex .*cyclonedds.* rmw_fastrtps.*'
+- https://github.com/ros2/ros2/raw/jazzy/ros2.repos
+ keys:
+ - |
+ Version: GnuPG v1
+ mQINBFzvJpYBEADY8l1YvO7iYW5gUESyzsTGnMvVUmlV3XarBaJz9bGRmgPXh7jc
+ u5oCR+SyHN9xPnUwDuqUSvJ2eqMYb9B/Hph3OmtjG30jSNq9kOF5bBTk1hOTGPH4
+ K/AY0jzT6OpHfXU6ytlFsI47ZKsnTUhipGsKucQ1CXlyirndZ3V3k70YaooZ55rG
+ aIoAWlx2H0J7sAHmqS29N9jV9mo135d+d+TdLBXI0PXtiHzE9IPaX+ctdSUrPnp+
+ TwR99lxglpIG6hLuvOMAaxiqFBB/Jf3XJ8OBakfS6nHrWH2WqQxRbiITl0irkQoz
+ pwNEF2Bv0+Jvs1UFEdVGz5a8xexQHst/RmKrtHLct3iOCvBNqoAQRbvWvBhPjO/p
+ V5cYeUljZ5wpHyFkaEViClaVWqa6PIsyLqmyjsruPCWlURLsQoQxABcL8bwxX7UT
+ hM6CtH6tGlYZ85RIzRifIm2oudzV5l+8oRgFr9yVcwyOFT6JCioqkwldW52P1pk/
+ /SnuexC6LYqqDuHUs5NnokzzpfS6QaWfTY5P5tz4KHJfsjDIktly3mKVfY0fSPVV
+ okdGpcUzvz2hq1fqjxB6MlB/1vtk0bImfcsoxBmF7H+4E9ZN1sX/tSb0KQARAQAB
+ tCZPcGVuIFJvYm90aWNzIDxpbmZvQG9zcmZvdW5kYXRpb24ub3JnPokCVAQTAQgA
+ RQu5b2SJRG+KIdbvQBzKUBMV6/RUhEDPjhXZI3zDevzBewvAMKkqs2Q1cWo9WV7Z
+ PyTkvSyey/Tjn+PozcdvzkvrEjDMftIk8E1WzLGq7vnPLZ1q/b6Vq4H373Z+EDWa
+ DaDwW72CbCBLWAVtqff80CwlI2x8fYHKr3VBUnwcXNHR4+nRABfAWnaU4k+oTshC
+ Qucsd8vitNfsSXrKuKyz91IRHRPnJjx8UvGU4tRGfrHkw1505EZvgP02vXeRyWBR
+ fKiL1vGy4tCSRDdZO3ms2J2m08VPv65HsHaWYMnO+rNJmMZj9d9JdL/9GRf5F6U0
+ quoIFL39BhUEvBynuqlrqistnyOhw8W/IQy/ymNzBMcMz6rcMjMwhkgm/LNXoSD1
+ 1OrJu4ktQwRhwvGVarnB8ihwjsTxZFylaLmFSfaA+OAlOqCLS1OkIVMzjW+Ul6A6
+ qjiCEUOsnlf4CGlhzNMZOx3low6ixzEqKOcfECpeIj80a2fBDmWkcAAjlHu6VBhA
+ TUDG9e2xKLzV2Z/DLYsb3+n9QW7KO0yZKfiuUo6AYboAioQKn5jh3iRvjGh2Ujpo
+ 22G+oae3PcCc7G+z12j6xIY709FQuA49dA2YpzMda0/OX4LP56STEveDRrO+CnV6
+ WE+F5FaIKwb72PL4rLi4
+ =i0tj
+ urls:
+ - http://repo.ros2.org/ubuntu/testing
+ ubuntu:
+ noble:
+ amd64:
+type: ci-build
+version: 1
diff --git a/jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-connext-cyclonedds.yaml b/jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-connext-cyclonedds.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c91252d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-connext-cyclonedds.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# ROS buildfarm ci-build file
+ CONNEXTDDS_DIR: '/opt/rti.com/rti_connext_dds-6.0.1'
+ # must override since the default has been removed from RMW_IMPLEMENTATIONS
+ RMW_IMPLEMENTATION: 'rmw_connextdds'
+ RMW_IMPLEMENTATIONS: 'rmw_connextdds:rmw_cyclonedds_cpp'
+build_tool: colcon
+build_tool_args: '--cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSKIP_SINGLE_RMW_TESTS=1 --no-warn-unused-cli'
+build_tool_test_args: '--retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail"'
+- libssl-dev # for Fast-DDS security
+jenkins_job_label: ci-agent
+jenkins_job_priority: 50
+jenkins_job_timeout: 300
+- nightly-release
+jenkins_job_weight: 4
+package_selection_args: '--packages-select test_communication'
+- https://github.com/ros2/ros2/raw/jazzy/ros2.repos
+ keys:
+ - |
+ Version: GnuPG v1
+ mQINBFzvJpYBEADY8l1YvO7iYW5gUESyzsTGnMvVUmlV3XarBaJz9bGRmgPXh7jc
+ u5oCR+SyHN9xPnUwDuqUSvJ2eqMYb9B/Hph3OmtjG30jSNq9kOF5bBTk1hOTGPH4
+ K/AY0jzT6OpHfXU6ytlFsI47ZKsnTUhipGsKucQ1CXlyirndZ3V3k70YaooZ55rG
+ aIoAWlx2H0J7sAHmqS29N9jV9mo135d+d+TdLBXI0PXtiHzE9IPaX+ctdSUrPnp+
+ TwR99lxglpIG6hLuvOMAaxiqFBB/Jf3XJ8OBakfS6nHrWH2WqQxRbiITl0irkQoz
+ pwNEF2Bv0+Jvs1UFEdVGz5a8xexQHst/RmKrtHLct3iOCvBNqoAQRbvWvBhPjO/p
+ V5cYeUljZ5wpHyFkaEViClaVWqa6PIsyLqmyjsruPCWlURLsQoQxABcL8bwxX7UT
+ hM6CtH6tGlYZ85RIzRifIm2oudzV5l+8oRgFr9yVcwyOFT6JCioqkwldW52P1pk/
+ /SnuexC6LYqqDuHUs5NnokzzpfS6QaWfTY5P5tz4KHJfsjDIktly3mKVfY0fSPVV
+ okdGpcUzvz2hq1fqjxB6MlB/1vtk0bImfcsoxBmF7H+4E9ZN1sX/tSb0KQARAQAB
+ tCZPcGVuIFJvYm90aWNzIDxpbmZvQG9zcmZvdW5kYXRpb24ub3JnPokCVAQTAQgA
+ RQu5b2SJRG+KIdbvQBzKUBMV6/RUhEDPjhXZI3zDevzBewvAMKkqs2Q1cWo9WV7Z
+ PyTkvSyey/Tjn+PozcdvzkvrEjDMftIk8E1WzLGq7vnPLZ1q/b6Vq4H373Z+EDWa
+ DaDwW72CbCBLWAVtqff80CwlI2x8fYHKr3VBUnwcXNHR4+nRABfAWnaU4k+oTshC
+ Qucsd8vitNfsSXrKuKyz91IRHRPnJjx8UvGU4tRGfrHkw1505EZvgP02vXeRyWBR
+ fKiL1vGy4tCSRDdZO3ms2J2m08VPv65HsHaWYMnO+rNJmMZj9d9JdL/9GRf5F6U0
+ quoIFL39BhUEvBynuqlrqistnyOhw8W/IQy/ymNzBMcMz6rcMjMwhkgm/LNXoSD1
+ 1OrJu4ktQwRhwvGVarnB8ihwjsTxZFylaLmFSfaA+OAlOqCLS1OkIVMzjW+Ul6A6
+ qjiCEUOsnlf4CGlhzNMZOx3low6ixzEqKOcfECpeIj80a2fBDmWkcAAjlHu6VBhA
+ TUDG9e2xKLzV2Z/DLYsb3+n9QW7KO0yZKfiuUo6AYboAioQKn5jh3iRvjGh2Ujpo
+ 22G+oae3PcCc7G+z12j6xIY709FQuA49dA2YpzMda0/OX4LP56STEveDRrO+CnV6
+ WE+F5FaIKwb72PL4rLi4
+ =i0tj
+ urls:
+ - http://repo.ros2.org/ubuntu/testing
+ ubuntu:
+ noble:
+ amd64:
+type: ci-build
+- nightly-release
+version: 1
diff --git a/jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-connext-fastrtps-dynamic.yaml b/jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-connext-fastrtps-dynamic.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2ae1f89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-connext-fastrtps-dynamic.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# ROS buildfarm ci-build file
+ CONNEXTDDS_DIR: '/opt/rti.com/rti_connext_dds-6.0.1'
+ # must override since the default has been removed from RMW_IMPLEMENTATIONS
+ RMW_IMPLEMENTATION: 'rmw_connextdds'
+ RMW_IMPLEMENTATIONS: 'rmw_connextdds:rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp'
+build_tool: colcon
+build_tool_args: '--cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSKIP_SINGLE_RMW_TESTS=1 --no-warn-unused-cli'
+build_tool_test_args: '--retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail"'
+- libssl-dev # for Fast-DDS security
+jenkins_job_label: ci-agent
+jenkins_job_priority: 50
+jenkins_job_timeout: 300
+- nightly-extra-rmw-release
+jenkins_job_weight: 4
+package_selection_args: '--packages-select test_communication'
+- https://github.com/ros2/ros2/raw/jazzy/ros2.repos
+ keys:
+ - |
+ Version: GnuPG v1
+ mQINBFzvJpYBEADY8l1YvO7iYW5gUESyzsTGnMvVUmlV3XarBaJz9bGRmgPXh7jc
+ u5oCR+SyHN9xPnUwDuqUSvJ2eqMYb9B/Hph3OmtjG30jSNq9kOF5bBTk1hOTGPH4
+ K/AY0jzT6OpHfXU6ytlFsI47ZKsnTUhipGsKucQ1CXlyirndZ3V3k70YaooZ55rG
+ aIoAWlx2H0J7sAHmqS29N9jV9mo135d+d+TdLBXI0PXtiHzE9IPaX+ctdSUrPnp+
+ TwR99lxglpIG6hLuvOMAaxiqFBB/Jf3XJ8OBakfS6nHrWH2WqQxRbiITl0irkQoz
+ pwNEF2Bv0+Jvs1UFEdVGz5a8xexQHst/RmKrtHLct3iOCvBNqoAQRbvWvBhPjO/p
+ V5cYeUljZ5wpHyFkaEViClaVWqa6PIsyLqmyjsruPCWlURLsQoQxABcL8bwxX7UT
+ hM6CtH6tGlYZ85RIzRifIm2oudzV5l+8oRgFr9yVcwyOFT6JCioqkwldW52P1pk/
+ /SnuexC6LYqqDuHUs5NnokzzpfS6QaWfTY5P5tz4KHJfsjDIktly3mKVfY0fSPVV
+ okdGpcUzvz2hq1fqjxB6MlB/1vtk0bImfcsoxBmF7H+4E9ZN1sX/tSb0KQARAQAB
+ tCZPcGVuIFJvYm90aWNzIDxpbmZvQG9zcmZvdW5kYXRpb24ub3JnPokCVAQTAQgA
+ RQu5b2SJRG+KIdbvQBzKUBMV6/RUhEDPjhXZI3zDevzBewvAMKkqs2Q1cWo9WV7Z
+ PyTkvSyey/Tjn+PozcdvzkvrEjDMftIk8E1WzLGq7vnPLZ1q/b6Vq4H373Z+EDWa
+ DaDwW72CbCBLWAVtqff80CwlI2x8fYHKr3VBUnwcXNHR4+nRABfAWnaU4k+oTshC
+ Qucsd8vitNfsSXrKuKyz91IRHRPnJjx8UvGU4tRGfrHkw1505EZvgP02vXeRyWBR
+ fKiL1vGy4tCSRDdZO3ms2J2m08VPv65HsHaWYMnO+rNJmMZj9d9JdL/9GRf5F6U0
+ quoIFL39BhUEvBynuqlrqistnyOhw8W/IQy/ymNzBMcMz6rcMjMwhkgm/LNXoSD1
+ 1OrJu4ktQwRhwvGVarnB8ihwjsTxZFylaLmFSfaA+OAlOqCLS1OkIVMzjW+Ul6A6
+ qjiCEUOsnlf4CGlhzNMZOx3low6ixzEqKOcfECpeIj80a2fBDmWkcAAjlHu6VBhA
+ TUDG9e2xKLzV2Z/DLYsb3+n9QW7KO0yZKfiuUo6AYboAioQKn5jh3iRvjGh2Ujpo
+ 22G+oae3PcCc7G+z12j6xIY709FQuA49dA2YpzMda0/OX4LP56STEveDRrO+CnV6
+ WE+F5FaIKwb72PL4rLi4
+ =i0tj
+ urls:
+ - http://repo.ros2.org/ubuntu/testing
+ ubuntu:
+ noble:
+ amd64:
+type: ci-build
+- nightly-extra-rmw-release
+version: 1
diff --git a/jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-connext-fastrtps.yaml b/jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-connext-fastrtps.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..012063b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-connext-fastrtps.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# ROS buildfarm ci-build file
+ CONNEXTDDS_DIR: '/opt/rti.com/rti_connext_dds-6.0.1'
+ RMW_IMPLEMENTATIONS: 'rmw_connextdds:rmw_fastrtps_cpp'
+build_tool: colcon
+build_tool_args: '--cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSKIP_SINGLE_RMW_TESTS=1 --no-warn-unused-cli'
+build_tool_test_args: '--retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail"'
+- libssl-dev # for Fast-DDS security
+jenkins_job_label: ci-agent
+jenkins_job_priority: 50
+jenkins_job_timeout: 300
+- nightly-release
+jenkins_job_weight: 4
+package_selection_args: '--packages-select test_communication'
+- https://github.com/ros2/ros2/raw/jazzy/ros2.repos
+ keys:
+ - |
+ Version: GnuPG v1
+ mQINBFzvJpYBEADY8l1YvO7iYW5gUESyzsTGnMvVUmlV3XarBaJz9bGRmgPXh7jc
+ u5oCR+SyHN9xPnUwDuqUSvJ2eqMYb9B/Hph3OmtjG30jSNq9kOF5bBTk1hOTGPH4
+ K/AY0jzT6OpHfXU6ytlFsI47ZKsnTUhipGsKucQ1CXlyirndZ3V3k70YaooZ55rG
+ aIoAWlx2H0J7sAHmqS29N9jV9mo135d+d+TdLBXI0PXtiHzE9IPaX+ctdSUrPnp+
+ TwR99lxglpIG6hLuvOMAaxiqFBB/Jf3XJ8OBakfS6nHrWH2WqQxRbiITl0irkQoz
+ pwNEF2Bv0+Jvs1UFEdVGz5a8xexQHst/RmKrtHLct3iOCvBNqoAQRbvWvBhPjO/p
+ V5cYeUljZ5wpHyFkaEViClaVWqa6PIsyLqmyjsruPCWlURLsQoQxABcL8bwxX7UT
+ hM6CtH6tGlYZ85RIzRifIm2oudzV5l+8oRgFr9yVcwyOFT6JCioqkwldW52P1pk/
+ /SnuexC6LYqqDuHUs5NnokzzpfS6QaWfTY5P5tz4KHJfsjDIktly3mKVfY0fSPVV
+ okdGpcUzvz2hq1fqjxB6MlB/1vtk0bImfcsoxBmF7H+4E9ZN1sX/tSb0KQARAQAB
+ tCZPcGVuIFJvYm90aWNzIDxpbmZvQG9zcmZvdW5kYXRpb24ub3JnPokCVAQTAQgA
+ RQu5b2SJRG+KIdbvQBzKUBMV6/RUhEDPjhXZI3zDevzBewvAMKkqs2Q1cWo9WV7Z
+ PyTkvSyey/Tjn+PozcdvzkvrEjDMftIk8E1WzLGq7vnPLZ1q/b6Vq4H373Z+EDWa
+ DaDwW72CbCBLWAVtqff80CwlI2x8fYHKr3VBUnwcXNHR4+nRABfAWnaU4k+oTshC
+ Qucsd8vitNfsSXrKuKyz91IRHRPnJjx8UvGU4tRGfrHkw1505EZvgP02vXeRyWBR
+ fKiL1vGy4tCSRDdZO3ms2J2m08VPv65HsHaWYMnO+rNJmMZj9d9JdL/9GRf5F6U0
+ quoIFL39BhUEvBynuqlrqistnyOhw8W/IQy/ymNzBMcMz6rcMjMwhkgm/LNXoSD1
+ 1OrJu4ktQwRhwvGVarnB8ihwjsTxZFylaLmFSfaA+OAlOqCLS1OkIVMzjW+Ul6A6
+ qjiCEUOsnlf4CGlhzNMZOx3low6ixzEqKOcfECpeIj80a2fBDmWkcAAjlHu6VBhA
+ TUDG9e2xKLzV2Z/DLYsb3+n9QW7KO0yZKfiuUo6AYboAioQKn5jh3iRvjGh2Ujpo
+ 22G+oae3PcCc7G+z12j6xIY709FQuA49dA2YpzMda0/OX4LP56STEveDRrO+CnV6
+ WE+F5FaIKwb72PL4rLi4
+ =i0tj
+ urls:
+ - http://repo.ros2.org/ubuntu/testing
+ ubuntu:
+ noble:
+ amd64:
+type: ci-build
+- nightly-release
+version: 1
diff --git a/jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-cyclonedds-fastrtps-dynamic.yaml b/jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-cyclonedds-fastrtps-dynamic.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bea0bf99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-cyclonedds-fastrtps-dynamic.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# ROS buildfarm ci-build file
+ # must override since the default has been removed from RMW_IMPLEMENTATIONS
+ RMW_IMPLEMENTATION: 'rmw_cyclonedds_cpp'
+ RMW_IMPLEMENTATIONS: 'rmw_cyclonedds_cpp:rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp'
+ RTI_NC_LICENSE_ACCEPTED: 'yes' # even thought not used installed for the underlay
+build_tool: colcon
+build_tool_args: '--cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSKIP_SINGLE_RMW_TESTS=1 --no-warn-unused-cli'
+build_tool_test_args: '--retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail"'
+- libssl-dev # for Fast-DDS security
+jenkins_job_label: ci-agent
+jenkins_job_priority: 50
+jenkins_job_timeout: 300
+- nightly-extra-rmw-release
+jenkins_job_weight: 4
+package_selection_args: '--packages-select test_communication'
+- https://github.com/ros2/ros2/raw/jazzy/ros2.repos
+ keys:
+ - |
+ Version: GnuPG v1
+ mQINBFzvJpYBEADY8l1YvO7iYW5gUESyzsTGnMvVUmlV3XarBaJz9bGRmgPXh7jc
+ u5oCR+SyHN9xPnUwDuqUSvJ2eqMYb9B/Hph3OmtjG30jSNq9kOF5bBTk1hOTGPH4
+ K/AY0jzT6OpHfXU6ytlFsI47ZKsnTUhipGsKucQ1CXlyirndZ3V3k70YaooZ55rG
+ aIoAWlx2H0J7sAHmqS29N9jV9mo135d+d+TdLBXI0PXtiHzE9IPaX+ctdSUrPnp+
+ TwR99lxglpIG6hLuvOMAaxiqFBB/Jf3XJ8OBakfS6nHrWH2WqQxRbiITl0irkQoz
+ pwNEF2Bv0+Jvs1UFEdVGz5a8xexQHst/RmKrtHLct3iOCvBNqoAQRbvWvBhPjO/p
+ V5cYeUljZ5wpHyFkaEViClaVWqa6PIsyLqmyjsruPCWlURLsQoQxABcL8bwxX7UT
+ hM6CtH6tGlYZ85RIzRifIm2oudzV5l+8oRgFr9yVcwyOFT6JCioqkwldW52P1pk/
+ /SnuexC6LYqqDuHUs5NnokzzpfS6QaWfTY5P5tz4KHJfsjDIktly3mKVfY0fSPVV
+ okdGpcUzvz2hq1fqjxB6MlB/1vtk0bImfcsoxBmF7H+4E9ZN1sX/tSb0KQARAQAB
+ tCZPcGVuIFJvYm90aWNzIDxpbmZvQG9zcmZvdW5kYXRpb24ub3JnPokCVAQTAQgA
+ RQu5b2SJRG+KIdbvQBzKUBMV6/RUhEDPjhXZI3zDevzBewvAMKkqs2Q1cWo9WV7Z
+ PyTkvSyey/Tjn+PozcdvzkvrEjDMftIk8E1WzLGq7vnPLZ1q/b6Vq4H373Z+EDWa
+ DaDwW72CbCBLWAVtqff80CwlI2x8fYHKr3VBUnwcXNHR4+nRABfAWnaU4k+oTshC
+ Qucsd8vitNfsSXrKuKyz91IRHRPnJjx8UvGU4tRGfrHkw1505EZvgP02vXeRyWBR
+ fKiL1vGy4tCSRDdZO3ms2J2m08VPv65HsHaWYMnO+rNJmMZj9d9JdL/9GRf5F6U0
+ quoIFL39BhUEvBynuqlrqistnyOhw8W/IQy/ymNzBMcMz6rcMjMwhkgm/LNXoSD1
+ 1OrJu4ktQwRhwvGVarnB8ihwjsTxZFylaLmFSfaA+OAlOqCLS1OkIVMzjW+Ul6A6
+ qjiCEUOsnlf4CGlhzNMZOx3low6ixzEqKOcfECpeIj80a2fBDmWkcAAjlHu6VBhA
+ TUDG9e2xKLzV2Z/DLYsb3+n9QW7KO0yZKfiuUo6AYboAioQKn5jh3iRvjGh2Ujpo
+ 22G+oae3PcCc7G+z12j6xIY709FQuA49dA2YpzMda0/OX4LP56STEveDRrO+CnV6
+ WE+F5FaIKwb72PL4rLi4
+ =i0tj
+ urls:
+ - http://repo.ros2.org/ubuntu/testing
+ ubuntu:
+ noble:
+ amd64:
+type: ci-build
+- nightly-extra-rmw-release
+version: 1
diff --git a/jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-cyclonedds-fastrtps.yaml b/jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-cyclonedds-fastrtps.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fbe9ec5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-cyclonedds-fastrtps.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# ROS buildfarm ci-build file
+ RMW_IMPLEMENTATIONS: 'rmw_cyclonedds_cpp:rmw_fastrtps_cpp'
+ RTI_NC_LICENSE_ACCEPTED: 'yes' # even thought not used installed for the underlay
+build_tool: colcon
+build_tool_args: '--cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSKIP_SINGLE_RMW_TESTS=1 --no-warn-unused-cli'
+build_tool_test_args: '--retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail"'
+- libssl-dev # for Fast-DDS security
+jenkins_job_label: ci-agent
+jenkins_job_priority: 50
+jenkins_job_timeout: 300
+- nightly-release
+jenkins_job_weight: 4
+package_selection_args: '--packages-select test_communication'
+- https://github.com/ros2/ros2/raw/jazzy/ros2.repos
+ keys:
+ - |
+ Version: GnuPG v1
+ mQINBFzvJpYBEADY8l1YvO7iYW5gUESyzsTGnMvVUmlV3XarBaJz9bGRmgPXh7jc
+ u5oCR+SyHN9xPnUwDuqUSvJ2eqMYb9B/Hph3OmtjG30jSNq9kOF5bBTk1hOTGPH4
+ K/AY0jzT6OpHfXU6ytlFsI47ZKsnTUhipGsKucQ1CXlyirndZ3V3k70YaooZ55rG
+ aIoAWlx2H0J7sAHmqS29N9jV9mo135d+d+TdLBXI0PXtiHzE9IPaX+ctdSUrPnp+
+ TwR99lxglpIG6hLuvOMAaxiqFBB/Jf3XJ8OBakfS6nHrWH2WqQxRbiITl0irkQoz
+ pwNEF2Bv0+Jvs1UFEdVGz5a8xexQHst/RmKrtHLct3iOCvBNqoAQRbvWvBhPjO/p
+ V5cYeUljZ5wpHyFkaEViClaVWqa6PIsyLqmyjsruPCWlURLsQoQxABcL8bwxX7UT
+ hM6CtH6tGlYZ85RIzRifIm2oudzV5l+8oRgFr9yVcwyOFT6JCioqkwldW52P1pk/
+ /SnuexC6LYqqDuHUs5NnokzzpfS6QaWfTY5P5tz4KHJfsjDIktly3mKVfY0fSPVV
+ okdGpcUzvz2hq1fqjxB6MlB/1vtk0bImfcsoxBmF7H+4E9ZN1sX/tSb0KQARAQAB
+ tCZPcGVuIFJvYm90aWNzIDxpbmZvQG9zcmZvdW5kYXRpb24ub3JnPokCVAQTAQgA
+ RQu5b2SJRG+KIdbvQBzKUBMV6/RUhEDPjhXZI3zDevzBewvAMKkqs2Q1cWo9WV7Z
+ PyTkvSyey/Tjn+PozcdvzkvrEjDMftIk8E1WzLGq7vnPLZ1q/b6Vq4H373Z+EDWa
+ DaDwW72CbCBLWAVtqff80CwlI2x8fYHKr3VBUnwcXNHR4+nRABfAWnaU4k+oTshC
+ Qucsd8vitNfsSXrKuKyz91IRHRPnJjx8UvGU4tRGfrHkw1505EZvgP02vXeRyWBR
+ fKiL1vGy4tCSRDdZO3ms2J2m08VPv65HsHaWYMnO+rNJmMZj9d9JdL/9GRf5F6U0
+ quoIFL39BhUEvBynuqlrqistnyOhw8W/IQy/ymNzBMcMz6rcMjMwhkgm/LNXoSD1
+ 1OrJu4ktQwRhwvGVarnB8ihwjsTxZFylaLmFSfaA+OAlOqCLS1OkIVMzjW+Ul6A6
+ qjiCEUOsnlf4CGlhzNMZOx3low6ixzEqKOcfECpeIj80a2fBDmWkcAAjlHu6VBhA
+ TUDG9e2xKLzV2Z/DLYsb3+n9QW7KO0yZKfiuUo6AYboAioQKn5jh3iRvjGh2Ujpo
+ 22G+oae3PcCc7G+z12j6xIY709FQuA49dA2YpzMda0/OX4LP56STEveDRrO+CnV6
+ WE+F5FaIKwb72PL4rLi4
+ =i0tj
+ urls:
+ - http://repo.ros2.org/ubuntu/testing
+ ubuntu:
+ noble:
+ amd64:
+type: ci-build
+- nightly-release
+version: 1
diff --git a/jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-fastrtps-fastrtps-dynamic.yaml b/jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-fastrtps-fastrtps-dynamic.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e90a90e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jazzy/ci-nightly-cross-vendor-fastrtps-fastrtps-dynamic.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# ROS buildfarm ci-build file
+ RMW_IMPLEMENTATIONS: 'rmw_fastrtps_cpp:rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp'
+ RTI_NC_LICENSE_ACCEPTED: 'yes' # even thought not used installed for the underlay
+build_tool: colcon
+build_tool_args: '--cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSKIP_SINGLE_RMW_TESTS=1 --no-warn-unused-cli'
+build_tool_test_args: '--retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail"'
+- libssl-dev # for Fast-DDS security
+jenkins_job_label: ci-agent
+jenkins_job_priority: 50
+jenkins_job_timeout: 300
+- nightly-extra-rmw-release
+jenkins_job_weight: 4
+package_selection_args: '--packages-select test_communication'
+- https://github.com/ros2/ros2/raw/jazzy/ros2.repos
+ keys:
+ - |
+ Version: GnuPG v1
+ mQINBFzvJpYBEADY8l1YvO7iYW5gUESyzsTGnMvVUmlV3XarBaJz9bGRmgPXh7jc
+ u5oCR+SyHN9xPnUwDuqUSvJ2eqMYb9B/Hph3OmtjG30jSNq9kOF5bBTk1hOTGPH4
+ K/AY0jzT6OpHfXU6ytlFsI47ZKsnTUhipGsKucQ1CXlyirndZ3V3k70YaooZ55rG
+ aIoAWlx2H0J7sAHmqS29N9jV9mo135d+d+TdLBXI0PXtiHzE9IPaX+ctdSUrPnp+
+ TwR99lxglpIG6hLuvOMAaxiqFBB/Jf3XJ8OBakfS6nHrWH2WqQxRbiITl0irkQoz
+ pwNEF2Bv0+Jvs1UFEdVGz5a8xexQHst/RmKrtHLct3iOCvBNqoAQRbvWvBhPjO/p
+ V5cYeUljZ5wpHyFkaEViClaVWqa6PIsyLqmyjsruPCWlURLsQoQxABcL8bwxX7UT
+ hM6CtH6tGlYZ85RIzRifIm2oudzV5l+8oRgFr9yVcwyOFT6JCioqkwldW52P1pk/
+ /SnuexC6LYqqDuHUs5NnokzzpfS6QaWfTY5P5tz4KHJfsjDIktly3mKVfY0fSPVV
+ okdGpcUzvz2hq1fqjxB6MlB/1vtk0bImfcsoxBmF7H+4E9ZN1sX/tSb0KQARAQAB
+ tCZPcGVuIFJvYm90aWNzIDxpbmZvQG9zcmZvdW5kYXRpb24ub3JnPokCVAQTAQgA
+ RQu5b2SJRG+KIdbvQBzKUBMV6/RUhEDPjhXZI3zDevzBewvAMKkqs2Q1cWo9WV7Z
+ PyTkvSyey/Tjn+PozcdvzkvrEjDMftIk8E1WzLGq7vnPLZ1q/b6Vq4H373Z+EDWa
+ DaDwW72CbCBLWAVtqff80CwlI2x8fYHKr3VBUnwcXNHR4+nRABfAWnaU4k+oTshC
+ Qucsd8vitNfsSXrKuKyz91IRHRPnJjx8UvGU4tRGfrHkw1505EZvgP02vXeRyWBR
+ fKiL1vGy4tCSRDdZO3ms2J2m08VPv65HsHaWYMnO+rNJmMZj9d9JdL/9GRf5F6U0
+ quoIFL39BhUEvBynuqlrqistnyOhw8W/IQy/ymNzBMcMz6rcMjMwhkgm/LNXoSD1
+ 1OrJu4ktQwRhwvGVarnB8ihwjsTxZFylaLmFSfaA+OAlOqCLS1OkIVMzjW+Ul6A6
+ qjiCEUOsnlf4CGlhzNMZOx3low6ixzEqKOcfECpeIj80a2fBDmWkcAAjlHu6VBhA
+ TUDG9e2xKLzV2Z/DLYsb3+n9QW7KO0yZKfiuUo6AYboAioQKn5jh3iRvjGh2Ujpo
+ 22G+oae3PcCc7G+z12j6xIY709FQuA49dA2YpzMda0/OX4LP56STEveDRrO+CnV6
+ WE+F5FaIKwb72PL4rLi4
+ =i0tj
+ urls:
+ - http://repo.ros2.org/ubuntu/testing
+ ubuntu:
+ noble:
+ amd64:
+type: ci-build
+- nightly-extra-rmw-release
+version: 1
diff --git a/jazzy/ci-nightly-cyclonedds.yaml b/jazzy/ci-nightly-cyclonedds.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e88e7b66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jazzy/ci-nightly-cyclonedds.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# ROS buildfarm ci-build file
+build_tool: colcon
+build_tool_args: '--cmake-args --no-warn-unused-cli'
+build_tool_test_args: '--retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail"'
+jenkins_job_label: ci-agent
+jenkins_job_priority: 50
+jenkins_job_schedule: 15 23 * * *
+jenkins_job_timeout: 300
+jenkins_job_weight: 4
+package_selection_args: '--packages-ignore fastcdr foonathan_memory_vendor --packages-ignore-regex .*connext.* .*fastrtps.*'
+- https://github.com/ros2/ros2/raw/jazzy/ros2.repos
+ keys:
+ - |
+ Version: GnuPG v1
+ mQINBFzvJpYBEADY8l1YvO7iYW5gUESyzsTGnMvVUmlV3XarBaJz9bGRmgPXh7jc
+ u5oCR+SyHN9xPnUwDuqUSvJ2eqMYb9B/Hph3OmtjG30jSNq9kOF5bBTk1hOTGPH4
+ K/AY0jzT6OpHfXU6ytlFsI47ZKsnTUhipGsKucQ1CXlyirndZ3V3k70YaooZ55rG
+ aIoAWlx2H0J7sAHmqS29N9jV9mo135d+d+TdLBXI0PXtiHzE9IPaX+ctdSUrPnp+
+ TwR99lxglpIG6hLuvOMAaxiqFBB/Jf3XJ8OBakfS6nHrWH2WqQxRbiITl0irkQoz
+ pwNEF2Bv0+Jvs1UFEdVGz5a8xexQHst/RmKrtHLct3iOCvBNqoAQRbvWvBhPjO/p
+ V5cYeUljZ5wpHyFkaEViClaVWqa6PIsyLqmyjsruPCWlURLsQoQxABcL8bwxX7UT
+ hM6CtH6tGlYZ85RIzRifIm2oudzV5l+8oRgFr9yVcwyOFT6JCioqkwldW52P1pk/
+ /SnuexC6LYqqDuHUs5NnokzzpfS6QaWfTY5P5tz4KHJfsjDIktly3mKVfY0fSPVV
+ okdGpcUzvz2hq1fqjxB6MlB/1vtk0bImfcsoxBmF7H+4E9ZN1sX/tSb0KQARAQAB
+ tCZPcGVuIFJvYm90aWNzIDxpbmZvQG9zcmZvdW5kYXRpb24ub3JnPokCVAQTAQgA
+ RQu5b2SJRG+KIdbvQBzKUBMV6/RUhEDPjhXZI3zDevzBewvAMKkqs2Q1cWo9WV7Z
+ PyTkvSyey/Tjn+PozcdvzkvrEjDMftIk8E1WzLGq7vnPLZ1q/b6Vq4H373Z+EDWa
+ DaDwW72CbCBLWAVtqff80CwlI2x8fYHKr3VBUnwcXNHR4+nRABfAWnaU4k+oTshC
+ Qucsd8vitNfsSXrKuKyz91IRHRPnJjx8UvGU4tRGfrHkw1505EZvgP02vXeRyWBR
+ fKiL1vGy4tCSRDdZO3ms2J2m08VPv65HsHaWYMnO+rNJmMZj9d9JdL/9GRf5F6U0
+ quoIFL39BhUEvBynuqlrqistnyOhw8W/IQy/ymNzBMcMz6rcMjMwhkgm/LNXoSD1
+ 1OrJu4ktQwRhwvGVarnB8ihwjsTxZFylaLmFSfaA+OAlOqCLS1OkIVMzjW+Ul6A6
+ qjiCEUOsnlf4CGlhzNMZOx3low6ixzEqKOcfECpeIj80a2fBDmWkcAAjlHu6VBhA
+ TUDG9e2xKLzV2Z/DLYsb3+n9QW7KO0yZKfiuUo6AYboAioQKn5jh3iRvjGh2Ujpo
+ 22G+oae3PcCc7G+z12j6xIY709FQuA49dA2YpzMda0/OX4LP56STEveDRrO+CnV6
+ WE+F5FaIKwb72PL4rLi4
+ =i0tj
+ urls:
+ - http://repo.ros2.org/ubuntu/testing
+ ubuntu:
+ noble:
+ amd64:
+type: ci-build
+upload_directory: nightly-cyclonedds
+version: 1
diff --git a/jazzy/ci-nightly-debug.yaml b/jazzy/ci-nightly-debug.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7656a81c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jazzy/ci-nightly-debug.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# ROS buildfarm ci-build file
+ CONNEXTDDS_DIR: '/opt/rti.com/rti_connext_dds-6.0.1'
+build_tool: colcon
+build_tool_args: '--cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DSKIP_MULTI_RMW_TESTS=1 --no-warn-unused-cli'
+build_tool_test_args: '--retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail"'
+jenkins_job_label: ci-agent
+jenkins_job_priority: 50
+jenkins_job_schedule: 15 23 * * *
+jenkins_job_timeout: 360
+jenkins_job_weight: 4
+package_selection_args: '--packages-ignore rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp'
+- https://github.com/ros2/ros2/raw/jazzy/ros2.repos
+ keys:
+ - |
+ Version: GnuPG v1
+ mQINBFzvJpYBEADY8l1YvO7iYW5gUESyzsTGnMvVUmlV3XarBaJz9bGRmgPXh7jc
+ u5oCR+SyHN9xPnUwDuqUSvJ2eqMYb9B/Hph3OmtjG30jSNq9kOF5bBTk1hOTGPH4
+ K/AY0jzT6OpHfXU6ytlFsI47ZKsnTUhipGsKucQ1CXlyirndZ3V3k70YaooZ55rG
+ aIoAWlx2H0J7sAHmqS29N9jV9mo135d+d+TdLBXI0PXtiHzE9IPaX+ctdSUrPnp+
+ TwR99lxglpIG6hLuvOMAaxiqFBB/Jf3XJ8OBakfS6nHrWH2WqQxRbiITl0irkQoz
+ pwNEF2Bv0+Jvs1UFEdVGz5a8xexQHst/RmKrtHLct3iOCvBNqoAQRbvWvBhPjO/p
+ V5cYeUljZ5wpHyFkaEViClaVWqa6PIsyLqmyjsruPCWlURLsQoQxABcL8bwxX7UT
+ hM6CtH6tGlYZ85RIzRifIm2oudzV5l+8oRgFr9yVcwyOFT6JCioqkwldW52P1pk/
+ /SnuexC6LYqqDuHUs5NnokzzpfS6QaWfTY5P5tz4KHJfsjDIktly3mKVfY0fSPVV
+ okdGpcUzvz2hq1fqjxB6MlB/1vtk0bImfcsoxBmF7H+4E9ZN1sX/tSb0KQARAQAB
+ tCZPcGVuIFJvYm90aWNzIDxpbmZvQG9zcmZvdW5kYXRpb24ub3JnPokCVAQTAQgA
+ RQu5b2SJRG+KIdbvQBzKUBMV6/RUhEDPjhXZI3zDevzBewvAMKkqs2Q1cWo9WV7Z
+ PyTkvSyey/Tjn+PozcdvzkvrEjDMftIk8E1WzLGq7vnPLZ1q/b6Vq4H373Z+EDWa
+ DaDwW72CbCBLWAVtqff80CwlI2x8fYHKr3VBUnwcXNHR4+nRABfAWnaU4k+oTshC
+ Qucsd8vitNfsSXrKuKyz91IRHRPnJjx8UvGU4tRGfrHkw1505EZvgP02vXeRyWBR
+ fKiL1vGy4tCSRDdZO3ms2J2m08VPv65HsHaWYMnO+rNJmMZj9d9JdL/9GRf5F6U0
+ quoIFL39BhUEvBynuqlrqistnyOhw8W/IQy/ymNzBMcMz6rcMjMwhkgm/LNXoSD1
+ 1OrJu4ktQwRhwvGVarnB8ihwjsTxZFylaLmFSfaA+OAlOqCLS1OkIVMzjW+Ul6A6
+ qjiCEUOsnlf4CGlhzNMZOx3low6ixzEqKOcfECpeIj80a2fBDmWkcAAjlHu6VBhA
+ TUDG9e2xKLzV2Z/DLYsb3+n9QW7KO0yZKfiuUo6AYboAioQKn5jh3iRvjGh2Ujpo
+ 22G+oae3PcCc7G+z12j6xIY709FQuA49dA2YpzMda0/OX4LP56STEveDRrO+CnV6
+ WE+F5FaIKwb72PL4rLi4
+ =i0tj
+ urls:
+ - http://repo.ros2.org/ubuntu/testing
+shared_ccache: true
+ ubuntu:
+ noble:
+ amd64:
+type: ci-build
+version: 1
diff --git a/jazzy/ci-nightly-extra-rmw-release.yaml b/jazzy/ci-nightly-extra-rmw-release.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3cdf32aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jazzy/ci-nightly-extra-rmw-release.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# ROS buildfarm ci-build file
+ CONNEXTDDS_DIR: '/opt/rti.com/rti_connext_dds-6.0.1'
+build_tool: colcon
+build_tool_args: '--cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSKIP_MULTI_RMW_TESTS=1 --no-warn-unused-cli'
+build_tool_test_args: '--retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail"'
+jenkins_job_label: ci-agent
+jenkins_job_priority: 50
+jenkins_job_schedule: 15 23 * * *
+jenkins_job_timeout: 300
+jenkins_job_weight: 4
+- https://github.com/ros2/ros2/raw/jazzy/ros2.repos
+ keys:
+ - |
+ Version: GnuPG v1
+ mQINBFzvJpYBEADY8l1YvO7iYW5gUESyzsTGnMvVUmlV3XarBaJz9bGRmgPXh7jc
+ u5oCR+SyHN9xPnUwDuqUSvJ2eqMYb9B/Hph3OmtjG30jSNq9kOF5bBTk1hOTGPH4
+ K/AY0jzT6OpHfXU6ytlFsI47ZKsnTUhipGsKucQ1CXlyirndZ3V3k70YaooZ55rG
+ aIoAWlx2H0J7sAHmqS29N9jV9mo135d+d+TdLBXI0PXtiHzE9IPaX+ctdSUrPnp+
+ TwR99lxglpIG6hLuvOMAaxiqFBB/Jf3XJ8OBakfS6nHrWH2WqQxRbiITl0irkQoz
+ pwNEF2Bv0+Jvs1UFEdVGz5a8xexQHst/RmKrtHLct3iOCvBNqoAQRbvWvBhPjO/p
+ V5cYeUljZ5wpHyFkaEViClaVWqa6PIsyLqmyjsruPCWlURLsQoQxABcL8bwxX7UT
+ hM6CtH6tGlYZ85RIzRifIm2oudzV5l+8oRgFr9yVcwyOFT6JCioqkwldW52P1pk/
+ /SnuexC6LYqqDuHUs5NnokzzpfS6QaWfTY5P5tz4KHJfsjDIktly3mKVfY0fSPVV
+ okdGpcUzvz2hq1fqjxB6MlB/1vtk0bImfcsoxBmF7H+4E9ZN1sX/tSb0KQARAQAB
+ tCZPcGVuIFJvYm90aWNzIDxpbmZvQG9zcmZvdW5kYXRpb24ub3JnPokCVAQTAQgA
+ RQu5b2SJRG+KIdbvQBzKUBMV6/RUhEDPjhXZI3zDevzBewvAMKkqs2Q1cWo9WV7Z
+ PyTkvSyey/Tjn+PozcdvzkvrEjDMftIk8E1WzLGq7vnPLZ1q/b6Vq4H373Z+EDWa
+ DaDwW72CbCBLWAVtqff80CwlI2x8fYHKr3VBUnwcXNHR4+nRABfAWnaU4k+oTshC
+ Qucsd8vitNfsSXrKuKyz91IRHRPnJjx8UvGU4tRGfrHkw1505EZvgP02vXeRyWBR
+ fKiL1vGy4tCSRDdZO3ms2J2m08VPv65HsHaWYMnO+rNJmMZj9d9JdL/9GRf5F6U0
+ quoIFL39BhUEvBynuqlrqistnyOhw8W/IQy/ymNzBMcMz6rcMjMwhkgm/LNXoSD1
+ 1OrJu4ktQwRhwvGVarnB8ihwjsTxZFylaLmFSfaA+OAlOqCLS1OkIVMzjW+Ul6A6
+ qjiCEUOsnlf4CGlhzNMZOx3low6ixzEqKOcfECpeIj80a2fBDmWkcAAjlHu6VBhA
+ TUDG9e2xKLzV2Z/DLYsb3+n9QW7KO0yZKfiuUo6AYboAioQKn5jh3iRvjGh2Ujpo
+ 22G+oae3PcCc7G+z12j6xIY709FQuA49dA2YpzMda0/OX4LP56STEveDRrO+CnV6
+ WE+F5FaIKwb72PL4rLi4
+ =i0tj
+ urls:
+ - http://repo.ros2.org/ubuntu/testing
+ ubuntu:
+ noble:
+ amd64:
+type: ci-build
+version: 1
diff --git a/jazzy/ci-nightly-fastrtps-dynamic.yaml b/jazzy/ci-nightly-fastrtps-dynamic.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c9fbdba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jazzy/ci-nightly-fastrtps-dynamic.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# ROS buildfarm ci-build file
+build_tool: colcon
+build_tool_args: '--cmake-args --no-warn-unused-cli'
+build_tool_test_args: '--retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail"'
+jenkins_job_label: ci-agent
+jenkins_job_priority: 50
+jenkins_job_schedule: 15 23 * * *
+jenkins_job_timeout: 300
+jenkins_job_weight: 4
+package_selection_args: '--packages-ignore rmw_fastrtps_cpp --packages-ignore-regex .*connext.* .*cyclonedds.*'
+- https://github.com/ros2/ros2/raw/jazzy/ros2.repos
+ keys:
+ - |
+ Version: GnuPG v1
+ mQINBFzvJpYBEADY8l1YvO7iYW5gUESyzsTGnMvVUmlV3XarBaJz9bGRmgPXh7jc
+ u5oCR+SyHN9xPnUwDuqUSvJ2eqMYb9B/Hph3OmtjG30jSNq9kOF5bBTk1hOTGPH4
+ K/AY0jzT6OpHfXU6ytlFsI47ZKsnTUhipGsKucQ1CXlyirndZ3V3k70YaooZ55rG
+ aIoAWlx2H0J7sAHmqS29N9jV9mo135d+d+TdLBXI0PXtiHzE9IPaX+ctdSUrPnp+
+ TwR99lxglpIG6hLuvOMAaxiqFBB/Jf3XJ8OBakfS6nHrWH2WqQxRbiITl0irkQoz
+ pwNEF2Bv0+Jvs1UFEdVGz5a8xexQHst/RmKrtHLct3iOCvBNqoAQRbvWvBhPjO/p
+ V5cYeUljZ5wpHyFkaEViClaVWqa6PIsyLqmyjsruPCWlURLsQoQxABcL8bwxX7UT
+ hM6CtH6tGlYZ85RIzRifIm2oudzV5l+8oRgFr9yVcwyOFT6JCioqkwldW52P1pk/
+ /SnuexC6LYqqDuHUs5NnokzzpfS6QaWfTY5P5tz4KHJfsjDIktly3mKVfY0fSPVV
+ okdGpcUzvz2hq1fqjxB6MlB/1vtk0bImfcsoxBmF7H+4E9ZN1sX/tSb0KQARAQAB
+ tCZPcGVuIFJvYm90aWNzIDxpbmZvQG9zcmZvdW5kYXRpb24ub3JnPokCVAQTAQgA
+ RQu5b2SJRG+KIdbvQBzKUBMV6/RUhEDPjhXZI3zDevzBewvAMKkqs2Q1cWo9WV7Z
+ PyTkvSyey/Tjn+PozcdvzkvrEjDMftIk8E1WzLGq7vnPLZ1q/b6Vq4H373Z+EDWa
+ DaDwW72CbCBLWAVtqff80CwlI2x8fYHKr3VBUnwcXNHR4+nRABfAWnaU4k+oTshC
+ Qucsd8vitNfsSXrKuKyz91IRHRPnJjx8UvGU4tRGfrHkw1505EZvgP02vXeRyWBR
+ fKiL1vGy4tCSRDdZO3ms2J2m08VPv65HsHaWYMnO+rNJmMZj9d9JdL/9GRf5F6U0
+ quoIFL39BhUEvBynuqlrqistnyOhw8W/IQy/ymNzBMcMz6rcMjMwhkgm/LNXoSD1
+ 1OrJu4ktQwRhwvGVarnB8ihwjsTxZFylaLmFSfaA+OAlOqCLS1OkIVMzjW+Ul6A6
+ qjiCEUOsnlf4CGlhzNMZOx3low6ixzEqKOcfECpeIj80a2fBDmWkcAAjlHu6VBhA
+ TUDG9e2xKLzV2Z/DLYsb3+n9QW7KO0yZKfiuUo6AYboAioQKn5jh3iRvjGh2Ujpo
+ 22G+oae3PcCc7G+z12j6xIY709FQuA49dA2YpzMda0/OX4LP56STEveDRrO+CnV6
+ WE+F5FaIKwb72PL4rLi4
+ =i0tj
+ urls:
+ - http://repo.ros2.org/ubuntu/testing
+ ubuntu:
+ noble:
+ amd64:
+type: ci-build
+version: 1
diff --git a/jazzy/ci-nightly-fastrtps.yaml b/jazzy/ci-nightly-fastrtps.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bad53265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jazzy/ci-nightly-fastrtps.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# ROS buildfarm ci-build file
+build_tool: colcon
+build_tool_args: '--cmake-args --no-warn-unused-cli'
+build_tool_test_args: '--retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail"'
+jenkins_job_label: ci-agent
+jenkins_job_priority: 50
+jenkins_job_schedule: 15 23 * * *
+jenkins_job_timeout: 300
+jenkins_job_weight: 4
+package_selection_args: '--packages-ignore rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp --packages-ignore-regex .*connext.* .*cyclonedds.*'
+- https://github.com/ros2/ros2/raw/jazzy/ros2.repos
+ keys:
+ - |
+ Version: GnuPG v1
+ mQINBFzvJpYBEADY8l1YvO7iYW5gUESyzsTGnMvVUmlV3XarBaJz9bGRmgPXh7jc
+ u5oCR+SyHN9xPnUwDuqUSvJ2eqMYb9B/Hph3OmtjG30jSNq9kOF5bBTk1hOTGPH4
+ K/AY0jzT6OpHfXU6ytlFsI47ZKsnTUhipGsKucQ1CXlyirndZ3V3k70YaooZ55rG
+ aIoAWlx2H0J7sAHmqS29N9jV9mo135d+d+TdLBXI0PXtiHzE9IPaX+ctdSUrPnp+
+ TwR99lxglpIG6hLuvOMAaxiqFBB/Jf3XJ8OBakfS6nHrWH2WqQxRbiITl0irkQoz
+ pwNEF2Bv0+Jvs1UFEdVGz5a8xexQHst/RmKrtHLct3iOCvBNqoAQRbvWvBhPjO/p
+ V5cYeUljZ5wpHyFkaEViClaVWqa6PIsyLqmyjsruPCWlURLsQoQxABcL8bwxX7UT
+ hM6CtH6tGlYZ85RIzRifIm2oudzV5l+8oRgFr9yVcwyOFT6JCioqkwldW52P1pk/
+ /SnuexC6LYqqDuHUs5NnokzzpfS6QaWfTY5P5tz4KHJfsjDIktly3mKVfY0fSPVV
+ okdGpcUzvz2hq1fqjxB6MlB/1vtk0bImfcsoxBmF7H+4E9ZN1sX/tSb0KQARAQAB
+ tCZPcGVuIFJvYm90aWNzIDxpbmZvQG9zcmZvdW5kYXRpb24ub3JnPokCVAQTAQgA
+ RQu5b2SJRG+KIdbvQBzKUBMV6/RUhEDPjhXZI3zDevzBewvAMKkqs2Q1cWo9WV7Z
+ PyTkvSyey/Tjn+PozcdvzkvrEjDMftIk8E1WzLGq7vnPLZ1q/b6Vq4H373Z+EDWa
+ DaDwW72CbCBLWAVtqff80CwlI2x8fYHKr3VBUnwcXNHR4+nRABfAWnaU4k+oTshC
+ Qucsd8vitNfsSXrKuKyz91IRHRPnJjx8UvGU4tRGfrHkw1505EZvgP02vXeRyWBR
+ fKiL1vGy4tCSRDdZO3ms2J2m08VPv65HsHaWYMnO+rNJmMZj9d9JdL/9GRf5F6U0
+ quoIFL39BhUEvBynuqlrqistnyOhw8W/IQy/ymNzBMcMz6rcMjMwhkgm/LNXoSD1
+ 1OrJu4ktQwRhwvGVarnB8ihwjsTxZFylaLmFSfaA+OAlOqCLS1OkIVMzjW+Ul6A6
+ qjiCEUOsnlf4CGlhzNMZOx3low6ixzEqKOcfECpeIj80a2fBDmWkcAAjlHu6VBhA
+ TUDG9e2xKLzV2Z/DLYsb3+n9QW7KO0yZKfiuUo6AYboAioQKn5jh3iRvjGh2Ujpo
+ 22G+oae3PcCc7G+z12j6xIY709FQuA49dA2YpzMda0/OX4LP56STEveDRrO+CnV6
+ WE+F5FaIKwb72PL4rLi4
+ =i0tj
+ urls:
+ - http://repo.ros2.org/ubuntu/testing
+ ubuntu:
+ noble:
+ amd64:
+type: ci-build
+version: 1
diff --git a/jazzy/ci-nightly-performance.yaml b/jazzy/ci-nightly-performance.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18833b19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jazzy/ci-nightly-performance.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,1988 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# ROS buildfarm ci-build file
+ CONNEXTDDS_DIR: '/opt/rti.com/rti_connext_dds-6.0.1'
+- ws/test_results/**/*.benchmark.json
+benchmark_schema: !include ../common/benchmark_schema.yaml
+build_tool: colcon
+- libssl-dev # for Fast-DDS security
+- libtinyxml2-dev # for Fast-DDS, which doesn't install its manifest
+jenkins_job_label: ci-agent
+jenkins_job_priority: 50
+jenkins_job_timeout: 180
+- nightly-extra-rmw-release
+jenkins_job_weight: 4
+- https://github.com/ros2/buildfarm_perf_tests/raw/master/tools/ros2_dependencies.repos
+ keys:
+ - |
+ Version: GnuPG v1
+ mQINBFzvJpYBEADY8l1YvO7iYW5gUESyzsTGnMvVUmlV3XarBaJz9bGRmgPXh7jc
+ u5oCR+SyHN9xPnUwDuqUSvJ2eqMYb9B/Hph3OmtjG30jSNq9kOF5bBTk1hOTGPH4
+ K/AY0jzT6OpHfXU6ytlFsI47ZKsnTUhipGsKucQ1CXlyirndZ3V3k70YaooZ55rG
+ aIoAWlx2H0J7sAHmqS29N9jV9mo135d+d+TdLBXI0PXtiHzE9IPaX+ctdSUrPnp+
+ TwR99lxglpIG6hLuvOMAaxiqFBB/Jf3XJ8OBakfS6nHrWH2WqQxRbiITl0irkQoz
+ pwNEF2Bv0+Jvs1UFEdVGz5a8xexQHst/RmKrtHLct3iOCvBNqoAQRbvWvBhPjO/p
+ V5cYeUljZ5wpHyFkaEViClaVWqa6PIsyLqmyjsruPCWlURLsQoQxABcL8bwxX7UT
+ hM6CtH6tGlYZ85RIzRifIm2oudzV5l+8oRgFr9yVcwyOFT6JCioqkwldW52P1pk/
+ /SnuexC6LYqqDuHUs5NnokzzpfS6QaWfTY5P5tz4KHJfsjDIktly3mKVfY0fSPVV
+ okdGpcUzvz2hq1fqjxB6MlB/1vtk0bImfcsoxBmF7H+4E9ZN1sX/tSb0KQARAQAB
+ tCZPcGVuIFJvYm90aWNzIDxpbmZvQG9zcmZvdW5kYXRpb24ub3JnPokCVAQTAQgA
+ RQu5b2SJRG+KIdbvQBzKUBMV6/RUhEDPjhXZI3zDevzBewvAMKkqs2Q1cWo9WV7Z
+ PyTkvSyey/Tjn+PozcdvzkvrEjDMftIk8E1WzLGq7vnPLZ1q/b6Vq4H373Z+EDWa
+ DaDwW72CbCBLWAVtqff80CwlI2x8fYHKr3VBUnwcXNHR4+nRABfAWnaU4k+oTshC
+ Qucsd8vitNfsSXrKuKyz91IRHRPnJjx8UvGU4tRGfrHkw1505EZvgP02vXeRyWBR
+ fKiL1vGy4tCSRDdZO3ms2J2m08VPv65HsHaWYMnO+rNJmMZj9d9JdL/9GRf5F6U0
+ quoIFL39BhUEvBynuqlrqistnyOhw8W/IQy/ymNzBMcMz6rcMjMwhkgm/LNXoSD1
+ 1OrJu4ktQwRhwvGVarnB8ihwjsTxZFylaLmFSfaA+OAlOqCLS1OkIVMzjW+Ul6A6
+ qjiCEUOsnlf4CGlhzNMZOx3low6ixzEqKOcfECpeIj80a2fBDmWkcAAjlHu6VBhA
+ TUDG9e2xKLzV2Z/DLYsb3+n9QW7KO0yZKfiuUo6AYboAioQKn5jh3iRvjGh2Ujpo
+ 22G+oae3PcCc7G+z12j6xIY709FQuA49dA2YpzMda0/OX4LP56STEveDRrO+CnV6
+ WE+F5FaIKwb72PL4rLi4
+ =i0tj
+ urls:
+ - http://repo.ros2.org/ubuntu/testing
+ ubuntu:
+ noble:
+ amd64:
+type: ci-build
+- nightly-extra-rmw-release
+- ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*.csv
+- ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_*.csv
+- ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_node_test_results_*.csv
+- ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*.csv
+ Performance Test Results - FastRTPS async:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_FastRTPS_async_*.png
+ Performance Test Results - FastRTPS sync:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_FastRTPS_sync_*.png
+ Performance Test Results - rmw_connext_cpp async:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_rmw_connext_cpp_async_*.png
+ Performance Test Results - rmw_cyclonedds_cpp sync:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_rmw_cyclonedds_cpp_sync_*.png
+ Performance Test Results - rmw_fastrtps_cpp async:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async_*.png
+ Performance Test Results - rmw_fastrtps_cpp sync:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync_*.png
+ Performance Test Results - rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp async:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_async_*.png
+ Performance Test Results - rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp sync:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_sync_*.png
+ Overhead Test Results - rmw_connext_cpp - rmw_connext_cpp:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_Publisher-rmw_connext_cpp_Subscriber-rmw_connext_cpp_*.png
+ Overhead Test Results - rmw_connext_cpp - rmw_cyclonedds_cpp:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_Publisher-rmw_connext_cpp_Subscriber-rmw_cyclonedds_cpp_*.png
+ Overhead Test Results - rmw_connext_cpp - rmw_fastrtps_cpp:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_Publisher-rmw_connext_cpp_Subscriber-rmw_fastrtps_cpp_*.png
+ Overhead Test Results - rmw_connext_cpp - rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_Publisher-rmw_connext_cpp_Subscriber-rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_*.png
+ Overhead Test Results - rmw_cyclonedds_cpp - rmw_connext_cpp:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_Publisher-rmw_cyclonedds_cpp_Subscriber-rmw_connext_cpp_*.png
+ Overhead Test Results - rmw_cyclonedds_cpp - rmw_cyclonedds_cpp:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_Publisher-rmw_cyclonedds_cpp_Subscriber-rmw_cyclonedds_cpp_*.png
+ Overhead Test Results - rmw_cyclonedds_cpp - rmw_fastrtps_cpp:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_Publisher-rmw_cyclonedds_cpp_Subscriber-rmw_fastrtps_cpp_*.png
+ Overhead Test Results - rmw_cyclonedds_cpp - rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_Publisher-rmw_cyclonedds_cpp_Subscriber-rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_*.png
+ Overhead Test Results - rmw_fastrtps_cpp - rmw_connext_cpp:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_Publisher-rmw_fastrtps_cpp_Subscriber-rmw_connext_cpp_*.png
+ Overhead Test Results - rmw_fastrtps_cpp - rmw_cyclonedds_cpp:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_Publisher-rmw_fastrtps_cpp_Subscriber-rmw_cyclonedds_cpp_*.png
+ Overhead Test Results - rmw_fastrtps_cpp - rmw_fastrtps_cpp:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_Publisher-rmw_fastrtps_cpp_Subscriber-rmw_fastrtps_cpp_*.png
+ Overhead Test Results - rmw_fastrtps_cpp - rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_Publisher-rmw_fastrtps_cpp_Subscriber-rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_*.png
+ Overhead Test Results - rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp - rmw_connext_cpp:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_Publisher-rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_Subscriber-rmw_connext_cpp_*.png
+ Overhead Test Results - rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp - rmw_cyclonedds_cpp:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_Publisher-rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_Subscriber-rmw_cyclonedds_cpp_*.png
+ Overhead Test Results - rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp - rmw_fastrtps_cpp:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_Publisher-rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_Subscriber-rmw_fastrtps_cpp_*.png
+ Overhead Test Results - rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp - rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_Publisher-rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_Subscriber-rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_*.png
+ Overhead Node Test Results - rmw_connext_cpp async:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_node_test_results_rmw_connext_cpp_async_*.png
+ Overhead Node Test Results - rmw_cyclonedds_cpp sync:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_node_test_results_rmw_cyclonedds_cpp_sync_*.png
+ Overhead Node Test Results - rmw_fastrtps_cpp async:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_node_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async_*.png
+ Overhead Node Test Results - rmw_fastrtps_cpp sync:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_node_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync_*.png
+ Overhead Node Test Results - rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp async:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_node_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_async_*.png
+ Overhead Node Test Results - rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp sync:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_node_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_sync_*.png
+ Performance Test Two Process Results - FastRTPS async:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_FastRTPS_async_*.png
+ Performance Test Two Process Results - FastRTPS sync:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_FastRTPS_sync_*.png
+ Performance Test Two Process Results - rmw_connext_cpp async:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_rmw_connext_cpp_async_*.png
+ Performance Test Two Process Results - rmw_cyclonedds_cpp sync:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_rmw_cyclonedds_cpp_sync_*.png
+ Performance Test Two Process Results - rmw_fastrtps_cpp async:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async_*.png
+ Performance Test Two Process Results - rmw_fastrtps_cpp sync:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync_*.png
+ Performance Test Two Process Results - rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp async:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_async_*.png
+ Performance Test Two Process Results - rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp sync:
+ - ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_sync_*.png
+ Overhead simple publisher and subscriber - Average Round-Trip Time:
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async Average Round-Trip Time
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average round-trip time in milisecond. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_round_trip_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 14
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_latency.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync Average Round-Trip Time
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average round-trip time in milisecond. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_round_trip_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 14
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_latency.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_connext_cpp Average Round-Trip Time
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average round-trip time in milisecond. The publisher is set to rmw_connext_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_round_trip_rmw_connext_cpp.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_connext_cpp_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 14
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_latency.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp Average Round-Trip Time
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average round-trip time in milisecond. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_round_trip_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 14
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_latency.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_cyclonedds_cpp Average Round-Trip Time
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average round-trip time in milisecond. The publisher is set to rmw_cyclonedds_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_round_trip_rmw_cyclonedds_cpp.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_cyclonedds_cpp_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 14
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_latency.png
+ Overhead simple publisher and subscriber - Received messages per second:
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async Received messages per second
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the received messages per second. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Messages per second
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_received_messages_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 10
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 16
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_histogram.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync Received messages per second
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the received messages per second. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Messages per second
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_received_messages_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 10
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 16
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_histogram.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_connext_cpp Received messages per second
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the received messages per second. The publisher is set to rmw_connext_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Messages per second
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_received_messages_rmw_connext_cpp.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 10
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_connext_cpp_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 16
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_histogram.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp Received messages per second
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the received messages per second. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Messages per second
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_received_messages_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 10
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 16
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_histogram.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_cyclonedds_cpp Received messages per second
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the received messages per second. The publisher is set to rmw_cyclonedds_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Messages per second
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_received_messages_rmw_cyclonedds_cpp.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 10
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_cyclonedds_cpp_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 16
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_histogram.png
+ Overhead simple publisher and subscriber - Sent messages per second:
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async Sent messages per second
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the sent messages per second. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Messages per second
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_sent_messages_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 10
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 17
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_histogram.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync Sent messages per second
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the sent messages per second. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Messages per second
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_sent_messages_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 10
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 17
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_histogram.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_connext_cpp Sent messages per second
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the sent messages per second. The publisher is set to rmw_connext_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Messages per second
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_sent_messages_rmw_connext_cpp.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 10
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_connext_cpp_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 17
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_histogram.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp Sent messages per second
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the sent messages per second. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Messages per second
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_sent_messages_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 10
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 17
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_histogram.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_cyclonedds_cpp Sent messages per second
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the sent messages per second. The publisher is set to rmw_cyclonedds_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Messages per second
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_sent_messages_rmw_cyclonedds_cpp.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 10
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_cyclonedds_cpp_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 17
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_histogram.png
+ Overhead simple publisher and subscriber - Lost messages per second:
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async Lost messages
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Total Count
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_lost_messages_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 10
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 18
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_histogram.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync Lost messages
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Total Count
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_lost_messages_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 10
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 18
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_histogram.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_connext_cpp Lost messages
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages. The publisher is set to rmw_connext_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Total Count
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_lost_messages_rmw_connext_cpp.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 10
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_connext_cpp_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 18
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_histogram.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp Lost messages
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Total Count
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_lost_messages_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 10
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 18
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_histogram.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_cyclonedds_cpp Lost messages
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages. The publisher is set to rmw_cyclonedds_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Total Count
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_lost_messages_rmw_cyclonedds_cpp.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 10
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_cyclonedds_cpp_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 18
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_histogram.png
+ Overhead simple publisher and subscriber - Virtual Memory:
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async Virtual Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the virtual memory in Mb used by the publisher. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_virtual_memory_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 1000
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 2
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_virtual_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Sub rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async Virtual Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the virtual memory in Mb used by the subscriber. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_virtual_memory_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async-1.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 1000
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async_*_sub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 2
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_subscriber_virtual_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync Virtual Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the virtual memory in Mb used by the publisher. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_virtual_memory_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 1000
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 2
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_virtual_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Sub rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync Virtual Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the virtual memory in Mb used by the subscriber. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_virtual_memory_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync-1.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 1000
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync_*_sub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 2
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_subscriber_virtual_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_connext_cpp Virtual Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the virtual memory in Mb used by the publisher. The publisher is set to rmw_connext_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_virtual_memory_rmw_connext_cpp.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 1000
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_connext_cpp_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 2
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_virtual_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Sub rmw_connext_cpp Virtual Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the virtual memory in Mb used by the subscriber. The publisher is set to rmw_connext_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_virtual_memory_rmw_connext_cpp-1.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 1000
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_connext_cpp_*_sub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 2
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_subscriber_virtual_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp Virtual Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the virtual memory in Mb used by the publisher. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_virtual_memory_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 1000
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 2
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_virtual_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Sub rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp Virtual Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the virtual memory in Mb used by the subscriber. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_virtual_memory_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp-1.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 1000
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_*_sub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 2
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_subscriber_virtual_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_cyclonedds_cpp Virtual Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the virtual memory in Mb used by the publisher. The publisher is set to rmw_cyclonedds_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_virtual_memory_rmw_cyclonedds_cpp.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 1000
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_cyclonedds_cpp_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 2
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_virtual_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Sub rmw_cyclonedds_cpp Virtual Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the virtual memory in Mb used by the subscriber. The publisher is set to rmw_cyclonedds_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_virtual_memory_rmw_cyclonedds_cpp-1.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 1000
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_cyclonedds_cpp_*_sub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 2
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_subscriber_virtual_memory.png
+ Overhead simple publisher and subscriber - Resident Anonymous Memory:
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async Resident Anonymous Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the resident anonymous memory in Mb used by the publisher. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_resident_anonymous_memory_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 11
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_resident_anonymous_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Sub rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async Resident Anonymous Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the resident anonymous memory in Mb used by the subscriber. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_resident_anonymous_memory_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async-1.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async_*_sub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 11
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_subscriber_resident_anonymous_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync Resident Anonymous Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the resident anonymous memory in Mb used by the publisher. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_resident_anonymous_memory_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 11
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_resident_anonymous_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Sub rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync Resident Anonymous Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the resident anonymous memory in Mb used by the subscriber. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_resident_anonymous_memory_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync-1.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync_*_sub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 11
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_subscriber_resident_anonymous_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_connext_cpp Resident Anonymous Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the resident anonymous memory in Mb used by the publisher. The publisher is set to rmw_connext_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_resident_anonymous_memory_rmw_connext_cpp.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_connext_cpp_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 11
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_resident_anonymous_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Sub rmw_connext_cpp Resident Anonymous Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the resident anonymous memory in Mb used by the subscriber. The publisher is set to rmw_connext_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_resident_anonymous_memory_rmw_connext_cpp-1.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_connext_cpp_*_sub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 11
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_subscriber_resident_anonymous_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp Resident Anonymous Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the resident anonymous memory in Mb used by the publisher. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_resident_anonymous_memory_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 11
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_resident_anonymous_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Sub rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp Resident Anonymous Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the resident anonymous memory in Mb used by the subscriber. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_resident_anonymous_memory_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp-1.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_*_sub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 11
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_subscriber_resident_anonymous_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_cyclonedds_cpp Resident Anonymous Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the resident anonymous memory in Mb used by the publisher. The publisher is set to rmw_cyclonedds_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_resident_anonymous_memory_rmw_cyclonedds_cpp.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_cyclonedds_cpp_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 11
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_resident_anonymous_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Sub rmw_cyclonedds_cpp Resident Anonymous Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the resident anonymous memory in Mb used by the subscriber. The publisher is set to rmw_cyclonedds_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_resident_anonymous_memory_rmw_cyclonedds_cpp-1.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_cyclonedds_cpp_*_sub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 11
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_subscriber_resident_anonymous_memory.png
+ Overhead simple publisher and subscriber - Physical Memory:
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async Physical Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the physical memory in Mb used by the publisher. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_physical_memory_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 100
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 8
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_physical_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Sub rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async Physical Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the physical memory in Mb used by the subscriber. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_physical_memory_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async-1.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 100
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_async_*_sub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 8
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_subscriber_physical_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync Physical Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the physical memory in Mb used by the publisher. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_physical_memory_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 100
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 8
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_physical_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Sub rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync Physical Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the physical memory in Mb used by the subscriber. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_physical_memory_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync-1.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 100
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_cpp_sync_*_sub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 8
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_subscriber_physical_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_connext_cpp Physical Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the physical memory in Mb used by the publisher. The publisher is set to rmw_connext_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_physical_memory_rmw_connext_cpp.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 100
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_connext_cpp_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 8
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_physical_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Sub rmw_connext_cpp Physical Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the physical memory in Mb used by the subscriber. The publisher is set to rmw_connext_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_physical_memory_rmw_connext_cpp-1.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 100
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_connext_cpp_*_sub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 8
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_subscriber_physical_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp Physical Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the physical memory in Mb used by the publisher. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_physical_memory_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 100
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 8
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_physical_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Sub rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp Physical Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the physical memory in Mb used by the subscriber. The publisher is set to rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_physical_memory_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp-1.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 100
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp_*_sub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 8
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_subscriber_physical_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Pub rmw_cyclonedds_cpp Physical Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the physical memory in Mb used by the publisher. The publisher is set to rmw_cyclonedds_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_physical_memory_rmw_cyclonedds_cpp.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 100
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_cyclonedds_cpp_*_pub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 8
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_publisher_physical_memory.png
+ - title: Simple Sub rmw_cyclonedds_cpp Physical Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the physical memory in Mb used by the subscriber. The publisher is set to rmw_cyclonedds_cpp but the subscriber will vary between the avaiables. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 5
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-overhead_physical_memory_rmw_cyclonedds_cpp-1.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 100
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_rmw_cyclonedds_cpp_*_sub.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 8
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_test_results_%name%_subscriber_physical_memory.png
+ Node Spinning Results:
+ - title: Node Spinning Virtual Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the virtual memory usage in Mb used by a single node spinning. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-node_spinning.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 1024
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_node_test_results_*.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 2
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_node_test_results_%name%_virtual_memory.png
+ - title: Node Spinning CPU Usage
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the CPU usage in % used by a single node spinning. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
+ y_axis_label: Utilization (%)
+ master_csv_name: plot-node_spinning-1.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 100
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_node_test_results_*.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 5
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_node_test_results_%name%_cpu_usage.png
+ - title: Node Spinning Physical Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the physical memory in Mb used by a single node spinning. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-node_spinning-2.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 100
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_node_test_results_*.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 8
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_node_test_results_%name%_physical_memory.png
+ - title: Node Spinning Resident Anonymous Memory
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the resident anonymous memory in Mb used by a single node spinning. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
+ y_axis_label: Mb
+ master_csv_name: plot-node_spinning-3.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 100
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_node_test_results_*.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 11
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/overhead_node_test_results_%name%_resident_anonymous_memory.png
+ Performance One Process Test Results (Array1k):
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in millisecond for different DDS vendors using a 1K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_1k.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 0.2
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array1k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Throughtput
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 1K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s (mean)
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_1k-1.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 1.05
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array1k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_throughtput.png
+ - title: Max Resident Set Size
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the max resident size Megabytes for different DDS vendors using a 1K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Megabytes
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_1k-2.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array1k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 3
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Received messages
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the received messages for different DDS vendors using a 1K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_1k-3.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array1k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 4
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Sent messages
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the sent messages for different DDS vendors using a 1K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_1k-4.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array1k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 5
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Lost messages
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 1K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_1k-5.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array1k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: CPU usage (%)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the cpu usage in % for different DDS vendors using a 1K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_1k-6.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 100
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array1k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 8
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_cpu_usage.png
+ Performance One Process Test Results (multisize messages):
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time (Array1k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in millisecond for different DDS vendors using a 1K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array1k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time (Array4k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in millisecond for different DDS vendors using a 4K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 4K
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-1.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array4k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time (Array16k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in millisecond for different DDS vendors using a 16K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 16K
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-2.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array16k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time (Array32k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in millisecond for different DDS vendors using a 32K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 32K
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-3.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array32k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time (Array60k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in millisecond for different DDS vendors using a 60K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 60K
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-4.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array60k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time (PointCloud512k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in millisecond for different DDS vendors using a 512K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 512K
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-5.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_PointCloud512k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time (Array1m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in millisecond for different DDS vendors using a 1M array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 1M
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-6.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array1m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time (Array2m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in millisecond for different DDS vendors using a 2M array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 2M
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-7.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array2m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time (Array4m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in milisecond for different DDS vendors using a 4M array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 4M
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-24.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array4m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time (Array8m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in milisecond for different DDS vendors using a 8M array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 8M
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-25.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array8m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time (PointCloud8m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in milisecond for different DDS vendors using a 8M point cloud message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 8M
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-26.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_PointCloud8m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Throughput (Array1k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 1K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-8.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array1k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_throughput.png
+ - title: Throughput (Array4k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 4K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 4K
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-9.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array4k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_throughput.png
+ - title: Throughput (Array16k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 16K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 16K
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-10.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array16k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_throughput.png
+ - title: Throughput (Array32k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 32K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 32K
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-11.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array32k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_throughput.png
+ - title: Throughput (Array60k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 60K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 60K
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-12.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array60k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_throughput.png
+ - title: Throughput (PointCloud512k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 512K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 512K
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-13.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_PointCloud512k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_throughput.png
+ - title: Throughput (Array1m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 1M array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 1M
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-14.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array1m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_throughput.png
+ - title: Throughput (Array2m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 2M array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 2M
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-15.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array2m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_throughput.png
+ - title: Throughput (Array4m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 4M array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 4M
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-27.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array4m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_throughput.png
+ - title: Throughput (Array8m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 8M array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 8M
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-28.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array8m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_throughput.png
+ - title: Throughput (PointCloud8m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 8M point cloud message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 8M
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-29.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_PointCloud8m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_throughput.png
+ - title: Lost messages (Array1k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 1K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-16.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array1k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Lost messages (Array4k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 4K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 4K
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-17.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array4k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Lost messages (Array16k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 16K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 16K
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-18.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array16k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Lost messages (Array32k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 32K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 32K
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-19.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array32k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Lost messages (Array60k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 64K array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 60K
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-20.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array60k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Lost messages (PointCloud512k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 512K point cloud message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 512k
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-21.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_PointCloud512k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Lost messages (Array1m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 1m array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 1m
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-22.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array1m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Lost messages (Array2m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 2m array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 2m
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-23.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array2m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Lost messages (Array4m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 4m array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 4m
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-30.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array4m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Lost messages (Array8m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 8m array message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 8m
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-31.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_Array8m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Lost messages (PointCloud8m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 8m point cloud message. All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 8m
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_1p_multi-32.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_*_PointCloud8m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ Performance Two Processes Test Results (Array1k):
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in millisecond for different DDS vendors using a 1K array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_1k.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 0.2
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array1k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Throughtput
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 1K array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1k
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s (mean)
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_1k-1.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 1.05
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array1k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_throughtput.png
+ - title: Max Resident Set Size
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the max resident set size in Megabytes for different DDS vendors using a 1K array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1k
+ y_axis_label: Megabytes
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_1k-2.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array1k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 3
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Received messages
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the received messages per second for different DDS vendors using a 1K array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1k
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_1k-3.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array1k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 4
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Sent messages
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the sent messages per second for different DDS vendors using a 1K array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1k
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_1k-4.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array1k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 5
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Lost messages
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the total lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 1K array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1k
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_1k-5.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array1k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: CPU usage (%)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the CPU usage in % for different DDS vendors using a 1K array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1k
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_1k-6.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_minimum: 0
+ y_axis_maximum: 100
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array1k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 8
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_cpu_usage.png
+ Performance Two Processes Test Results (multisize messages):
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time (Array1k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in millisecond for different DDS vendors using a 1K array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array1k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time (Array4k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in millisecond for different DDS vendors using a 4K array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 4K
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-1.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array4k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time (Array16k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in millisecond for different DDS vendors using a 16K array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 16K
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-2.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array16k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time (Array32k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in millisecond for different DDS vendors using a 32K array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 32K
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-3.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array32k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time (Array60k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in millisecond for different DDS vendors using a 60K array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 60K
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-4.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array60k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time (PointCloud512k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in milisecond for different DDS vendors using a 512K point cloud message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 512K
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-5.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_PointCloud512k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time (Array1m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in millisecond for different DDS vendors using a 1M array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 1M
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-6.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array1m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time (Array2m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in millisecond for different DDS vendors using a 2M array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 2M
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-7.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array2m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time (Array4m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in milisecond for different DDS vendors using a 4M array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 4M
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-24.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array4m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time (Array8m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in milisecond for different DDS vendors using a 8M array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 8M
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-25.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array8m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Average Single-Trip Time (PointCloud8m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the average single-trip time in milisecond for different DDS vendors using a 8M point cloud message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 2
- Message size 8M
+ y_axis_label: Milliseconds
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-26.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_PointCloud8m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 0
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%.png
+ - title: Throughput (Array1k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 1K array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-8.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array1k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_throughput.png
+ - title: Throughput (Array4k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 4K array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 4K
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-9.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array4k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_throughput.png
+ - title: Throughput (Array16k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 16K array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 16K
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-10.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array16k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_throughput.png
+ - title: Throughput (Array32k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 32K array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 32K
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-11.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array32k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_throughput.png
+ - title: Throughput (Array60k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 60K array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 60K
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-12.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array60k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_throughput.png
+ - title: Throughput (PointCloud512k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 512K point cloud message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 512K
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-13.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_PointCloud512k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_throughput.png
+ - title: Throughput (Array1m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 1M array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 1M
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-14.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array1m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_throughput.png
+ - title: Throughput (Array2m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 2M array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 2M
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-15.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array2m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_throughput.png
+ - title: Throughput (Array4m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 4M array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 4M
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-27.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array4m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_throughput.png
+ - title: Throughput (Array8m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 8M array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 8M
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-28.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array8m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_throughput.png
+ - title: Throughput (PointCloud8m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the throughput in Mbits/s for different DDS vendors using a 8M point cloud message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 8M
+ y_axis_label: Mbits/s
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-29.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ exclZero: false
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_PointCloud8m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 10
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_throughput.png
+ - title: Lost messages (Array1k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 1K array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 1K
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-16.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array1k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Lost messages (Array4k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 4K array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 4K
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-17.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array4k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Lost messages (Array16k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 16K array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 16K
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-18.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array16k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Lost messages (Array32k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 32K array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 32K
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-19.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array32k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Lost messages (Array60k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 64K array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 60K
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-20.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array60k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Lost messages (PointCloud512k)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 512K point cloud message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 512k
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-21.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_PointCloud512k.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Lost messages (Array1m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 1m array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 1m
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-22.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array1m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Lost messages (Array2m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 2m array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 2m
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-23.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array2m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Lost messages (Array4m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 4m array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 4m
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-30.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array4m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Lost messages (Array8m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 8m array message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 8m
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-31.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_Array8m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_histogram.png
+ - title: Lost messages (PointCloud8m)
+ description: "The figure shown above shows the lost messages for different DDS vendors using a 8m point cloud message and two processes (one process to create the publisher and another process for the subscriber). All DDS vendors are configured in asynchronous mode except cycloneDDS which is configured in syncronous mode.
- QoS Best effort
- Rate 1000
- Runtime 30 seconds
- N process 1
- Message size 8m
+ y_axis_label: Number
+ master_csv_name: plot-performance_test_2p_multi-32.csv
+ style: line
+ num_builds: 10
+ y_axis_exclude_zero: true
+ data_series:
+ - data_file: ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_*_PointCloud8m.csv
+ data_type: csv
+ selection_flag: INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN
+ selection_value: 6
+ url: /job/Rci__nightly-performance_ubuntu_noble_amd64/%build%/artifact/ws/test_results/buildfarm_perf_tests/performance_test_two_process_results_%name%_histogram.png
+version: 1
diff --git a/jazzy/ci-nightly-release.yaml b/jazzy/ci-nightly-release.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4179cfdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jazzy/ci-nightly-release.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# ROS buildfarm ci-build file
+ CONNEXTDDS_DIR: '/opt/rti.com/rti_connext_dds-6.0.1'
+build_tool: colcon
+build_tool_args: '--cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSKIP_MULTI_RMW_TESTS=1 --no-warn-unused-cli'
+build_tool_test_args: '--retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail"'
+jenkins_job_label: ci-agent
+jenkins_job_priority: 50
+jenkins_job_schedule: 15 23 * * *
+jenkins_job_timeout: 300
+jenkins_job_weight: 4
+package_selection_args: '--packages-ignore rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp'
+- https://github.com/ros2/ros2/raw/jazzy/ros2.repos
+ keys:
+ - |
+ Version: GnuPG v1
+ mQINBFzvJpYBEADY8l1YvO7iYW5gUESyzsTGnMvVUmlV3XarBaJz9bGRmgPXh7jc
+ u5oCR+SyHN9xPnUwDuqUSvJ2eqMYb9B/Hph3OmtjG30jSNq9kOF5bBTk1hOTGPH4
+ K/AY0jzT6OpHfXU6ytlFsI47ZKsnTUhipGsKucQ1CXlyirndZ3V3k70YaooZ55rG
+ aIoAWlx2H0J7sAHmqS29N9jV9mo135d+d+TdLBXI0PXtiHzE9IPaX+ctdSUrPnp+
+ TwR99lxglpIG6hLuvOMAaxiqFBB/Jf3XJ8OBakfS6nHrWH2WqQxRbiITl0irkQoz
+ pwNEF2Bv0+Jvs1UFEdVGz5a8xexQHst/RmKrtHLct3iOCvBNqoAQRbvWvBhPjO/p
+ V5cYeUljZ5wpHyFkaEViClaVWqa6PIsyLqmyjsruPCWlURLsQoQxABcL8bwxX7UT
+ hM6CtH6tGlYZ85RIzRifIm2oudzV5l+8oRgFr9yVcwyOFT6JCioqkwldW52P1pk/
+ /SnuexC6LYqqDuHUs5NnokzzpfS6QaWfTY5P5tz4KHJfsjDIktly3mKVfY0fSPVV
+ okdGpcUzvz2hq1fqjxB6MlB/1vtk0bImfcsoxBmF7H+4E9ZN1sX/tSb0KQARAQAB
+ tCZPcGVuIFJvYm90aWNzIDxpbmZvQG9zcmZvdW5kYXRpb24ub3JnPokCVAQTAQgA
+ RQu5b2SJRG+KIdbvQBzKUBMV6/RUhEDPjhXZI3zDevzBewvAMKkqs2Q1cWo9WV7Z
+ PyTkvSyey/Tjn+PozcdvzkvrEjDMftIk8E1WzLGq7vnPLZ1q/b6Vq4H373Z+EDWa
+ DaDwW72CbCBLWAVtqff80CwlI2x8fYHKr3VBUnwcXNHR4+nRABfAWnaU4k+oTshC
+ Qucsd8vitNfsSXrKuKyz91IRHRPnJjx8UvGU4tRGfrHkw1505EZvgP02vXeRyWBR
+ fKiL1vGy4tCSRDdZO3ms2J2m08VPv65HsHaWYMnO+rNJmMZj9d9JdL/9GRf5F6U0
+ quoIFL39BhUEvBynuqlrqistnyOhw8W/IQy/ymNzBMcMz6rcMjMwhkgm/LNXoSD1
+ 1OrJu4ktQwRhwvGVarnB8ihwjsTxZFylaLmFSfaA+OAlOqCLS1OkIVMzjW+Ul6A6
+ qjiCEUOsnlf4CGlhzNMZOx3low6ixzEqKOcfECpeIj80a2fBDmWkcAAjlHu6VBhA
+ TUDG9e2xKLzV2Z/DLYsb3+n9QW7KO0yZKfiuUo6AYboAioQKn5jh3iRvjGh2Ujpo
+ 22G+oae3PcCc7G+z12j6xIY709FQuA49dA2YpzMda0/OX4LP56STEveDRrO+CnV6
+ WE+F5FaIKwb72PL4rLi4
+ =i0tj
+ urls:
+ - http://repo.ros2.org/ubuntu/testing
+ ubuntu:
+ noble:
+ amd64:
+type: ci-build
+version: 1
diff --git a/jazzy/ci-overlay.yaml b/jazzy/ci-overlay.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..837dd29d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jazzy/ci-overlay.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# ROS buildfarm ci-build file
+ CONNEXTDDS_DIR: '/opt/rti.com/rti_connext_dds-6.0.1'
+build_tool: colcon
+build_tool_args: '--cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --no-warn-unused-cli'
+build_tool_test_args: '--retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail"'
+jenkins_job_label: ci-agent
+jenkins_job_priority: 50
+jenkins_job_timeout: 240
+jenkins_job_weight: 4
+- https://github.com/ros2/ros2/raw/jazzy/ros2.repos
+ keys:
+ - |
+ Version: GnuPG v1
+ mQINBFzvJpYBEADY8l1YvO7iYW5gUESyzsTGnMvVUmlV3XarBaJz9bGRmgPXh7jc
+ u5oCR+SyHN9xPnUwDuqUSvJ2eqMYb9B/Hph3OmtjG30jSNq9kOF5bBTk1hOTGPH4
+ K/AY0jzT6OpHfXU6ytlFsI47ZKsnTUhipGsKucQ1CXlyirndZ3V3k70YaooZ55rG
+ aIoAWlx2H0J7sAHmqS29N9jV9mo135d+d+TdLBXI0PXtiHzE9IPaX+ctdSUrPnp+
+ TwR99lxglpIG6hLuvOMAaxiqFBB/Jf3XJ8OBakfS6nHrWH2WqQxRbiITl0irkQoz
+ pwNEF2Bv0+Jvs1UFEdVGz5a8xexQHst/RmKrtHLct3iOCvBNqoAQRbvWvBhPjO/p
+ V5cYeUljZ5wpHyFkaEViClaVWqa6PIsyLqmyjsruPCWlURLsQoQxABcL8bwxX7UT
+ hM6CtH6tGlYZ85RIzRifIm2oudzV5l+8oRgFr9yVcwyOFT6JCioqkwldW52P1pk/
+ /SnuexC6LYqqDuHUs5NnokzzpfS6QaWfTY5P5tz4KHJfsjDIktly3mKVfY0fSPVV
+ okdGpcUzvz2hq1fqjxB6MlB/1vtk0bImfcsoxBmF7H+4E9ZN1sX/tSb0KQARAQAB
+ tCZPcGVuIFJvYm90aWNzIDxpbmZvQG9zcmZvdW5kYXRpb24ub3JnPokCVAQTAQgA
+ RQu5b2SJRG+KIdbvQBzKUBMV6/RUhEDPjhXZI3zDevzBewvAMKkqs2Q1cWo9WV7Z
+ PyTkvSyey/Tjn+PozcdvzkvrEjDMftIk8E1WzLGq7vnPLZ1q/b6Vq4H373Z+EDWa
+ DaDwW72CbCBLWAVtqff80CwlI2x8fYHKr3VBUnwcXNHR4+nRABfAWnaU4k+oTshC
+ Qucsd8vitNfsSXrKuKyz91IRHRPnJjx8UvGU4tRGfrHkw1505EZvgP02vXeRyWBR
+ fKiL1vGy4tCSRDdZO3ms2J2m08VPv65HsHaWYMnO+rNJmMZj9d9JdL/9GRf5F6U0
+ quoIFL39BhUEvBynuqlrqistnyOhw8W/IQy/ymNzBMcMz6rcMjMwhkgm/LNXoSD1
+ 1OrJu4ktQwRhwvGVarnB8ihwjsTxZFylaLmFSfaA+OAlOqCLS1OkIVMzjW+Ul6A6
+ qjiCEUOsnlf4CGlhzNMZOx3low6ixzEqKOcfECpeIj80a2fBDmWkcAAjlHu6VBhA
+ TUDG9e2xKLzV2Z/DLYsb3+n9QW7KO0yZKfiuUo6AYboAioQKn5jh3iRvjGh2Ujpo
+ 22G+oae3PcCc7G+z12j6xIY709FQuA49dA2YpzMda0/OX4LP56STEveDRrO+CnV6
+ WE+F5FaIKwb72PL4rLi4
+ =i0tj
+ urls:
+ - http://repo.ros2.org/ubuntu/testing
+ ubuntu:
+ noble:
+ amd64:
+type: ci-build
+- nightly-extra-rmw-release
+version: 1
diff --git a/jazzy/doc-build.yaml b/jazzy/doc-build.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d17169d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jazzy/doc-build.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# ROS buildfarm doc-build file
+canonical_base_url: http://docs.ros.org/en
+documentation_type: rosdoc2
+jenkins_job_priority: 89
+jenkins_job_timeout: 120
+ committers: false
+ emails:
+ - clalancette+buildfarm@osrfoundation.org
+ maintainers: false
+ keys:
+ - |
+ Version: GnuPG v1
+ mQINBFzvJpYBEADY8l1YvO7iYW5gUESyzsTGnMvVUmlV3XarBaJz9bGRmgPXh7jc
+ u5oCR+SyHN9xPnUwDuqUSvJ2eqMYb9B/Hph3OmtjG30jSNq9kOF5bBTk1hOTGPH4
+ K/AY0jzT6OpHfXU6ytlFsI47ZKsnTUhipGsKucQ1CXlyirndZ3V3k70YaooZ55rG
+ aIoAWlx2H0J7sAHmqS29N9jV9mo135d+d+TdLBXI0PXtiHzE9IPaX+ctdSUrPnp+
+ TwR99lxglpIG6hLuvOMAaxiqFBB/Jf3XJ8OBakfS6nHrWH2WqQxRbiITl0irkQoz
+ pwNEF2Bv0+Jvs1UFEdVGz5a8xexQHst/RmKrtHLct3iOCvBNqoAQRbvWvBhPjO/p
+ V5cYeUljZ5wpHyFkaEViClaVWqa6PIsyLqmyjsruPCWlURLsQoQxABcL8bwxX7UT
+ hM6CtH6tGlYZ85RIzRifIm2oudzV5l+8oRgFr9yVcwyOFT6JCioqkwldW52P1pk/
+ /SnuexC6LYqqDuHUs5NnokzzpfS6QaWfTY5P5tz4KHJfsjDIktly3mKVfY0fSPVV
+ okdGpcUzvz2hq1fqjxB6MlB/1vtk0bImfcsoxBmF7H+4E9ZN1sX/tSb0KQARAQAB
+ tCZPcGVuIFJvYm90aWNzIDxpbmZvQG9zcmZvdW5kYXRpb24ub3JnPokCVAQTAQgA
+ RQu5b2SJRG+KIdbvQBzKUBMV6/RUhEDPjhXZI3zDevzBewvAMKkqs2Q1cWo9WV7Z
+ PyTkvSyey/Tjn+PozcdvzkvrEjDMftIk8E1WzLGq7vnPLZ1q/b6Vq4H373Z+EDWa
+ DaDwW72CbCBLWAVtqff80CwlI2x8fYHKr3VBUnwcXNHR4+nRABfAWnaU4k+oTshC
+ Qucsd8vitNfsSXrKuKyz91IRHRPnJjx8UvGU4tRGfrHkw1505EZvgP02vXeRyWBR
+ fKiL1vGy4tCSRDdZO3ms2J2m08VPv65HsHaWYMnO+rNJmMZj9d9JdL/9GRf5F6U0
+ quoIFL39BhUEvBynuqlrqistnyOhw8W/IQy/ymNzBMcMz6rcMjMwhkgm/LNXoSD1
+ 1OrJu4ktQwRhwvGVarnB8ihwjsTxZFylaLmFSfaA+OAlOqCLS1OkIVMzjW+Ul6A6
+ qjiCEUOsnlf4CGlhzNMZOx3low6ixzEqKOcfECpeIj80a2fBDmWkcAAjlHu6VBhA
+ TUDG9e2xKLzV2Z/DLYsb3+n9QW7KO0yZKfiuUo6AYboAioQKn5jh3iRvjGh2Ujpo
+ 22G+oae3PcCc7G+z12j6xIY709FQuA49dA2YpzMda0/OX4LP56STEveDRrO+CnV6
+ WE+F5FaIKwb72PL4rLi4
+ =i0tj
+ urls:
+ - http://repo.ros2.org/ubuntu/testing/
+ ubuntu:
+ noble:
+ amd64:
+type: doc-build
+upload_credential_id: jenkins-agent
+upload_host: docs.ros.org
+upload_root: /var/www/docs.ros.org/en/ros2_packages
+upload_user: rosbot
+version: 2
diff --git a/jazzy/release-build.yaml b/jazzy/release-build.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f8b4de1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jazzy/release-build.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# ROS buildfarm release-build file
+abi_incompatibility_assumed: true
+jenkins_binary_job_priority: 80
+jenkins_binary_job_timeout: 120
+jenkins_source_job_priority: 70
+jenkins_source_job_timeout: 30
+ emails:
+ - steven+build.ros2.org@openrobotics.org
+ - ros2-buildfarm-jazzy@googlegroups.com
+ maintainers: true
+ include_test_dependencies: false
+ run_package_tests: false
+ package_count: 499
+ packages: [desktop]
+ keys:
+ - |
+ Version: GnuPG v1
+ mQINBFzvJpYBEADY8l1YvO7iYW5gUESyzsTGnMvVUmlV3XarBaJz9bGRmgPXh7jc
+ u5oCR+SyHN9xPnUwDuqUSvJ2eqMYb9B/Hph3OmtjG30jSNq9kOF5bBTk1hOTGPH4
+ K/AY0jzT6OpHfXU6ytlFsI47ZKsnTUhipGsKucQ1CXlyirndZ3V3k70YaooZ55rG
+ aIoAWlx2H0J7sAHmqS29N9jV9mo135d+d+TdLBXI0PXtiHzE9IPaX+ctdSUrPnp+
+ TwR99lxglpIG6hLuvOMAaxiqFBB/Jf3XJ8OBakfS6nHrWH2WqQxRbiITl0irkQoz
+ pwNEF2Bv0+Jvs1UFEdVGz5a8xexQHst/RmKrtHLct3iOCvBNqoAQRbvWvBhPjO/p
+ V5cYeUljZ5wpHyFkaEViClaVWqa6PIsyLqmyjsruPCWlURLsQoQxABcL8bwxX7UT
+ hM6CtH6tGlYZ85RIzRifIm2oudzV5l+8oRgFr9yVcwyOFT6JCioqkwldW52P1pk/
+ /SnuexC6LYqqDuHUs5NnokzzpfS6QaWfTY5P5tz4KHJfsjDIktly3mKVfY0fSPVV
+ okdGpcUzvz2hq1fqjxB6MlB/1vtk0bImfcsoxBmF7H+4E9ZN1sX/tSb0KQARAQAB
+ tCZPcGVuIFJvYm90aWNzIDxpbmZvQG9zcmZvdW5kYXRpb24ub3JnPokCVAQTAQgA
+ RQu5b2SJRG+KIdbvQBzKUBMV6/RUhEDPjhXZI3zDevzBewvAMKkqs2Q1cWo9WV7Z
+ PyTkvSyey/Tjn+PozcdvzkvrEjDMftIk8E1WzLGq7vnPLZ1q/b6Vq4H373Z+EDWa
+ DaDwW72CbCBLWAVtqff80CwlI2x8fYHKr3VBUnwcXNHR4+nRABfAWnaU4k+oTshC
+ Qucsd8vitNfsSXrKuKyz91IRHRPnJjx8UvGU4tRGfrHkw1505EZvgP02vXeRyWBR
+ fKiL1vGy4tCSRDdZO3ms2J2m08VPv65HsHaWYMnO+rNJmMZj9d9JdL/9GRf5F6U0
+ quoIFL39BhUEvBynuqlrqistnyOhw8W/IQy/ymNzBMcMz6rcMjMwhkgm/LNXoSD1
+ 1OrJu4ktQwRhwvGVarnB8ihwjsTxZFylaLmFSfaA+OAlOqCLS1OkIVMzjW+Ul6A6
+ qjiCEUOsnlf4CGlhzNMZOx3low6ixzEqKOcfECpeIj80a2fBDmWkcAAjlHu6VBhA
+ TUDG9e2xKLzV2Z/DLYsb3+n9QW7KO0yZKfiuUo6AYboAioQKn5jh3iRvjGh2Ujpo
+ 22G+oae3PcCc7G+z12j6xIY709FQuA49dA2YpzMda0/OX4LP56STEveDRrO+CnV6
+ WE+F5FaIKwb72PL4rLi4
+ =i0tj
+ urls:
+ - http://repo.ros2.org/ubuntu/building
+target_repository: http://repo.ros2.org/ubuntu/building
+ ubuntu:
+ noble:
+ amd64:
+type: release-build
+upload_credential_id: jenkins-agent
+version: 2
diff --git a/jazzy/release-rhel-build.yaml b/jazzy/release-rhel-build.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5c6685d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jazzy/release-rhel-build.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# ROS buildfarm release-build file
+abi_incompatibility_assumed: true
+jenkins_binary_job_priority: 80
+jenkins_binary_job_timeout: 120
+jenkins_source_job_priority: 70
+jenkins_source_job_timeout: 30
+ maintainers: false
+- acado_vendor # Requires unreleased changes
+- ament_black # python3-uvloop and black have no RPM packages for RHEL
+- ament_download # Build failures on RHEL https://github.com/samsung-ros/ament_download/pull/3
+- control_box_rst # coinor-libipopt-dev has no RPM for RHEL 9
+- four_wheel_steering_msgs # Requires unreleased changes
+- fuse_constraints # Requires unreleased changes
+- gazebo_dev # Gazebo has no RPM package
+- ifm3d_core # Build failures on RHEL https://github.com/ros2-gbp/ifm3d-release/issues/1
+- ign_ros2_control # ignition has no RPM packages for RHEL
+- ign_rviz_common # ignition has no RPM packages for RHEL
+- kobuki_core # Build failures on RHEL due to -Werror
+- moveit_common # libogre-dev has no RPM package for RHEL
+- moveit_resources_prbt_support # libogre-dev has no RPM package for RHEL
+- mrpt2 # libfyaml has no RPM package for RHEL
+- mrt_cmake_modules # Build failes due to ambiguous Python shebang
+- octomap_server # Build failures on RHEL
+- octovis # Build failures on RHEL
+- ompl # opende has no RPM package for RHEL
+- open3d_conversions # open3d has no RPM package for RHEL
+- openni2_camera # libopenni2-dev does not exist on RHEL
+- performance_test # Missing dependency on git: https://gitlab.com/ApexAI/performance_test/-/merge_requests/371
+- proxsuite # simde and matio have no RPM packages for RHEL 9
+- py_trees_js # python3-pyqt5.qtwebengine has no RPM packages for RHEL 9
+- rmf_building_map_tools # ignition has no RPM packages for RHEL
+- rmf_building_sim_common # ignition has no RPM packages for RHEL
+- rmf_demos_assets # ignition has no RPM packages for RHEL
+- rmf_demos_dashboard_resources # ignition has no RPM packages for RHEL
+- rmf_demos_maps # ignition has no RPM packages for RHEL
+- rmf_demos_panel # ignition has no RPM packages for RHEL
+- rmf_demos_tasks # ignition has no RPM packages for RHEL
+- rmf_robot_sim_common # ignition has no RPM packages for RHEL
+- rmf_traffic_editor # ignition has no RPM packages for RHEL
+- rmf_traffic_editor_assets # ignition has no RPM packages for RHEL
+- ros_ign_bridge # ignition has no RPM packages for RHEL
+- ros_ign_gazebo # ignition has no RPM packages for RHEL
+- ros_ign_interfaces # ignition has no RPM packages for RHEL
+- ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate # iwyu has no RPM packages for RHEL 9
+- ros1_bridge # ROS Noetic has no RPM packages for RHEL
+- rsl # Requires CMake 3.22
+- sdformat_test_files # sdformat has no RPM packages for RHEL 9
+- sdformat_urdf # sdformat has no RPM packages for RHEL 9
+- sol_vendor # Targets 'HEAD' in vendor package
+- tracetools_analysis # jupyter-notebook has no RPM package for RHEL
+- tvm_vendor # Build failures on AlmaLinux (but not RHEL)
+- ur_dashboard_msgs # Upstream for ur_robot_driver, for which docker.io has no RPM packages for RHEL
+- usb_cam # v4l-utils has no RPM package for RHEL
+- vrpn_mocap # Requires unreleased changes: https://github.com/vrpn/vrpn/pull/278
+- warehouse_ros_mongo # mongodb has no RPM package for RHEL
+- webots_ros2 # Not yet generated for RHEL
+- webots_ros2_abb # Not yet generated for RHEL
+- webots_ros2_core # Not yet generated for RHEL
+- webots_ros2_demos # Not yet generated for RHEL
+- webots_ros2_epuck # Not yet generated for RHEL
+- webots_ros2_examples # Not yet generated for RHEL
+- webots_ros2_importer # Not yet generated for RHEL
+- webots_ros2_msgs # Not yet generated for RHEL
+- webots_ros2_tiago # Not yet generated for RHEL
+- webots_ros2_turtlebot # Not yet generated for RHEL
+- webots_ros2_tutorials # Not yet generated for RHEL
+- webots_ros2_universal_robot # Not yet generated for RHEL
+- webots_ros2_ur_e_description # Not yet generated for RHEL
+- wiimote # cwiid has no RPM package for RHEL
+- zmqpp_vendor # Targets 'HEAD' in vendor package
+ include_test_dependencies: false
+ run_package_tests: false
+- connext_cmake_module # No RPM package for Connext
+- demo_nodes_cpp_native_gurumdds # No RPM package for GurumDDS
+- gurumdds_cmake_module # No RPM package for GurumDDS
+- rmw_connext_cpp # No RPM package for Connext
+- rmw_connext_dynamic_cpp # No RPM package for Connext
+- rmw_connext_shared_cpp # No RPM package for Connext
+- rmw_connextdds # No RPM package for Connext
+- rmw_connextddsmicro # No RPM package for Connext
+- rmw_connextdds_common # No RPM package for Connext
+- rmw_gurumdds_cpp # No RPM package for GurumDDS
+- rmw_gurumdds_shared_cpp # No RPM package for GurumDDS
+- rmw_gurumdds_static_cpp # No RPM package for GurumDDS
+- rosidl_typesupport_connext_c # No RPM package for Connext
+- rosidl_typesupport_connext_cpp # No RPM package for Connext
+- rosidl_typesupport_gurumdds_c # No RPM package for GurumDDS
+- rosidl_typesupport_gurumdds_cpp # No RPM package for GurumDDS
+- rti_connext_dds_cmake_module # No RPM package for Connext
+ package_count: 400
+ packages: [desktop]
+ keys:
+ - |
+ Version: GnuPG v1
+ mQINBFzvJpYBEADY8l1YvO7iYW5gUESyzsTGnMvVUmlV3XarBaJz9bGRmgPXh7jc
+ u5oCR+SyHN9xPnUwDuqUSvJ2eqMYb9B/Hph3OmtjG30jSNq9kOF5bBTk1hOTGPH4
+ K/AY0jzT6OpHfXU6ytlFsI47ZKsnTUhipGsKucQ1CXlyirndZ3V3k70YaooZ55rG
+ aIoAWlx2H0J7sAHmqS29N9jV9mo135d+d+TdLBXI0PXtiHzE9IPaX+ctdSUrPnp+
+ TwR99lxglpIG6hLuvOMAaxiqFBB/Jf3XJ8OBakfS6nHrWH2WqQxRbiITl0irkQoz
+ pwNEF2Bv0+Jvs1UFEdVGz5a8xexQHst/RmKrtHLct3iOCvBNqoAQRbvWvBhPjO/p
+ V5cYeUljZ5wpHyFkaEViClaVWqa6PIsyLqmyjsruPCWlURLsQoQxABcL8bwxX7UT
+ hM6CtH6tGlYZ85RIzRifIm2oudzV5l+8oRgFr9yVcwyOFT6JCioqkwldW52P1pk/
+ /SnuexC6LYqqDuHUs5NnokzzpfS6QaWfTY5P5tz4KHJfsjDIktly3mKVfY0fSPVV
+ okdGpcUzvz2hq1fqjxB6MlB/1vtk0bImfcsoxBmF7H+4E9ZN1sX/tSb0KQARAQAB
+ tCZPcGVuIFJvYm90aWNzIDxpbmZvQG9zcmZvdW5kYXRpb24ub3JnPokCVAQTAQgA
+ RQu5b2SJRG+KIdbvQBzKUBMV6/RUhEDPjhXZI3zDevzBewvAMKkqs2Q1cWo9WV7Z
+ PyTkvSyey/Tjn+PozcdvzkvrEjDMftIk8E1WzLGq7vnPLZ1q/b6Vq4H373Z+EDWa
+ DaDwW72CbCBLWAVtqff80CwlI2x8fYHKr3VBUnwcXNHR4+nRABfAWnaU4k+oTshC
+ Qucsd8vitNfsSXrKuKyz91IRHRPnJjx8UvGU4tRGfrHkw1505EZvgP02vXeRyWBR
+ fKiL1vGy4tCSRDdZO3ms2J2m08VPv65HsHaWYMnO+rNJmMZj9d9JdL/9GRf5F6U0
+ quoIFL39BhUEvBynuqlrqistnyOhw8W/IQy/ymNzBMcMz6rcMjMwhkgm/LNXoSD1
+ 1OrJu4ktQwRhwvGVarnB8ihwjsTxZFylaLmFSfaA+OAlOqCLS1OkIVMzjW+Ul6A6
+ qjiCEUOsnlf4CGlhzNMZOx3low6ixzEqKOcfECpeIj80a2fBDmWkcAAjlHu6VBhA
+ TUDG9e2xKLzV2Z/DLYsb3+n9QW7KO0yZKfiuUo6AYboAioQKn5jh3iRvjGh2Ujpo
+ 22G+oae3PcCc7G+z12j6xIY709FQuA49dA2YpzMda0/OX4LP56STEveDRrO+CnV6
+ WE+F5FaIKwb72PL4rLi4
+ =i0tj
+ urls:
+ - http://repo.ros2.org/rhel/building/$releasever/$basearch/
+target_repository: http://repo.ros2.org/rhel/building
+ rhel:
+ '9':
+ x86_64:
+type: release-build
+upload_credential_id: jenkins-agent
+upload_credential_id_pulp: pulp_admin
+upload_destination_credential_id: pulp_base_url
+upload_host: repo.ros2.org
+version: 2
diff --git a/jazzy/release-ubuntu-arm64-build.yaml b/jazzy/release-ubuntu-arm64-build.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..626f8541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jazzy/release-ubuntu-arm64-build.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# ROS buildfarm release-build file
+abi_incompatibility_assumed: true
+jenkins_binary_job_label: buildagent_arm64 || jazzy_binarydeb_unv8
+jenkins_binary_job_priority: 80
+jenkins_binary_job_timeout: 720
+jenkins_source_job_priority: 70
+jenkins_source_job_timeout: 30
+ emails:
+ - steven+build.ros2.org@openrobotics.org
+ - ros2-buildfarm-jazzy@googlegroups.com
+ maintainers: true
+- kortex_api # Kinova does not provide arm64, only armv7. https://github.com/PickNikRobotics/ros2_kortex/issues/158
+- kortex_bringup # depends on kortex_api and kortex_driver
+- kortex_driver # depends on kortex_api and uses libKortexApiCpp.a from Kinova
+- mapviz # Known issues with building on ARM processors. https://github.com/swri-robotics/mapviz/issues/777
+ include_test_dependencies: false
+ run_package_tests: false
+ package_count: 499
+ packages: [desktop]
+ keys:
+ - |
+ Version: GnuPG v1
+ mQINBFzvJpYBEADY8l1YvO7iYW5gUESyzsTGnMvVUmlV3XarBaJz9bGRmgPXh7jc
+ u5oCR+SyHN9xPnUwDuqUSvJ2eqMYb9B/Hph3OmtjG30jSNq9kOF5bBTk1hOTGPH4
+ K/AY0jzT6OpHfXU6ytlFsI47ZKsnTUhipGsKucQ1CXlyirndZ3V3k70YaooZ55rG
+ aIoAWlx2H0J7sAHmqS29N9jV9mo135d+d+TdLBXI0PXtiHzE9IPaX+ctdSUrPnp+
+ TwR99lxglpIG6hLuvOMAaxiqFBB/Jf3XJ8OBakfS6nHrWH2WqQxRbiITl0irkQoz
+ pwNEF2Bv0+Jvs1UFEdVGz5a8xexQHst/RmKrtHLct3iOCvBNqoAQRbvWvBhPjO/p
+ V5cYeUljZ5wpHyFkaEViClaVWqa6PIsyLqmyjsruPCWlURLsQoQxABcL8bwxX7UT
+ hM6CtH6tGlYZ85RIzRifIm2oudzV5l+8oRgFr9yVcwyOFT6JCioqkwldW52P1pk/
+ /SnuexC6LYqqDuHUs5NnokzzpfS6QaWfTY5P5tz4KHJfsjDIktly3mKVfY0fSPVV
+ okdGpcUzvz2hq1fqjxB6MlB/1vtk0bImfcsoxBmF7H+4E9ZN1sX/tSb0KQARAQAB
+ tCZPcGVuIFJvYm90aWNzIDxpbmZvQG9zcmZvdW5kYXRpb24ub3JnPokCVAQTAQgA
+ RQu5b2SJRG+KIdbvQBzKUBMV6/RUhEDPjhXZI3zDevzBewvAMKkqs2Q1cWo9WV7Z
+ PyTkvSyey/Tjn+PozcdvzkvrEjDMftIk8E1WzLGq7vnPLZ1q/b6Vq4H373Z+EDWa
+ DaDwW72CbCBLWAVtqff80CwlI2x8fYHKr3VBUnwcXNHR4+nRABfAWnaU4k+oTshC
+ Qucsd8vitNfsSXrKuKyz91IRHRPnJjx8UvGU4tRGfrHkw1505EZvgP02vXeRyWBR
+ fKiL1vGy4tCSRDdZO3ms2J2m08VPv65HsHaWYMnO+rNJmMZj9d9JdL/9GRf5F6U0
+ quoIFL39BhUEvBynuqlrqistnyOhw8W/IQy/ymNzBMcMz6rcMjMwhkgm/LNXoSD1
+ 1OrJu4ktQwRhwvGVarnB8ihwjsTxZFylaLmFSfaA+OAlOqCLS1OkIVMzjW+Ul6A6
+ qjiCEUOsnlf4CGlhzNMZOx3low6ixzEqKOcfECpeIj80a2fBDmWkcAAjlHu6VBhA
+ TUDG9e2xKLzV2Z/DLYsb3+n9QW7KO0yZKfiuUo6AYboAioQKn5jh3iRvjGh2Ujpo
+ 22G+oae3PcCc7G+z12j6xIY709FQuA49dA2YpzMda0/OX4LP56STEveDRrO+CnV6
+ WE+F5FaIKwb72PL4rLi4
+ =i0tj
+ urls:
+ - http://repo.ros2.org/ubuntu/building
+target_repository: http://repo.ros2.org/ubuntu/building
+ ubuntu:
+ noble:
+ arm64:
+type: release-build
+upload_credential_id: jenkins-agent
+version: 2
diff --git a/jazzy/source-build.yaml b/jazzy/source-build.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..da592730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jazzy/source-build.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# ROS buildfarm source-build file
+ CONNEXTDDS_DIR: /opt/rti.com/rti_connext_dds-6.0.1
+build_tool: colcon
+jenkins_commit_job_priority: 50
+jenkins_job_timeout: 120
+jenkins_pull_request_job_priority: 40
+ committers: true
+ compiler_warnings: true
+ emails:
+ - steven+build.ros2.org@openrobotics.org
+ - ros2-buildfarm-jazzy@googlegroups.com
+ maintainers: true
+ keys:
+ - |
+ Version: GnuPG v1
+ mQINBFzvJpYBEADY8l1YvO7iYW5gUESyzsTGnMvVUmlV3XarBaJz9bGRmgPXh7jc
+ u5oCR+SyHN9xPnUwDuqUSvJ2eqMYb9B/Hph3OmtjG30jSNq9kOF5bBTk1hOTGPH4
+ K/AY0jzT6OpHfXU6ytlFsI47ZKsnTUhipGsKucQ1CXlyirndZ3V3k70YaooZ55rG
+ aIoAWlx2H0J7sAHmqS29N9jV9mo135d+d+TdLBXI0PXtiHzE9IPaX+ctdSUrPnp+
+ TwR99lxglpIG6hLuvOMAaxiqFBB/Jf3XJ8OBakfS6nHrWH2WqQxRbiITl0irkQoz
+ pwNEF2Bv0+Jvs1UFEdVGz5a8xexQHst/RmKrtHLct3iOCvBNqoAQRbvWvBhPjO/p
+ V5cYeUljZ5wpHyFkaEViClaVWqa6PIsyLqmyjsruPCWlURLsQoQxABcL8bwxX7UT
+ hM6CtH6tGlYZ85RIzRifIm2oudzV5l+8oRgFr9yVcwyOFT6JCioqkwldW52P1pk/
+ /SnuexC6LYqqDuHUs5NnokzzpfS6QaWfTY5P5tz4KHJfsjDIktly3mKVfY0fSPVV
+ okdGpcUzvz2hq1fqjxB6MlB/1vtk0bImfcsoxBmF7H+4E9ZN1sX/tSb0KQARAQAB
+ tCZPcGVuIFJvYm90aWNzIDxpbmZvQG9zcmZvdW5kYXRpb24ub3JnPokCVAQTAQgA
+ RQu5b2SJRG+KIdbvQBzKUBMV6/RUhEDPjhXZI3zDevzBewvAMKkqs2Q1cWo9WV7Z
+ PyTkvSyey/Tjn+PozcdvzkvrEjDMftIk8E1WzLGq7vnPLZ1q/b6Vq4H373Z+EDWa
+ DaDwW72CbCBLWAVtqff80CwlI2x8fYHKr3VBUnwcXNHR4+nRABfAWnaU4k+oTshC
+ Qucsd8vitNfsSXrKuKyz91IRHRPnJjx8UvGU4tRGfrHkw1505EZvgP02vXeRyWBR
+ fKiL1vGy4tCSRDdZO3ms2J2m08VPv65HsHaWYMnO+rNJmMZj9d9JdL/9GRf5F6U0
+ quoIFL39BhUEvBynuqlrqistnyOhw8W/IQy/ymNzBMcMz6rcMjMwhkgm/LNXoSD1
+ 1OrJu4ktQwRhwvGVarnB8ihwjsTxZFylaLmFSfaA+OAlOqCLS1OkIVMzjW+Ul6A6
+ qjiCEUOsnlf4CGlhzNMZOx3low6ixzEqKOcfECpeIj80a2fBDmWkcAAjlHu6VBhA
+ TUDG9e2xKLzV2Z/DLYsb3+n9QW7KO0yZKfiuUo6AYboAioQKn5jh3iRvjGh2Ujpo
+ 22G+oae3PcCc7G+z12j6xIY709FQuA49dA2YpzMda0/OX4LP56STEveDRrO+CnV6
+ WE+F5FaIKwb72PL4rLi4
+ =i0tj
+ urls:
+ - http://repo.ros2.org/ubuntu/testing
+- ros_workspace
+ ubuntu:
+ noble:
+ amd64:
+ default: true
+ default: false
+type: source-build
+version: 2