- Handle implicit VR DICOMs where critical values nested in sequence groups (SQ)
- Better support for PAR/REC files with segmented 3D EPI.
- Allow Protocol Name to be empty.
- Swap phase-encoding direction polarity for Siemens images where PE is in the Column direction.
- Sort diffusion volumes by B-value amplitude (use "-d n"/"-d y" to turn the feature off/on).
- BIDS tag TotalReadoutTime handles partial fourier, Phase Resolution, etc (Michael Harms).
- Additional json fields.
- Better BVec extraction for PAR/REC 4.1.
- Support for Segami Cerescan volumes.
- Compiles with recent releases of OpenJPEG for JPEG2000 support.
- Ensure slice timing always reported for Siemens EPI
- Integrates validation
- JSON fix (InstitutionName -> InstitutionAddress)
- Read DICOM header in 1Mb segments rather than loading whole file : reduces ram usage and faster for systems with slow io.
- Report TotalReadoutTime.
- Fix JPEG2000 support in Superbuild.
- Remove all derived images from Philips DTI series.
- Provide some Siemens EPI sequence details.
- Experimental ECAT support.
- Updated cmake to make JPEG2000 support easier with improved Travis and AppVeyor support Ningfei Li.
- Supports Data/Time for images that report Data/Time (0008,002A) but not separate Date and Time (0008,0022 and 0008,0032).
- BIDS reports SliceTiming correctly.
- Options -1..-9 to control gz compression level.
- Includes some PET details in the BIDS JSON sidecar.
- Better detection of image order for Philips 4D DICOM (reported by Jason McMorrow and Stephen Wilson).
- Include StudyInstanceUID and SeriesInstanceUID in filename.
- Can be compiled to use either Philips Float or Display intensity intercept and slope values.
- Handle 3D Philips DICOM and PAR/REC files where images are not stored in a spatially contiguous order.
- Handle DICOM violations where icon is uncompressed but image data is compressed.
- Best guess matrix for 2D slices (similar to dcm2nii, SPM and MRIconvert).
- Linux (case sensitive filenames) now handles par/rec as well as PAR/REC.
- Images with unknown phase encoding do not generate BIDS entry.
- Unified printMessage/printWarning/printError aids embedding in other projects, such as divest.
- AppVeyor Support (Ningfei Li & Chris Filo Gorgolewski)
- Swap 3rd/4th dimensions for GE sequential multi-phase acquisitions (Niels Janssen).
- Restores/improves building for the Windows operating system using MinGW.
- Save ImageType (0x0008,0x0008) to BIDS.
- Separate CT scans with different exposures.
- Fixed issues where some compilers would generate erratic filenames for zero-padded series (e.g. "-f %3s").
- Reduce verbosity (reduce number of repeated warnings, less scary warnings for derived rather than raw images).
- Re-enable custom output directory "-o" option broken by 30-Apr-2016 version.
- Deal with mis-behaved GE CT images where slice direction across images is not consistent.
- Add new BIDS fields (field strength, manufacturer, etc).
- Philips PAR/REC conversion now reports inconsistent requested vs measured TR (due to prospect. motion corr.?).
- GE: Locations In Acquisition (0054, 0081) is inaccurate if slices are interpolated, use Images In Acquisition (0020,1002) if available.
- New filename options %d Series description (0008,103E), %z Sequence Name (0018,0024).
- New filename options %a antenna (coil) number, %e echo number.
- Initialize unused portions of NIfTI header to zero so multiple runs always produce identical results.
- Supports 3D lossless JPEG saved as multiple fragments.
- Crop 3D T1 acquisitions (e.g. ./dcm2niix -x y ~/DICOM).
- Convert multiple files/folders with single command line invocation (e.g. ./dcm2niix -b y ~/tst ~/tst2).
- Detect Siemens Phase maps (phase image names end with "_ph").
- Use current working directory if file name not specified.
- Provide override (command line option "-m y") to stack images of the same series even if they differ in study date/time, echo/coil number, or slice orientation. This mechanism allows users to concatenate images that break strict DICOM compliance.
- Experimental support for DICOM datasets without DICOM file meta information.
- Support PAR/REC FP values when possible (see PMC3998685).
- Minor refinements.
- Uses less memory (helpful for large datasets).
- Support for Visual Studio.
- Remove dependency on zlib (now uses miniz).
- Images separated based on TE (fieldmaps).
- Support for JPEG2000 using OpenJPEG or Jasper libraries.
- Support for JPEG using NanoJPEG library.
- Support for lossless JPEG using custom library.
- Support for CT scans with gantry tilt and varying distance between slices.
- Initial public release.