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Rule Index Page
type("arg1", ...)
Match item by item type arg1, OR arg2, OR ...
Available Add-on Version: 1.03
Available Value:
- additive
- armor
- armor_booster
- armor_trait
- ava_repair
- blacksmithing_booster
- blacksmithing_material
- blacksmithing_raw_material
- clothier_booster
- clothier_material
- clothier_raw_material
- collectible
- container
- costume
- crown_item
- crown_repair
- deprecated
- disguise
- drink
- dye_stamp
- enchanting_rune_aspect
- enchanting_rune_essence
- enchanting_rune_potency
- enchantment_booster
- fish
- flavoring
- food
- furnishing
- furnishing_material
- glyph_armor
- glyph_jewelry
- glyph_weapon
- ingredient
- lockpick
- lure
- master_writ
- mount
- none
- plug
- poison
- poison_base
- potion
- potion_base
- racial_style_motif
- raw_material
- reagent
- recipe
- siege
- soul_gem
- spellcrafting_tablet
- spice
- style_material
- tabard
- tool
- trash
- treasure
- trophy
- weapon
- weapon_booster
- weapon_trait
- woodworking_booster
- woodworking_material
- woodworking_raw_material
sptype("arg1", ...)
Match item by item specialized type arg1, OR arg2, OR ...
Available Add-on Version: 1.03
Available Value:
- additive
- armor
- armor_booster
- armor_trait
- ava_repair
- blacksmithing_booster
- blacksmithing_material
- blacksmithing_raw_material
- clothier_booster
- clothier_material
- clothier_raw_material
- collectible_monster_trophy
- collectible_rare_fish
- container
- container_event
- costume
- crown_item
- crown_repair
- disguise
- drink_alcoholic
- drink_cordial_tea
- drink_distillate
- drink_liqueur
- drink_tea
- drink_tincture
- drink_tonic
- drink_unique
- dye_stamp
- enchanting_rune_aspect
- enchanting_rune_essence
- enchanting_rune_potency
- enchantment_booster
- fish
- flavoring
- food_entremet
- food_fruit
- food_gourmet
- food_meat
- food_ragout
- food_savoury
- food_unique
- food_vegetable
- furnishing_crafting_station
- furnishing_light
- furnishing_material_alchemy
- furnishing_material_blacksmithing
- furnishing_material_clothier
- furnishing_material_enchanting
- furnishing_material_provisioning
- furnishing_material_woodworking
- furnishing_ornamental
- furnishing_seating
- furnishing_target_dummy
- glyph_armor
- glyph_jewelry
- glyph_weapon
- ingredient_alcohol
- ingredient_drink_additive
- ingredient_food_additive
- ingredient_fruit
- ingredient_meat
- ingredient_rare
- ingredient_tea
- ingredient_tonic
- ingredient_vegetable
- lockpick
- lure
- master_writ
- mount
- none
- plug
- poison
- poison_base
- potion
- potion_base
- racial_style_motif_book
- racial_style_motif_chapter
- raw_material
- reagent_animal_part
- reagent_fungus
- reagent_herb
- recipe_alchemy_formula_furnishing
- recipe_blacksmithing_diagram_furnishing
- recipe_clothier_pattern_furnishing
- recipe_enchanting_schematic_furnishing
- recipe_provisioning_design_furnishing
- recipe_provisioning_standard_drink
- recipe_provisioning_standard_food
- recipe_woodworking_blueprint_furnishing
- siege_ballista
- siege_battle_standard
- siege_catapult
- siege_graveyard
- siege_monster
- siege_oil
- siege_ram
- siege_trebuchet
- siege_universal
- soul_gem
- spellcrafting_tablet
- spice
- style_material
- tabard
- tool
- trash
- treasure
- trophy_key
- trophy_key_fragment
- trophy_material_upgrader
- trophy_museum_piece
- trophy_recipe_fragment
- trophy_runebox_fragment
- trophy_scroll
- trophy_survey_report
- trophy_treasure_map
- weapon
- weapon_booster
- weapon_trait
- woodworking_booster
- woodworking_material
- woodworking_raw_material
equiptype("arg1", ...)
Match item by equip type arg1, OR arg2, OR ...
Available Add-on Version: 1.03
Available Value:
- chest
- costume
- feet
- hand
- head
- invalid
- legs
- main_hand
- neck
- off_hand
- one_hand
- poison
- ring
- shoulders
- two_hand
- waist
filtertype("arg1", ...)
Match item by filter type arg1, OR arg2, OR ...
Available Add-on Version: 1.03
Available Value:
- alchemy
- all
- armor
- blacksmithing
- buyback
- clothing
- collectible
- consumable
- crafting
- damaged
- enchanting
- furnishing
- house_with_template
- junk
- miscellaneous
- provisioning
- quest
- quickslot
- reuse
- style_materials
- trait_items
- weapons
- woodworking
traittype("arg1", ...)
Match item by trait type arg1, OR arg2, OR ...
Available Add-on Version: 1.03
Available Value:
- armor_divines
- armor_impenetrable
- armor_infused
- armor_intricate
- armor_nirnhoned
- armor_ornate
- armor_prosperous
- armor_reinforced
- armor_sturdy
- armor_training
- armor_well_fitted
- deprecated
- jewelry_arcane
- jewelry_healthy
- jewelry_ornate
- jewelry_robust
- none
- weapon_charged
- weapon_decisive
- weapon_defending
- weapon_infused
- weapon_intricate
- weapon_nirnhoned
- weapon_ornate
- weapon_powered
- weapon_precise
- weapon_sharpened
- weapon_training
traitstring("arg1", "arg2", ...)
Match item by testing if the trait type contains string arg1, OR arg2, OR ...
Available Add-on Version: 1.03
Arguments are strings to be searched, case insensitive
boundtype("arg1", ...)
Match item by bound type arg1, OR arg2, OR ...
Available Add-on Version: 1.03
Available Value:
- none
- on_equip
- on_pickup
- on_pickup_backpack
- unset
Match item if the item is new.
Available Add-on Version: 1.03
No Arguments
Match item if the item is bound.
Available Add-on Version: 1.03
No Arguments
Match item if the item is stolen.
Available Add-on Version: 1.03
No Arguments
Match item if the item is Bind on pickup and tradeable.
Available Add-on Version: 1.03
No Arguments
Match item if the item is crafted.
Available Add-on Version: 1.05
No Arguments
Match item if the item is assigned in quick slots.
Available Add-on Version: 1.03
No Arguments
Get Item's level for testing. Value range [1-50].
Available Add-on Version: 1.03
No Arguments, need comparison expression with operator <, <=, ==(Equal), ~=(Not Equal), > or >= and with a valid number
Get Item's CP level for testing. Value range [1-160].
Available Add-on Version: 1.03
No Arguments, need comparison expression with operator <, <=, ==(Equal), ~=(Not Equal), > or >= and with a valid number
set("arg1", "arg2", ...)
Match item by testing if it's set gear and its set name contains string arg1, OR arg2, OR ...
Available Add-on Version: 1.03
Arguments are strings to be searched, case insensitive
Auto generate set categories for each set gear.
Available Add-on Version: 1.03
No Arguments, will make more than one category
Match item if the item is researchable. Only the quality and level is the lowest item will be matched.
Available Add-on Version: 1.03
No Arguments
armortype("arg1", ...)
Match item by armor type arg1, OR arg2, OR ...
Available Add-on Version: 1.10
Available Value:
- heavy
- light
- medium
- none
weapontype("arg1", ...)
Match item by weapon type arg1, OR arg2, OR ...
Available Add-on Version: 1.10
Available Value:
- axe
- bow
- dagger
- fire_staff
- frost_staff
- hammer
- healing_staff
- lightning_staff
- none
- rune
- shield
- sword
- two_handed_axe
- two_handed_hammer
- two_handed_sword
Get item's sell price.
Available Add-on Version: 1.11
No Arguments, need comparison expression with operator <, <=, ==(Equal), ~=(Not Equal), > or >= and with a valid number
Match item if the item is unknown by current character. This item can be a recipe or a motif book.
Available Add-on Version: 1.11
No Arguments
quality("arg1", ...)
Match item by quality arg1, OR arg2, OR ...
Available Add-on Version: 1.12
Available Value:
- trash
- normal
- magic
- arcane
- artifact
- legendary
- grey
- white
- green
- blue
- purple
- gold
Match item if the item is equipping currently.
Available Add-on Version: 1.03
No Arguments, ONLY work in GamePad mode with BetterUI add-on
setindex("arg1", ...)
Match item if the item is in set slot which index is arg1, OR arg2, OR ...
Available Add-on Version: 1.03
Available Value:
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Match item if the item is included in any set slot.
Available Add-on Version: 1.03
No Arguments
ismarked("arg1", ...)
Match item if the item is marked as arg1, OR arg2, OR ...
Available Add-on Version: 1.09
Available Value:
- gear_1
- gear_2
- gear_3
- gear_4
- gear_5
- sell
- lock
- research
- deconstruction
- improvement
- sell_at_guildstore
- intricate
- dynamic_1
- dynamic_2
- dynamic_3
- dynamic_4
- dynamic_5
- dynamic_6
- dynamic_7
- dynamic_8
- dynamic_9
- dynamic_10
- type
- sptype
- equiptype
- filtertype
- traittype
- traitstring
- boundtype
- isnew
- isbound
- isstolen
- isboptradeable
- iscrafted
- isinquickslot
- level
- cp
- set
- autoset
- isset
- ismonsterset
- keepresearch
- armortype
- weapontype
- sellprice
- stacksize
- islearnable
- isequipping
- isinbank
- quality
- getquality
- setindex
- inset
- ismarked
- alphagear
- getpricettc
- getpricemm