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Rule Index Page
type("arg1", ...)
Match item by item type arg1, OR arg2, OR ...
Available Value:
- additive
- armor
- armor_booster
- armor_trait
- ava_repair
- blacksmithing_booster
- blacksmithing_material
- blacksmithing_raw_material
- clothier_booster
- clothier_material
- clothier_raw_material
- collectible
- container
- costume
- crown_item
- crown_repair
- deprecated
- disguise
- drink
- dye_stamp
- enchanting_rune_aspect
- enchanting_rune_essence
- enchanting_rune_potency
- enchantment_booster
- fish
- flavoring
- food
- furnishing
- furnishing_material
- glyph_armor
- glyph_jewelry
- glyph_weapon
- ingredient
- lockpick
- lure
- master_writ
- mount
- none
- plug
- poison
- poison_base
- potion
- potion_base
- racial_style_motif
- raw_material
- reagent
- recipe
- siege
- soul_gem
- spellcrafting_tablet
- spice
- style_material
- tabard
- tool
- trash
- treasure
- trophy
- weapon
- weapon_booster
- weapon_trait
- woodworking_booster
- woodworking_material
- woodworking_raw_material
sptype("arg1", ...)
Match item by item specialized type arg1, OR arg2, OR ...
Available Value:
- additive
- armor
- armor_booster
- armor_trait
- ava_repair
- blacksmithing_booster
- blacksmithing_material
- blacksmithing_raw_material
- clothier_booster
- clothier_material
- clothier_raw_material
- collectible_monster_trophy
- collectible_rare_fish
- container
- container_event
- costume
- crown_item
- crown_repair
- disguise
- drink_alcoholic
- drink_cordial_tea
- drink_distillate
- drink_liqueur
- drink_tea
- drink_tincture
- drink_tonic
- drink_unique
- dye_stamp
- enchanting_rune_aspect
- enchanting_rune_essence
- enchanting_rune_potency
- enchantment_booster
- fish
- flavoring
- food_entremet
- food_fruit
- food_gourmet
- food_meat
- food_ragout
- food_savoury
- food_unique
- food_vegetable
- furnishing_crafting_station
- furnishing_light
- furnishing_material_alchemy
- furnishing_material_blacksmithing
- furnishing_material_clothier
- furnishing_material_enchanting
- furnishing_material_provisioning
- furnishing_material_woodworking
- furnishing_ornamental
- furnishing_seating
- furnishing_target_dummy
- glyph_armor
- glyph_jewelry
- glyph_weapon
- ingredient_alcohol
- ingredient_drink_additive
- ingredient_food_additive
- ingredient_fruit
- ingredient_meat
- ingredient_rare
- ingredient_tea
- ingredient_tonic
- ingredient_vegetable
- lockpick
- lure
- master_writ
- mount
- none
- plug
- poison
- poison_base
- potion
- potion_base
- racial_style_motif_book
- racial_style_motif_chapter
- raw_material
- reagent_animal_part
- reagent_fungus
- reagent_herb
- recipe_alchemy_formula_furnishing
- recipe_blacksmithing_diagram_furnishing
- recipe_clothier_pattern_furnishing
- recipe_enchanting_schematic_furnishing
- recipe_provisioning_design_furnishing
- recipe_provisioning_standard_drink
- recipe_provisioning_standard_food
- recipe_woodworking_blueprint_furnishing
- siege_ballista
- siege_battle_standard
- siege_catapult
- siege_graveyard
- siege_monster
- siege_oil
- siege_ram
- siege_trebuchet
- siege_universal
- soul_gem
- spellcrafting_tablet
- spice
- style_material
- tabard
- tool
- trash
- treasure
- trophy_key
- trophy_key_fragment
- trophy_material_upgrader
- trophy_museum_piece
- trophy_recipe_fragment
- trophy_runebox_fragment
- trophy_scroll
- trophy_survey_report
- trophy_treasure_map
- weapon
- weapon_booster
- weapon_trait
- woodworking_booster
- woodworking_material
- woodworking_raw_material
equiptype("arg1", ...)
Match item by equip type arg1, OR arg2, OR ...
Available Value:
- chest
- costume
- feet
- hand
- head
- invalid
- legs
- main_hand
- neck
- off_hand
- one_hand
- poison
- ring
- shoulders
- two_hand
- waist
filtertype("arg1", ...)
Match item by filter type arg1, OR arg2, OR ...
Available Value:
- alchemy
- all
- armor
- blacksmithing
- buyback
- clothing
- collectible
- consumable
- crafting
- damaged
- enchanting
- furnishing
- house_with_template
- junk
- miscellaneous
- provisioning
- quest
- quickslot
- reuse
- style_materials
- trait_items
- weapons
- woodworking
traittype("arg1", ...)
Match item by trait type arg1, OR arg2, OR ...
Available Value:
- armor_divines
- armor_impenetrable
- armor_infused
- armor_intricate
- armor_nirnhoned
- armor_ornate
- armor_prosperous
- armor_reinforced
- armor_sturdy
- armor_training
- armor_well_fitted
- deprecated
- jewelry_arcane
- jewelry_healthy
- jewelry_ornate
- jewelry_robust
- none
- weapon_charged
- weapon_decisive
- weapon_defending
- weapon_infused
- weapon_intricate
- weapon_nirnhoned
- weapon_ornate
- weapon_powered
- weapon_precise
- weapon_sharpened
- weapon_training
traitstring("arg1", "arg2", ...)
Match item by testing if the trait type contains string arg1, OR arg2, OR ...
Arguments are strings to be searched, case insensitive
boundtype("arg1", ...)
Match item by bound type arg1, OR arg2, OR ...
Available Value:
- none
- on_equip
- on_pickup
- on_pickup_backpack
- unset
Match item if the item is new.
No Arguments
Match item if the item is bound.
No Arguments
Match item if the item is stolen.
No Arguments
Match item if the item is Bind on pickup and tradeable.
No Arguments
Match item if the item is assigned in quick slots.
No Arguments
Get Item's level for testing. Value range [1-50].
No Arguments, need comparison expression with operator <, ==(Equal), ~=(Not Equal) or > and with a valid number
Get Item's CP level for testing. Value range [1-160].
No Arguments, need comparison expression with operator <, ==(Equal), ~=(Not Equal) or > and with a valid number
set("arg1", "arg2", ...)
Match item by testing if it's set gear and its set name contains string arg1, OR arg2, OR ...
Arguments are strings to be searched, case insensitive
Auto generate set categories for each set gear.
No Arguments, will make more than one category
Match item if the item is researchable. Only the quality and level is the lowest item will be matched.
No Arguments
Match item if the item is equipping currently.
No Arguments, ONLY work in GamePad mode with BetterUI add-on
setindex("arg1", ...)
Match item if the item is in set slot which index is arg1, OR arg2, OR ...
Available Value:
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Match item if the item is included in any set slot.
No Arguments
- type
- sptype
- equiptype
- filtertype
- traittype
- traitstring
- boundtype
- isnew
- isbound
- isstolen
- isboptradeable
- iscrafted
- isinquickslot
- level
- cp
- set
- autoset
- isset
- ismonsterset
- keepresearch
- armortype
- weapontype
- sellprice
- stacksize
- islearnable
- isequipping
- isinbank
- quality
- getquality
- setindex
- inset
- ismarked
- alphagear
- getpricettc
- getpricemm