In a Relational Database, information is represented as sets of 2-dimensional tables, with relationships between the tables described in terms of:
- one-to-one relationships
- one-to-many relationships
- many-to-many relationships
The data in a table is defined as a set of columns, with each column representing a property or attribute. Each row in the table represents the data for an individual member of that table, for example, an individual person, or perhaps an individual invoice.
One or more of the columns (also known as fields) in a table will be defined as keys or key fields. The values for a table's keys define a unique member of the table: in other words, there can only be one member of the table with a particular set of values for the key fields.
Conversely, one or more rows in a table can have the same values for non-key fields.
Related tables will have some relationship between the keys of one table and the fields of the other.
Relational Databases are also associated with the Structured Query Language (SQL) which allows querying within and between tables, the latter based on the the relationships between them.
In this document I won't be referring to SQL: I'll be focusing on how a set of related tables can be defined using Global Storage. The standard Global Storage APIs can be used for basic querying, but it's entirely possible to then implement SQL as a query language for those tables. The main native implementations of Global Storage databases all have SQL implementations available.
It's probably easiest to explain how to model a Relational Database using Global Storage by using a straightforward example. Consider the following:
- a table representing customers (CUSTOMER)
- a table representing orders (ORDERS)
- a table representing the individual items that make up an order
In terms of relationships:
- a customer can place one or more orders
- an order is made up of one or more items
The table columns or fields are as follows:
- customerId: a unique customer identifier. This is this table's one and only key field.
- name: the customer's name
- address: the customer's address
- totalOrders: the total number of orders placed by this customer to date
- orderId: a unique order identifier. This is this table's one and only key field.
- customerId: the id of the customer who placed the order. This provides the relationship back to the member of the CUSTOMER table that placed the order. It is not a key field for ORDERS, but as it is a key field in another table, it is referred to as a foreign key within the ORDERS table.
- orderDate: the date the order was placed
- invoiceDate: the date on which the order was invoiced
- totalValue: the total value of the order in, let's say, UK pounds.
- orderId: the identifier of the order to which this item belongs. This is a key field for this table.
- itemNumber: the item number within the order. This is also a key field for this table.
- description: text describing the item
- value: the value of the item
In the ITEM table, therefore, rows are uniquely defined by a combination of two key fields: orderId and itemNumber.
Note that in the CUSTOMER table, the totalOrders field is not intended to be specified by a user. Instead it is intended to be calculated automatically, being the sum of all totalValue fields in the ORDERS table, for orders placed by this customer. As such, this field is known as a derived field.
Similarly, the totalValue field within the ORDERS table is, itself, a derived field, being the sum of all the value fields for members of the ITEM table belonging to the same orderId.
Here is this set of tables, summarised in diagrammatic form:
A Relational Database normally requires such table definitions to be formally defined/specified. This is often done via SQL commands.
Global Storage, of course, is schema-free, so, for SQL support of a relational database built using Global Storage, it's usually necessary to also create a set of Globals for the schemas that define relational tables. This is beyond the scope of this document: we'll just focus on how the tables themselves could be modelled.
As always, there are numerous potential ways to model relational tables, but here's one such way. In this suggested specification, the intention is that the model is computable, with the Global Storage for any one table containing enough information to navigate up and down any associated relationships to/from other tables.
At the very top, therefore, we have a "master" record, providing pointers down to top-level tables:
DATABASE["subTable", top_table_name, "key:" + key_name(s)"] = ""
where key_name(s) is a comma-delimited list of the key field names for the top table.
The tables themselves could be defined using the model:
tableName[key_1, (...key_n,) "fields", field_name] = field_value
while the relationship to other subsidiary tables could be modelled as:
pointing down a one-to-many relationship from the one to the many:
tableName[key_1, (...key_n,) "subTable", sub_tableName, "key:" + key_name(s), key_value*] = ""
where key_value* is one or more key values, as specified by the key_name(s) list.
pointing up from the many to the one:
tableName[key_1, (...key_n,) "parentTable", parent_tableName, "key:" + key_name(s), key_value*] = ""
This is somewhat more complex a structure than we've seen for the other NoSQL database models. It's noteworthy because it demonstrates just how flexible your design of subscripts and the semantics of their values can be. This model hopefully becomes more understandable when applied to an example.
For our example, the model would look as follows
the top-level "master" record, which tells us that we have a top-level table named *CUSTOMER" which has a single key field named customerId:
DATABASE["subTable", "CUSTOMER", "key:customerId"] = ""
The CUSTOMER table has the following fields for each customerId:
CUSTOMER[customerId, "fields", "name"] = name
CUSTOMER[customerId, "fields", "address"] = address
CUSTOMER[customerId, "fields", "totalValue"] = totalValue
Its parent table is the top-level "master" table (DATABASE), which has no keys:
CUSTOMER[customerId, "parentTable", "DATABASE", "key:"] = ""
The CUSTOMER table has one related sub-table - ORDERS - which has a single key field named orderId. Each such subTable record specifies the values of the orderIds related to this customerId:
CUSTOMER[customerId, "subTable", "ORDERS", "key:orderId", orderId] = ""
The ORDERS table has the following fields for each orderId:
ORDERS[orderId, "fields", "customerId"] = customerId
ORDERS[orderId, "fields", "orderDate"] = orderDate
ORDERS[orderId, "fields", "invoiceDate"] = invoiceDate
ORDERS[orderId, "fields", "totalValue"] = totalValue
Its parent table is the CUSTOMER table which has a single key (custimerId), whose value is specified as the last subscript:
ORDERS[orderId, "parentTable", "CUSTOMER", "key:customerId", customerId] = ""
The ORDERS table has one related sub-table - ITEM - which has two key fields named orderId and itemNumber. Because orderId is already a key for the ORDERS table, we don't need to add it as a redundant penultimate subscript: instead we just specify the relevant value(s) for the itemNumber key fields of the ITEM table:
ORDERS[orderId, "subTable", "ITEM", "key:orderId,itemNumber", itemNumber] = ""
Finally, the ITEM table has the following fields for each unique combination of orderId and itemNumber:
ITEM[orderId, itemNumber, "fields", "description"] = description
ITEM[orderId, itemNumber, "fields", "value"] = value
Its parent table is ORDERS which has a single key (orderId). Because this is already specified as a key field in each ITEM record, its value can be implied and therefore doesn't need to be redundantly specified as the final subscript:
ITEM[orderId, itemNumber, "parentTable", "ORDERS", "key:orderId"] = ""
Finally, the ITEM table doesn't have any related sub-tables.
So, based on this model, let's show a worked example of some actual records for these 3 tables in Global Storage:
DATABASE["subTable", "CUSTOMER", "key:customerId"] = ""
CUSTOMER[123, "fields", "name"] = "Rob Tweed"
CUSTOMER[123, "fields", "address"] = "1, The Street, Redhill, Surrey"
CUSTOMER[123, "fields", "totalValue"] = 100.00
CUSTOMER[123, "parentTable", "DATABASE", "key:"] = ""
CUSTOMER[123, "subTable", "ORDERS", "key:orderId", 28] = ""
CUSTOMER[123, "subTable", "ORDERS", "key:orderId", 42] = ""
ORDERS[28, "fields", "customerId"] = 123
ORDERS[28, "fields", "orderDate"] = "23/06/2020"
ORDERS[28, "fields", "invoiceDate"] = "24/06/2020"
ORDERS[28, "fields", "totalValue"] = 40.00
ORDERS[28, "parentTable", "CUSTOMER", "key:customerId", 123] = ""
ORDERS[28, "subTable", "ITEM", "key:orderId,itemNumber", 1] = ""
ORDERS[28, "subTable", "ITEM", "key:orderId,itemNumber", 2] = ""
ORDERS[28, "subTable", "ITEM", "key:orderId,itemNumber", 3] = ""
ORDERS[42, "fields", "customerId"] = 123
ORDERS[42, "fields", "orderDate"] = "19/09/2020"
ORDERS[42, "fields", "invoiceDate"] = "21/09/2020"
ORDERS[42, "fields", "totalValue"] = 60.00
ORDERS[42, "parentTable", "CUSTOMER", "key:customerId", 123] = ""
ORDERS[42, "subTable", "ITEM", "key:orderId,itemNumber", 1] = ""
ITEM[28, 1, "fields", "description"] = "widget 1"
ITEM[28, 1, "fields", "value"] = 10.00
ITEM[28, 1, "parentTable", "ORDERS", "key:orderId"] = ""
ITEM[28, 2, "fields", "description"] = "widget 2"
ITEM[28, 2, "fields", "value"] = 25.00
ITEM[28, 2, "parentTable", "ORDERS", "key:orderId"] = ""
ITEM[28, 3, "fields", "description"] = "widget 3"
ITEM[28, 3, "fields", "value"] = 5.00
ITEM[28, 3, "parentTable", "ORDERS", "key:orderId"] = ""
ITEM[42, 1, "fields", "description"] = "widget 4"
ITEM[42, 1, "fields", "value"] = 60.00
ITEM[42, 1, "parentTable", "ORDERS", "key:orderId"] = ""
The implemention an SQL engine to interoperate with a Global Storage representation of a Relational Database is beyond the scope of this document. The main Native Global Storage Databases (YottaDB, Caché and IRIS) provide SQL engines, though they use their own particular Global Storage model.
We provide an Open Source SQL engine for these Native Global Storage databases: it is quite flexible in terms of your Global Storage Relational model, and will work well against the model described above in this document.
There is currently no available SQL engine that would work "out of the box" with a layered implementation of Global Storage (eg for Redis or BerkeleyDB), but it should be possible to build one.
With that in mind, let's examine how our Global Storage model of a Relational Database should behave when accessed via SQL.
Typically you would expect to use the SQL INSERT command to add data into a table. For example:
INSERT INTO CUSTOMER (customerId, name, address)
VALUES (:customerId, :name, :address)
If the values of these variables at run-time were:
- customerId: 123
- name: 'Rob Tweed'
- address: '1, The Street, Redhill, Surrey'
The SQL engine would invoke the appropriate Global Storage Set APIs to create the main data field records:
CUSTOMER[123, "fields", "name"] = "Rob Tweed"
CUSTOMER[123, "fields", "address"] = "1, The Street, Redhill, Surrey"
It should also create the upward pointing record/index:
CUSTOMER[123, "parentTable", "DATABASE", "key:"] = ""
to the top-level static "master" record which should have been created during the schema creation stage:
DATABASE["subTable", "CUSTOMER", "key:customerId"] = ""
Adding an order would be done similarly, eg:
INSERT INTO ORDERS (orderId, customerId, orderDate, invoiceDate)
VALUES (:orderId, :customerId, {d:orderDate}, {d:invoiceDate})
At run-time, let's assume the values were:
- orderId: 101
- customerId: 123
- orderDate: '2021-04-01'
- invoiceDate: '2021-04-03'
...and its items:
INSERT INTO ITEM (orderId, itemNumber, description, value)
VALUES (:orderId, :itemNumber, :description, :value)
Again, at run-time we'll assume the values for two items were:
first item:
- orderId: 101
- itemNumber: 1
- description: Garden Chairs
- value: 40.00
second item:
- orderId: 101
- itemNumber: 2
- description: Garden Table
- value: 60.00
The SQL engine should translate these into Global Storage Set APIs that create the data field records:
ORDERS[101, "fields", "customerId"] = 123
ORDERS[101, "fields", "invoiceDate"] = 65837 // or some other appropriate internal representation of the date
ORDERS[101, "fields", "orderDate"] = 65835 // ditto
ITEMS[101, 1, "fields", "description"] = "Gargen Chairs"
ITEMS[101, 1, "fields", "value"] = 40.00
ITEMS[101, 2, "fields", "description"] = "Gargen Table"
ITEMS[101, 2, "fields", "value"] = 60.00
In addition it should create the upward and downward pointer records/indices:
CUSTOMER[123, "subTable", "ORDERS","key:orderId",101)=""
ORDERS[101, "parentTable", "CUSTOMER", "key:customerId", 123] = ""
ORDERS[101, "subTable", "ITEM", "key:orderId,itemNumber", 1] = ""
ORDERS[101, "subTable", "ITEM", "key:orderId,itemNumber", 2] = ""
ITEM[101, 1, "parentTable", "ORDERS", "key:orderId"] = ""
ITEM[101, 2, "parentTable", "ORDERS", "key:orderId"] = ""
It should be possible to query the data stored in this Relational Database in the standard SQL way, for example:
SELECT, a.address
WHERE a.customerId = :customerId
The SQL engine would translate this into two Global Storage Get APIs:
Get CUSTOMER[customerId, "fields", "name"]
Get CUSTOMER[customerId, "fields", "address"]
Of course, things get more complex when SQL JOINs are used. This is where the upward and pointer records/indices would come into play, along with the Global Storage Next API to retrieve all the matching records implied by the JOIN.
Typically the Relational Database model would be augmented with additional indices (specified as part of the initial database schema definition stage). These would be used by the SQL Engine's query parser to optimise queries that selected based on particular field values or ranges.
Such details are beyond the scope of this document, but hopefully you can see how the Global Storage database and its associated APIs can provide the basis of a fully-functional Relational Database and can underpin an associated SQL engine.