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//#include <iostream.h>#include <math.h>#include "rPoint.h"#include "rPointi.h"#include "rPoint2D.h"#include "rLatLon.h"#include "rVector.h"#include "rVectori.h"#include "rLine.h"#include "rMatrix.h"/* * Class declaration^ */rVector::rVector () : rPoint () {}rVector::rVector (rPoint2D pt) { set2d (pt);}rVector::rVector(rPoint p) : rPoint (p){ }/*rVector::rVector(rVector &p) : rPoint (p.x,p.y,p.z){ }*/rVector::rVector(rPoint A,rPoint B) : rPoint (B.x-A.x,B.y-A.y,B.z-A.z){ }rVector::rVector (double i,double j,double k) : rPoint (i,j,k){ }//-------------------------------------rVector &rVector::operator=(rVector p) { x=p.x; y=p.y; z=p.z; return (*this);}rVector &rVector::operator=(rVectori p) { x=p.x; y=p.y; z=p.z; return (*this);}rVector &rVector::operator=(rPoint p) { x=p.x; y=p.y; z=p.z; return (*this);}rVector &rVector::operator=(rPoint2D p){ set2d (p); return *this;}void rVector::set2d (rPoint2D p){ /* y is equivalent to lattitude and x is longitutde. */ x = sin (PI/2.0-p.y) * cos (p.x); y = sin (PI/2.0-p.y) * sin (p.x); z = cos (PI/2.0-p.y);}rVector &rVector::operator=(rLatLon p) { // not implemented yet, see old mathpack. /* y is equivalent to lattitude and x is longitutde. */ x = sin (PI/2.0-p.lat) * cos (p.lon); y = sin (PI/2.0-p.lat) * sin (p.lon); z = cos (PI/2.0-p.lat); return (*this);}rVector &rVector::operator=(rPointi p) { x=p.x; y=p.y; z=p.z; return (*this);}//rVector::operator rPoint ()//{// rPoint c;// c = *this;// return c;//}rVector::operator double *(){ return &x;}rVector::operator rLine (){ rLine l(*this); //l = (rLine)*this; return l;}void rVector::normalize () { if (iszero()) return; double len = sqrt (x*x+y*y+z*z); if (len==0) return; x = x/len; y = y/len; z = z/len; }rVector rVector::normal () { rVector v (0,0,0); if (iszero())return v; double len = sqrt (x*x+y*y+z*z); if (len==0) return v; v.set(x/len,y/len,z/len); return v;}void rVector::unit () { if (iszero())return ; double len = sqrt (x*x+y*y+z*z); if (len==0) return; x = x/len; y = y/len; z = z/len; }void rVector::scale (rVector b){ x = x*b.x; y = y*b.y; z = z*b.z;}int rVector::near (rVector &v,double n){ return ((v.x-n) < x) && ((v.x+n) > x) && ((v.y-n) < y) && ((v.y+n) > y) && ((v.z-n) < z) && ((v.z+n) > z) ;}int rVector::nearxy (rVector &v,double n){ return ((v.x-n) < x) && ((v.x+n) > x) && ((v.y-n) < y) && ((v.y+n) > y);}int rVector::near (rVector &v,rVector &n){ return ((v.x-n.x) < x) && ((v.x+n.x) > x) && ((v.y-n.y) < y) && ((v.y+n.y) > y) && ((v.z-n.z) < z) && ((v.z+n.z) > z) ;}/* Cross Product */rVector rVector::operator*(rVector b){ rVector c; c.x = y*b.z-z*b.y; c.y = z*b.x-x*b.z; c.z = x*b.y-y*b.x; return (c);}rVector &rVector::operator*=(rVector b){ rVector c; c.x = y*b.z-z*b.y; c.y = z*b.x-x*b.z; c.z = x*b.y-y*b.x; *this = c; return (*this);}rVector rVector::operator+(rVector b){ rVector c; c.x = x+b.x; c.y = y+b.y; c.z = z+b.z; return (c);}rVector rVector::operator-(rVector b){ rVector c; c.x = x-b.x; c.y = y-b.y; c.z = z-b.z; return (c);}/* ScalerVector rVector::operator*(double b){ rVector c; c.x = c.x*b; c.y = c.y*b; c.z = c.z*b; return (c);}rVector rVector::operator/(double b){ rVector c; c.x = c.x/b; c.y = c.y/b; c.z = c.z/b; return (c);} */rVector rVector::cross(rVector b){ rVector c; c.x = y*b.z-z*b.y; c.y = z*b.x-x*b.z; c.z = x*b.y-y*b.x; return c;}/* Dot Product */double rVector::operator|(rVector b){ return (x*b.x+y*b.y+z*b.z);}double rVector::dot(rVector u){ return (x*u.x+y*u.y+z*u.z);}/* One rVector divided by another. */rVector rVector::operator/(rVector b){ if (b.x==0 || b.y == 0 || b.z == 0) return b; rVector c (x/b.x,y/b.y,z/b.z); return (c);}/* Add rVectors by scalars. */rVector operator+(double a,rVector b){ rVector c(a+b.x,a+b.y,a+b.z); return c;}rVector operator+(rVector b,double a){ rVector c(a+b.x,a+b.y,a+b.z); return c;}/* Subtract rVectors by scalars. */rVector operator-(double a,rVector b){ rVector c(a-b.x,a-b.y,a-b.z); return c;}rVector operator-(rVector b,double a){ rVector c(a-b.x,a-b.y,a-b.z); return c;}/* Multiply rVectors by scalars. */rVector operator*(double a,rVector b){ rVector c(a*b.x,a*b.y,a*b.z); return c;}rVector operator*(rVector b,double a){ rVector c(a*b.x,a*b.y,a*b.z); return c;}/* Divide rVectors by scalars. */rVector operator/(double a,rVector b){ if (b.x == 0 || b.y == 0 || b.z == 0) { return b; } rVector c(a/b.x,a/b.y,a/b.z); return c;}rVector operator/(rVector b,double a){ if (b.x == 0 || b.y == 0 || b.z == 0) return b; rVector c(b.x/a,b.y/a,b.z/a); return c;}/* Dot two rVectors. */double operator|(rVector &a,rVector &b){ return (a.x*b.x+a.y*b.y+a.z*b.z);}/* One rVector divided by another. */rVector operator/(rVector &a,rVector &b){ if (b.x == 0 || b.y == 0 || b.z == 0) return b; rVector c (a.x/b.x,a.y/b.y,a.z/b.z); return (c);}/* Add two rVectors */rVector operator+(rVector a,rVector b){ rVector c(a.x+b.x,a.y+b.y,a.z+b.z); return c;}rPoint operator+(rPoint a,rVector b){ rVector c(a.x+b.x,a.y+b.y,a.z+b.z); return c;}/* Subtract two rVectors. */rVector operator-(rVector a,rVector b){ rVector c(a.x-b.x,a.y-b.y,a.z-b.z); return c;}rPoint operator-(rPoint a,rVector b){ rVector c(a.x-b.x,a.y-b.y,a.z-b.z); return c;}rVector& rVector::operator*=(double s){ x *= s; y *= s; z *= s; return (*this);}rVector& rVector::operator/=(double s){ if (s==0) return *this; x /= s; y /= s; z /= s; return (*this);}rVector& rVector::operator+=(double s){ x += s; y += s; z += s; return (*this);}rVector& rVector::operator+=(rVector b){ x += b.x; y += b.y; z += b.z; return (*this);}rVector& rVector::operator-=(rVector b){ x -= b.x; y -= b.y; z -= b.z; return (*this);}rVector& rVector::operator-=(double s){ x -= s; y -= s; z -= s; return (*this);}rVector& rVector::operator/=(rVector b){ if (b.x == 0 || b.y == 0 || b.z == 0) return *this; x /= b.x; y /= b.y; z /= b.z; return (*this);}int rVector::is_acute_with (rVector &v){ return (angle_with (v)==-1);}int rVector::is_obtuse_with (rVector &v){ return (angle_with (v)==1);}/* this function determines whether the angle between two rVectors is acute, obtuse, or 180 degrees. acuteness depends upon the direction of the cross product in relation to the two rVectors. */int rVector::angle_with (rVector v){ rVector cp; cp = *this*v; double thesin_plus = cp.magnitude (); cp = v* *this; double thesin_neg = cp.magnitude (); double thedot = this->dot (v); if (thedot == 1) return -1; if (thesin_plus == 0) return 0; if (thedot < 0) { if (thesin_plus < thesin_neg) return 1; // obtuse angle else if (thesin_plus > thesin_neg) return -1; // acute angle else return 0;// colinear } else if (thedot > 0) { if (thesin_plus > thesin_neg) return 1; // obtuse angle else if (thesin_plus < thesin_neg) return -1; // acute angle else return 0; //colinear } else { return 90.0*PI/180.0; /* perturb one of the rVectors a little to make them not perpendicular, then do the test again. */ //rVector tmp((v.x+x)/2.0,(v.y+y)/2.0,(v.z+z)/2.0); // return angle_with (tmp); }}int rVector::angle_with (rVector &v,rVector &cp,rVector &cn){ double thesin_plus = cp.magnitude (); double thesin_neg = cn.magnitude (); double thedot = this->dot (v); if (thedot == 1) return -1; if (thesin_plus == 0) return 0; if (thedot < 0) { if (thesin_plus < thesin_neg) return 1; // obtuse angle else if (thesin_plus > thesin_neg) return -1; // acute angle else return 0;// colinear } else if (thedot > 0) { if (thesin_plus > thesin_neg) return 1; // obtuse angle else if (thesin_plus < thesin_neg) return -1; // acute angle else return 0; //colinear } else { return 90.0*PI/180.0; /* perturb one of the rVectors a little to make them not perpendicular, then do the test again. */ //rVector tmp((v.x+x)/2.0,(v.y+y)/2.0,(v.z+z)/2.0); // return angle_with (tmp); }}int rVector::angle_with (rVector &v,double &thesin_plus,double &thesin_neg,double &thedot){ if (thedot == 1) return -1; if (thesin_plus == 0) return 0; if (thedot < 0) { if (thesin_plus < thesin_neg) return 1; // obtuse angle else if (thesin_plus > thesin_neg) return -1; // acute angle else return 0;// colinear } else if (thedot > 0) { if (thesin_plus > thesin_neg) return 1; // obtuse angle else if (thesin_plus < thesin_neg) return -1; // acute angle else return 0; //colinear } else { return 90.0*PI/180.0; /* perturb one of the rVectors a little to make them not perpendicular, then do the test again. */ //rVector tmp((v.x+x)/2.0,(v.y+y)/2.0,(v.z+z)/2.0); //return angle_with (tmp); }}