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#include <math.h>#include <ostream>#include <iostream>#include "rPoint2D.h"#include "rPoint.h"#include "rVector.h"#include "rLine.h"using std::ostream;/* needed for MAX post.#include <string.h>#include <Video.h>#include <OSUtils.h>#include <QuickTimeComponents.h>#include "maxincludes.h"*//* * Class declaration^ */ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, rLine& p) { os <<"["; os << "<q:" <<p.q.x<<" "<<p.q.y<<" "<<p.q.z<< ">"; os << "<n:" <<p.n.x<<" "<<p.n.y<<" "<<p.n.z<< ">"; os <<"]"; return os;} /* used with cout */rLine::rLine(rVector v){ set (v);}rLine::rLine(rPoint p,rVector v){ set (p,v);}rLine::rLine(rVector p,rVector v){ set (p,v);}rLine::rLine(rLine &p){ set (p);}rLine::rLine(double px,double py,double pz,double nx,double ny,double nz){ set (px,py,pz,nx,ny,nz);}rLine& rLine::operator=(rLine p) { n = p.n; q = p.q; return (*this);}rLine::operator rVector (){ return n;}// return the base rPoint. rLine::operator rPoint (){ return q;}void rLine::set(rVector &v){ //n = v; n.set (v.x,v.y,v.z); q.set (0.0,0.0,0.0); n.normalize ();}void rLine::set(rPoint &p,rVector &v){ n = v; q = p; n.normalize ();}void rLine::set_with_normal(rVector &p,rVector &v){ n = v; q = p;}void rLine::set(rVector &p,rVector &v){ //n = v; n.set (v.x,v.y,v.z); q.x = p.x; q.y = p.y; q.z = p.z;// = (rPoint)p; n.normalize ();}void rLine::set(rLine &p){ n = p.n; q = p.q; n.normalize ();}void rLine::set (double px,double py,double pz,double nx,double ny,double nz){ q.set (px,py,pz); n.set (nx,ny,nz); //n.normalize ();}// return the direction rVector.double rLine::sub_det (rVector v2,int which){ //cerr <<"n:"<<n<<" v:"<<v2<<endl; switch (which) { case 0: return n.y*v2.x - n.x*v2.y; case 1: return n.z*v2.y - n.y*v2.z; case 2: return n.x*v2.z - n.z*v2.x; } return 0;}double rLine::sub_det (rVector v1,rVector v2,int which){ //cerr <<"v1:"<<v1<<" v2:"<<v2<<endl; switch (which) { case 0: return v1.y*v2.x - v1.x*v2.y; case 1: return v1.z*v2.y - v1.y*v2.z; case 2: return v1.x*v2.z - v1.z*v2.x; } return 0;}double rLine::intersect_param (rVector q2,rVector n2,int which){ switch (which) { case 0: if (sub_det(n2,0)==0) return 1; else return ((q2.y - q.y)*n2.x + (q.x - q2.x)*n2.y)/sub_det(n2,0); case 1: if (sub_det(n2,1)==0) return 1; else return ((q2.z - q.z)*n2.y + (q.y - q2.y)*n2.z)/sub_det(n2,1); case 2: if (sub_det(n2,2)==0) return 1; else return ((q2.x - q.x)*n2.z + (q.z - q2.z)*n2.x)/sub_det(n2,2); } return 0;}double rLine::intersect_param (rVector q2,rVector n2,double subdet,int which){ if (subdet == 0) return 0; //cerr <<"interparam:"<<(q2.y - q.y)<<" "<<n2.x<<" "<<(q.x - q2.x)<<" "<<n2.y<<" subdet:"<<subdet<<" which:"<<which<<endl; switch (which) { case 0: return ((q2.y - q.y)*n2.x + (q.x - q2.x)*n2.y)/subdet; case 1: return ((q2.z - q.z)*n2.y + (q.y - q2.y)*n2.z)/subdet; case 2: return ((q2.x - q.x)*n2.z + (q.z - q2.z)*n2.x)/subdet; } return 0;}double rLine::second_param (rVector q2,rVector n2,double t1,int which){ /* already tested to see if either n2.x or n2.y or n2.z are 0 */ switch (which) { case 0: if (n2.x==0) return 0; return (q.x - q2.x + t1*n.x) / n2.x; case 1: if (n2.y==0) return 0; return (q.y - q2.y + t1*n.y) / n2.y; case 2: if (n2.z==0) return 0; return (q.z - q2.z + t1*n.z) / n2.z; } return 0;}double rLine::rev_sub_det (rVector v2,int which){ //cerr <<"n:"<<n<<" v2:"<<v2<<endl; switch (which) { case 0: return n.x*v2.y - n.y*v2.x; case 1: return n.y*v2.z - n.z*v2.y; case 2: return n.z*v2.x - n.x*v2.z; } return 0;}double rLine::rev_sub_det (rVector v1,rVector v2,int which){ switch (which) { case 0: return v1.x*v2.y - v1.y*v2.x; case 1: return v1.y*v2.z - v1.z*v2.y; case 2: return v1.z*v2.x - v1.x*v2.z; } return 0;}double rLine::rev_intersect_param (rVector q2,rVector n2,int which){ switch (which) { case 0: if (rev_sub_det(n2,0)==0) return 1; else return ((q2.x - q.x)*n2.y + (q.y - q2.y)*n2.x)/rev_sub_det(n2,0); case 1: if (rev_sub_det(n2,1)==0) return 1; else return ((q2.z - q.z)*n2.y + (q.y - q2.y)*n2.z)/rev_sub_det(n2,1); case 2: if (rev_sub_det(n2,2)==0) return 1; else return ((q2.x - q.x)*n2.z + (q.z - q2.z)*n2.x)/rev_sub_det(n2,2); } return 0;}double rLine::rev_intersect_param (rVector q2,rVector n2,double revsubdet,int which){ if (revsubdet == 0) return 0; switch (which) { case 0: return ((q2.x - q.x)*n2.y + (q.y - q2.y)*n2.x)/revsubdet; case 1: return ((q2.z - q.z)*n2.y + (q.y - q2.y)*n2.z)/revsubdet; case 2: return ((q2.x - q.x)*n2.z + (q.z - q2.z)*n2.x)/revsubdet; } return 0;}double rLine::rev_second_param (rVector q2,rVector n2,double t1,int which){ /* already tested to see if either n2.x or n2.y or n2.z are 0 */ switch (which) { case 0: return (q.y - q2.y + t1*n.y) / n2.y; case 1: return (q.z - q2.z + t1*n.z) / n2.z; case 2: return (q.x - q2.x + t1*n.x) / n2.x; } return 0;}/* return the intersection of the rLine with ln. Result is v. */int rLine::intersect (rLine ln,rVector &v){ double t1,t2; if (ln.q == q) { v = q; return 1; } /* if the normal rVector is 0 then the rLine is a rPoint. */ if (ln.n.iszero ()) { /* ln is a rPoint */ if (n.iszero ()) { /* both are rPoints */ //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:Both rLines are rPoints\n"; return q == ln.q; } if (intersect (ln.q,t1)) { v = ln.q; //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:found\n"; return 1; } else { //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:no intersection found case 1\n"; return 0; } } else if (n.iszero ()) { if (ln.n.iszero ()) { return q == ln.q; } if (ln.intersect (q,t2)) { v = q; return 1; } else { //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:no intersection found case 2\n"; return 0; } } rVector v2; double det; det = sub_det (ln.n,0); //cerr <<"det case3:"<<det<<" ln.n.x:"<<ln.n.x<<endl; if (det != 0 && ln.n.x != 0) { t1 = intersect_param (ln.q,ln.n,det,0); v = solve (t1); t2 = second_param (ln.q,ln.n,t1,0); v2 = ln.solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 3?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; return (v2==v); } det = sub_det (ln.n,1); //cerr <<"det case4:"<<det<<" ln.n.y:"<<ln.n.y<<endl; if (det != 0 && ln.n.y != 0) { t1 = intersect_param (ln.q,ln.n,det,1); v = solve (t1); t2 = second_param (ln.q,ln.n,t1,1); v2 = ln.solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 4?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; return (v2==v); } det = sub_det (ln.n,2); //cerr <<"det case5:"<<det<<" ln.n.z:"<<ln.n.z<<endl; if (det != 0 && ln.n.z != 0) { t1 = intersect_param (ln.q,ln.n,det,2); v = solve (t1); t2 = second_param (ln.q,ln.n,t1,2); v2 = ln.solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 5?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; return (v2==v); } det = ln.sub_det (n,0); //cerr <<"det case6:"<<det<<" n.x:"<<n.x<<endl; if (det != 0 && n.x != 0) { t1 = ln.intersect_param (q,n,det,0); v = ln.solve (t1); t2 = ln.second_param (q,n,t1,0); v2 = solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 6?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; return (v2==v); } det = ln.sub_det (n,1); //cerr <<"det case7:"<<det<<" n.y:"<<n.y<<endl; if (det != 0 && n.y != 0) { t1 = ln.intersect_param (q,n,det,1); v = ln.solve (t1); t2 = ln.second_param (q,n,t1,1); v2 = solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 7?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; return (v2==v); } det = ln.sub_det (n,2); //cerr <<"det case8:"<<det<<" n.z:"<<n.z<<endl; if (det != 0 && n.z != 0) { t1 = ln.intersect_param (q,n,det,2); v = ln.solve (t1); t2 = ln.second_param (q,n,t1,2); v2 = solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 8?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; return (v2==v); } /* reverse variables in next 6 cases. */ det = rev_sub_det (ln.n,0); //cerr <<"det case9:"<<det<<" ln.n.x:"<<ln.n.x<<endl; if (det != 0 && ln.n.x != 0) { t1 = rev_intersect_param (ln.q,ln.n,det,0); v = solve (t1); t2 = rev_second_param (ln.q,ln.n,t1,0); v2 = ln.solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 9?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; return (v2==v); } det = rev_sub_det (ln.n,1); //cerr <<"det case10:"<<det<<" ln.n.y:"<<ln.n.y<<endl; if (det != 0 && ln.n.y != 0) { t1 = rev_intersect_param (ln.q,ln.n,det,1); v = solve (t1); t2 = rev_second_param (ln.q,ln.n,t1,1); v2 = ln.solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 10?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; return (v2==v); } det = rev_sub_det (ln.n,2); //cerr <<"det case11:"<<det<<" ln.n.z:"<<ln.n.z<<endl; if (det != 0 && ln.n.z != 0) { t1 = rev_intersect_param (ln.q,ln.n,det,2); v = solve (t1); t2 = rev_second_param (ln.q,ln.n,t1,2); v2 = ln.solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 11?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; return (v2==v); } det = ln.rev_sub_det (n,0); //cerr <<"det case12:"<<det<<" n.x:"<<n.x<<endl; if (det != 0 && n.x != 0) { t1 = ln.rev_intersect_param (q,n,det,0); v = ln.solve (t1); t2 = ln.rev_second_param (q,n,t1,0); v2 = solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 12?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; return (v2==v); } det = ln.rev_sub_det (n,1); //cerr <<"det case13:"<<det<<" n.y:"<<n.y<<endl; if (det != 0 && n.y != 0) { t1 = ln.rev_intersect_param (q,n,det,1); v = ln.solve (t1); t2 = ln.rev_second_param (q,n,t1,1); v2 = solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 13?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; return (v2==v); } det = ln.rev_sub_det (n,2); //cerr <<"det case14:"<<det<<" n.z:"<<n.z<<endl; if (det != 0 && n.z != 0) { t1 = ln.rev_intersect_param (q,n,det,2); v = ln.solve (t1); t2 = ln.rev_second_param (q,n,t1,2); v2 = solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 14?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; return (v2==v); } else { //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:no intersection found, last case.\n"; return 0; }}int rLine::intersect (rVector ln,rVector &v){ return intersect (ln,v);}/* return the intersection of the rLine with ln. Result is v. */int rLine::near_intersect (rLine ln,rVector &vo1,rVector &vo2){ double t1,t2; rVector v,v2,vd,vd2; if (ln.q == q) { v = q; return 1; } /* if the normal rVector is 0 then the rLine is a rPoint. */ if (ln.n.iszero ()) { /* ln is a rPoint */ if (n.iszero ()) { /* both are rPoints */ //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:Both rLines are rPoints\n"; // post ("rLine::intersect:Both rLines are rPoints"); return q == ln.q; } if (intersect (ln.q,t1)) { v = ln.q; //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:found\n"; // post ("rLine::intersect:found"); return 1; } else { //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:no intersection found case 1\n"; // post ("rLine::intersect:no intersection found case 1"); return 0; } } else if (n.iszero ()) { if (ln.n.iszero ()) { return q == ln.q; } if (ln.intersect (q,t2)) { v = q; return 1; } else { //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:no intersection found case 2\n"; // post ("rLine::intersect:no intersection found case 2"); return 0; } } double det; det = sub_det (ln.n,0); //cerr <<"det case3:"<<det<<" ln.n.x:"<<ln.n.x<<endl; // post ("det case3:%lf ln.n.x:%lf ",det,ln.n.x); if (det != 0 && ln.n.x != 0) { t1 = intersect_param (ln.q,ln.n,det,0); v = solve (t1); t2 = second_param (ln.q,ln.n,t1,0); v2 = ln.solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 3?"<<(v2==v)<<" t1:"<<t1<<" t2:"<<t2<<"\n"; //cerr <<"rLine::v1:"<<v<<" v2:"<<v2<<endl; //post ("rLine::intersect:case 3? %d t1:%lf t2:%lf ",(v2==v),t1,t2); // post ("rLine::v1:%lf %lf %lf v2:%lf %lf %lf",v.x,v.y,v.z,v2.x,v2.y,v2.z); vd = (v2-v); //return (v2==v?1:-1); } det = sub_det (ln.n,1); //cerr <<"det case4:"<<det<<" ln.n.y:"<<ln.n.y<<endl; //post ("det case4:%lf ln.n.y:%lf ",det,ln.n.y); if (det != 0 && ln.n.y != 0) { t1 = intersect_param (ln.q,ln.n,det,1); v = solve (t1); t2 = second_param (ln.q,ln.n,t1,1); v2 = ln.solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 4?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; //cerr <<"rLine::v1:"<<v<<" v2:"<<v2<<endl; // post ("rLine::intersect:case 4? %d t1:%lf t2:%lf ",(v2==v),t1,t2); // post ("rLine::v1:%lf %lf %lf v2:%lf %lf %lf",v.x,v.y,v.z,v2.x,v2.y,v2.z); vd2 = (v2-v); //return (v2==v?1:-1); } if (vd2.len () < vd.len ()) { vd = vd2; vo1 = v; vo2 = v2; } det = sub_det (ln.n,2); //cerr <<"det case5:"<<det<<" ln.n.z:"<<ln.n.z<<endl; // post ("det case5:%lf ln.n.z:%lf ",det,ln.n.z); if (det != 0 && ln.n.z != 0) { t1 = intersect_param (ln.q,ln.n,det,2); v = solve (t1); t2 = second_param (ln.q,ln.n,t1,2); v2 = ln.solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 5?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; //cerr <<"rLine::v1:"<<v<<" v2:"<<v2<<endl; //post ("rLine::intersect:case 5? %d t1:%lf t2:%lf ",(v2==v),t1,t2); //post ("rLine::v1:%lf %lf %lf v2:%lf %lf %lf",v.x,v.y,v.z,v2.x,v2.y,v2.z); vd2 = (v2-v); //return (v2==v?1:-1); } if (vd2.len () < vd.len ()) { vd = vd2; vo1 = v; vo2 = v2; } det = ln.sub_det (n,0); //cerr <<"det case6:"<<det<<" n.x:"<<n.x<<endl; ///post ("det case6:%lf n.x:%lf ",det,n.x); if (det != 0 && n.x != 0) { t1 = ln.intersect_param (q,n,det,0); v = ln.solve (t1); t2 = ln.second_param (q,n,t1,0); v2 = solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 6?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; //cerr <<"rLine::v1:"<<v<<" v2:"<<v2<<endl; // post ("rLine::intersect:case 6? %d t1:%lf t2:%lf ",(v2==v),t1,t2); // post ("rLine::v1:%lf %lf %lf v2:%lf %lf %lf",v.x,v.y,v.z,v2.x,v2.y,v2.z); vd2 = (v2-v); //return (v2==v?1:-1); } if (vd2.len () < vd.len ()) { vd = vd2; vo1 = v; vo2 = v2; } det = ln.sub_det (n,1); //cerr <<"det case7:"<<det<<" n.y:"<<n.y<<endl; // post ("det case7:%lf n.y:%lf ",det,n.y); if (det != 0 && n.y != 0) { t1 = ln.intersect_param (q,n,det,1); v = ln.solve (t1); t2 = ln.second_param (q,n,t1,1); v2 = solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 7?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; //cerr <<"rLine::v1:"<<v<<" v2:"<<v2<<endl; // post ("rLine::intersect:case 7? %d t1:%lf t2:%lf ",(v2==v),t1,t2); //post ("rLine::v1:%lf %lf %lf v2:%lf %lf %lf",v.x,v.y,v.z,v2.x,v2.y,v2.z); vd2 = (v2-v); //return (v2==v?1:-1); } if (vd2.len () < vd.len ()) { vd = vd2; vo1 = v; vo2 = v2; } det = ln.sub_det (n,2); //cerr <<"det case8:"<<det<<" n.z:"<<n.z<<endl; //post ("det case8:%lf n.z:%lf ",det,n.z); if (det != 0 && n.z != 0) { t1 = ln.intersect_param (q,n,det,2); v = ln.solve (t1); t2 = ln.second_param (q,n,t1,2); v2 = solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 8?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; //cerr <<"rLine::v1:"<<v<<" v2:"<<v2<<endl; //post ("rLine::intersect:case 8? %d t1:%lf t2:%lf ",(v2==v),t1,t2); //post ("rLine::v1:%lf %lf %lf v2:%lf %lf %lf",v.x,v.y,v.z,v2.x,v2.y,v2.z); vd2 = (v2-v); //return (v2==v?1:-1); } if (vd2.len () < vd.len ()) { vd = vd2; vo1 = v; vo2 = v2; } /* reverse variables in next 6 cases. */ det = rev_sub_det (ln.n,0); //cerr <<"det case9:"<<det<<" ln.n.x:"<<ln.n.x<<endl; //post ("det case9:%lf ln.n.x:%lf ",det,ln.n.x); if (det != 0 && ln.n.x != 0) { t1 = rev_intersect_param (ln.q,ln.n,det,0); v = solve (t1); t2 = rev_second_param (ln.q,ln.n,t1,0); v2 = ln.solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 9?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; //cerr <<"rLine::v1:"<<v<<" v2:"<<v2<<endl; // post ("rLine::intersect:case 9? %d t1:%lf t2:%lf ",(v2==v),t1,t2); // post ("rLine::v1:%lf %lf %lf v2:%lf %lf %lf",v.x,v.y,v.z,v2.x,v2.y,v2.z); vd2 = (v2-v); //return (v2==v?1:-1); } if (vd2.len () < vd.len ()) { vd = vd2; vo1 = v; vo2 = v2; } det = rev_sub_det (ln.n,1); //cerr <<"det case10:"<<det<<" ln.n.y:"<<ln.n.y<<endl; // post ("det case10:%lf ln.n.y:%lf ",det,ln.n.y); if (det != 0 && ln.n.y != 0) { t1 = rev_intersect_param (ln.q,ln.n,det,1); v = solve (t1); t2 = rev_second_param (ln.q,ln.n,t1,1); v2 = ln.solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 10?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; //cerr <<"rLine::v1:"<<v<<" v2:"<<v2<<endl; // post ("rLine::intersect:case 10? %d t1:%lf t2:%lf ",(v2==v),t1,t2); // post ("rLine::v1:%lf %lf %lf v2:%lf %lf %lf",v.x,v.y,v.z,v2.x,v2.y,v2.z); vd2 = (v2-v); //return (v2==v?1:-1); } if (vd2.len () < vd.len ()) { vd = vd2; vo1 = v; vo2 = v2; } det = rev_sub_det (ln.n,2); //cerr <<"det case11:"<<det<<" ln.n.z:"<<ln.n.z<<endl; // post ("det case11:%lf ln.n.z:%lf ",det,ln.n.z); if (det != 0 && ln.n.z != 0) { t1 = rev_intersect_param (ln.q,ln.n,det,2); v = solve (t1); t2 = rev_second_param (ln.q,ln.n,t1,2); v2 = ln.solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 11?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; //cerr <<"rLine::v1:"<<v<<" v2:"<<v2<<endl; //post ("rLine::intersect:case 11? %d t1:%lf t2:%lf ",(v2==v),t1,t2); //post ("rLine::v1:%lf %lf %lf v2:%lf %lf %lf",v.x,v.y,v.z,v2.x,v2.y,v2.z); vd2 = (v2-v); //return (v2==v?1:-1); } if (vd2.len () < vd.len ()) { vd = vd2; vo1 = v; vo2 = v2; } det = ln.rev_sub_det (n,0); //cerr <<"det case12:"<<det<<" n.x:"<<n.x<<endl; // post ("det case12:%lf n.x:%lf ",det,n.x); if (det != 0 && n.x != 0) { t1 = ln.rev_intersect_param (q,n,det,0); v = ln.solve (t1); t2 = ln.rev_second_param (q,n,t1,0); v2 = solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 12?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; //cerr <<"rLine::v1:"<<v<<" v2:"<<v2<<endl; //post ("rLine::intersect:case 12? %d t1:%lf t2:%lf ",(v2==v),t1,t2); //post ("rLine::v1:%lf %lf %lf v2:%lf %lf %lf",v.x,v.y,v.z,v2.x,v2.y,v2.z); vd2 = (v2-v); //return (v2==v?1:-1); } if (vd2.len () < vd.len ()) { vd = vd2; vo1 = v; vo2 = v2; } det = ln.rev_sub_det (n,1); //cerr <<"det case13:"<<det<<" n.y:"<<n.y<<endl; //post ("det case13:%lf n.y:%lf \n",det,n.y); if (det != 0 && n.y != 0) { t1 = ln.rev_intersect_param (q,n,det,1); v = ln.solve (t1); t2 = ln.rev_second_param (q,n,t1,1); v2 = solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 13?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; //cerr <<"rLine::v1:"<<v<<" v2:"<<v2<<endl; //post ("rLine::intersect:case 13? %d t1:%lf t2:%lf ",(v2==v),t1,t2); //post ("rLine::v1:%lf %lf %lf v2:%lf %lf %lf",v.x,v.y,v.z,v2.x,v2.y,v2.z); vd2 = (v2-v); //return (v2==v?1:-1); } if (vd2.len () < vd.len ()) { vd = vd2; vo1 = v; vo2 = v2; } det = ln.rev_sub_det (n,2); //cerr <<"det case14:"<<det<<" n.z:"<<n.z<<endl; //post ("det case14:%lf n.z:%lf \n",det,n.z); if (det != 0 && n.z != 0) { t1 = ln.rev_intersect_param (q,n,det,2); v = ln.solve (t1); t2 = ln.rev_second_param (q,n,t1,2); v2 = solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 14?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; //cerr <<"rLine::v1:"<<v<<" v2:"<<v2<<endl; //post ("rLine::intersect:case 14? %d t1:%lf t2:%lf ",(v2==v),t1,t2); //post ("rLine::v1:%lf %lf %lf v2:%lf %lf %lf",v.x,v.y,v.z,v2.x,v2.y,v2.z); vd2 = (v2-v); //return (v2==v?1:-1); } if (vd2.len () < vd.len ()) { vd = vd2; vo1 = v; vo2 = v2; } else { vd2 = vd; vo1 = v; vo2 = v2; }/* else { //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:no intersection found, last case.\n"; return 0; }*/ return (v2==v?1:-1);}int rLine::near_intersect (rVector ln,rVector &v,rVector &v2){ return near_intersect (ln,v,v2);}/* return the intersection of the rLine with ln. Result is v. */int rLine::projected_intersect (rLine ln,rVector &v){ double t1,t2; if (ln.q == q) { v = q; return 1; } /* if the normal rVector is 0 then the rLine is a rPoint. */ if (ln.n.iszero ()) { /* ln is a rPoint */ if (n.iszero ()) { /* both are rPoints */ //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:Both rLines are rPoints\n"; return q == ln.q; } if (projected_intersect (ln.q,t1)) { v = ln.q; //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:found\n"; return 1; } else { //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:no intersection found case 1\n"; return 0; } } else if (n.iszero ()) { if (ln.n.iszero ()) { return q == ln.q; } if (ln.projected_intersect (q,t2)) { v = q; return 1; } else { //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:no intersection found case 2\n"; return 0; } } rVector v2; double det; det = sub_det (ln.n,0); if (det != 0 && ln.n.x != 0) { t1 = intersect_param (ln.q,ln.n,det,0); v = solve (t1); t2 = second_param (ln.q,ln.n,t1,0); v2 = ln.solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 3?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; //post ("rLine::intersect:case 3?%d\n",(v2==v)); return (v2==v); } det = sub_det (ln.n,1); if (det != 0 && ln.n.y != 0) { t1 = intersect_param (ln.q,ln.n,det,1); v = solve (t1); t2 = second_param (ln.q,ln.n,t1,1); v2 = ln.solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 4?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; //post ("rLine::intersect:case 4?%d\n",(v2==v)); return (v2==v); } det = sub_det (ln.n,2); if (det != 0 && ln.n.z != 0) { t1 = intersect_param (ln.q,ln.n,det,2); v = solve (t1); t2 = second_param (ln.q,ln.n,t1,2); v2 = ln.solve (t2); //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:case 5?"<<(v2==v)<<"\n"; //post ("rLine::intersect:case 5?%d\n",(v2==v)); return (v2==v); } else { //cerr <<"rLine::intersect:no intersection found, last case.\n"; // post ("rLine::intersect:no intersection found, last case.\n"); return 0; }}int rLine::projected_intersect (rVector ln,rVector &v){ return projected_intersect (ln,v);}/* Scale */rLine rLine::operator*(double b){ rLine c; c.scale (b); return (c);}