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/* File: $RCSfile: Atom.cc,v $ * * Synopsis: * * Notes: * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * IIFS - Intelligent Information Fusion System * * Contact: Greg Sylvain ([email protected]) * Intelligent Data Management Group * Information Science and Technology Office * Code 930.1 * NASA Goddard Space Flight Center * Greenbelt, MD 20771 * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * NOTICE * ------ * * Permission to use this software is granted subject to the following * restrictions and understandings: * * Sponsor: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) * Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) * Intelligent Data Management Group * Information Sciences and Technology Office (ISTO) * Code 930.1, Greenbelt, MD 20771 * * * Author: Intelligent Data Management Applied Research Group * Hughes/STX * Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) * Code 930.1, Greenbelt, MD 20771 * * This Software may be freely used and distributed without any * compensation to the author or the sponsor. It is provided without * support and without any obligation, whatsoever, to assist in its use, * correction, modification or enhancement. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. There is no warranty that this * software will meet any particular specification nor is there any * warranty that the documentation providing instructions or information * for use of the software is accurate or otherwise conforms to the * software requirements. Further, in furnishing this software, there * shall be no liability, under any circumstances, for either direct or * consequential damages. * * Any user of this software agrees that they will repeat this Notice in * its entirety, prior to the distribution of this software to another. * Likewise, all materials and reports developed as a consequence of the * use of this software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance * with the usual standards of acknowledging credit in * academic/Government research. * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | $Log: Atom.cc,v $ | Revision 1.3 1994/01/15 22:50:00 sylvain | appended the rcs header and updated the includes. | | Revision 1.2 94/01/15 17:13:50 iifs | initial modifications to the iifs database that was redesign for code 930.2 | | Revision 1.1 93/11/02 21:03:59 iifs | Initial revision | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------*///#include <ostore/ostore.h>//#include <ostore/coll.h>#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <string.h>#include <strstream>//#include "common.h"//#include "IifsString.h"//#include "LitIifsStr.h"//#include "format.h"//#include "Date.h"//#include "Logical.h"#include "Time.h"#include "rLatLon.h"#include "rPoint.h"#include "rVector.h"//#include "Rect.h"#include "rPoint2D.h"//#include "Range.h"#include "rLine2D.h"//#include "Rect2D.h"//#include "Circle2D.h"//#include "Trixel2D.h"//#include "Trixel.h"//#include "Poly2D.h"//#include "Poly.h"//#include "Atom.h"/* * Class declarations */os_typespec *CHAR = new os_typespec("char");os_typespec *INT = new os_typespec("int");os_typespec *DOUBLE = new os_typespec("double");os_typespec *AREFER = new os_typespec ("Arefer");//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/* Conversion. */Atom::operator int() { int i; if (com->type == int_) i = *(com->i); else if (com->type == double_) i = (int) *(com->d); else i=0; //cout <<"Atom::(int):"<<i<<" "<<com->type<<'\n'<<flush; return i;}Atom::operator double() { double d; if (com->type == int_) d = (double)*(com->i); else if (com->type == double_) d = *(com->d); else d=0.0; //cout <<"Atom::(double):"<<d<<" "<<com->type<<'\n'<<flush; return d;}Atom::operator char() { return *(com->c);}Atom::operator char *() { char *c=NULL; if (com->type == LitIifsString_) c = (char *)*(com->s); else if (com->type == IifsString_) c = (char *)*(com->str); else if (com->type == char_) c = (char *)(com->str->com->s); return c;}Atom::operator const char *() { char *c=NULL; if (com->type == LitIifsString_) c = (char *)*(com->s); else if (com->type == IifsString_) c = (char *)*(com->str); else if (com->type == char_) c = (char *)(com->str->com->s); return c;}Atom::operator IifsString() { if (com->type == LitIifsString_) return *(com->s); else if (com->type == IifsString_) return *(com->str); return *(com->str);}Atom::operator LitIifsString() { if (com->type == LitIifsString_) return *(com->s); else if (com->type == IifsString_) return *(com->str); return *(com->s);}Atom::operator format() { return *(com->ft);}Atom::operator Date() { return *(com->dt);}Atom::operator Logical() { return *(com->logic);}Atom::operator Time() { return *(com->t);}Atom::operator rPoint() { return *(com->pt);}Atom::operator rVector() { return *(com->v);}Atom::operator Rect() { return *(com->rect);}Atom::operator Trixel() { return *(com->tri);}Atom::operator Trixel2D() { return *(com->tr);}Atom::operator Poly() { return *(com->poly);}Atom::operator Poly2D() { return *(com->ply);}Atom::operator rPoint2D() { return *(com->p);}Atom::operator rLatLon () { return *(com->ll);}Atom::operator rLine2D() { return *(com->l);}Atom::operator Rect2D() { return *(com->r);}Atom::operator Range() { return *(com->ra);}Atom::operator Circle2D() { return *(com->ci);}//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/* Constructors. */Atom::Atom (const Atom &p) { p.com->ref++; com = p.com;}Atom::Atom (Atom &p) { p.com->ref++; com = p.com;}Atom::~Atom () { //cerr <<"delete atom!"<<endl; if (--com->ref == 0) { //cerr <<"delete atom's com...\n"; com->deletefields (); delete com; }}int Atom::discriminant () { return (int)com->type; }//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/* IO... display... */ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, Atom& p) { if (p.com) { switch ((int)p.com->type) { case int_: os <<*(p.com->i); break; case double_: os <<*(p.com->d); break; case char_: os <<*(p.com->c); break; case LitIifsString_: os <<*(p.com->s); break; case IifsString_: os <<*(p.com->str); break; case Time_: os <<*(p.com->t); break; case rPoint_: os <<*(p.com->pt); break; case rVector_: os <<*(p.com->v); break; case Rect_: os <<*(p.com->rect); break; case Trixel_: os <<*(p.com->tri); break; case Trixel2D_: os <<*(p.com->tr); break; case Poly_: os <<*(p.com->poly); break; case Poly2D_: os <<*(p.com->ply); break; case rPoint2D_: os <<*(p.com->p); break; case rLatLon_: os <<*(p.com->ll); break; case rLine2D_: os <<*(p.com->l); break; case Rect2D_: os <<*(p.com->r); break; case Range_: os <<*(p.com->ra); break; case Circle2D_: os <<*(p.com->ci); break; case format_: os <<*(p.com->ft); break; case Date_: os <<*(p.com->dt); break; case Logical_: os <<*(p.com->logic); break; case Null_: os <<"Null_"; break; } } else { os <<"Atom::ostream:NULL"; } return os; } /* used with cout *///-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/* Operators... */int Atom::operator==(const Atom& p){ if (p.com) { switch (com->type) { case int_: if (*(com->i)==*(p.com->i)) return 1; break; case double_: if (*(com->d)==*(p.com->d)) return 1; break; case char_: if (*(com->c)==*(p.com->c)) return 1; break; case LitIifsString_: if (p.com->type == LitIifsString_) return *(com->s)==*(p.com->s); else if (p.com->type == IifsString_) return *(com->s)==*(p.com->str); return 0; case IifsString_: if (p.com->type == IifsString_) return *(com->str)==*(p.com->str); else if (p.com->type == LitIifsString_) return *(com->str)==*(p.com->s); return 0; case Date_: if (*(com->dt)==*(p.com->dt)) return 1; break; case Logical_: if (*(com->logic)==*(p.com->logic)) return 1; break; case format_: if (*(com->ft)==*(p.com->ft)) return 1; break; case rPoint_: if (*(com->pt)==*(p.com->pt)) return 1; break; case rVector_: if (*(com->v)==*(p.com->v)) return 1; break; case Rect_: if (*(com->rect)==*(p.com->rect)) return 1; break; case Trixel_: if (*(com->tri)==*(p.com->tri)) return 1; break; case Trixel2D_: if (*(com->tr)==*(p.com->tr)) return 1; break; case Poly_: if (*(com->poly)==*(p.com->poly)) return 1; break; case Poly2D_: if (*(com->ply)==*(p.com->ply)) return 1; break; case Time_: if (*(com->t)==*(p.com->t)) return 1; break; case rLine2D_: if (*(com->l)==*(p.com->l)) return 1; break; case rPoint2D_: if (*(com->p)==*(p.com->p)) return 1; break; case rLatLon_: if (*(com->ll)==*(p.com->ll)) return 1; break; case Rect2D_: if (*(com->r)==*(p.com->r)) return 1; break; case Range_: if (*(com->ra)==*(p.com->ra)) return 1; break; case Circle2D_: if (*(com->ci)==*(p.com->ci)) return 1; break; case Null_: if (p.com->type == Null_) return 1; break; } } return (0);}int Atom::operator!=(const Atom &p){ return !Atom::operator==(p);}int Atom::operator<=(const Atom &p){ switch (com->type) { case int_: if (*(com->i)<=*(p.com->i)) return 1; break; case double_: if (*(com->d)<=*(p.com->d)) return 1; break; case char_: if (*(com->c)<=*(p.com->c)) return 1; break; case LitIifsString_: return 0; case IifsString_: return 0; case Date_: if (*(com->dt)<=*(p.com->dt)) return 1; break; case Logical_: if (*(com->logic)<=*(p.com->logic)) return 1; break; case format_: return 0; case rPoint_: if (*(com->pt)<=*(p.com->pt)) return 1; break; case rVector_: if (*(com->v)<=*(p.com->v)) return 1; break; case Rect_: if (*(com->rect)<=*(p.com->rect)) return 1; break; case Trixel_: if (*(com->tri)<=*(p.com->tri)) return 1; break; case Trixel2D_: if (*(com->tr)<=*(p.com->tr)) return 1; break; case Poly_: if (*(com->poly)<=*(p.com->poly)) return 1; break; case Poly2D_: if (*(com->ply)<=*(p.com->ply)) return 1; break; case Time_: if (*(com->t)<=*(p.com->t)) return 1; break; case rLine2D_: return 0; case rPoint2D_: if (*(com->p)<=*(p.com->p)) return 1; break; case rLatLon_: if (*(com->ll)<=*(p.com->ll)) return 1; break; case Rect2D_: if (*(com->r)<=*(p.com->r)) return 1; break; case Range_: if (*(com->ra)<=*(p.com->ra)) return 1; break; case Circle2D_: return 0; case Null_: if (p.com->type <= Null_) return 1; break; } return (0);}int Atom::operator>=(const Atom &p){ switch (com->type) { case int_: if (*(com->i)>=*(p.com->i)) return 1; break; case double_: if (*(com->d)>=*(p.com->d)) return 1; break; case char_: if (*(com->c)>=*(p.com->c)) return 1; break; case LitIifsString_: return 0; case IifsString_: return 0; case Date_: if (*(com->dt)>=*(p.com->dt)) return 1; break; case Logical_: if (*(com->logic)>=*(p.com->logic)) return 1; break; case format_: return 0; case rPoint_: if (*(com->pt)>=*(p.com->pt)) return 1; break; case rVector_: if (*(com->v)>=*(p.com->v)) return 1; break; case Rect_: if (*(com->rect)>=*(p.com->rect)) return 1; break; case Trixel_: if (*(com->tri)>=*(p.com->tri)) return 1; break; case Trixel2D_: if (*(com->tr)>=*(p.com->tr)) return 1; break; case Poly_: if (*(com->poly)>=*(p.com->poly)) return 1; break; case Poly2D_: if (*(com->ply)>=*(p.com->ply)) return 1; break; case Time_: if (*(com->t)>=*(p.com->t)) return 1; break; case rLine2D_: return 0; case rPoint2D_: if (*(com->p)>=*(p.com->p)) return 1; break; case rLatLon_: if (*(com->ll)>=*(p.com->ll)) return 1; break; case Rect2D_: if (*(com->r)>=*(p.com->r)) return 1; break; case Range_: if (*(com->ra)>=*(p.com->ra)) return 1; break; case Circle2D_: return 0; case Null_: if (p.com->type >= Null_) return 1; break; } return (0);}int Atom::operator<(const Atom &p){ switch (com->type) { case int_: if (*(com->i)<*(p.com->i)) return 1; break; case double_: if (*(com->d)<*(p.com->d)) return 1; break; case char_: if (*(com->c)<*(p.com->c)) return 1; break; case LitIifsString_: return 0; case IifsString_: return 0; case Date_: if (*(com->dt)<*(p.com->dt)) return 1; break; case Logical_: if (*(com->logic)<*(p.com->logic)) return 1; break; case format_: return 0; case rPoint_: if (*(com->pt)<*(p.com->pt)) return 1; break; case rVector_: if (*(com->v)<*(p.com->v)) return 1; break; case Rect_: if (*(com->rect)<*(p.com->rect)) return 1; break; case Trixel_: if (*(com->tri)<*(p.com->tri)) return 1; break; case Trixel2D_: if (*(com->tr)<*(p.com->tr)) return 1; break; case Poly_: if (*(com->poly)<*(p.com->poly)) return 1; break; case Poly2D_: if (*(com->ply)<*(p.com->ply)) return 1; break; case Time_: if (*(com->t)<*(p.com->t)) return 1; break; case rLine2D_: return 0; case rPoint2D_: if (*(com->p)<*(p.com->p)) return 1; break; case rLatLon_: if (*(com->ll)<*(p.com->ll)) return 1; break; case Rect2D_: if (*(com->r)<*(p.com->r)) return 1; break; case Range_: if (*(com->ra)<*(p.com->ra)) return 1;break; case Circle2D_: return 0; case Null_: if (p.com->type < Null_) return 1; break; } return (0);}int Atom::operator>(const Atom &p){ switch (com->type) { case int_: if (*(com->i)>*(p.com->i)) return 1; break; case double_: if (*(com->d)>*(p.com->d)) return 1; break; case char_: if (*(com->c)>*(p.com->c)) return 1; break; case LitIifsString_: return 0; case IifsString_: return 0; case Date_: if (*(com->dt)>*(p.com->dt)) return 1; break; case Logical_: if (*(com->logic)>*(p.com->logic)) return 1; break; case format_: return 0; case rPoint_: if (*(com->pt)>*(p.com->pt)) return 1; break; case rVector_: if (*(com->v)>*(p.com->v)) return 1; break; case Rect_: if (*(com->rect)>*(p.com->rect)) return 1; break; case Trixel_: if (*(com->tri)>*(p.com->tri)) return 1; break; case Trixel2D_: if (*(com->tr)>*(p.com->tr)) return 1; break; case Poly_: if (*(com->poly)>*(p.com->poly)) return 1; break; case Poly2D_: if (*(com->ply)>*(p.com->ply)) return 1; break; case Time_: if (*(com->t)>*(p.com->t)) return 1; break; case rLine2D_: return 0; case rPoint2D_: if (*(com->p)>*(p.com->p)) return 1; break; case rLatLon_: if (*(com->ll)>*(p.com->ll)) return 1; break; case Rect2D_: if (*(com->r)>*(p.com->r)) return 1; break; case Range_: if (*(com->ra)>*(p.com->ra)) return 1; break; case Circle2D_: return 0; case Null_: if (p.com->type > Null_) return 1; break; } return (0);}Atom& Atom::operator=(const Atom &p){ p.com->ref++; if (--com->ref == 0) { com->deletefields (); delete com; } com = p.com; return *this;}Atom& Atom::operator=(Atom &p){ p.com->ref++; if (--com->ref == 0) { com->deletefields (); delete com; } com = p.com; return *this;}void Atom::atomcopy(Atom &trg,Atom &src){ if (--trg.com->ref == 0) { trg.com->deletefields (); delete trg.com; } trg.com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); switch (src.com->type) { case int_: trg.com->i = new (os_segment::of(this),INT) int (*(src.com->i)); break; case double_: trg.com->d = new (os_segment::of(this),DOUBLE) double (*(src.com->d)); break; case char_: trg.com->c = new (os_segment::of(this),CHAR) char (*(src.com->c)); break; case LitIifsString_: trg.com->s = new (os_segment::of(this),LITSTRING) LitIifsString (); strcpy ((char *)*trg.com->s,(char *) *(src.com->s)); break; case IifsString_: trg.com->str = new (os_segment::of(this),STRING) IifsString (); strcpy ((char *)trg.com->str,(char *)*src.com->str); break; case Date_: trg.com->dt = new (os_segment::of(this),DATE) Date (*(src.com->dt)); break; case Logical_: trg.com->logic = new (os_segment::of(this),LOGICAL) Logical (*(src.com->logic)); break; case format_: trg.com->ft = new (os_segment::of(this),fORMAT) format (*(src.com->ft)); break; case rPoint_: trg.com->pt = new (os_segment::of(this),rPoint) rPoint (*(src.com->pt)); break; case rVector_: trg.com->v = new (os_segment::of(this),rVector) rVector (*(src.com->v)); break; case Rect_: trg.com->rect = new (os_segment::of(this),RECT) Rect (*(src.com->rect)); break; case Trixel_: trg.com->tri = new (os_segment::of(this),TRIXEL) Trixel (*(src.com->tri)); break; case Trixel2D_: trg.com->tr = new (os_segment::of(this),TRIXEL2D) Trixel2D (*(src.com->tr)); break; case Poly_: trg.com->poly = new (os_segment::of(this),POLY) Poly (*(src.com->poly)); break; case Poly2D_: trg.com->ply = new (os_segment::of(this),POLY2D) Poly2D (*(src.com->ply)); break; case Time_: trg.com->t = new (os_segment::of(this),TIME) Time (*(src.com->t)); break; case rLine2D_: trg.com->l = new (os_segment::of(this),rLine2D) rLine2D (*(src.com->l)); break; case rPoint2D_: trg.com->p = new (os_segment::of(this),rPoint2D) rPoint2D (*(src.com->p)); break; case rLatLon_: trg.com->ll = new (os_segment::of(this),LATLON) rLatLon (*(src.com->ll)); break; case Rect2D_: trg.com->r = new (os_segment::of(this),RECT2D) Rect2D (*(src.com->r)); break; case Range_: trg.com->ra = new (os_segment::of(this),RANGE) Range (); trg.com->ra->copy (*(src.com->ra)); cerr <<"atomcopy:"<<*trg.com->ra <<" \n"; break; case Circle2D_: case Null_: break; } trg.com->type = src.com->type;}Atom& Atom::copy(Atom &src){ if (--com->ref == 0) { com->deletefields (); delete com; } com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); switch (src.com->type) { case int_: com->i = new (os_segment::of(this),INT) int (*(src.com->i)); break; case double_: com->d = new (os_segment::of(this),DOUBLE) double (*(src.com->d)); break; case char_: com->c = new (os_segment::of(this),CHAR) char (*(src.com->c)); break; case LitIifsString_: com->s = new (os_segment::of(this),LITSTRING) LitIifsString (); strcpy ((char *)*com->s,(char *) *(src.com->s)); break; case IifsString_: com->str = new (os_segment::of(this),STRING) IifsString (); strcpy ((char *)com->str,(char *)*src.com->str); break; case Date_: com->dt = new (os_segment::of(this),DATE) Date (*(src.com->dt)); break; case Logical_: com->logic = new (os_segment::of(this),LOGICAL) Logical (*(src.com->logic)); break; case format_: com->ft = new (os_segment::of(this),fORMAT) format (*(src.com->ft)); break; case rPoint_: com->pt = new (os_segment::of(this),rPoint) rPoint (*(src.com->pt)); break; case rVector_: com->v = new (os_segment::of(this),rVector) rVector (*(src.com->v)); break; case Rect_: com->rect = new (os_segment::of(this),RECT) Rect (*(src.com->rect)); break; case Trixel_: com->tri = new (os_segment::of(this),TRIXEL) Trixel (*(src.com->tri)); break; case Trixel2D_: com->tr = new (os_segment::of(this),TRIXEL2D) Trixel2D (*(src.com->tr)); break; case Poly_: com->poly = new (os_segment::of(this),POLY) Poly (*(src.com->poly)); break; case Poly2D_: com->ply = new (os_segment::of(this),POLY2D) Poly2D (*(src.com->ply)); break; case Time_: com->t = new (os_segment::of(this),TIME) Time (*(src.com->t)); break; case rLine2D_: com->l = new (os_segment::of(this),rLine2D) rLine2D (*(src.com->l)); break; case rPoint2D_: com->p = new (os_segment::of(this),rPoint2D) rPoint2D (*(src.com->p)); break; case rLatLon_: com->ll = new (os_segment::of(this),LATLON) rLatLon (*(src.com->ll)); break; case Rect2D_: com->r = new (os_segment::of(this),RECT2D) Rect2D (*(src.com->r)); break; case Range_: com->ra = new (os_segment::of(this),RANGE) Range (); com->ra->copy (*(src.com->ra)); break; case Circle2D_: case Null_: break; } com->type = src.com->type; return *this;}Atom& Atom::operator=(int& t){ if (com->ref > 1) { com->ref--; com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); } else com->deletefields (); com->type = int_; com->i = new int(t); return (*this);}Atom& Atom::operator=(double& t){ if (com->ref > 1) { com->ref--; com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); } else com->deletefields (); com->type = double_; com->d = new double(t); return (*this);}Atom& Atom::operator=(char& t){ if (com->ref > 1) { com->ref--; com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); } else com->deletefields (); com->type = char_; com->c = new char(t); return (*this);}Atom& Atom::operator=(const char *t){ //cout <<"Atom::=: Making const char * into atom." << t<<" ref"<<com->ref<< '\n'<<flush; if (com->ref > 1) { com->ref--; com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); } else { com->deletefields (); } com->type = LitIifsString_; com->s = new LitIifsString(t); return *this;}Atom& Atom::operator=(LitIifsString& t){ //cout <<"Atom::=: Making Lit IifsString into atom." << t<<" ref"<<com->ref<< '\n'<<flush; if (com->ref > 1) { com->ref--; com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); } else com->deletefields (); com->type = LitIifsString_; com->s = new LitIifsString(t); return (*this);}Atom& Atom::operator=(IifsString& t){ //cout <<"Atom::=: Making IifsString into atom." << t<<" ref"<<com->ref<< '\n'<<flush; if (com->ref > 1) { com->ref--; com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); } else com->deletefields (); com->type = IifsString_; com->str = new IifsString(t); return (*this);}Atom& Atom::operator=(Trixel& t){ //cout <<"Atom::=: Making Trixel into atom." << t<<" ref"<<com->ref<< '\n'<<flush; if (com->ref > 1) { com->ref--; com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); } else com->deletefields (); com->type = Trixel_; com->tri = new Trixel(t); return (*this);}Atom& Atom::operator=(Trixel2D& t){ //cout <<"Atom::=: Making Trixel2D into atom." << t<<" ref"<<com->ref<< '\n'<<flush; if (com->ref > 1) { com->ref--; com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); } else com->deletefields (); com->type = Trixel2D_; com->tr = new Trixel2D(t); return (*this);}Atom& Atom::operator=(Poly2D& t){ //cout <<"Atom::=: Making Poly2D into atom." << t<<" ref"<<com->ref<< '\n'<<flush; if (com->ref > 1) { com->ref--; com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); } else com->deletefields (); com->type = Poly2D_; com->ply = new Poly2D(t); return (*this);}Atom& Atom::operator=(Poly& t){ //cout <<"Atom::=: Making Poly into atom." << t<<" ref"<<com->ref<< '\n'<<flush; if (com->ref > 1) { com->ref--; com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); } else com->deletefields (); com->type = Poly_; com->poly = new Poly(t); return (*this);}Atom& Atom::operator=(Time& t){ //cout <<"Atom::=: Making Time into atom." << t<<" ref"<<com->ref<< '\n'<<flush; if (com->ref > 1) { com->ref--; com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); } else com->deletefields (); com->type = Time_; com->t = new Time(t); return (*this);}Atom& Atom::operator=(rLine2D& t){ //cout <<"Atom::=: Making rLine2D into atom." << t<<" ref"<<com->ref<< '\n'<<flush; if (com->ref > 1) { com->ref--; com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); } else com->deletefields (); com->type = rLine2D_; com->l = new rLine2D(t); return (*this);}Atom& Atom::operator=(rPoint& t){ //cout <<"Atom::=: Making rPoint into atom." << t<<" ref"<<com->ref<< '\n'<<flush; if (com->ref > 1) { com->ref--; com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); } else com->deletefields (); com->type = rPoint_; com->pt = new rPoint(t); return (*this);}Atom& Atom::operator=(rVector& t){ //cout <<"Atom::=: Making rVector into atom." << t<<" ref"<<com->ref<< '\n'<<flush; if (com->ref > 1) { com->ref--; com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); } else com->deletefields (); com->type = rVector_; com->v = new rVector(t); return (*this);}Atom& Atom::operator=(Rect& t){ //cout <<"Atom::=: Making Rect into atom." << t<<" ref"<<com->ref<< '\n'<<flush; if (com->ref > 1) { com->ref--; com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); } else com->deletefields (); com->type = Rect_; com->rect = new Rect(t); return (*this);}Atom& Atom::operator=(rPoint2D& t){ //cout <<"Atom::=: Making rPoint2D into atom." << t<<" ref"<<com->ref<< '\n'<<flush; if (com->ref > 1) { com->ref--; com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); } else com->deletefields (); com->type = rPoint2D_; com->p = new rPoint2D(t); return (*this);}Atom& Atom::operator=(rLatLon& t){ //cout <<"Atom::=: Making rLatLon into atom." << t<<" ref"<<com->ref<< '\n'<<flush; if (com->ref > 1) { com->ref--; com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); } else com->deletefields (); com->type = rLatLon_; com->ll = new rLatLon(t); return (*this);}Atom& Atom::operator=(Rect2D& t){ //cout <<"Atom::=: Making Rect2D into atom." << t<<" ref"<<com->ref<< '\n'<<flush; if (com->ref > 1) { com->ref--; com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); } else com->deletefields (); com->type = Rect2D_; com->r = new Rect2D(t); return (*this);}Atom& Atom::operator=(Range& t){ cout <<"Atom::=: Making Range into atom." << t<<" ref"<<com->ref<< '\n'<<flush; if (com->ref > 1) { com->ref--; com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); } else com->deletefields (); com->type = Range_; com->ra = new Range(t); return (*this);}Atom& Atom::operator=(Circle2D& t){ //cout <<"Atom::=: Making Circle2D into atom." << t<<" ref"<<com->ref<< '\n'<<flush; if (com->ref > 1) { com->ref--; com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); } else com->deletefields (); com->type = Circle2D_; com->ci = new Circle2D(t); return (*this);}Atom& Atom::operator=(Date& t){ if (com->ref > 1) { com->ref--; com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); } else com->deletefields (); com->type = Date_; com->dt = new Date(t); return *this;}Atom& Atom::operator=(Logical& t){ if (com->ref > 1) { com->ref--; com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); } else com->deletefields (); com->type = Logical_; com->logic = new Logical(t); return *this;}Atom& Atom::operator=(format& t){ if (com->ref > 1) { com->ref--; com = new (os_segment::of(this),AREFER) Arefer (); } else com->deletefields (); com->type = format_; com->ft = new format(t); return *this;}