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function [argout1, argout2, argout3] = shelfeq(fT, gains)% SHELFEQ - first-order shelf equalization design.%% SOS = shelfeq(FT, GAINS) designs a first-order shelf filter having gain% GAINS(1) at DC, gain GAINS(3) at half the sampling rate, and gain GAINS(2)% at the transition frequency FT. Note that the gains GAINS are specified% in magnitude units, and that the transition frequency FT is expressed in% units of radians/pi -- the desired transition frequency normalized by half% the sampling rate. The output SOS is the row [b0 b1 0 1 a1 0] describing% the first-order filter. If the input GAINS has two elements, then GAINS(1)% and GAINS(2) specify the DC and band edge frequencies, respectively, and% the transition frequency gain is given by sqrt(prod(GAINS)). If GAINS has% one element, then a scalar filter is returned, SOS = [GAINS 0 0 1 0 0].%% The call [B, A] = shelfeq(FT, GAINS) returns the numerator and denominator% polynomials in separate variables. By specifying three output arguments,% [B0, B1, A1] = shelf(FT, GAINS), the polynomial coefficients are returned.%% See also: BILINEEQ, BIQUADEQ, PEAKEQ, PSHELFEQ, VGRAPHICEQ.% (c) Copyright Abel Innovations 1997--2002. All rights reserved.%% Jonathan S. Abel% Created: 17-Aug-1997, v1.0 - based on bilineeq.m, version 1.1.% Revised: 19-Aug-1997, v1.1 - scalar filters accomodated.% Revised: 20-Aug-1997, v1.2 - one-zero prototype case accomodated.% Revised: 2-Sep-1997, v1.3 - scalar length two GAIN filters accomodated.% Revised: 18-Mar-2002, v1.4 - scalar length two GAIN filters removed.% Version: 1.4%% verify input%%if (nargin < 2), disp(['shelfeq: ERROR - Not enough input arguments.']); return;end;designFlag = 1; %% filter design indicatorif (length(gains) == 1), %% scalar filter designFlag = 0; b = [abs(gains) 0]; a = [1 0];elseif (length(gains(:)) == 2); %% transition gain unspecified gDC = abs(gains(1)); gPI = abs(gains(2)); gFT = sqrt(gDC * gPI); wT = pi * min(max(abs(fT),0),1);else, %% fully specified shelf filter gDC = abs(gains(1)); gPI = abs(gains(3)); gFT = abs(gains(2)); if ((gFT > max(gDC, gPI)) | (gFT < min(gDC, gPI))), %% transition gain outside DC and band edge gains disp(['shelfeq: ERROR - transition gain outside DC and band edge gains.']); return; elseif (gDC == gFT), %% equal DC and transition gains disp(['shelfeq: WARNING - two input gains equal; returning scalar filter']); designFlag = 0; b = [gFT 0]; a = [1 0]; elseif (gPI == gFT), %% equal transition and band edge gains disp(['shelfeq: WARNING - two input gains equal; returning scalar filter']); designFlag = 0; b = [gFT 0]; a = [1 0]; end; wT = pi * min(max(abs(fT),0),1);end;%% compute shelf filter coefficients%%if designFlag, if (gPI^2 + gDC^2 - 2*gFT^2 == 0), %% one-zero cannonical system alpha = 0; else, %% pole needed lambda = (gPI^2 - gDC^2) / (gPI^2 + gDC^2 - 2*gFT^2); alpha = lambda - sign(lambda)*sqrt(lambda^2 - 1); end; beta0 = 0.5 * ((gDC + gPI) + (gDC - gPI) * alpha); beta1 = 0.5 * ((gDC - gPI) + (gDC + gPI) * alpha); rho = sin(wT/2 - pi/4) / sin(wT/2 + pi/4); b = [(beta0 + rho*beta1) (beta1 + rho*beta0)] / (1 + rho*alpha); a = [1 (rho + alpha)/(1 + rho*alpha)];end;%% form output%%if (nargout == 1), %% return second-order section argout1 = [[b 0] [a 0]];elseif (nargout == 2), %% return zero and pole polynomials argout1 = b; argout2 = a;else, %% return polynomial coefficients argout1 = b(1); argout2 = b(2); argout3 = a(2);end;