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rlogiacco edited this page Apr 30, 2012 · 25 revisions

This project aims to build a set of Eclipse plugins to provide a smooth experience in editing and maintaining BDD files. The currently supported languages are Cucumber (Gherkin) and JBehave, the latter still being developed.


This plugin requires Eclipse 3.6 or above and Xtext 2.1 or above.

  1. Download the latest feature archive from the downloads section.

  2. In Eclipse open the plugin installation dialog Help > Install New Software... and add the Xtext update site to your list Add... using as location. Install dialog

  3. In the same installation dialog Help > Install New Software... add the Ecplise BDD archive Add... > Archive... and select the downloaded file.

  4. Select the Eclipse BDD feature and make sure the Contact all update sites during install to find required software is ticked

  5. Restart Eclipse when prompted and then answer Yes when prompted to add the Xtext nature to your projects hosting BDD definition files.

Main Features

All you need for a smooth experience is there! Feel free to have a look at our screenshots if you like.

Syntax highlighting

Keywords are highlighted so that it will be much easier to follow through your files and explain them to your business partners.

Auto completion

This is far to be completed, but type CTRL-space and you will be prompted with a list of grammar valid options.

Outline navigation

Your files are becoming complex and long? No worries, use the outline view on your right to quickly find what you are looking for!

Grammar validation

Your grammar is being validated while you type, which means no more unnecessary executions just to check your files.

Hyperlink to Java mappings

This is the coolest: hover onto a step definition, hit the CTRL key and it will probably get highlighted in blue and underlined which means there's a Java method annotated to map to your step definition. It doesn't get hyperlinked? No worries, it means you do not have a mapping for it yet! Do you have multiple mappings for the same definition (which is probably bad)? You will get a list of options when you CTRL-hover over your step!

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